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August 19, 1916 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1916-08-19

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Would Have Training Begin In Grades
and Continue Through
College Years.
Systems of .gymnastic exercises be-
ginning in grammar school and con-
tinuing through high school and the
four years of college were recommend-
ed by Dr. George A. May, in view of
the fact that less than 50% of our
male population between the ages of
1S and 45 are fit for military service.
This recommendation was made dur-
ing the lecture given by Dr. May on
"Growth and Development" yesterday
in the science auditorium.
That many men do not realize the
importance of physical exercise was
brought out in the statement of Dr.
.May's regarding men who try out for
teams. When a man loses' out for
a team he loses all desire for exercise'
and lets his body go. Health is the
important thing in all exercise and
the man who takes his exercise with
this end in view gains more benefit
than the man who merely takes part
in games for the honor.

Wolvesfake Raid TP
On Whitmore LakeTI
Every dog, they say, has his day, and W T /0900
that statement includes Wolves, too.
Chief of Police Pardon has ordered Prof. 11. 1. Randall Shows Miracles of
the roads cleared between here and Power of Induction Coils
Whitmore Lake; the bridges are all With Iron liars
being reinforced; "Jimmie" Burke has-
ordered all hands on deck to prepare NEED IFOR TRAINED SCIENTISTS
for the deluge; Phil Pack is on the
verge of starvation as the result of an The light of the sun beating against
all-summer preparatory fast; in short, the earth pushes back against our
preparations for the Wolverine picnic planet viIth 70,000 tons of force, ac-
are well-nigh completed.
And from start to -finish it will be coding to Prof. 11. H. Randall, chair-
a record breaker. The journey out man of the physics department, who
will be rendered exciting by the close spoke in the West Physics laboratory
competiton between Dick Goldsmith's yesterday afternoon. Professor Ran-
Mercer and Pete Peterson's Buick, dall showed with experiments the
white Tubby Garrison's King, and Phil prophecy of the future exemplified in
Pack's Maxwell are aiming for the
booby. Then, after the wounded have the new ntrogen lamps, which save
been cared for, there will be a base- millions of dollars over the present.
ball game between Verne Sellers' tungsten lamps, which in turn were
money grabbers and Verne Burnett's great improvements over the old car-
news gatherers. The betting is fifty- bon lights in general use until a few
fifty. years ago.
Sojourners at the lake all have "America can not compete with the
their trunks packed and are ready to new isdustrial conditions growing up
depart at once. What is the reason across the waters, after the war, un-
for this violent change? The logic less the present scheme of tariffs is
is that the lake will require a whole radically changed. And only honest
season's rest before it will be ready handling by commissions is required.
for bathing. When the printer's ink "In order . to advance with other
encrusted bodies of Burnett, Atlas, and great nations, the United States should
Swaney hit the water in their first turn out from its universities as many
plunge of the year the lake will turn men trained in scientific research as it
a deep-dyed, villainous, black and it does physicians and lawyers. The
may not regain its natural color until tremendous value of the research lab-
1920. The reason that it was not oratory is exemplified in the electric
polluted last year was because the light concerns in this country, one of
Wolves did not go in swimming. which is having trained scientists de-


Ride Upon Strav
To Attend Concert
The lights were bright along the
street and people were hurrying into
the doors of the great auditorium, for
it was Wednesday night. and the week-
ly summer concert was soon to begin.
Then, in the midst of the cold beauty
of the noiselessly gliding automobiles,
came a vehicle that seemed strangely
out of place in such surroundings:
an old dirt wagon, piled high with
clean straw, on top of which were
perched many highly polished pickan-
innies. faces beaming and well curried
hair standing almost on end, all hap-
pily unconscious of any incongruity in
their appearance.
. The dirt wagon came to a stand-
still, and a big negro alighted and
lifted out three little girls, much
starched as to skirts and very perky
as to hair ribbons. Their black faces
were covered with broad smiles of
anticipation as they said goodbye and
turned toward the auditorium. Far-
ther up the street one man said to
another, "Well, shall it be the con-
cert or the movies?" And they went
to the movies.
Interesting Facts Brought Out By
Camera Hidden Near Nests 1
of Birds.

mes are developers of the legs
than the arms and chest. Gym-
exercises develop the latter. But
hampions in every line of sport
even development," stated Dr.
"The arms and legs are even
developed than the legs in most
it the striving for even develop-
is the' only true road to health
hat men should endeavor to get
od as they can before they reach
g0 of 25 years was shown by Dr.
by quotations from some of the
ost authorities on physical cul-
m development is the right type.
is recognized by all teachers of
,1 culture and the same thing
e for physical culture.
means of antropomedic charts
measurements of the freshmen
ng the University Dr. May was
o show the results of systematic
al exercise. He showed the
ge chart by means of which the
nenareenabled to see thier meas-
nts as compared to the measure-
for 'the last twenty years. This
ollowed by charts showing the
trements of the freshmen class
their entered physical 'training
t the close of their year's work.
he compared them to men of
rful physical measurements,
as James Thorpe, Johnny Gar-
kGlen Garrels, "Pat" Smith and
Fohnson, intercollegiate strong
These men all showed superior
pment in the arms and chest as
red to the better leg develop-
ever the rest of the body as dem-
ted by the freshmen.
sking of the wonderful develop-A
of John Garrels, Dr. May said:
in could not be carved out of
e that would be more perfect."
ing the course of his lecture the
r said that the system of mili-
raining was like all games and
eveloped the legs of the men.
;ern Reserve's Hopes Shattered
tern Reserve's hope for the state
11 championship suffered a set-
in the announcement that Sol.
erg, its quarter-back and biggest
winner, will not be back this
r Varsity Tennis Captain Loses
Reindel, captain of the Univer-
f Michigan tennis team in 1915,
efeated in the semi-finals of the
:an tennis tournament recently
fer. The match was slow be-
of Reindel's lack of aggression,
cost him the match.


Having exposed our soul to the sun vote much effort to research work in The suffragette really originated in
of public opinion we will close and laboratories." the bird kingdom in the person of the
publish a list in Tuesday's paper of In showing the d.'velopm.'nOt of thei cowbird, who lays here eggs in some.
all those taken sick by over feeding. X-ray, Professor Randall stated that osher bird's nest and loaves her young
the average length of the sunlight to be brought up by some one else, ac-
wave is one thousand times as great cording to Prog. R. W. Hegner, in his
... as the wave length of theX-ray.ttherlrin toP .Ho.egier, ild.
LL-C PSexperiments showed the great powe lecture on "The Home Life of Wild
the induction coils. One large coil rds," given in the auditorium of the
raruirn SEScois. mmlarg Natural Science building Friday even-
L V U1 when charged caused a heavy iron ing at 8 o'clock. The city flat dwellers
bar to jump two or three feet off the oiginated in the owls, who do not
MIchigan Meets Third Ward With floor. Another coil caused a ring sus- bother to bring their own furniture to
Three of Brightest Stars pended from the ceiling to swing sev- their new homes, but lays their eggs,
Absent. eral feet out into the amphitheater. upon dry chips in a hollow tree with-
out going through the formality of
Weakened by the loss of three of ORATORY CLASS GIVES POEMS making any sort of nest. The king
their brightest stars, the All-Campus fisher, like the caveman, digs his home
out of the ground and like the cave-
diamond artists will stack up against Gi~e ' i t e ~ imtion of I'1enn9son'Ssaisvnyretfloayohr
.1 sluepeaio fTnyso man is very resentful of any other
time city championThird" Ward team Best Works kimgfisher who attempts to hunt in the
this afternoon for the second game of particular part of the stream which
the series between these two teams. Thursday fight in the auditorium of he has selected as his hunting ground.
The missing faces from the Wolverine When the house wren first comes from
pictur$ will be those of "Dick" Gard- the south, the male bird begins his sys-
ner, first baseman; "Cec" Brown, left fessor Hollister's class gave an inter- tematic collection of small twigs which
fielder, and "Toad" Brown, keystone pretation of some of Tennyson's he puts in several of the most at-
sacker. Brilmyer will be shifted to poems. Members of the class who attractive cigar boxes and tin cans
the infield to fill the hole at the ini- took part are as follows: which he considers most desirable.
tial sack with Davidson and Gracey Mr Brown read "Tie Charge of the When he has picked out a mate, she
substituting in the outer works. Stall- ' rt goes around to the various places
lings will come to the rescue at sec- Light Brigade." Miss Cone interpret- in which the collections of twigs are,
mnd base, with Brazell cavorting in ed the lofty ideals of "Lady Claire". and chooses the one she wants for a
the short field. Turner and Weadock Miss McKim read "The Mother's home. The nest is then made com-
are the Campus battery choice. The Song;" and Mr. Carr interpreted plete with the addition of hair and
Third Ward hurling selection is doubt- "Break, Break, Break" and "Crossing soft string.
ful, but the burden will probably de- the Bar." Professor Hegner gave an interesting.
volve on either Lau or Parks. Webber Miss Matrau interpreted the song description of the way in which pho-
will receive. The game will begin at "Too Late, We Cannot Enter Now." tographs of bird life are made. Ow-
1:45 o'clock and will be played at Professor Lathers closed the pro- ing to the difficulty of getting near to
West Park. gram with "Blow, Bugle, Blow" and birds in their native haunt, the camera
The All-Campus lineup is as follows: the tale of the advice of Sammy's is often placed near the nest for a
Weadock, c; Turner, p; Brilmyer, father. He spoke especially of Ten- few days until the bird becomes accus-
1b; Stallings, 2b; Brazell', ss; Shutes, nyson's love for nature, and interpret- toned to its presence, and then the
3b; Davidson, f; Nieman, cf; Gracey, ed "Blow, Bugle, Blow," as a love picture is taken by means of a string
3b. song. attached to the shutter.of the camera.

Preliminary Trainhig Season to 41egin
Sept. 19, Two WeeksBefore
Season Opens
Thirty-four invitation for prelim-
inary football practice have been is-
sued by the Athletic Association to
ffrospective members of this fall's grid-
iron squad. The Maize and Blue hord-
es will foregather on Ferry Field for
the first time Tuesday, September 19,
just 15 days before the opening game
with Marietta. The list is largely
made up of veterans and all-freh men
with a sprinkling of reserves and class
league stars.
Ineligibility has hit the squad hard,
class-room scrimmages having already
put four promising candidates hors de
gridiron and several more being on
the doubtful list. Roy Johnson.
strong man amd line star, Jack Dunn,
quarterback on the 1914 fresh team,
Snyder, plunging fullback on last
year's yearling squad, and Bevans,
star tackle on the same team, are the
men receiving "nichts kom', heraus"
edicts from the Powets That Be.
"Wallie" Nieman, "Pat" Smith, and
"Fritz" Rehor, all "M" men, are in
summer school trying to work off their
deficiencies. Their eligibility in the
fall depends on the marks they get
this summer.
A partial list of those invited to pre-
liminary practice follows:
Captain John Maulbetsch '17P.
M. F. Dunne, '17IL.
W. A. Niemano, '17.
-C. .C. Siith, 'IS.
F. L. Rehor, '17P.
J. L. Whalen, '17E.
R. F. Weske, '18E.
P. T. Raymond, '18E,
.C. M. Sparks, '19E.
R. G. Dunn, '18L.
S. V. Eggert, '19.
J. A. Hanish, '19.
A. W. MacLachlan, '19.
W. L. Peach, '18.
E. E. Wieman, '19.
G. T. Williams, a9.
C. A. Towley, '19.
S. Rookie, '19.
H. Ingham, 't.
E. A. Biber, '17.
O. P. Pobanz, '17E.
N. J. Brazell, '18E.
H. M. Zeigler, 117.
J. H. Sharpe, '1E.
H. Howe, 'liE.
A. W. Boyd, '18.
J. O. Goodsell, '19D.
H. B. McCallum, '18.
Washington, Aug. 19.-The adminis-
tration shipping bill, providing expen-
diture of $50,000,000 for a partially
government-owned merchant marine
and for a shipping board with wide
powers, passed the senate late yester-
day by a strictly party vote of 38 to
The senate, without a roll call,
greed to Senator Fletcher's amend-
ment giving the president authority
to take retaliatory'action against for-
eign nations discriminating against
American shipping. The senate also
agreed to an amendment by Senator
'homas, authorizing the secretary of
he treasury to refuse clearance to any
vessel refusing to carry American

The senate by a vote of 3 to 24 re-
ected an amendment, proposed by
Senator Harding, of Ohio, to relieve
he great lakes from the jurisdiction
if the proposed shipping board.
An amendment permitting foreign
built ships to engage in American
coastwise trade; was passed by a vote
if 34 to 17.


t ,i

There will be no Services at the Congre-
gational Church until September 17.


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