The Michigan Daily -Tuesday, January 29, 1991 - Page 3
City making
appeal to state
on budget cuts
by David Rheingold
Daily City Reporter
, The Ann Arbor City Council de-
eided last night during a special
*ession to send a letter to the state
government expressing concern
about the proposed state budget
The letter, which will be sent
by Interim City Administrator
Donald Mason, will urge the state
io assess the impact of the
proposed cuts on other
governmental units, private non-
rofit agencies, and at-risk resi-
The letter will also ask the
state to provide a "safety net" for
Michigan residents against the
looming recession.
The resolution calling for the
letter passed, 7-2.
Councilmember Liz Brater (D-
Third Ward), who voted for the
resolution, felt "the state should
ot balance its budget on the
"sacks of the city tax-payers."
Councilmembers Terry Martin
(R-Second Ward) and Jerry Schle-
icher (R-Fourth Ward) voted
against the resolution.
"I don't like the idea of
responding to the government,"
Martin said. She said the state
shpuld initiate such an assessment
on its own.
"That's a given. That's part of
their job... They should assure the
most efficient allocation of funds
to take care of the most needy,"
Martin said.
'That's a given. That's
part of their job...
They should assure
the most efficient
allocation of funds to
take care of the most
- Terry Martin
City Councilmember
Schleicher said he believed
Governor John Engler could
balance the budget without the
council intervening by sending a
letter. "I think there's a creative
way to provide services with a
lesser fee," Schleicher said.
A Human Services Task Force,
comprised of councilmembers Ann
Marie Coleman (D-First Ward),
Larry Hunter (D-First Ward),
Martin, and Ingrid Sheldon (R-
Second Ward), submitted the
Coffee break
LSA junior Mary Jo Callen catches a quick fix of caffeine at Espresso Royale Cafe before going to her class
yesterday evening.
by Stefanie Vines
Daily Staff Reporter
"Experts rush to defend
Saudi desalination sites
MANAMA, Bahrain (AP) -
Experts from around the world
raced to the Saudi Arabian coast
yesterday to help the kingdom de-
*end its vital desalination plants
against an oil slick.
- A Norwegian company that
helped fight the Exxon Valdez
spill in Alaska was sending a pol-
lution-battling ship capable of
swallowing a half-mile of oil daily.
It was to reach a critical desalina-
tion plant yesterday.
British Petroleum Co. was fly-
ing in more than 70 tons of oil
*ooms and suctionskimmers. A
team of experts from the U.S.
toast Guard and Environmental
Protection Agency arrived in
Riyadh and immediately met with
Saudi officials.
The slick was several days
away from Jubail, site of the
World's largest water desalination
plant and one of many such facili-
ties in the path of the spill.
01 The oil from the Sea Island
Terminal at Kuwait's Mina al-
Ahmadi may have been halted by
the allied precision bombing
Saturday of the mechanism that
allowed the oil to be pumped into
the Persian Gulf, U.S. military
official said.
But environmentalists say so
much crude already has poured
into the waterway that an ecologi-
cal catastrophe was certain.
For the arid desert region, the
top priority was protecting the de-
salination plants that treat water
for two-thirds of the region's esti-
mated 18 million people.
US.-led allied forces in the war
with Iraq also depend in part on
the plants, which make sea water
Saudi Oil Minister Hisham
Nazer told King Fahd and his Cab-
inet that the slick contained
roughly 11 million barrels of oil, or
460 million gallons, making it by
far the biggest spill ever.
U.S. officials said the Kuwaiti
spill was heading south at 15 miles
per day and would reach the Saudi
coastal city of Ras al-Misha'ab by
today. That is about 100 miles
north of Jubail.
Economics 201 students hoping
to find textbooks at the reserve desk
at the library may have to travel a
bit farther than the Grad to find
A library administrator suspects.
two economics textbooks donated to
the University library system may
have been sent to the West Indies.
Ulrich Hommel, an economics
Teaching Assistant, received three
extra copies of a Microeconomics
textbook by Lipsey, Steiner, Purvis,
and Courant from the Harper and
Row last summer and decided to
donate two copies to the Graduate
library to put on reserve.
He went to the Gifts and
Exchange office and requested that
the books be sent to the reserve
desk. However, the books didn't end
up in the reserves.
"I went to the Grad to see if the
books were there and they weren't,
so I asked where they were and no
one knew," Hommel said.
Janis Apted, External Relations
officer for the library system, said
the books are most likely in the
Woman raped in
car near North
An Ann Arbor woman was
raped at about midnight yesterday
morning, Ann Arbor police said.
"There were two people who
knew each other from work - one
was giving the other a ride home
- that's when the CSC (criminal
sexual conduct) occured," Sgt.
Rich Kinsey said yesterday.
There are no further details on
the rape at this time, but Ann Ar-
bor police are continuing
Man flashes
Brown Jug cashier
Just after midnight last Thurs-
day, a 19-year-old man entered the
Brown Jug Restaurant and pulled
down his pants.
The man and a group of his
friends walked into the Brown Jug
Restaurant, 1204 S. University,
and while one suspect flashed the
cashier at the front counter, an-
other friend produced a camera
and started taking pictures, Ann
Arbor police reports said.
Two officers were flagged down
by an Brown Jug employee, and a
brief foot chase ensued, reports
The suspect was apprehended
by the police officers, and released
pending possible prosecution.
The suspect was carrying fake
driver's licenses from Florida and
Vermont, police said.
Suspect attempts
mugging on Diag
A woman was assaulted from
behind on the Diag at about 1:40
Sunday afternoon.
The suspect attacked the
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West Indies.
"We think right now that the
books were placed in a special
collection which was selected for a
librarian in the West Indies. We
think he might have taken them,"
Apted said.
However, Apted added that she
could not completely verify the
whereabouts of the books.
"Normally the books would have
gone straight to the Reserve desk,
but apparently there was a mix-up,"
Apted said.
Hommel said he was angry not
only about the loss of the books,
but also about the problems the loss
causes for students.
"First of all no one should throw
out books, especially textbooks; and
secondly the books are not handled
properly by the libraries. I could
have sold the books, but I wanted to
donate them to the University so my
students could use them. I can't
believe this happened," Hommel
However, Robert Carter, head of
the Gifts and Exchange office, said
the mistake was not a surprise.
"We are not in the business of de-
ciding which books get put on
reserve and which don't, so when
(Hommel) came in and didn't specify
where he wanted the books to go
they went through the normal
process," Carter said.
Carter said the normal procedure
for books in the Gifts and Exchange
office is to refer donated books to se-
lectors who decide if they should be
returned, put into a collection, sold,
or put on reserve. If books are re-
turned to the Gifts and Exchange of-
fice, duplicate copies are made and
"(Hommel) should have gone di-
rectly to the Reserve office, not to
us," Carter said.
Mary Lou Westen, the supervisor
of the University Reserve system,
agreed that the mix-up was
"The problem was that he
(Hommel) should have come to our
office instead of to the Gifts and
Exchange. I'm sorry he was misled,
but problems like this don't usually
happen. Our purpose is to serve the
faculty, not to create more
problems," Westen added.
Iraq claims
NEW YORK (AP) - Iraqi
President Saddam Hussein was
quoted as saying yesterday that the
missiles Iraq has been firing at Is-
rael and Saudi Arabia have nu-
clear, chemical, and biological
"We have maintained our bal-
ance using only conventional
weapons," Saddam was quoted as
saying in his interview in Baghdad-
with CNN's correspondent in Iraq,
Peter Arnett.
Arnett paraphrased Saddam as
saying the Scud missiles have nu-
clear, chemical, and biological
Saddam was quoted as saying
he could not predict how long the
gulf war would last, but promised
"lots of blood will be shed on ev-
ery side."
Saddam said he was confident
Iraq would prevail.
"We pray that not a lot of blood
will be shed from any nation. We
pray we shall not be forced into
taking a forced measure."
Arnett spoke by phone with
CNN in the United States after the
interview he said took place in a
bungalow in Baghdad.
He said he had asked Saddam
whether he would refrain from us-
ing chemical weapons if the
United States and its allies re-
frained from doing so.
"I don't mean that," Arnett
quoted Saddam as saying, "Iraq
will use weapons that equate the
weapons used against us."
The Iraqis are known to have
chemical and biological warfare
capabilities, but Western analysts
have questioned whether they
could equip their Scud missiles
with such weapons.
As for nuclear weapons, some
in the West believed Iraq was just
a year or two from developing
atomic warheads. But the U.S. mil-
itary says its recent bombing has
obliterated, Iraq's nuclear network.
Saddam attacked "hypocritical
Western politicians" who he said
convinced him last fall that if he
let the hostages go they would
keep the peace, Arnett said. Iraq
allowed most foreigners who
wished to leave to do go by De-
Arnett quoted Saddam as say-
ing, "If we had kept these 5,000
hostagesghere,awould Bush hae
bombed Baghdad?"
Arnett said he was unexpect-
edly summoned to a meeting with
a high official and then was taken
to a small bungalow in suburban
Baghdad. He said he waited about
an hour and Saddam arrived. The
interview was about 90 minutes.
Saddam was adamant that
Kuwait is a part of Iraq and will
remain so.
Asked about using the captured
pilots as hostages, Saddam said
that Iraqis had been interned in al-
lied nations.
"How long will the war last?"
Saddam was asked.
"Only God knows," he was
quoted as saying.
partment of Safety and Security
The woman suffered minor in-
juries. Officers have no suspects,
reports said.
Pizza Hut video
games robbed
The Pizza Hut on West Sta-
dium was broken into and robbed
sometime between 2:00 a.m. and
7:00 a.m. Monday morning.
According to Ann Arbor police
reports, suspects entered the
restaurant by removing the mold-
ing from a north window. The cash
register was pried open and
Police said bolt cutters were
used to pry open two video games
which were also emptied of $50 in
Police have no suspects.
prowlers enter
Nickels Arcade
The Nickels Arcade, located on
the 300 block of State Street, fell
victim to underground prowlers at
about 1:00 a.m. Saturday morning.
According to Ann Arbor police
reports, an unknown suspect
gained access to an underground
hallway in the Arcade and broke
into a storage locker belonging to
the Van Boven shop.
The Hundred Acre Wood book-
store was also broken into. Police
said suspects gained entry to the
store through the basement.
It is unknown if anything was
taken in either incident.
Two apartments
Ann Arbor Police reported two
campus-area residential break-ins
last weekend.
Between 5:30 Friday afternoon
and 9:00 Saturday morning,
suspects kicked out the basement
garage windows of a home on the
800 block of E. University. The
garage was unlocked, police said.
Between 2:00 and 3:00 a.m.
Saturday morning, an unknown
suspect entered an unlocked room
on' the 1800 block of Washtenaw.
A wallet containing cash and
credit cards, as well as a phone
and a watch were taken.
What's happening in Ann Arbor today
Kaffeestunde, weekly German
conversations. MLB third floor con-
ference room, 4:30-6.
German Club, weekly meeting.
Guest speaker from the Goethe
Institute. MLB, Rm. 2004, 7:00.
Anthropology Club, weekly meeting.
This week graduate students discuss
grants, internships and grad school
Dominick's, 7:30.
Time & Relative Dimensions in
Ann Arbor, weekly meeting. Call
971-2072 for info. 2439 Mason Hall,
Latin American Solidarity Com-
:mittee, weekly meeting. Union 4th
floor, 8:00.
Handbell Ringers, general meeting.
Prospective ringers must be able to
read music. Call 764-2539 for info.
900 Burton Tower, 4:10-5:15.
University Students Against Can-
cer. Union, Anderson AB, 7:00
(officers) and 7:30 (group).
'Take Back the Night March,
planning meeting. For more inforcall
Megan (665-0145). West Quad,
~SEPAC Conference Rm., 8:00.
U of M Shotokan Karate Club,
organizational meeting. Call Ravindra
Prasad for info. CCRB Martial Arts
"Russian Revolution or 1917 and
the End of World War I,"' sponsored
by SPARK Revolutionary History
Series. MLB, Rm. B 122, 7-8:00.
"Prehistory in Southern Africa: A
Visitor's Impressions," brown bag
lecture; Dr. John Speth, speaker.
Natural Science Museum, 12-1:00.
"Prediction of Outcomes in Ex-
tremely Preterm Infants," Prof.
Mary Ellen Bozynski, speaker. North
Ingalls Bldg., 10th level, Rm. 1000,
Peter Matthlessen, author and envi-
ronmentalist, presents a reading and
lecture. Tickets through Ticketmaster.
Rackham Aud., 7:30.
Safewalk functions 8-11:I30 Sun.-
Thurs. Call 936-1000 or stop by 102
Northwalk functions 8-11:30 Sun.-
Thurs. Call 763-WALK or stop by
2333 Bursley.
ECB Peer Writing Tutors avalible
to help with your papers Sunday-
Thursday, Angell/Haven Computing
Center, 7-11:00..
U of M Shotokan Karate Club,
Tuesday practice. Call Ravindra
Prasad (747-2945) for info. CCRB
Martial Arts Rm.. 8:30-10 p.m.
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