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August 10, 1915 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1915-08-10

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We charge you Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodaks, Films and Finishing
nothing for devel- in Ann Arbor is at PRINTS ON
oping roll films if L V N D 0 N'S, 719 North University Avenue VELOXI
you can find a N , ,Unvriy(eesaerae I
single defect (Two doors from Hill Auditorium)tI
Established 1905, and growing bigger every day
Rutgers college football squad has
NEW been training for some weeks on a
specially hired farm with the idea of
Fall W oolens Interco11egfate being in perfect shape, both from a
physical and gridiron standpoint, when
Just Arrived Despite the delay in the tennis tour- the season opens next month.
Came In and took them over nament, owing to the rains of last -
week, the management expects to com- -bir. Henry H. Crooks, president of Final plans for the new $150,000
plete the schedule. Contestants are Albany, Ore., college, has been unani- men's gymnasium at Indiana univer-
i\ M a* ~ o *!. urged to play off their preliminary mously elected to the position of sity were accepted and the architects
K .EE iC li rounds as early as possible this week. osyeetdt h oiino
604 . Librmy Srrot o-Fdsndsllarly tsndesthethsomics president of Alma, to succeed Dr. T. promise to have detailed specifications
-- -Foundations under the Ecoomisd a ready for bidders by October 1. In
________________ An intormal tea will be given to all building, considered too weak to long-C 'idll h a acpe pos- rayfrbdesb
A norm e at he g we rrt y a er support the old building, are being tion in the Pennsylvania State uni- planning for the building, the board
university women at the Newberry e or th o versity. of trustees examined plans of several
USTON BROS Residence all this afternoon re-enforced with concrete. university gymnasiums, among them
3:00 o'clock until 5:00 o'clock. --Mr. Maruard Forster, summer law At the summer session term con- Michigan's. A special program is be-
The Finest Billiard Room in the State _____ student from Washington University, vocation at the State Normal college ing arranged for the entire student
CIGARS and CANDY The "stunt party" at the Newberry St. Louis, Mo., left yesterday for the at Ypsilanti, Thursday, degrees or cer- body and alumni from all parts of the
dis- state to be in attendaice on the day
"We Try to Treat You Right" residence hall last week was a dis- San Francisco exposition, having com- tificates were awarded to 234 st st
1_tinct success. The dramatic program pleted the work of the first semester. dents. that the ground is broken.
included a skit, "Janitorial Joys," by -Ann Arbor Golf club will give an-
Cap a$3 0A,00G BANIGeorgia a. Jackson; a minstrel show; other of its summer dances xtonight, George M. Church, the Princeton Yale students who worked their way
s5urplusaniidedpr ofit ...$5 oo.s a"movie" burlesque of "Uncle Tom's special music featuring the event. University tennis star, succeeded in through college last year, earned a
g asources..... ,........39,25 ,i.s Cabin;" a scene in a photograph gal- Members and friends are invited to easily defeating J. J. Forstall, of the total of $37,146 in positions obtained
Transaets a tieneral Banking Business lery, photographsgal-attend, University of Chicago, in the western for them by the bureau of appoint-
pee Cet ierest p o isit eposits Acting prizes were won by Lucile -Louis F. Voorhees, '16E, and Ionald tennis tournament at Lake Forest, ments of Yale university, according to
Caas. E. iscock, Pres., Michaet J.Beritz, cash r Matchett and Mrs. Stella B. Wilson, G. Smellie, who have been confined in Chicago. the reports from the bureau.
w. D. Hlarriman, V ice Pres., Car. Braun, Asst. while Edna Barringer and Kameyo the University hospital, are reported- -
Cash'r, wm. Waltz, Asst. Cash'r Savings DeptarailcovesngNteDmeuvritwlla
CsSadakata were awarded the costuming as iapidly convalescing. Yale will start preliminary football Notre Dame university will lay out
prizes. Dancing followed the "stunts." -Employment as waiters can be se- practice on September 7. modern baseball, track and football
DETROIT UNITED LINES cured for two or three young men sections on Carter field beginning this
ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE N. F. AlLEN'S RED TAG CLOTHING through the employment bureau of the Oliver Cutts, head of the department fall.
(Eastern Standard Time)' SALE Michigan Union. of physical education, will arrive soon
Now on-All Clothing at greatly re- -Interior re-decoration is being ear- at Purdue university where it will be Gordon Macay, an alumnus of Mar-
Limited sod Expres Cars 1stfor etoit-7:tos-
int. and boslys tars t' eP. s., asos:o duced prices. N. F. ALLEN CO. At ried on in the dental and medical his duty to select the coaches for the ard, has left an endowment of $5,-
a. c ' our new location, 211 So. Main St. tf buildings. All work is being done by track and baseball teams. It is thought 500,000 to the Massachusetts Institute
Loalcaars tsr Detrarsto :05pa. i, 7..., :.s5 a. is. ,________
ani ery tas ioou s its a m., : 5 . -the university force of decorators. that the selection for track coach will of Technology. It will be used to
p., 8:5 e m., 9 5 p. m .and c: 45 p. WANTED-To rent, small bungalow, --On Thursday evening, August 12, be Willie McGill, coach at Northwest- maintain a separate school for the
1:5 a. p downstairs flat, or first floor three Miss Nora C. Hunt, of the University ern last year. James Pierce will prob- arts and sciences of industry.
a. m., 12:3s a. m :o a mI room suite, with private entrance, School of Music faculty, will appear as ably be selected for the baseball coach
'Limited Cars lie Jasbos y7:4l . m.., ad' for;Iet3h
eery to hurs oJ 7 s 48P . . .,n rnext school year. Send informa- soloist on the occasion of the dedica- as he helped coach Purdue last spring Pleasing and artistic portraits made
Local Cars for Jackson-: a.m., 6:o a..',. tion to Wolverine Office, Box M. tion of the new organ which has re- and is regarded as a great baseball at Hoppe's Studio anytime. 619 East
asd every two h rs t 6:ss p. m., also 21-22. cently been installed at the Haven teacher by the Purdue students. Liberty. it
": ET5 P.n., it P. C.A NE

Methodist. church at Jackson. Miss
Calkins' Pharmacy COUSINS & HALL Hunt, who is a popular singer in Ann
324 S. State St. Arbor, is equally popular in her home
DRUGS KODAKS ' city, Jackson. -
Ca*#y and Soda Water 1002 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. -Tonight at 7:00 o'clock the students
C 41LKINS' P H ARM A CY Both Phonis 115 Ann Arbor, Mich. of library methods leave for Ypsilanti,
where they will visit the library of the
Normal school.
-"Cris" Mack, Varsity tennis man, is
in Detroit, having entered in the state
The next trunk I buy championship matches there.
Volumes one, two and three of the
w ill be an Indestructo" Christian Science Monitor have been
received at the library.
-D. S. Hastreiter, '17, has left Ann
Arbor for Detroit, where he has se-
DESTR)This is the opinion of cured a position with the Peninsular
BAGAGE 0ipeople everyowhere wh o Stove company.
knopwtbehandsomeappear- -The mate to the adder which met an
ance and durability of In- untimely end by careening down the
destructo trunk-, or who stairs of the economics building, has
have set n how wonderfully been located and pressed into service.
convenient they are for a
travelling and vacationtrip, "Your Railroad Routing Changed
We have a new lite of and a Water Trip Arranged"
Indestructo trunks a n d
leather goods. Come in and D. & C. Line Accepts Railway Tickets
see theit before you go
west this summer. All classes of tickets reading via the
" Indestructo trunks are Michigan Central, Wabash and Grand
" ° absolutely guarantred for Trunk Railways between Detroit and
five years, no matter ho.v Buffalo in either direction are avail-
hard the wear ou give able for transportation on D. & C.
them. Daily Line Steamers. This arrange-
ument enables the traveler between
eastern and western states to forsake
the hot, dusty cars and enjoy the de-
- lights of a cool night's rest en route.
Summer Furnishings Send two cent stamp for booklet and
for Men Great Lakes Map.
" R ._°__Address Dept. R.
Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co.
Detroit, Mich.
Ruele, Conlin & Fiegel Musical Instruments, Strings, and
COR. MAIN & WASHINGTON all Musical Supplies at reasonable
prices. Schaeberle & Son, Music
House, 110 S. Main St. tif

( ergmanrcanTVT TL E'S
Liberty and Main Sts. I . VCHRome
A Most Convenient Place for Your LUNCHES and SODAS
338 S. ST A T E T.
The New Catalogue
of the
Ullvriy of Miohigal
Complete infurmation concerning the eight Colleges
and Schools:
Special Couises in Fore try, Newspaper Work,
Landscape Design, High. r Commercial Education,
including Railway Administration and Insurance,
Architecture, Conseivation Engineering, Education r
(affiliated with Ann Arbor Schocls for Observation
Study), and a course for those preparing for the
scientific administration of departments of sanitation
and public health.
For Copy of Cataligue, Special Announcement, or
Individual Information, address
the Dean of the School or Ct-llege In which interested, or
Secretary University Ann Arbor, Mich.

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