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August 19, 1916 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1916-08-19

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, , 1



*** * * * * * FOOTBALL S*PE*MA**
(Fielding H. Yost.) )
First Eleven- *Great Coach Made Wolverine Team
L. E.-Cnrtis Redden, '00-03. * Best In Country-Fifteen Years
L. T.-Joe Curtis, '03-06. * at Michigan.
L. G.-Dan McGugin, '01-02. *
C.-Adolph Schulz, '04-'08. to.* Coach Fielding H. Yost's first ap
R. G. Albert Benbrook, '08-10. * pearance in Ann Arbor was for th
R. T.-Joe Maddock, '02-03. * spring practice of 1901. He came her
R. E.--Neil Snow, '08-01. * f r o m Leland-Stanford University
Q. B.-Harry Weeks, '00-'02. * where he had been head coach for sev
R. H. B.-Willie Heston, '01-'04. * eral years. Before lee went to Stan
L. H. B.-James Craig, '11-'13. ford he was head coach at Kansas anc
F. B.--Tom Hammond, '03-'05. * at Nebraska.
Second Eleven- * Yost made a great hit with Michigar
L. E.-Harry Hammond, '04-'07. *football players and fans at the start
L. T.-B. Shorts, '00-'01. * a hit which has been increasing eve
L. G.-Bill Edmunds, '09-11. * since. He had a wealth of materia
C.--James Raynsford, '12-'14. his first few years at Michigan and thi
R. G. - Aqua Allmendinger, coupled with his wonderful ability an
'12-'13. power of getting the men to work
R. T.-Miller Pontius, '11-'13. * produced some great teams. The firs
R. E.-Stanfield Wells, '09-'11. * team that he turned out went througl
Q. B.-Tommy Hughitt, '12-14. * the whole season without losingE
R. H. B. - A. A. Herrnstein, * game nor allowing their opponents t
'01-'02. * even cross the Michigan goal.
L. H. B.-Joe Magidsohn, '09- * This was Michigan's first champion
'10. * ship in football and four more follow
F. B.--John Garrels, '05-'06. ed. Certainly a great deal of thi
Copyright, 1914, H. Beach Car- * credit must be given to the men wh
penter. .* played on the championship teams
* but the most of it must go to Coact
S* *.* * * * * * * * * * * * * Yost, whose skill directed the whole
Since 1905 the Michigan gridiroi
n Thorpe Recalled By N. Y. Giants star has waned somewhat. This, how
ever, has not been the fault of th
Fames Thorpe, Carlisle's greatest great coach, but because the materia
ote, who was otamned by the Mil- has not been so good as it was in th
ukee American association club early days. During this time, though
m the New York Nationals last there have been many teams turned ou
ing, was recalled recently. He will that have deserved the title of "Cham
ort at the end of the season. pions of the West."


Win West
western tr
1889 and c
tane the I
phant in
verines ro:
29 points a
eat rivals,
lapsed for
1900, wher
out the M
points, T
every Wes
1905, the M
only to b(
the next si
of ascende

ern Conference Champion-
Seven Times In Nine
n's star of ascendancy in the
ack world rose in the year
ontinued until 1906. In that
Maize and Blue was trium-
seven out of >nine Western
iate meets. In '98 the Wol-
lled up a total of 70 points,
head of Chicago, their near-
In '99 the Michigan sway
a year but came back in
n the Ann Arborites nosed
aroons by one and one-half
'he next four years found
at the head of the list at
tern Conference meet. In
didway athletes again coped,
ow to the Maize and Blue
pring, Michigan's last in the
. During these nine years
nancy the Wolverines were
12 out of 14 dual meets, Chi-
g the only aggregation to
a. To this wonderful record
dded the unbroken string of
e Penn Relay Games, Michi-
taking firsts in 1903, '04,
d '08.
re the names in the Michi-
-path roll of honor. There
ntet of wonderful sprinters,
Hahn, Ralph Craig, "Chink"
wdy" Seward, and "Hal"
arrels, Rose, Horner, and
m a quartet of weight throw-
proud of. Other names fa-
e days gone by are those of
Coe, "Rosie" Rowe, "Hap"
May, Gayle Dull, "Jimmie"
il" Jansen, and "Horse Pow-

hail to the Victors valiant, Hail, hail, to Michigan,
Hal to the conq'ring heroes, The Champions of the West.

Amateur Finishing
"The only Studio on the Campus"

s cago"being
o tichigan.... 88 Ferris Institute .. 0 cown then
3, Michigan .... 47 Drake ..... . 0.iust be a
h Michigan.... 76 Albion .......... 0'- ins in the
.Michigan.... 6 Minnesota ....... 6
a H IHI higan ... 36 O. S. U......... . 0 , '0,an
I-L IUi ehgan 16 Wisconsin ... . 0 Many ar
e ''' '''''''' gan cinder
TileofMichegan. 42Oberlin ... ..0;gncde
J Wo Titleof "Clampions of the West" \ichigan.... 28 Chicago. . 0 is the quit
e From 1901-1905-Lost One Game 1904 "Archie" E
in Five Years. Michigan.... 33 Case.............0 Bond, "Ho
it $ Michigan.... 48 0. N. U. ......... 0 Smith. Ge
- HAS ALWAYS BEEN NEAR TOP Michigan.... 95 Kalamazoo ...... 0 Kohler fort
.-.-. Michigan .... 72 P. & S........... 0 er to be1
Michigan football teams earned the Nichigan.... 31 0. S. U. ......... 6 moes in th
titie of Champions of the West during lichigan.... 72 Am. Col. M. &. S.. 0 "Spider"C
the years 1901, '02, '03, 04 and '05. In Michigan.... 130 West Virginia ... 0 Haff, Don
1900 Coach Yost come to Michigan and Michigan.... 28 Wisconsin ....... 0 Craig, "Phi
started the foundation of what proved Michigan.... 36 Drake .......... 4 or" Ramey
to be the greatest football teams that Michigan,.,.. 22 Chicago ... ....12
the West has ever known. In 1901 1905 Michigan..
Yost turned out the greatest team of Michigan.... 65 0. W. U.0......... Michigan..
his career, seven of his all-time Michi- Michigan.... 44 Kalamazoo;.,...0 Michigan. .
gan football team playing that year. Michigan.... 36 Case ............ 0 Michigan..
They played eleven games, scoring Michigan.... 23 O. N. U.........,.0 Michigan,.
550 points to their opponents' Pone. Michigan.... 18 Vanderbilt ...... 0 Michigan..
In 1902 came the famous pint-a- Michigan.... 31 Nebraska ........0 Michigan.
minute team. It played and won elev-
en games, scoring 644 points, while op-
ponents scored 12. The heaviest score o LY N D O N 'S 719 N.
of that year was Mich., 119; M. A. C., 0. t
This great record was kept up for FOR
the next three years, Michigan walk- Eastman Kodaks
ing all over the opposition. Only one
game was lost during the famous five Guaranteed Amateur T
years; that was in 1905, when Chicago
nosed out was a 2-0 victory after one EnlargementS from your Negat
of the fiercest battles ever staged on
Marshall Field. After that year Michi- I have led while others followed in amatee
gan has almost always been at the years. Now we are still leading. We gu
head of the list, but she has never or no charge. We give you "Peace Time
held such sway as during the years a plenty of Metol (which we could sell a
from '01 to '05. we venture to say that no other firm is usit
The scores of the teams that brought
the title of Champions of the West to If you want the best results you will brit
Michigan are as faLlows: Two Doors from LYN ""N '"
1901 Hill Auditorium LYNDON S
Michigan.... 50 Albion ..........0
Michigan.... 57 Case.............0
Michian . ... 33 Indiana:.0.. l
,ichigan.... 29 Northwestern 0
Michigan.... 128 Buffalo ..........0
Michigan2....2 Carlisle. 0 ouandYourFr
Mtichigae.... 21 .. B ..........0 a ~ .o rL i
Michigan.... 22 Chicago ..........0
iMichigan.... 89 Beloit............0
Michigan.... 50 Iowa...........0
Michigan .... 49 Leland Stanford. . 0
Michigan.... 88 Albion..........0
Michigan.... 48 Case ............ 6 o tried it
Michigan.. . .119 M. A. C. ...... 0 3ou how 80
Michigan.... 60 Indiana .........,0 it was.
Michigan.... 23 Notre Danae..... 0 But our
Michigan.... 86 0. S. U .. 0 drmereng it bec
Mihgn.... icni ...... how oodit w
ichigan....8Wisconsiee. 0less chain of e
Bichigans....107 Iowa............0 , made Coca-C
Michiga.... 21 Chicago. 0 .-./ the nation.
Michigan.... 63 Oberlin ......... 0 THE CO
Michigan .... 23 Minnesota ......."6 AteA
19E}3 y -,-ef I
Michigan.... 31 Case ............0 i
Michigan.... 79 Beloit.........0 --4.. 15C
Michigan.... 65 Ohio Northern.. 0 -Dem.
( Michigan... 51 Indiana ......... 0 -nic

.. 70
. 33
.. 40
.. 12
.. 75
.. 0

Albion.... 0
Drake ........... 0
Illinois... 0
o. S. U........... 0
Wisconsin. 0
Oberlin. 0
Chicago ..........2

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Eastman Films
ibes a Specialty
ur finishing for twelve
arantee perfect results
Results," as we have
t $50.oo per lb.) and
ng Metol for finishing.
ng your films here.
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because we told
od and delicious
friends began
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as. This is the end-
nthusiasm that has
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&names encourage subsetiution

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