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August 10, 1915 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1915-08-10

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IT H E W 0 LV ERA I N E the ten-mil, stench of battlefields,
Orpheum Theatre where piles of horses sd men lie to- Second Hand
The Huse uf Famouse Plas by Famus The official student newspaper for ether, bloated and unbred." j
Plays. the University of Michigan summer Such pictures may help us to evalu- Sum m er School Text Books.
session. Published by the students on s'te te "heroism" which would rush
mlte~sa1 xcn Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday a- us into stupenduous war,-the in- Woodruff's Quasi-Contracts
Tu tu-a and edn sd aAguta"a trnostTet-lv sse. glorious folly of not "being afraid" Beale's Crimminal Pleading and Practice
_______------________ Mickell's Cases in Criminal Procedure
°Ia11p luar's. Ball's Cases Constitutional Law
u~d it~ Am ut3 Suscrptin rtes y crrir, ev-Wi gmore's Cases in Evidence
-a "r i l -nther Or- enty-five cents for tie summer; m'Cae onEut
'e ndfa -unt r,a1 is mailed to anly address lbor one do- r
__________________________Advertising rates --Furnished upon ap-
plication to ties business manager. Did you win that bet on the weather?
Te pe T ete Subscriptions and ads taken at Quar- UNIVERSIY BOOKSTORE
Tempe Th atre rye,; Cushing's and tUniversity Ae- According to the professors' class
exceptFelda aed aterdyt nOfice lore: Managing editor, 2:00 youxng menn in school tis summer.-
to 3:00 daily; business manager,Th yv Arie
1:00 to 2:00 daily. Phone 900 or LISTEN ' 'f(1'HE P("l'UEESI (J The smnres, sappies, nd most effect-
I'eAg s2414.J Miss it: -"I have a lot to tell you."ivFalndWteFbrc sIvr
"F R IItlL l'Miss fortune: -"Come on down to letslom
l~nntAg2 Adres, 'T'he Wolverine, PresIBuild- the movies nd we'll talk it over."r Summer scool students who wish to
tug, Maynard St., Anne Arbor, -'1
IllE (' RTitINt . ___A_________L"______ Don t let your optinmisma overcome will find a handsomse assotmen of new
_____________________ hwr I.Mrh-ilasgn dtryou; reneenber we had two nice days' ___ woolens
Phone -2414-1101 las mntnth, iso, and several last sun-
Feris H. tFitch--usieso Masager eer
Arcade Theatre Phone 90-236 - Na l"5rf ons te
SHOWS: AFTERNOONS 400. tiE. :15; 7:4; 9:15 - '_____-_________
o -Tie Studss-"Crossingth
Tueesday, Augnetnisn-CLARA KIM- Asitant to tBusines sanagen'- Ir.
BALL YOUNG ins "Hearsn ~Br'____________________________
H ailennstrn'Wrl annturennAn lso -Williamn 1-, IHogane- I
CHARLIE CHAPLINn "His Fa- _ _ _ _ _ray
aie Pastime." Wa 'cha gamen' Isoin two weeks?
Wedneeday, Augustnii.-ALEC B. ___
FRANCIS a "nllTnr" inn Winn. A.1C('trfibutintg Ediors- For Table Supplies-Wholesale and Retail
aia n's famus .'rtn,-At an-." F luri It nniint ta a good plan to go to all
- us-l i at e' ittn cart. F .Cuc 114-16 E. Washigton St Phone 26
Thnrsday, Agussa ix.-A L BESRT eyour classes froma now on.
CHEVALIER in' "The Mnidlln-n,"'Issue Ediors __
esarlsnlle ,l itn-n' ictunre. Is
eseial "o fauv.D ight IW.Jennings O' 'F RE!
_________________ Willis C. Cdodenowe "I sue geting a lot out of that Fine Watch, Jewelry and Eyeglass
Nat. Thomepson esaure." ...REPAIRING...
-Reporters "So?"
PiPack "Ye, Iam out ofit mostoftheFO N A N P S
Ward Petesons tine." CONLIN, SWAN & OUR S1 SPECIAL
yBruce Swney -__
-- 1 David Rotnsenthal A ILAC'K ANDIV Lenses Ground to Order
Karl Wsthnseyer - as itripe sin sa stiksofI Alarm Clocks 75C. to $3.00 --
- - ~~~~Jerome Zeiglerlblnakarwokmu-N sstn
llnnadws.Sfrstsl I~eroliInn lie recent story of the sience
"The Clinubers," so inntin drama buiinig thisi paragraphn appeared: A SAESRETJWLR
daig insirn siutosadpiral STAIRCASE is foundon the east U S. Postal Station 8 TELEPHONE 534
great climaxes, will be seen at tie Isse Edior-llwighnt W. Jenninigs side of the third floor running up to
Broadway-Strand next week, beginninag tie fourtbh or tat may be used by
Monday. It is a remarkable story and TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1915. people wio wishn to get to the third have been a splendid host and I en- For noble men are falling,
calls for an elaborate setting sod a _____________ ___ fl_ or witout using tie STAIRWAY" joyd it so much that I want to show And you'll be called to place,
cast of unusual histronic ability.."ERIS"It_ you how much I really like you," she Yourself to ight in Politics,
"is a phnotoplay that grips because it "HRISlMPOSSIIILE NOVELEETTE persisted Your country's got to face,
has plenty of action and alluring As a nation, we are at present, stand- No. 3 "That is very kind of you, Miss-
tableaux, and is one of the greatest ingo the edge of a wirliool. In 'Te(aefulness of 6otagie Glug, but I must say no, We college Be strong and ight, I ask you,
achievenents in the motions pictunes tie light of recent developments it Se was tse nost popular co-ed on men have to be so careful. Good I know you'll have success,
of the year. The story deals withn a seem~s that we are close to plunging the campus, and he -well, the kindest evening." And he sauntered out of And mediate in God's own word,
captain of industry, supposedly of lim- intnntie vortex of fighting umanity. tinig one could say about him was the vestibule whistling, "Br Wacht Your ways will sure be blessed,
ileas wealth, and an extravagant fan- Cicumstances see Is inite us with that ins(vent to college. But he had Ane Rhein"- For none will then so able be
ily,- whose chief object in life is to omock cordiality into war, ann uncle in tie hog-raising industry - M-acold Shradki. To stand you in your day,
climb to great social heights This is In suchn a timse, steady hands and wio ned 0o send hms cunning little And then the dear old U. of .
done after the head of the family has cam and reasoning nmind must steady ndraft for four and ive hundred bucks HOSPITAL FOR SICK SHOES God's speed will wish your way.
died of heart failure, Gladys Hanson tie nation, lest it topple headong into per nonth. Writtent by Dr. Tons Lovell, Poet 5
plays one of the leading roles, with the seething foment Sus steadiness Her nanmeas uphenia Glugg, and and Cobbler And ue'er forget the dear old loved
George Spencer and Walter Hitchcock nust come from the thinking part of hie'n was Mlontague Utch, February 2, 1915 ones
in the leading masculine roles, There the people of this country, o whiche After he lad ried in vain for sevens (Copyright Reserved) Yo've found while you've been hero,
will be the usual comedy, topical we, as university men 'and women, noontnes to get a date with her, he (Written Ia 24 Minutes) In any part the world you go
weekly and orchestral selections and form a potent factor Our opinions inally found out when her birthday I Still hold them just as dear,
tenor solos by :Eddie MclGrath. should necessarily be weighed care- cne and invited heer to dinner, She Your college days are ended For inspiration they will give _
---------- fully,REmotions should play ns pat accepted, Your figt with life begins, To think when day's were young,
WARREN C. PUT"NAM DEVELOPS isa onnr final concusions, First they lad a 56 course dinner So get a goal before you A passing to and from your class,
SEVERE ('ASE OF lIPILlEJIFIA As a natinon, we are givens to hero at Joe's. They tiey took in a little Tat you'll be found to win Where the great diploma you have
- -worship. As tie young people of ur dance. After ties dance he ook a t- Yu're trained for nobe actions, won
Warren C. Putnam, '15, of Fort Ml- nation, we ere are nmore prone to such te case fron his pcket and slipped So neer be said of you,
ter, N Y., was suddenlyiy attacked by feeling than tienajority of our con- it to Ier. She opened it and found Teat gifts as idleness do lie, STUDENT OPERATED UPON FOR
asevere c ase of diphtheria and is now tyme, for hero worship is ann ever a handsomne git, with his card, wiseh- In tins world yur asn hog. APNIII THSIA
ithunvriyhsiawnrinisextant feeling of yuth. Wnithn uS, per- lg ecnmany Ihappy returns. 2
getting aonsg in good shape. laps uncnciousy, the opportunity DOn returning ntoa, he batn-ntly Te cities need you by and by, Johi Y. Kurlen, '7E, of Wake-
for tie deveopmnteof iheres and Ielped ler uin and dawne the cunbs. Against wrong for what is right, field, was operated upon for append-
Nwey1srs.Gs ftFotGrsdisplay of- bravery, inay affect our Se thansked hime graciously each lAnd you'll be tried and tempted, citis last week at the university oa-
judberrynorm. Guponifwarmtines. To flee when called to fight, pital. His ase was acted upon
As the latest additionntote dmn pnwr tineeihandu- Tie Rev. Lloyd . Douglas of this At last they reached her sorority Depend we can upon you, promptly, as his appendix had already
souse interior of Newberry Residence, 'Nyv ha_; attacked this viewpoint in a house. Fec Michigan so true, been ruptured. At the present tines
the new'ir's dormitory, a handsome' little brochure whichn he has just put "Wnt you cones in?"she asked. To tare to stand for noble things, he is progressing slowly.

copy of a 'Titian portrait was presented on ae. Inh the. pamphet, "A Re- "No, thank you, it is getig late, And your contry's duty do.
by the entire number of girls now nnprismn f Heroism," he sets and I must return hmoe to get ny 3 N. F. ALLEN'S RED TAG CLOTHING
living in tie dormitory Thursday a. forth tie iscnception of 'this "herse calculus lesone for next Tuesday," he You need not fear the battle SALE
successful cnoin' entertainmnent was war." He sinews tie "heroism" whichn replied. If cause is for the right; Now on-All Clothing at greatly e-
given in whichn represeentatives fronm results in tins "cries of barefoot chil- "-then you will at least kiss me The victory for you will come, duced prices. N. F, ALLEN CO. At
each floor took part.I dren, sobbing in rnined streets," and good-night, won't you? You certainly When you ight the honest ight- or new location, 211 So Main St. tf




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