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August 09, 1919 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1919-08-09

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Adk Crlrinr~







Records Sputter
As Stove League
Fires Burn High
The third meeting of the Stove
eague was called to order amid a
hushed silence that was almost op-
l)ressive. The secretary read the
nlinutes from 10 o'clock on, and se-
lected the order of business from the
archives of the league.
Three members came in late, un-
able to locate the place of meeting
because of the heavy coat of ashes
that all but hid the coals on the altar.
Steve Farrell and Aqua Allmendinger
were sworn in as members of the





"Dealing With Very Critical and Very
Difficult Matters," Declares'
Washington, Aug. 8.--Extension of
the present food control act, both as
to its period of operation and to in-
dude all commodities indisputably
necessaries of life, regulation of cold
storage to define the limits within
which foodstuffs can be held; mark-
ing of all goods destined for interstate
commerce with the price at which
they left the hands of the producer;
federal licenses for all corporations
and persons engaged in interestate
commerce which, will provide for com-
petitive selling, and passage of the
pending bill giving the capital issues
committee control of security issues
are the remedies proposed by Presi-
dent Wilson today in his address to
congress to meet the existing high
cost of living.
The president told congress that
"we are dealing with very critical
and very difficult matters." He de-
clared that "there is no ground for
some of the fearful forecasts I hear
uttered, but the condition of the world
is unquestionably very grave and we
should face it comprehendingly."
Deliberate Consideration
He appealed for calm and deliber-
ate consideration of the existing situ-
ation. . He declared that the world
was paying for the appalling destruc-
tion wrought by the great war.
American production must be quick-
ened, and America must aid Europe
to restore normal conditions.
Europe is America's greatest cus-
tomer, the president said, and must
be kept going or American industry
will suffer. He assailed threats made
in the heat of passion and appealed
to housekeepers to exercise the great-
est economy.
Assails Strikers
The president also assailed the sug-
gestions of general strikes, saying:
"I believe, too, that the more ex-
treme leaders of organized labor will
presently yield to a sober second
thought, and, like the great mass of
their associates, think and act like
true Americans. They will see that
strikes undertaken at this critical
time are certain to make matters
worse, not better-worse, for them
and for everybody else. The worst
thing, the most fatal thing that can
be done now is to stop or interrupt
production or to interfere with the
distribution of goods by the railways
and the shipping of the country."
Changes Necessary
Te president declared there are
many things that must be corrected
between capital and labor, such as
wages, but he insisted that this must
be done calmly and orderly and with-
out threats on either side.
Earlier in his address, the president
declared, there can be no settled con-
ditions here or elsewhere until the
treaty of peace is out of the way.
Then normal conditions will be re-
stored, he said, but in the meanwhile,
only makeshift methods are possible
by restraining profiteering. He prom-'
ised to sell all surplus stocks of food
and clothing held by the government
and to force the selling of private
supplies now being hoarded. Every'
thing possible under the present laws
is being done, he said, to cope with
the situation and with the addition
of the legislation proposed by him, he
declared he believed the situation
would be fully met.
Dr. A. G. Hall, registrar of the Uni-
versity, is expected to return Monday

from the Coryell Islands, where he
has been spending his vacation for the
past month. During his absence Dr
Hall has been admitting freshmen, and
as more mail than usual has been
forwarded to him, it is expected that
the freshmn c lass will be excention-

Both men swore that they
obey the rules of the league,


rake their share of records over the
coals of the altar, and would maintain
the strictest secrecy regarding the
meeting place of the league until
such time as it seemed wise to make
this known.
They were then given the grip, a
neat record box carved from the tooth
of a prehistoric Michigan athlete, and
were permitted to smoke the dope
pipe from which league members have
drawn their inspiration throughout
the wholetperiod of the organization,
some eight days.
Quick, Watson, the Needle
As the ceremony came to an end
the Big Ben stop-watch sounded the
tennis chimes and the secretary of
the league turned to the book of rec-
ords. "We will read from the tennis
records," chanted Bill Smith, vener-
able secretary of the league, and Bill
was in his best voice. That peculiar
throbbing note, found nowhere else
except during the death throes of a
female kangaroo, was present in Bill's
tone as he performed the rites that
opened the general discussion.
"Consider ye the play of this man
Wesbrook," chortled the secretary,
and the dull glow of the coals on the
altar grew to a fierce red as every
member of the league considered. The
tiny flames that leaped and danced as
the discussion rose and fell strove
ever to reach up to the giant bottle of
iodine that stood on the bottom shelf
of the medicine chest.
"It must have been an army fire
originally," muttered the secretary of
the league, between official wheezes.
"What's the iodine for?" queried one
of the n~w members in an awed
Fall In and Say "Excuse Me"
"What? The military salve?"
chanted Bill, forgetting that he was
getting away from his official duties.
"That's to heal up the records. You
see some of these records are getting
pretty old. They can't stand it to be
raked over the coals the way they
could in their younger days. In fact
some of them were broken and had to
be replaced."
At this moment the sacred Meali-
muth rose with a wierd moan from the
altar, and, as the members of the
league fell on their faces in the end-
less circle round which all dope must
eventually pass, the being spoke. The
secretary worked feverishly at his
book, for these words must not go un-
recorded. The flames flickered and
fell, rising as the sacred Mealimuth's
voice, in a deadly monotone, came
from its lips, and cringing, as some
living animal, when the voice of the
being ceased.
As the Mealimuth cannot be quoted
outside the meetings of the league,
the summary of its remarks at each
meeting are given out by the secre-
tary of the league.
"You realize that we do not believe
in publicity," reiterated Bill Smith,
as he prepared to place his material
ih the hands of the press.
Why Editors Go Mad
"We do," replied the Wolverine re-
porter, speaking in his dual capacity.
"You are making public these records
to prevent their irretrievable loss by.
"Exactly," replied Bill. "We can-
not have these records insured with-
out revealing the place of the league
meetings and that is impossible as it
would vioate the constitution of the
league. As a result we are giving out
these records, much as we dislike the
publicity which accrues to our organi-
zation. We had some of these records
published without mention of the
Stove League, but many members have
protested that these might not be re-
garded as official by casual readers.

"The summary of the league's dis-
cussion, as related to Walter Wes-
(Contnued on Page Three)

Surveying generally the various
branches of munition making, Prof.
A. H. White in his lecture, "GlimpsesE
in the Manufacture of Munitions,"
Friday afternoon, showed the difficul-
ties which were encountered in mak-
ing war supplies and told how they
had been met.
Professor White illustrated his lec-
ture with slides and an exhibit, of such
implements of war as bullets, rifles,
bayonets, shell cases, and gas masks.
He stated that to supply the army it
was necessary to turn out great quan-
tities of the supplies, and that at the
signing of the armistice the war
plants were running at the greatest
possible speed.
One billion rifle bullets were being
made, and the production of rifles was
such that there were five rifles for
each man in the front line trenches.
Greater stress was being placed on
the making of machine guns later in
'the war, said Professor White, and
accordingly many Browning 'machine
guns of two types were manufac-
These types were the light and
heavy guns. The light weight ma-
chine gun was capable of being car-
ried some distance and firing rapidly,
but owing to the complexity of the
heavy gun, it could not be transport-
ed so easily. Contrary to the reports
of the unpopularity of the Browning
guns in the British army, indications'
show that they were popular there,
said Professor White.
The war was fought mostly with
heavy guns, according to the speaker.
He exhibited photographs of some of
the principal guns which were used
by the Allies, and explained their im-
A motion picture of some of the
phases in the manufacture of muni-
tions was also shown.

Embodying every device which af-
fords better sanitation or more con-
Svenic :. faclini.s for quick service,
the new, soda bar which opened for
busincss yesteriay in the Michigan
Union cafeteria represents the latest
model of soda dispensing fountains.
Its length of 30 feet enables many men
to be employed in serving drinks to
large crowds.
One of the most unique features of
the fountain is the method of cool-
ing the water and syrups. The brine
cooling system has been installed in
the new soda bar instead of the old
ice and salt system, which was not
as efficient or sanitary' as the new
All drinks will be served in paper
cups, and the hands of the dispensers
will not touch the cups, which are
kept in containers from which they
are released for use in holders.: At
the back of the fountain is a counter
refrigerator in which the near-beer
mugs, fruits, and bottled drinks will
be cooled.
G. N. Hecklin, recent manager of
the Plaza wardens at Rockford, Ill.,
which has one of the most up-to-date
soda establishments in the country,
has been placed in charge of the soda
bar. Although at present the foun-
tain is not yet thoroughly supplied,
the menu is almost complete. Mr.
Hecklin is at present making most
of the syrups which are used at the
fountain, and in time he expects to
make all of the ice cream and syrups.

August 11
5 p. m.-French Letters
Prof. A. G. Canfield.
August 12

and the War,

5 p. m.-The Duties of Sappers in
War, Prof. A. H. Lovell.
8 p. m. - British National politics,
Prof. J. R. Hayden.
August 13
8 p. m.-Concert. Faculty of the Uni-
versity School of Music (Hill audi-
5 p. m.-The Political Situation in
Korea (Illustrated), Dr. W. C. Rufus.
August 14
5 p. m.-North Africa under Roman
Rule (Illustrated), Prof. J. G. Win-
8 p. m.-Miseellaneous readings. The
class in interpretative reading (Uni-
versity hall).
August 15
5 p. m.-The All Year School, Mr.
Paul C. Stetson, superintendent of
schools, Muskegon, Mich. ,
8 p. m.-How Fishes See, Hear, and
Learn (Illustrated), Prof. J. E.
George F. Hurley, '18L, will be so-
cial director of the Michigan Union
next year and will arrive in time to
enter upon his duties by the opening
of the school term.
During his last year in the Univer-
sity Hurley was president of the
Union, his labors in its behalf re-
sulting in the organization's becoming
a ofree in nearly every campus move-
ment. Those who know Hurley feel
sure that he will succeed in his new

Paris, Aug. 8.-The presence of Pre-
mier Clemenceau at the first general
assembly of the League of Nations at
Washington is strongly urged in Amer-
ican quarters, according to Marcel
Hutin, of the Echo4e Paris, who said
his informant is a French statesman.
M. Hutin added that while of course
the premier "cannot bind himself to
go to America at the time when his
presence in France is particularly nec-
essary, it may be possible to arrange
things, and M. Clemenceau will be un-
likelyr to remain insensible to the
presing invitation he is getting from
As to the date of the aseimbly, it is
said, an exchange of views between
the Allied governments now is going
on. In some quarters there is senti-
ment in favor of delaying the meeting
until a well arranged program is
drawn up, but others, notably the
French, express the opinon the as-
sembly should be held this fall so
that a program of guiding principles
could be firmly established.
Fourth round singles matches in
the campus tennis tournament must
be played off today. The semi-finals
may be played immediately and must
be completed by Wednesday night, so
that the finals in both singles and
doubles may be played next week.
Worth defeated Sanchez, 6-3, 6-2, in
the only other fourth round match
played since the recent rains held up
tournament Play. Munz plays Bowers
and Breakev meets Harbert in the
other two fourth. round matches..
Worth and Angell have already won
their way into the semi-finals.
Merkel and Munz will face Fisher
and Bassett in the doubles finals.
Robert Stewart Visits Friends Here
Robert Stewart, '17, who recently
received his discharge from the army,
was in the city Thursday for a short
time visiting friends. Stewart is now
in Detroit where he expects to locate
in business.

Visitors at Camp
Davis to Witness
Athletic Program
(By Staff Correspondent)
Camp Davis, Aug. 8.-Prof. C.T.
Johnston has announced that camp
would close at 3 o'clock Friday after-
noon, Aug. 22. M. C. and G. R. & I.
time tables have been in great demand
ever since.
Visitors' day will be Aug. 13. A
committee consisting of "Nibs" Miller,
"Bill" Cruse, and Frank Taylor has
been appointed to prepare the pro-
gram congisting of games and stunts
and to arrange for th 'accommnoda-
tion of the guests of the camp. All
persons who are interested are in-
vited to attend and look over the camp
at that time and a considerable crowd
is expected.
The morning will be devoted to an
inspection of the camp and an oppor-
tunity will be given the curious to
look through the "guns" to their
hearts' content. In the afternoon a
championship baseball game will be
lasnoH-uolsutlo 0H411'si5111 3l o tIIo;
aquatic sports is scheduled to take
place. Camp may be reached easily
by automobile from either Cheboygan
or Pellston.
Quit Championship
The .quoit tournament is providing
many surprises. The championship
was quite universally conceded to
Prof. C. 0. Wisler and J. H. Cissel but
they apparently get a bad case.of stage
fright when they play tournament
games, with the result they are now
competing for a place close to the bot-
played, after which a program of
team seems to be keeping its lead.
Surprises have not been limited to
the quoit tournament, however. In
the baseball league the Grasshoppers,
who were consigned to one of the low-
er places in the league whipped the
Ants, the would-be champions, by a
score of 7 to 2. The Ants and the
Mosquitos play off the championship
game of the Bug .league this week,
(Continued on Page Four)
Spotlight Long,
But Entertaining
They came, they saw, they slept,
and they departed-softly, of course,
lest they disturb the impersonator in
the midst of his chameleonic contor-
tions. And still he talked on and on
from behind his ornate screen.
Outside of that, the audience had a
pretty good time at the Summer Spot-
light, for 'twas "Onion Time in Ber-
muda" and "Pete" Emmerman and
"Si" Simons were in their element.
Pee combined melody and melodrama
a he satisfaction of his expectnt
hea ers, and Si played a perfect though
unassuming accompaniment.
The minstrel which occupied the
first half of the program suffered from
its excessive length-a fault common
to most campus productions. The nov-
elty of a "black-face" show, however,
somewhat counterbalanced its undue
length. The chief attractions of the
act were the whistling number by
Harold Ritz, from whom the audience
demanded two encores, the harmony
by the "Prohibition Quartet,' 'and a
solo by Howard Walser. The eccentric
dancing of "Pat" Nertney and C. T.
McKinney was well done.
Skit Takes Well
"Here Comes the Bride," a little skit
presented by Paul Kempf and Paul
Moore, made its appeal because of its
frank burlesque and snappy dialogue.
It "went across" well.
A. H. Purvis had good material for
a monologue but he has his limitations

as a character actor. But, then, he
probably, wasn't seeking realism and
the audience was perhaps just as well
Xylophone Duet
The xylophone duet by "Jack" Ed-
wards and "Don" Rhodes was good,
being, as it was, somewhat of a novelty
in campus entertainments.
On the whole, the vaudeville was
well gproduced. There were few hitches
in the acting and the performance
showed the results of Mr. Shuter's
careful direction.
The audience was unusually large
for a Summer school show and the
present returns, though incomplete,
indicate a financial success.
Brussels, Aug. 8.-The chamber of
deputies today unanimously ratified
the peace treaty with Germany.

Organization to Crystallize Drama
Work Here; Has Permanent
Tentative plans for a Univers
theater with laboratory facilities a
being made by the Dramatic Soci
of the University of Michigan. Inf4
mation and suggestions are now be
sconsidered to ascertain how best
.meet the need of such a theater
Michigan. A house with seating '
pacity for at least 1,000 is desired, w:
all modern scenic and lighting equ
Thent and rooms for rehearsal a
The Dramatic society was recen
organized in the faculty for the pi
pose of unifying and concentrating t
work carried on by a number of d
connected dramatic organizations. T
object is to promote the education
and recreational possibilities of t
drama with special attention, first
all, to the building of a Univers:
theater. The theater committee cc
sists of Profs. J. R. Nelson, H. A. K
yon, R. D. Hollister, and J. F. She
ard and Secretary Shirley W. Sl
The idea is to crystallize drama
work, make the University theater
place of social betterment for the co:
munity, and to have Michigan lead t
state in dramatic activity and prodi
Permanent Membership
The organization is one of pern
nent membership and will include f
ulty and others. Members of the s
dent body who are interested in a
proficient in dramatics will be adm
ted to membership. The Board of ,
rectors consists of 12 the majority
whom must be members of the fae
ty. Four directors are elected ea
year for a term of three years, tl
making the organizat n permane
,This board elects its own officers. I
the ensuing year the personnel of I
board is as follows: Prof. L.
Strauss, chairman, Prof. T. K Rank
secretary, Robert A. Campbell, tre
urer, Dean Myra B. Jordan, Dean Jo
R. Effinger, and Profs. R. D. Hollist
J. L. Brumm, H. A. Kenyon, and J.
Nelson and Messrs. Homer Heath,
V. Moore and W. B. Shaw.
To Correlate Courses
The work of the organization is
correlate the courses detling with d
matic art, to collect a special librE
of modern dramatic material, to p
sent public lectures and plays, and
encourage amateur and professio
dramatics. The primary duty of I
Dramatic society is not adninistrati
nor is it an attempt to obliterate pr
ent organizations, but rather to h4
and further the interests of all d
matic bodies.
Much excellent work has fx
done under difficult handicap by t
Michigan Union, the Comedy club, I
Oratorical association, the Cer
Francais, Masques and others. But
removing the existing limitations,
obtaining a modern stage with gC
properties, artistic detail may be c
tained and Michigan productions w

approach perfection. The Drama
society hby been planned thus to bE
etfi all these organizations.
Summer school grades will be s
out from the registrar's office
same as in the regular session, it m
announced today, and consequently
will be unnecessary for the stude
to bring self-addressed stamped en
lopes to the office unless their ho
addresses on their entrance- slips E
It is expected that all grades R
be mailed within two weeks after -
close of the Summer session.
England and Afghanistan, Make Pet
London, Aug. 8.-Peace has be
made between Great Britain and .
ghanistan. A peace agreement ,
signed at 11 o'clock this morning,
was officially announced this aft

Huron and Division Streets
10:30 A. M.-Sermon by Rev. John Comin.
11:45 A. M.-Talk by Prof. W. D. Henderson.
6:30 P. M.-Young People's Evening Service.

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