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January 28, 1923 - Image 6

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THE SECRET GLORY, by Arthur mot important facors in its complete
Machen. Alfred Knopf, success. Machn las written and
Reviwedby BronShanrin studiedi for nany years-never until
Reviwedby taren Santrin lately receiving hio deserved notice.'
In reviewing The Secret Glory ly Janmes Branch abell says that the
Artlhur Machen, one of the writers of bcurity in which Machen was allow-
Engandos mot beautiful prose, I am ed to remain io the kindl of crime that
tefntedto opythe hol oftheshould be idenouncesh ron the lhouoa-
tenpeel t coy te woleof isetops. But during these years lelao
author's preface. But since I can see developed a style which is not only
no hope of finishing the review without worthy of much praise but insures
several oher excerpts I will simaply himi much favor among those who
recommend that everyoe read if fo have learnedt to apreciate and love
Ithe ety of the tfglish language
insel as, when I have finished, I will as sang by the poets.
commend the recting of the whole
hook to all of you.l)tIAisJliiTFreik.h p.
This boiok might easily e placed at RIAbyJhT.Ferik nof
the isle of Marcel Prou.t's, "Siane 'a tveelb F .T idn
Way" sot James Joyce's 'Usortrait of 10. Jotsn-tT. tctri-.gve himself
thse Arttt as ai Young Mlan, its an ;excellent opotnity to overcapitalize
attempt to shiow ltsepsychological0150pon te slpotatof ried sosaspiled
pathsoe ofciour modern iovelists are down t he rot of s:caIIsrsal's vest
taking. This influence seems to gve
conception to the let theory that atdsi ssregarded t. Laudt ati u1mn!
hooks such as these ar'e aulobiogrstt-f This story is a iograpical -onetant
cal. 'Tbi.: timagine hmnore tr less (therefore strogldepentatt uponcas
trune sbttist to the extrettwhich most =fniese ot charaet-is i-ato. lr'o tis
of its believe. Prosts work may te a necessay ctticmtt-lsit is adespt
inure autobiographical taIs uspet, !psycho-analysis, t te mention ofc
hut I hrelitese that Maclei's look is which tax cold gorge rises. We have
mucs more romtIis ftncy than from tbehi-cit fesiteth-ith iis till we shy
his utemory. t its 5.5i~i aitrviewercwatittisiayg
The book lis on1y a negligible-.1:0lot, ;atsooe-bitund htook it peni; but
hut it has a charac-ter--a commnthe Cs cerbrtl dissectiotn is. is tis cs.
trait in all three of tlise books. Am-1 an excellntlattd skillful bi of mtni-.
brose Meyrck, the boy, found Ilatihle pltsioi.
gained more peasuire from intellet- IDruda is the only daugter of Osas
tual thou - physical exercise and ha- 1Hosfall andI his wife ashoi live .on a
ing exercised iis intellect found tha snall, ill-kept arn: in the iorthern
his thoughts ail ideas dd not riuni siiddle-wst. Oscar Horsall Is drnk-
s-:h 'bossc the m~aster.: in his en and worthless, bt lbs girl, woae
school. Because of these diferences, p faternity renains more or loss imys-
he bad become a despised enigna to terious patently from her native en-
most of them. The book takes hiit dowmeints, is not Oscar's daughter.
through several years of this life and She early shows signs of surprizing
finally to Lanonu with the maid-of-all- attractiveness. nowithtansding t h e
work. This is what the auhor tsys (wearing grinds of being a combination-
about him: "It is emphatically a his- of hired-isa, slavey- and valet to-
tory of ain unfotunate fellow who ran- Oscr in his more vinous moods. Her
his head against stone walls from the father left her a sle leay of a small
beginning to the end ie could think bookhel which contained Beats,j
nothing and do nothing after the com- Mathew- Arnoldl snd coast others from
non fashion of the 'world; even when vhom she has her fist nibble of it-I
he went wrong, he did lio In a highly ratire and finds it good. Whens sheI
unasualC and eccentric mranner." AndI finishes the eigh grade, lorfall is
in defense; "In every age, there are persuaded to let her enter the state
peope great and small foi whom thei normal school, hiefly through theIn-
Cure are out of joint, for when every- erest of Professor Willoughby of that
thing Ivso smehow, wrong and askew.' institutisIn. who Is attracted to the
Consider Hamlet; an amiable man sod girl when lectriig near the Hforsall
an intelligent oasn. But what a mess frns -nd Dr Thompson, who attended
ice ade f i!^ Mer.Horsall at the tine of Druida's
Bust in this ook what Iast seemed birth, gives thec ecessary finanial aid.
of as mus importanlce as Meyrick arc Th'e ecarn of the girl hailal says
several theories of life ail lettersj awakened a response in hin.
which he hangs on colvenient kooks. Althoughs truisa was possessedi of
lits ays that he was somnewh-at is- anextraordinary apeal to uscea, of
farbed by a "Life" of an emtinent old wvhih she asas unciosciou stiset-
schoolimaster, which 55.0 puishehd tintarmlass is the umn of Ier taso
one yeas' anld that some of the old lenefacos. The srivelld a nd ;
man~'s idleas eausedlhim nmuchs irrita-J waped aomaeiofIse cintry itsio-
tion. "In a wod the 'Life' oftatIis tively rctogize' her dangerous lro-
eacellent msa got my back utp." Anati civites, Dr. Thosonas, through isa
it ilonthlis "Life" attisdels'oll o- riaiiiiat'iretetl efforts to help lir, is
Fishi schoosl systemtstha~t istitis for.it--itnft-mithishbrnetansilha" s'tisdily -
thatIe covertly- sevseloler. (deteriaes frouisntahe igt IthatI le
As a hasvent for Meyick, toa swlichs le is sen in Tiivertso withi Drida by two
cais returit tot' peace, Maclhensa it toasntgssips. Willougblys career is
giveni is thte spirit of the sal(Celic'acit stor. Its' is exel'let frsst his
churcl. Thosse patssages sest a ditat positotaitsittth anrsalicol y te
]aze overs'the awhole bosok, sasatsi,-effots aof iIts jealtits hRierionsaihooil-
is the ,subjetiantd s beatiifully- as-it- eat-haers. Isis is nt iectlotsv.
tet.HItsayts of Iis reseairches is a antsgitle esitititwhich is ti'oti-
conisectitti with the Celtic iciurchsatd roue of a strs atShasvin etitatheti-
theo Grail Legend," . . . . i wtas etits, hitit is asttaetintg to which'
voyage osleriloustseas, a joutrnaey- 0to;t- omiens tre isentsible. lruidhatis
faery lanits folorn--------I to titii-t-ivei'.tota magneito't(- et)nc;
Other theoies expoiisded antIhungtiag. alsokas 'of stso etingtyunatiit at
earlsosithleitr convenittikari-c laughinstg omethiiig which htal liei
suchs it ltcmslvit s. Raticsattiiodrasiveti fris tir ms'ssattts ot'generat-
Progrsssgrillh iveut Prolhii tio. 'listiots by the little taesses ofasa

latter is ini contuectiosawith thte dihsis ,abisoltetdtoastsha-the ac trrfss
etssiiits of Itle Grail;sad lii' cx- i-religios sutpptrestsioanastattheir stilt-
presses onat houeght.swhichi]lais tees ,ned livses. A fiear suatystsit-real him
so clear-lyiroavena, in sushi a ttiqte soil withuoult.snerstadittg iS, they
mannterI tat I cannlot refrains roti-isa hsted icr.
copayiig it for you, jutfi tissintha "If Its ity opinion, MOr. F-rederick has
te i-heat- wells soil h)tttas tit of tht'e lone ustisirahaly withs the suborinisate
msagic wood be buitied oatttat sight,. the Ichtarats-er' s ad thie adttitng;. T'Ith
men(wvho nausth lta-c Drink) w aill 1' - I"salesladhy.,,Bells. it te'tdrygooads
take themn to thae Slime Ponds ad Poi- ;empshorium" of Staibleshstsg, las-ge of
son Potols."I girhhsltiagy, gesserouatt ndta of facile
'fite Style if thse hock is one of thse vitasie; theitrieda11)sl -Ioahteachsers ,

'cleanliness is Next to Godliness-
Not all people can be religious,
but all or 'em can be clean, The
way is simple. Call the Trojan
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