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August 19, 1916 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1916-08-19

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Straw and Felt
per for
sumrHats 1-2 Price
day af-
118 E.Huron NearAllenel Hotel
pon ap-
I Quar- whistle behind my plough. I hate you,
Phar- cold Moon."
Then many times did the spring
or, 2:00 gild the beeches into green, while
Tanager, Tarkov loved the Sun. And many
960 or seasons did his song beat tune to the
tripping of hammers and the sweeping

New and Second-Hand
Drawing Instruments, Loose-Leaf Note Books
Student Supplies in General

Unliersity School01f MUSIC
"A Batherhig Place for Advanced Students"
Annual Summer Session
Regular Fall Term begins Mn., Oct. 2,1916
For Catalogue and Information address
CHARLES A. SINK, Seoretary
Ann Arbor Mloh.
The Ann Arbo'rSavings Bank
Seourity - Service - Looation
Capital .... $ 300,000,00
Surplusanod Profit......... $ 175,000.00
Resources.......... .....$3,700,000.00
Main Office, N. W. Corner Main
and Huron Ste.
Branch Office, 707 North Univ.
ersity ivenue.

The title "Champions of the West"
was justified by the supremacy in ath-
letics and scholarship of the grad-
uates during the past few decades.
The title is still dear to every loyal
student and alumnus, even though ath-
letically it had not been justified by
the past two years showings, on Ferry
The first unit in the gigantic new
stadium of F'.rry field has already been
completed. Because so many of the
present student body are reminded too
little of the glories of men like Hes-
ton, Coe, Rose, Craig, and others who
gave Michigan the top notch record
in general athletics, the suggestion
has arisen that tablets be placed
around the base ofthe new stadium
giving the names and briefly the con-
tributions of each of the greatest ath-
letes who aided in giving Michigan
its proud title of western champions.
Something needs to be done to stir
Michigan to its former prowess on
the gridiron, track, and diamond.
Granted that the University is soaring
by leaps and bounds in its intellectual
achievements, that fact need not keep
down a relative athletic dominance.
Michigan is said to be remarkable for
taking things with excess; first it was
football, last year it was dancing and
big entertainments, and this summer
it is intellectuality. :The suggestion
of placing the tablets is a worthy one.
It perpetuates the glory of certain
heroes of physical accomplishment,
and it puts it in its proper place-on
the football field. Likewise comes the
suggestion of forever holding up be-
fore Michigan's scholars and orators
the high standards of men in bygone
decades, by putting a few well-de-
served tablets in University Hall or
Hill Auditorium.
by Paul
One midnight Tarkov came to the
top of a hill and said to the Moon, "I
am sick of stars and phantom gods
and papyri of which my messiahs
taught. I wish to go piping songs to
cheer the valley-folk, to blush, and

ploughs. Then one day two bright
eyes he had learned to love passed
under the gothic door with a tall youth
who was not Tarkov. The chimes
pounded and scratched down all
masks, and he saw the worms in many
hearts which sang; the writhing jeal-
ousies, and littlenesses.
At noon he stood on the plain and
cursed the Sun which had shown him
these things. "I am sick of'flesh, and
dirt, and crime. I hate you hot,
wicked Sun."
Then a violet which bloomed all
year long caught his eye and whisper-
ed, "Live in the dawn between the
flames of Sun and ice of Moon; where
there is ever promise; where lore and
passion blend; where there is ever
joy and youth."
So God changed a man who had
lived once as a Paul the Idealist, and
once as a Peter the Pope, and made
him into a lark which soared through
the scarlet of dawn each morning.
Contributed Poem
by B. Zalewski
I am poor and you are rich,
I'm a fool and you are wise,
I may fall, and you may rise;
While you climb, I dig a ditch.
Tell me, as you honest are,
Why the difference is so great,
So unequal lot or fate,
Why we stand apart so far?
"Such is life", you say. 'Tis true.
No two things are e'er the same;
Life's a strange, uneven game;
All things always start anew.
You are different,-so am I,
Neither can be I and you;
Each one has his work to do,
Each must live his life and-die.
If 'tis true, as we can see,
You are you, and I am 1,
Why then hate, despise or vie
With each other in Life's sea?
"Life's a struggle", you may say.
Yes, a struggle, first, to be,
Then to be a something,-free,
Then to give oneself away.
For, all things combined are one,
Each a part of one great whole;
All have one and common goal,
Each one's work for all is done.
Let's be different, as we must,
Be each other's counterpart,-
Different,-yet, each throbbing
Fully filled with love and trust.
Wolverine announcement under
"Faculty Concerts.
Walter Scott Westerman, First Base.
George Cantrick, Second Base.
Wonder who does the receiving, the
And they call the Women's Prepared-
ness camp, near Washington, Catts-
r* *
Heard at Sunday School:
Bon Voyage
Summer School is over,
And we are going home,
Good-by-ee, Good-by-eel
Be always kind and true.


Canoe Fountain
Lunches CesLunches
for and
Two ,, Ice Cream





Michigan and Fraternity Jewelry
Leather, Gold and Silver
Extra Fine Repairs of Watches and Jewelry

Builder's Axe Wipes Out Venerable
Grove Planted by Prof. A.
D. White in 1861
Three small boys were;playing hide
and seek through the huge branches
and thick foliage of a prostrate elm
on ; the campus of the University of
Michigan. The leaves are not yet
withered, yet its life is finished. A
few days ago it fell with a crash, and
many a pang must have been felt at
the sound. The tree just across the
walk, still standing in the same
strength and vigor of generations,
must fall as soon as axe and saw can
bring it down. Then both of these
great trees will be hewn apart and
dragged away, to make room for the
ring of the builders' hammers on the
new addition to the Library.
The felling of these magnificent
shade trees brings to the minds of the
few that have known it the.story of
their planting when the University
was young and small.
In the year 1858, Professor Andrew
D. White, since then Ambassador to
the German Empire, had been given
charge by the Regents of the improve-
ment of the campus.
The class of '61 selected a large oak,
under which Dr. Tappan, then Presi-
dent; usually passed several times
daily, and around this as a center they
planted a grove of 75 trees. This
great central tree became known as
"Tappan Oak." It still stands, a mem-
orial to the thoughtfulnbss of this
The grove is now about sixty years
old, and although many of the trees
have long since been crowded to death,
and some have been cut down to make
room for other improvements, it still
stands there, almost intact.
Professor White's first plan in im-
For Sale or Rent
Hamilton Business College
State and William

proving the campus, bad been to pl1
trees. He caused to be brought to A
Arbor many large boxes full of sm
trees and shrubs, including the ev
greens which still ornament I
grounds The stately avenues
elms which border the main wal
are also due to his forethought.
was he who gave the class of '61 t
idea o planting a grove,
Ground Broken For Library Buildi
Excavations have begun on the e
and south part of the general Libra
Both sides of the central portion
the campus are now torn up to ma
way for the new additions of stacl



Te Coolest
Dining Place
in',Town is the


tea lloOm
--easily reached by north or
south elevators; open from
eight in the morning till five
in the afternoon.
The service is high grade,
and all menus are prepared
by a chef *ho was for a
number of years employed by
one of the leading New York
Noon Luncheon, 50c
Regular Service
a la carte

Miller Avenue.
:30 P. M. Meeting of children and
ir parents under the leadership of
s. J. V. Palmer. Meeting of Boys
der the leadership of Mr. Wallace
:30 P. M. Community meeting.
e meeting' will be in charge of Rev.
W. Mack. The address will be giv-
by Mr. Wellington H. Tinker, sec-
ary of the College Y. M. C. A. We
1 use our new Billy Sunday song
iks for the song service.
?atronize Daily Advertizers. **

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