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March 16, 1924 - Image 7

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been called a "golden rule," but "Que! remarkably pregnant statement: it. very happy and spiritual death, an All we hae gained then byouotr
tout nest pas or qu 'on sit lure" means that man's natural activity is object for which we could rennciate unbelief
'T use this Christian doctrine one : sef-furtherance, not self-denial, and our bodies. Is-i Kingdom we eardI Is a life of doubt iversifid by faith
mus~t be an entrepreneur of thought that this results in heavenly power the clang of royal arms and the roars
apenetrating manager who forsees tather than in self-s usement There of he'venly battles, to say nothing dtoneo fibdietfid b
thtat if one loves hinsef, provision is an assetion in Laotzu'e "'Tal Teb of lbs blinding of our eyes by the dBoubt. BshpBlura'
for one's neighbor is quite supet un tKing" to the effect that 'To him who dazzling glory of his aristocracy. And
ots. 'Ths awfilcause of our presentI holds n hit hands the Great Image,i finally, if it were not for Himal the , Atology",. 19lt)
pervading mediocrity ies pteciseyvin the whole word repairs"; and to me world would have ignored is o In our distress for sit idol westss
our setntimental broter-loving to the i tiis signtfies as image of God well only by carrying His image in ouv forever pereive trat atl gods are
exclusion of our own advance We grasped in a bigger treasre than~ hands could we attain to immotalityIt nouristt'd oyste toutglts of te:
have yet to realize le meaning of St any hiuman ideal about hand-shakitng and earthly grace. It was Soum Hit 1 antI not oily bythleir toughtsbut
laut's exhorion, "sorkoutt. yotur own missionary cotributtons and brother'lbht we levsnd the saytng "Human- liv theit teat-.Ve shatll fi(nd .'i
salvation swittifeay uni trembttng kissng It sgifes that the whole 4liy be hagedl! Self and atet self our omit tragic love of life. "It of
i 'hilipians 2:121. 'sorldl goes ahead asdmi its o veon a fis end; the est may go to te d-tweoIsentti' says lierkgart. "one
It hardlypst-ms possible 1thal.san e busine'sssoiilong as you 'arc amee, it." George Moe). All ol he'e msto Isthe tue Godtl sithouttisi-
mes could douitit lsidcs' fra' 'tt, bu tt to'.es.to yes and clngs thintgs we are depived of snoswtb-t i eil of seotand te other prays
t toogh ministers of Protesant- iitoyou ticeinstant os lintchinetin' Bed t-is ad. We ate searching tr to anitiol swit ll the pasisin cott
ism presuppolsei-tie cittracy)I that. i' ray tint ''rth's daystr." iv'ave,iCremin covry coneivable llacen'tsinfsnitie eairning i is the first swso
it sailionceitr all.eti-ti seintuds we,'in iiur hanidsltoythe Gt m -i-a-IiwetEnd them? 2disoe is.e'shall ellye itaiv.to alidolotwhile lh- se-
att-osvermaiste'red(lby live of gv- i te ' ii eaVso ifGd tfn hem chidde'nstier te ettcloak 1 ifiind ieally prass toiGoi.'
ti--ig. I Iran- .1 eili). We cannot ofa.1}iis lenFi htto ~dn, 'oct.L ('yviod . mlt u', Ie 'tritul. e Ihtie killed Him by llotsi
ftr 'rd to deis-th is, Cfor ice ivottlid lii's< HeiisILe . usweep 1I4 c sice .tsI. God ot'rreed r iv I it'littot growrold, by pr tingto iiIimii
itnong aI rtthertils- (it tt noeisbvenieiti ' i :itt5th out sincerity f lesr. Wiere
admiit it and utthold it, yes, ext's go '!IU( ST: i II 5NNi i's I ll2C9'PF" e'G lect oesc'Godti lfi a I i- in dcistress becauiise e annot againit
futhiler and cdt-ite oclyts hce mid oege odaddc, i e inil- lbjec it t ciiouttiof our ii il hit d i i ohu wIloIng i-tauliaationtilive
ase iichbiliare overmas teridyI !i t' c athi-sits Is Ie bc c i' 'paleelfi ii thngsflw. 1odis r iffit-' 1 withot Iiti?--Romei'Holonbg an
lite of egit: (only' le tigilant antI ailuninioirishe d;le ixithcudred - ico "'hi i '.tiiesca rae e lista creatiive iove-um'tt etdirecattic He
tillotw"juittthat tsicbe ted hih t 'is'.assedcut Go,dofi te-iwhcc---it rirvcontc,p u-ntile: e lives aid ie'.epes? is -e' ' isacee'i- .ttitianti-
iain? (Inc errors cmne not frontloy-IthecfaI-fi-g ee'- "ih eeritt ntlitves ecrieceeslx" bike tenii-? isuri- c't o initd Hiit? Pe-
itg gain. but frotti pretentding to love tng smt) ! e -mies it a e is s eiis deectixe heinowt'wevas ftichilance xwexiia11 hve to retuild Hint.
stininii fat loving loss. I sup- a FattierIThe oli Cod tx-s' a 'od as'.k the radiant sits now a butchtioi the scrryintg atis have t rbttildl
pose tlose gain issiniply to io that God. let betwed apisits repec and oh whie whiskers;and iwho knowe'- tieit demishlle itireshld ofitdut;
whlichi conduces best to one's oxe in hbility to cespot Be'gar us a wat he w iliwear next?-btwt.jlitoticeen flai is ai threshold to str
wellbeing. 'Phis is no remarkabity ' Heavenly worry. a certaiti thing to does 't malie? Enotigh thaIt Ie isihproisperiy. Coe, let us weept over
subte stentent. It is, however, al pender about. Be matde rossible a or od. ord of heavn and Garth. ho l pissig-outt; an you nt see tat
so.' antfit distress? Bit with alt our
weeing, let is be sly totrners, dry-
ig tr yes with one hand, fasion-
ng a nt-to is oliIthe other.
(Cntinitetd frateags Oe
a?'itelselie,'for thecwinefim t itagin-
S p ec ali lion' I doubtt if that perect tirae
Spec al fferngsliinthe sixty-forth yer osher life
whenshecam ou, aver reotefig.
r, uonthIe yawnting stage of the
o f 5 L o ts Metrotoitian. 'Theti sexwascdoubly
t hiehalice. 'To the mystery and e-
f ~ ~ i" a tatios of her art tas atldled a strange
01 Silk 'G o w0 n fs Ielenent of aloofness whlihi nade her,
/r I ot the hybrid of actress and idranat-
of characerto Iwhvih this curious art
1ofthe theatre aeetustonsis, lit a
About 1 50 gowns in ihe latest models that are being offered in the great pson in tes cat of anothr
drama, whichi we call ife. Our itag-
Fifth Avenue shtops are here at little prices. tnation ross to the art of voice and
hasds and body, but it rose, too, to
The newest silka in the popular shades have been made up by artists an art of living which brought thin
extraordinary wunman before us,
in designing and tailoring. You'll be especially pleased with the quality of "Dss has reacheid an sge at which
actors retain none too mus of their
the nmaterials and the excellent tailoring-so different from the ordinary run vigor, anti actresses are s sapped that
of department store gowns. The prices are an added iduceren-so tempt- Ialian-can et e harptupndthir
ing tat yu'llneedno aruingtoart.,.Dse hs lived more truly and
in3htyullne oagunb oby more fully than Bornard, and given
more of herself to life. Dus is wxeak;
Included are many noxelties-only one of a kind-whtose excusivenes he can play only twice a week, antt
tw's hours on the stage leans teir
xxcii add to their appeal. If you think of buying another gown t- B .p igIsark upon her as hs takes her fnal
i rtain. Dse last never toleated
this wil be one of your best opportunities,Iake-up or asy artifice of wig or
tiothing to imiitae vanishing youth
5o today ter Elida Watge l tud e
ii-iaged,atdh lie asinatisn hr the
Flix eLts Priced at tyoung silor disgusting, if it wver not
fr the soul antd the art that still ani-
mate her so fuilly. Thevoie is eid-
193J - $25 -$29.50 - $39.10 and $49 0 tfiilymtusical antI shadowed with
((aird's for the miost r, sisging ote
-tter note oh betuty colored by hop,
doubt, fear, love, exaltation; it plunges
Isudely into deeper tones that carry
suffering upon their dark, slowv wings.
Dos's body, Dse hatds above all-
The Mills CompanyIfoD'nuwaaoftept
w hen he called her Dosse oh the Beau-
iut Hands-play a symphony oh
stmovenent. There seems nothing

s tudied in her actioss, nothing tdetib-
118 rate;t. omtetimtes ter hands flash ser-
vosly across tsr face when toe are
most anxious to see her expression.
Thie Slop of Sutfis ectien ier osovetments are tiot an artifice but
in the vety soul and irresistably com-
manding a body fashioned cossum-
mastely to obey, It is here the soul of
Dose and isnste mystery of thiehotly
iiade one with it that wve sense tht ul iaeohrat.Adw cnot
tag sod label it.'


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