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January 29, 1991 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1991-01-29

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Page 2-The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, January 29, 1991

Calvin and Hobbes


Bil WanBush defends U.S. military

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involvement in Persian Gulf

Nuts and Bolts
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by Judd Winick
IFytbu'RE .JtcrNGZT'
Nor FtuNNY. IF Yp gE

dent Bush, in an impassioned de-
fense of the Persian Gulf conflict,
said Monday it is "a just war" with
a noble aim. Acknowledging that
innocent people will be killed, he
said, "That is war's greatest
He said the sole purpose is to
free Kuwait, not to destroy Iraq as
some critics contend.
Bush said U.S.-led allies were
making "every effort possible" to
spare civilian casualties in nonstop
bombing attacks.
By contrast, he said Iraq's Sad-
dam Hussein had ordered "wanton,
barbaric bombing of civilian ar-
eas" in Israel and Saudi Arabia.
"War is never without the loss
of innocent life," Bush said. "And
that is war's greatest tragedy. But
when a war must be fought for the
greater good, it is our gravest obli-
gation to conduct a war in propor-
tion to the threat."
He discussed the morality of
the war in a speech before a con-
vention of religious broadcasters,
who loudly applauded predictions
that the allies will prevail over

Soviet Foreign Minister
Alexander Bessmertnykh, during a
meeting with Bush, took note of
the president's pledge not to de-
stroy Iraq. Bessmertnykh said that
"was always the policy of the pres-
ident, so we are satisfied with that,
Bessmertnykh and Secretary of
State James Baker announced that
Bush's planned summit witd So-
viet President -Mikhail Gorbachev
in Moscow was being delayed
from Feb. 11-13 to an uncertain
date in the first half of the year.
Baker said the summit would be
inappropriate with the war going
on; he also said differences re-
mained in nuclear arms talks.
Bush spent much of his day
working on his State of the Union
address, which he will deliver be-
fore a joint session of Congress 9
p.m. EST Tuesday.
White House press secretary
Fitzwater called the speech a sta-
tus report on the war, reflecting
"the president's thinking on the
conflict, what it means for the
country, what it means for the
economy and our domestic

The administration estimate
that the war will cost $60 billion id-
the first three months of this year.
Fitzwater said U.S. allies will ab-
sorb $45 billion of the cost, leav-
ing it to American taxpayers to
come up with $15 billion.
Emphasizing that no new taxes
will be proposed by the administra-
tion, Fitzwater said the costs were
"not so astronomical that they're,
forcing any extraordinary meaO
The Pentagon said more than
80 Iraqi aircraft have flown to
neighboring Iran, removing them-
selves from harm's way.
Pentagon spokesman Pete
Williams said Iran has impounded
the planes and promised not to let
them leave. "We have to take the
Iranians at face value," he said.
Bush cited the writings o
Greek and Roman philosophers
and of Christian theologians.
"The war in the gulf is not a
Christian war, a Jewish war or a
Muslim war," Bush said. "Our
cause could not be more noble."
"The first principle of a just war
is that it supports a just cause,"
Bush said.

Latvian police support Soviets

RIGA, U.S.S.R. - Hundreds of
pro-Kremlin Latvian police officers
jeered the republic's president yes-
terday, reflecting the deep division
in local law enforcement ranks
over the issue of independence.
In the Lithuanian capital of
Vilnius, about 1,000 of the repub-
lic's television workers rallied to
demand their jobs back. The
workers have been locked out of
work because of the Jan. 13 Soviet
military takeover of the republic's
TV facility that killed 14 people.
The 500-800 Latvian police of-
ficers jammed an auditorium at the
University of Latvia for a four-hour
meeting with the Baltic republic's
leaders, including their boss, Lat-
vian Interior Minister Alois Vaz-
nis, as well as well as President
Anatolijs Gorbunovs and Prime

Minister Ivars Godmanis.
The police whistled and hooted
when Vaznis said he had tried to
depoliticize the police force,
which is part of the Interior Min-
istry, and they called for his resig-
Gorbunovs said a "political bat-
tle" was taking place in Latvia be-
tween the pro-independence Popu-
lar Front, which supports him, and
the Communist Party. The recent
shootings, he said, show "this bat-
tle is not being fought not only
with political means, but also with
He called for all political
groups in Latvia to renounce vio-
lence and sit down at a negotiating
Among grievances raised by po-
lice were understaffing, low pay,

lack of housing and a recent law
requiring officers to learn the Lat-
vian language.
They also voiced anger over an
order by Vaznis prohibiting police
from engaging in Communist Party
activity during working hours.
Vaznis suggested that much of the
dissatisfaction stemmed from his
decision to forbid police from
moonlighting as guards.
The policemen cheered when a
leader of the pro-Moscow faction,
police Col. Nikolai Goncharenko,
called for the immediate replace-
ment of Vaznis.
Godmanis defended Vaznis as a
"professional." He invited anyone
seeking the post of interior minis-
ter to apply in writing, but he did
not appear serious about replacing


Continued from page 1
large, he feels he is fulfilling a so-
cial responsibility.
"If affirmative action programs
were removed, it would set us back-
wards," Shaw said. "We have a re-
sponsibility to undo the ills of the
Like Shaw, Vice Provost for Mi-
nority Affairs Charles Moody agreed
that minorities must be paid back for
past discrimination.
"Institutions have to act affirma-
tively to make sure past discrimina-

tion is not perpetuated," he said.
Moody, unlike Shaw, spoke
about affirmative action with the
passion of an African-American who
himself has been the victim of
Moody emotionally described
how he accepted a job in a laboratory
handling feces because he was ex-
cluded from a higher position he said
he deserved. Had there been affirma-
tive action, Moody said, he would
not have had to suffer this
"People who are hysterical about
affirmative action don't understand

Continued from page 1
Bush-Gorbachev meeting "was a
mutual decision so there is no dis-
appointment," Bessmertnykh em-
Standing together in a White
House driveway, Bessmertnykh
first in Russian and then Baker in
English, read their joint statement.
The statement said: "The gulf
war makes it inappropriate for
President Bush to be away from
Washington. In addition, work on
the START treaty will require
some additional time. Both presi-
dents look forward to setting an
exact summit date as soon as it
becomes feasible to do so."
Bush and senior administration
officials have been hinting for
weeks that he would forgo the Feb.

11-13 trip to fegister displeasure
with the military crackdown on the
independence movement in Latvia
and Lithuania.
Asked whether that issue was
involved in the decision. Baker
.said "the statement speaks for it-
However, he said "we have
made our substantial concerns
known" to the Soviets over the
Baltics issue.
There was no elaboration on
why it would be "inappropriate"
for Bush to be away from Wash-
ington during the Persian gulf war.
On the arms control front,
Baker said some technical issues
were still standing in the way of
completing the treaty to cut U.S.
and Soviet long-range nuclear mis-
siles, bombers and submarines by
about 30 percent.
He cited ways of monitoring

U.S. and Soviet missile plants to
guard against cheating.
Other unresolved problems in-
clude how much data from missile
flight tests will be exchanged and
Soviet demands to inspect U.S.
Earlier, White House
spokesperson Marlin Fitzwater of-
fered reasons both for going and for
staying home. They included an
apparent reversal on how to deal
with the Baltics question. Origi-
nally cited by officials as a strong
incentive for scrubbing Bush's trip,
Fitzwater suggested the issue
might best be handled in a summit.
"It would be good for the president
to talk to Gorbachev about the
Baltic situation," he said.
Bessmertnykh said Soviet
troops recently sent to the Baltic
region had been withdrawn, with
only the initial force remaining.

Continued from page 1
Hilter's continued aggression after
he invaded Czechoslovakia.
Jong Han, a first-year student at
the University, said
action'is the only way to stop Sad-
dam Hussein. "I would love to go
home (watch television) and see it
all over with, but I am being real-
istic," she added.

Nikki Neustadt, a first-year stu-
dent in the School of Natural Re-
sources, said Saddam is an irra-
tional man. She added that a dead-
line for action -was in the best in-
terests of the United States.
Person-to-person combat in a
few years would be worse than
person-to-person combat today, she
said, because waiting would only
give Saddam the chance to pro-
duce more chemical weapons.
Yet other students believe oil is

the history of it," he explained.
"They think things were as they are
now. It's hard for them to see the
need for something because they
haven't seen the conditions which
created those needs."
Despite what Moody sees as nar-
rowmindedness on the part of stu-
dents who oppose affirmative action,
he still has great hopes for its
"I want people to be able to un-
derstand that everybody brings some-
thing to the table," he said. "This
University is great because of diver-
sity, not in spite of it."
only a secondary factor. Green said
Kuwait is strategically important
and that possession of the country
will characterize the national
Chaos will result if very power-
ful leaders in isolated regions dom-
inate the economy, Green added.
As many people in favor of U.S.
intervention, Neustadt wants to
make it known that people have a
right to protest and to be anti-war,
but they should support the troops.
Late Saturday, U.S. Air Force
F-111 bombers unleashed "smart
bombs" on key onshore pipeline
junctions in Kuwait in hopes of
stemming the oil flow out to the
"It appears that we have
stopped the flow of oil ," Stevens
said yesterday. "But we continue
to seek positive confirmation of
that fact."
The Baghdad government
claimed U.S. air strikes on tankers@
and oil facilities had spilled oil
and touched off fires. The U.S.
command acknowledges that a
nearby clash at sea ignited a fire
at the Sea Island terminal, but it
rejects the charge that its forces
caused the major spill.
The Sea Island fire was
"getting smaller and smaller"
Monday, a sign that the flow from
shore may have been cut off, said
a Saudi military spokesperson.

Yet other students believe oil is

Continued from page 1
Stevens said war planners
nonetheless would keep a close
eye on the aircraft in Iran, since
they could pose a threat to Navy
ships in the gulf and other Desert
Storm units.
The Iraqis reported that cap-
tured pilots have been injured in
air attacks staged by their Desert
Storm comrades on "populated and
civilian targets in Iraq."
The terse Baghdad radio report,
which gave no further details, was
an ominous follow-up to Iraq's ear-
lier threat to turn POWs into
"human shields."
The Iraqis, who say they hold
more than 20 American and other
prisoners, announced Jan. 21 they
were sending them out to potential
targets to deter air attack.

The Baghdad government says
more than 320 civilians have been
killed in Desert Storm air raids.
Refugees fleeing Iraq said war-
planes of the anti-Iraq coalition
had bombed civilian convoys on
the desert highway west from
Baghdad to Jordan.
The U.S. command said its pin-
point air strike on Kuwaiti oil junc-
tions may have turned off the
source of the vast spill that is dev-
astating the Persian Gulf.
Out in the gulf's blackened wa-
ters, the mammoth crude-oil slick
that began pouring from Iraqi-held
Kuwait early last week now totals
some 460 million gallons, Saudi
officials reported.
The U.S. command said the
spill began when the Iraqis opened
valves and pumped crude directly
into the sea from Kuwait's main
offshore loading terminal, Sea

cc Jonathan Uy, medical school rep- will attempt to regain party control
resentative, claimed the party was over the assembly's executive po-
Continued from page 1 not holding a meeting, but was sitions. Action party member Jen-
Campus (SCC)." playing a poker game. nifer Van Valey defeated Williams
Green, Cosnowski, and The candidate selected by CC in last winter term's elections.

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