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January 30, 1991 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-01-30

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Vol. Cl, No.85 Ann Arbor, Michigan -Wednesday, January 30, 1991 The Mchgan Daiy

Refugee says.
*'It is really
hell in Iraq
DHARAN, Saudi Arabia (AP) - One of Iraq's
"human shields" captured allied pilots was killed in
a Baghdad air raid, the Iraqis said yesterday. Other
Desert Storm fliers struck anew across Iraq, and re-
*portedly destroyed an Iraqi armored convoy.
The Iraqis countered with an unverified report
that their forces advanced 12 miles into the Saudi
desert and killed "large numbers" of enemy troops
before withdrawing.
Refugees fleeing to Jordan told of non-stop bom-
bardment, "fire everywhere" and civilian casualties
in Iraq. "It is really hell," one woman said.
The U.S. command still seemed puzzled by the
getaway flights of Iraqi warplanes to Iran. But an
American general warned the Iraqis that if they
* tried to return to their home bases, "we'll get
The Iraqis, who have reported holding more than
20 downed pilots, said January 21 they were dis-
persing the prisoners to potential target sites in an
effort to ward off allied air attacks.
"One of the raids hit one of the departments of
the Ministry of Industry, killing one of the captured
foreign pilots, who had been evacuated to that de-
partment," an Iraqi news agency report said.
Iran's news agency quoted Baghdad Radio as
*saying the victim was an American. But no Iraqi
broadcasts monitored by The Associated Press men-
tioned the nationalities or identities of any of the
reported victims, and the reports were otherwise un-
confirmed. Fifteen Americans are listed as missing
or as prisoners.
: The Geneva Convention on treatment of prison-
ers of war prohibits placing prisoners at likely target
areas. The U.S. government has denounced Iraqi's
handling of the captured pilots, and on Tuesday the
State Department said it was summoning Iraq's
ranking diplomat in Washington "to raise concern"
about the pilots.
"We declare to the world public opinion that the
United States bears responsibility for the conse-
quences of the ugly crimes it is committing against
our people and the captured pilots who are hosted
by Iraq," the news agency said. See GULF , Page 2



optimism on
war, recession

Protester Jeff Hinte consults with his lawyer, Martin Geer, after yesterday's pre-trial
hearing on last fall's deputization sit-in.
De 1u iZa 1011proesters

Associated Press
President Bush, under clouds of
war and recession, briefed his Cab-
inet yesterday before his State of
the Union address, expressing
confidence about the battle against
Iraq and optimism about the econ-
omy. The speech described the na-
tion as standing at a "defining
Amid extraordinary security
precautions, Bush went before the
nation with a nationally broadcast
address to a joint session of
Congress. It was the first wartime
State of the Union address since
"The winds of change are with
us now. The forces of freedom are
united," Bush said.
"For two centuries, we've
done the hard work of freedom.
And tonight, we lead the world in
facing down a threat to decency
and humanity," Bush said.
"As Americans, we know there
are times when we must step for-
ward and accept our responsibility
to lead the world away from the
dark chaos of dictators, toward the
brighter promise of a better day,"
Bush said.
The president delivered a terse
assessment of the war to date:
"I'm pleased to report that we are
on course. Iraq's capacity to sus-
tain war is being destroyed.
"Time will not be Saddam's
With Americans' attention fo-

cused on the almost half-million
U.S. troops in the Persian Gulf,
Bush devoted the heart of his an-
nual address to the two-week-old
battle against Iraq.
Shortly before the president
spoke, a joint U.S.-Soviet state-
ment hinted a cease fire would be
possible if Iraq took "concrete
steps" to withdraw from Kuwait.
The White House later said the
statement represented no change
in policy, and only a "massive
withdraw" could lead the U.S. to
stop the attack.
The two superpowers also
called for a "meaningful peace
process" to deal with the Arab-Is-
raeli conflict once' the war was
Bush also paid tribute to the
democratic aspirations of the peo-
ple of the Soviet Baltic states and
said he remained "deeply con-
cerned" about the Kremlin's
Bush, who met Monday with
Soviet Foreign Minister Alexander
Bessmertnykh, said the Soviet
leadership had made promises
which "would result in the with-
drawal of some Soviet forces, a
reopening of dialogue with the Re-
publics and a move away from vio-
lence." Administration sources
said the United States was expect-
ing a "substantial withdrawal,"
and some rollback had already
been detected.
See BUSH, Page 2

attend pre-tr*
by Hillel Abrams
Fourteen of the 16 anti-deputization stu-
dent protesters arrested for trespassing at
the Fleming Administration Building on
Nov. 15 appeared before Judge Pieter
Thomassen yesterday. It was their second
pre-trial hearing at the Ann Arbor 15th dis-
trict court.
The remaining two students are out of
the country, and are not contesting the
County Prosecutor Kirk Tabbey has of-
fered the students a plea bargain agreement

0 0
lal hearing
- forcing them to accept a fine and com-
munity service, or go to trial.
The April 4 final trial date set by Judge
Thomassen will be cancelled if the stu-
dents agree to the plea bargain offer - a
fine of $200 and 72 hours of community
service per person. If the defense accepts,
there will be no trial, all charges will be
dropped, and the defendants' records will
bare no mark of the incident.
The bargain is standard for first offend-
ers found guilty of a misdemeanor.

.Student pressures mark history of Black student enrollment

by Sarah Schweitzer
Daily Staff Reporter
In the three decades affirmative
action policies have existed at the
University, their future has not al-
ways been certain.
The long-fought battle to make
affirmative action in undergraduate
enrollment a permanent fixture of
University policy came about pri-
marily through student initiative
and persistence followed by ad-
*ministration capitulation.
Affirmative action originated in

at the Univesity in 1970, when a
coalition of Black students orga-
nized the Black Action Movement
(BAM). This group was outraged
by the three percent enrollment of
Black students, the lack of support
services for Black students, and
the small number of Black faculty
When administrators refused
BAM's demands, a strike was or-
ganized. It lasted for one week and
brought the University to a virtual
In the ensuing negotiations, the
University committed itself to in-
creasing Black enrollment to at
least 10 percent and implementing
a series of programs designed to
recruit Black and other minority

Throughout the 1970s, aggres-
sive recruiting and support pro-
grams were implemented which
doubled Black enrollment. From
1970 to 1976, Black student en-
rollment increased from three to
seven percent.
These results pleased adminis-
trators and students, but they knew
other factors besides new policies
worked in their favor. The Univer-
sity had a large applicant pool be-
cause of the baby boom genera-
tion, and government funding for
scholarships was abundant.
These trends changed when the
1980s recession hit. The govern-
ment cut back on funding for stu-
dent scholarships and loans.
The University also took for
granted its initial success with mi-

nority enrollment and turned its at-
tention to other issues.
With the diminished emphasis
on minority recruitment, the num-
bers dropped drastically. By 1981,
Black enrollment had fallen to 4.9

Critics charged that after Black
students applied, little followup
took place. So the admissions of-
fice began to refine the recruit-
ment process to make it more per-
Black students called Black

In 1988 University President James
Duderstadt released the Michigan Mandate,
proclaiming a University commitment to
achieve a multi-cultural" and "diverse"
student body.

The administration's and ad-
missions office's efforts paid off,
as the numbers rose again. Slowly
enrollment began to climb and by
1988, Black undergraduate enroll-
ment stood at 5.9 percent.
The climb was too slow for
many and in 1987, frustrated stu-
dents surrounded the Administra-
tion Building for an entire day. The
demonstration attracted national
attention and even drew Jesse
Jackson to Ann Arbor to act as a
The upshot of these negotia-
tions was a renewed committment
by the University to increase
Black student enrollment to 12
percent, to improve minority sup-

This drop - and the ensuing
student reaction - caused a panic
among administrators and brought
a re-evaluation of the University's
approach to minority enrollment.

applicants to inform them of their
acceptance; Black student re-
cruiters were sent to predominantly
Black high schools; and financial
aid to Black and minority students

by Melissa Peerless
Daily Staff Reporter
Students who passed through
the Fishbowl between noon and
12:15 yesterdayehad to carefully
avoid stepping on "dead" bodies.
The Guerilla Theater of Stu-
dents Against United States Inter-
vention in the Middle East
(SAUSI) sponsored a "die-in" in
the fishbowl yesterday. Approxi-
mately 20 people participated in
yesterday's performance.
"We want to get people to ..
confront the issues of war, partic-

'U' student arrested for
murder in Cass County
by Tami Pollak understands this," Atkinson said. you a ride," McClain said. "He'd
Daily Crime Reporter Raihala is currently being held help you in your time of need."
.nn200000 cash security bond McClain said he knew Bous-


CrassCounty poice arrested a
University of Michigan student for
the murder of a hometown friend
last Sunday.
According to reports from the
Cass County Sheriffs office, LSA
junior Michael Raihala allegedly
stabbed and shot to death Rosalie
Oleta Bousman, of Cassopolis,
Michigan late Saturday night.
Raihala was arraigned in Cass
County yesterday on charges of
open murder and felony firearms.
Capt. Tom Atkinson said the
victim had been stabbed 21 times
and shot once at Raihala's house.
He also said both murder
weapons had been found "within
the suspect's possession."
Atrinon addedj that the inci-

and a preliminary hearing has been
.set for 9 a.m. Feb. 6, said Diane
Ellgreen, secretary for the Cass
County Prosecutor's office.
Officers from the Cass County
Sheriff's office, along with an Ann
Arbor Police Detective, searched
Raihala's Ann Arbor apartment
Monday night.
'Mike's the kind of
guy that if he was
driving and he saw
you walking, he'd pull
over and give you a
-A-nt;-tn;ntI Mernn

"Mike and her hadn't been go-
ing out. They were strictly friends.
He had confided in her a lot, and
she had confided in him. He was
always keeping in contact with
her. I think the last time she vis-
ited here was two months ago dur-
ing the study break."
Raihala had gone home this
weekend to help his mother, Mc-
Clain said. Raihala's father re-
cently passed away. "His mother
takes care of his grandfather, and
she needed a rest. He really loves
his mother. The only reason he
stayed here was because he knew
he would have to be able to
provide for her."
iil :ib ..-hl1. iran .t r:1 it:.

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