Organizations---and the Iconoclast
(By Virginia Tryon) and this part of it makes the social socialistic rot out of my system. Fra- belong to the Local Order of Brick-
Many there are on the campus, and part of it more or less a farce. If I ternities generally get the brainiest layers No. 3. If he does not belong
many there always will be, who have, joined an organization, I should have men on the campus. I don't know to the Robert Burns Club, he can join
through choice and by definite refusal, to accept certain persons as friends or whether they 'run the campus' or not, the Tennyson Club or start an Edgar
stated themselves as being totally un- quasi-friends. I do not have friends as is sometimes charged. I don't care. Guest Club of his own and find morons
willing to associate themselves with by right of charter and I have no Although I suspect that the fraterni- enough to enlist as charter members.
any fraternity, club, or other organi- quasi-friends at all. ties do not "run things" to the ex- "I have the same objection to clubs
zations. Hitherto, their reasons for He seemed to have the courage of tent that is often rumored, I can't see, that I have to marriage. Anyone is
this stand have been decidely private, his convictions, and was easily in- why they shouldn't, for they generally eligible. However there is a chance
and wholly sufficient unto the holders duced to go on. . have the brains of the campus. of picking a wife and having some
thereof. Always, in the event of such "I have known Masons, K of C's, "In the main I think organizations compensations for the drawbacks. The
a refusal, though the chief actor in Presbyterians, Catholics, American are puerile and idiotic. If you want to only trouble is in getting out of it."
the case usually thinks it incumbent Legion members, fraternity brothers, see the thing at its worst, watch some But that was enough. It was easy
upon himself to refrain from making calling members of their organizations of the members of the Royal Order of to see that he had said all he had to
comment, others seem to have no such names which would be apt to cause Slobbergobble as they go on parade, sayizain s t
scruples. Every person in any way murder to be committed if they were the business man or ribbon clerk with ganizations.
connected with the offender can give said directly, a bloodthirsty tin sword, a swashbuck-
one all the accurate information in "As for organizations that are not ling pair of bloomers, a tin helmet, Faking as an Art
the world, with some sage and friend- social in purpose, I say that a man and a scraggly ostrich plume. The It is an interesting but authentic
ly (confidential) remarks on the side, can do more alone in room, office, or only one who admire him are his fact that many things, from pictures
while nn addition, all the scandal- laboratory in an hour than he can in children. Even his wife is disgusted. to furniture, have been foisted upon
mongers, gossips, and Mrs. Grundy's- ten hours with persons around him. "It may be said that I am envious, the public by men and women who
in-the-rough will, for once and for all1 "My social relaxation comes in visit- that I can't get into organizations have devoted their lives to the craft
tear to pieces the cherished reputa- ing my friends or in having them visit While it is true that I have never I of "faking." "The Gentle Art of Fak-
tion of the victim, me. When I ask a man to call on me, been invited to join a fraternity, still ing," by R. Nobilli, to be published
Such a thing as a "come-back" or he may be certain that I like him, or I have a number of firm friends in this month by the J. B. Lippincott
justification on the part of said long- at least that I am interested in him. I fraternities, and most of those who Company, tells the remarkable story
misunderstood party-of-the-first-part never saw an organization yet where- can speak the word in my favor know of faking from the earliest times. In
has up to the present time been un- in one-third of the members did not that I don't want it spoken. I am many cases the work of these "fakirs"
heard of. He has suffered in silence, bore me utterly, and another third eligible to three or four soldier or- Is scarcely discernible even by ex-
and has quietly and unpretentiously positively rouse a dislike in me. ganizations-I belong to none. I have perts from that of the artist or crafts-
gone his way. But at, last one of "I rouse dislikes in other persons. been asked to join several literary man, whose creations they reproduce.
these members of a lone brotherhood I do not want to inflict myself on other societies-I have refused.
has consented to speak, and his views persons. I am painfully out-spoken, "Organizations are the things that I have a girl named Ann who
enlightenment and there would be words, bad feeling, give every man a chance to belong to Is quite a curiosity,
of those who "never could understand." perhaps even blows, court-plaster, and something or other. If he can't belong To print her full name would arouse
He spoke frankly, and without em- like enough, factionalism as a result, to the Gold Onion Golf Club he can My dreaded Anna Mosity.
barrassment, and these are some of I have my friends, a number of them,
the things he said- and if I should quarrel with one, I
"Why don't I belong to any campus generally respect him enough to ef-
or University or other organization? fect a reconciliation even to the ex-!
Simply because I do not think there tent of humbling my own pride.
is an organization in the world where "No, I have nothing against fraterni-_
men are all friendly to each other- ties, though I did before I got the
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