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October 23, 1921 - Image 4

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the stamps, and lick them on. JheSyrianProblem
Books and Authors Inotice here and there a tendency
to disparage criticism on the basis (Continued from Page One)
GLEANINGS ness was sent, as you can see, after that "it is only the opinion of one the language and the people, said to
(By G. D. E.) the European war had been in prog- man." So was Newton's law of gravi- me, "is the kind of pecuniary sup-
port, and help in governmental admin-
Owing to the fact that many publish- ress for two years, and as for pro- istration, that you Americans are able
ers are reluctant to give us press phesy, the poor spook fell down ut- to give. Your traditions are against
copies of their books, I must, in the con- Only last week I was asked by a graft, and your officials are well
spirit of appreciation and common flict in less than a year, as perhaps, somewhat indignant ex-soldier why enough paid so that they are not
courtesy, give a few lines to a most some of you know. our literary department didn't give under constant temptation to exploit
remarkable volume sent to me by the "November 29, 1915. (Don't blame "Three Soldiers" (Doran), by John Dos the natives.
Manas Press of Rochester, New York. me for the chronology; it is thus ar- Passos, a "good panning." Being "The natives say," he continued,
It's called "Oracle," and it reveals ranged in the book.) The future is slightly acquainted with the army I "that they want foreign officials who
forthwith read the volume, are just and upright; they have had
some astonishing messages from the full of dread. The forces of evil are enough of their own whose idea of
world boyond. gathering for blood." You see they Notwithstandg the fact that th government was exploitation. They
At first I was inclined to think that were not quite so sure about the hold- book was very ably reviewed by "R. D. need contact with clean, high-minded
some facetious friend was making mer- ing the dogs of evil down thes. After- S." in last Sunday's Magazine, I wish men, such as your officials have shown
ry with me, but no, it was from the ward they came under control. and to add that "Three Soldiers" is the themselves to be in the Philippines,
publisher right enough. After all, i afterward about all the rest of the only book I have ever read which has who will be equally fair in all their
am glad to find out about this spirit world, not already in the struggle, given a true picture of the army and official relations, and will let the na-
world; it seems that English is spok- went to war. the war, tive women alone."
"Three Soldiers" may be heretical, Is England in a position to take
en there. On January 9, 19t6, the wicked dogs it may be unpatriotic, it may be vulgar, over the Syrian problem when the
The little volume is "arranged, edit- are yanking their kennels around in it may be utterly iconoclastic, accord- French are ready to withdraw under
ed, and introduced by Claude Brag- terrific fashion, showering fleas and ing to viewpoint, but that does not the pledge of 1918? Englishmen say
don," which I thought to be a rather giving their spirit masters hydophobia change the picture. My own opinion that she is not, that she has neither
modest assertion in view of its re- and the mange for, says the book, "The is that the book is excellent. men or money to extend her adminis-
markable content. First, however, the p-owers of evil are hovering for a hold. _ trative responsibilities In foreign
messages were received by Eugenie They will break the leash soon." Mut- lands beyond the present limits.
Bragdon who has since fled this vale tering a prayer I read on.SHR D.YC.) The Syrian problem is difficult.
of tears. I subssit the following mo- ButIsall not bother y(By G. D. E.) Among perplexing details is the fix-
ssyou more. Manuscripts are starting to come ing of boundaries South and East, and
sages from the book. The spook turns literary and dramaic in. More! the maintenance of order in regions
"June 23, 1916. War is not to be critic before it is done. It wrote for The prevailing question this week where Western standards are un-
for we are holding the leash and evil "special occasions," which I should is: what books that have been written known. Yet in the intedest of civi-
shall not pass beyond our control." say, was downright accomodating. If about college life have the desired at- lization, not to speak of the Syrians
By all means, let us keep evil with anyone wants the book let him write mosphere? themselves, it should be rightly solv-
us!" This pearl from the outer dark- for it; I'll wrap it up, address it, buy They are few enough. It is a greatly ed.
neglected field. Offhand I can recom-
mend the reading of but three: "Salt" Whistler, Ruskin, Burn Jones
by Charles Norris, "This Side of Para- The Whistler Journal, by Elizabeth
dise," by r. Scott Fitzgerald, and Ow- R. and Joseph Pennell, to be published
en Johnston's "Stover at Yale," this fall, will contain unpublished
If there is any information which documents in the Whistler vs. Ruskin
you desire, don't be afraid to write trial, including Whistler's and Ruskin's
for it. This isn't the Saturday Even- proofs, with other comments, and Burn
ing Post Jones' estimate of Whistler's art. The
papers themselves have been added to
A set of blank blue-books is hereby the Whistler Collection in the LI-
awarded to the individual who thinks brary of Congress. The Pennells re-
Wally Reid is a fibrous plant, and ceived them from Whistler's and Rus-
that Monte Blue is a gambling joint, kin's lawyers.
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