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March 16, 1924 - Image 8

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Goldfarb Says:--
t: God disikea sin uthy did lie C
cra e epotentialityforiti*i*4
Whether the gods created man or
not i ertain that man created the
Is it fair that a Mexican bandit
should look upon fornication as a
pastime and apparently suffer no ill
effects from it. while an honest yong
ank clerk with ut a single fall frotm
grace chalked up against lim should
spent the rest of his days in an agony
of retuorse.
o * .* *
Why on earth do German peasants
leave their quaint ancestral villages
for America and straightway build
abominable and hideous houses filled
'itho leograpls, art-calendars and
red-plush furniture?
If I were a composer I should never
allow my compositions to be playci.
I like French, Gerian. and Italian
songs better than English becauseI
an never understand the words.
If Ludwig van Beethoven were per-
mitted to revisit these scenes for the
space of a day, I should hurry him off
to hear a performance by the "Black
and White Melody Boys" that he might
return to hell without pan:s of re-
It seems to be the general impres-
sion that most prostitutes are poor
misguided wretches who have been
decived by villians and would turn
nuns if once given a fighting chance.
My observation leads me to believe
that most of them have followed a
natural bent in the choosing of a pro-
fession and have been quite free from
external suggestion which as a rule
points quite fixedly in the opposite
direction. As there is no valid reason
why they may not choose more de-
corous trades I assume them to be
quite satisfied with their choice.
* «*
The average man thinks there is a
right way to do everything. Heh e-
lieves firmly that one should eat rice
with a fork rather than a knife, quite
forgetting that there are many people
who prefer chop-sticks to both.
Men do not refrain from killing each
other because they feel that it is wick-
ed to murder; it is because they dis-
like the possibility of being killed.
I cannot believe that God'was so
poor a scientist as to have actually en-
dorsed the Old Testament.
War is quite a sport for those that
aren't killed.
May I formally propound a query?
What becomes of the soul of an infant
that sits soaking in a bottle on the
shelf labelled monsters in a medical
At just what point in the progress
of man's evolution from the lower
animals did rape become a sin?
If all men were to die tomorrow the
sun would continue to beam benefic-
ently and to warm the earth and all
God's creatures,
Strange that the most gorgeous of
all flora existed in the Carboniferous
Age when the only poets to admire

their beauty were Dinosaurs.
I wonder if one may take a short
leave of absence from Heaven if at-
tacked by ennui at the end of a million
or so aeona.
Why do blackguards never question
their Divine origin?

elect a volume from the
[odern Libr ar y Series
for your next book.



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