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August 10, 1915 - Image 4

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The Wolverine, 1915-08-10

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P311TH TAKES ONE Refusal to Provide Benches The Farniers & Mechanics Bank
rii ::oe2Pg1) wsN early Defeats W olf Team Cptal .00,00 siZplsn 003
third to Smnithx in the furlong.
"Joe" Loomis, of the Chicago A. A., By "Dope" Coe Kanie law faculty, however, and tomorrow's_
won the century in 9 4-5 seconsds, Marks' Marvels, the aggregation contest will no doubt bc a crucial one
equalling the senior A. A. U. mark. wisich represents thse Buildings anti. for the climbing Wolves.I The Exquisite Corset Shop
fllyerwa seeonsd, and Morse third. Gronds departmsent of thse university,l Marks had no excuse to offer for not Neckwear, Hosiery, Underwear and Waists
Theeas threfre on isesprsstngnearly nosed ot the Wolves in yes-' furnishing thse isitors..witis benches,jPHN 2
honors from the middle west by a tcrday's ganme, thse contest ending 5 to ' other thantshiat tire use of thsens wore PH34 ONEMlt1St62
score of 101 to 8, as Drew and McBride, 4 in favor of the Scribblers, ot the sodi. In the opinion of theP
of the far west, both failed to place. Superintendent Marks used .rather { Wolves, however, the campus should
Trainer Farrell's contention that questionable tactics in refusing to pro- serve a useful as well as ornamental
the negro flier was about through was vide benches for tireWovrnsi purpose; astd Marsh and his osen bit-
born ,out by the result, as thte Los yesterday's gamxe, whichs wan played( terly upbraided Marks for refusing to
Angeles boy failed to place in either on the canspus. As a result the stu- show hsospitality.
eent, atsd wired friends at his home dent: players became exhrausied before{ The game wan devoid of fieldinog -__ _-
in Springfield, Mass., itmmediately af-thse eontest was over, and thse work- features, thse"closeness of thse scr''e W 7 you thinko
ter the Souals, that he was through men stearly overcamne the lead of thse j alone mtakinsgte contest interesting. Y-, jY
with the racinggae undergrads in the final routnds., Marks used his catmpus fire department /f'y like a drink-
ClamMl. { f eelyou n
elPossibly the greatest surprise of shef aso was ectmpelled to snd tn quench tire rally of thte Wolves son f _"! one-or kn
the meet was tiso defeat of Tabor, the inthit veterasn C'hurcht in thse ui 4t , to ilae thirtd, whtent two carpenters were ' you musth
former :Brown distaste nan who ye- stay ttte rally of thte paitttessasortkttttked nut of the box hedge. - one--make ii
cently set a stew Nvsr~d s record in the plttesytdtt ttvsnsgdISoe
utile. Ray, of the I. A. C., won the, to stow thse gauss sway. Mactsvunted Ittnitngs- t12 34 5 6 7 0 9 R H Ekf1
event in 4:23 1-5 to bold Chturchitnt reserve for ttte lot- Marvels.... 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 2-4 8
Cstmpbell, the University of Chicato portsttt Wednesday gauss with tte joYlves..t..11 0 0 0 0 0 0--5 9 2
star, won the half tulle, astd Dismool,
of the same school, took third intthie OLD FOIl)El OF U.NIVEItSI.'1Y MItCIIGA.N STt'DE DT 4 STAGSE
quarter. Simpeson, the Missouri hurd-= IN'OVEIE I) BIY NEW YORIill PO110W-WOW AlT S1'JIEM tESORT It answers all occasions-fits all
ler wito starred in the Western Costy andaseasons-always delicious, deligl
ference meet, could only pick up a Tn advertise the untiversity, a rIniyeis ty (raduates, Stiudeints and refreshing ad good.
second playe in one of the several fnlder was published by President lyrosissr its Studhests Enjoy .Delicious-Refreshing
hurdling events. Tappan in t855, antd a copy of it hass Feed and Pine TbI, .('0,,

University School of Music
"A Glathering Place for Advanced Students"
Annual Summer Session
Regular Fall Ters begins Mons.Oct, 4, 115
FrsCatalogue and taforaionaddsess
CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary
Ann Arbor, Mich.
eras d V

just beest received through the krind-
SECOI) WMEN' tress of Mr. Reigiensan, of New Ysork.
SELONDPWOMEN'SON Mr. Reiglemnss offers to have the folder
HALL OPNS SOONframred if the autihsrities desit e to pre-
serve thte paper.
(Continued from Page t) The folder gives a comsplete descrip-
the womnre wheien they are entertain- finn of the courses offered by ftse oni-
inr:. versity anrd ramse s stesmengivintg
SThse university Iron assunmed charge themr. If also sets forth tire educa-
of the lighstino and iteating equipmnt.. Liontal advatntages of Michigsansrd in
both of which wct11 be of ftseomost mod- givery y attracts tireprpetv
et' type, student.
Ticfnshn2osltsotfisbid Mr. Julius Msrganthal, of New York,
ilog and grounds are stow being cared dincovered tlse folder aisong a nusmber
for, asodfloe building will be iso excel- of old prissts whirls Its had prise
lent shoaps for the return of the wom- atasle pduaeitg r chasgedt
en students in the fall. ,or presentfationsto ftseouiversity.
Already more applications for rooms___
in the dormtitory hsave been received rIylOl yII tAS('tij
by Miss Jane Cochtrane, acting deantof1 'OLEDO MAN IN STIlE 'TOLUtNEY
women, titan the buildinsg will ac-
eomodafe. Fifteen wonmen from
each of the upper classes antd f26 Irafteitsdel, caprtain of ftse Varsity
freshmen women hove been assigited feninis tesso last year anrd present city
roos in tire new structure. chamtpiosn of Detroit, wostiis secnd
Thse dormitory will be governed by Fonsdintsrthe Stats Clsarmpionrship touy-
votes made by a cssnittte chtosest by srty at Dtetroit yesterday. Rteindel de-
the wosoesnthecmselves. A social tested 13,.'lThorras, osse of thre.sfrong-
director will have choarge of tit e 't players inr 'olsin irstraightt sets.
various functions of thse womsen, whtile 1
a business massager will be in execu- LOST-'fthets Phi Alpha Scrority Pint.
live charge of the building. These nfIB- Finrder plese returtt to 1220 S. Ussi-
cers will ibe filled by ltre board of versity Arve. P1rn110 1tt0-Ms. Ito--
directors. oward. -2

Miectigas mest, graduates asnd future
Michigast stenstpentding the sumttrur at
Pefoskey ansd teighrboring tonss, were
esntectaisned at a, typical Michigan pow-
wnw, at Ramrona Park, Petoskey, ott
stse evensing of August 4. "Dutch" E'rd-
mras, '17E, "'nTmmie" 'Thomspsono, '17iE,
of Grand Itapids, sard Paul REsdell,
't6, of Anns Arbor, were directly re-
sponssible for the svgsst.
Thse Motel Ramnsa wanssetgaged for
ftse evenintg and was fittintgly decorat-
ed fsr the osccasont.'fTse hotel assembly
hsall ittwhtich all ithe speeches were
givest, received special attentioss as to
dec'oratioss antd itt aditincsotained
a great firs place hssaped full of bla,--
insg logs, whsicht helped to make thte
gathesrintg a cheerful oste.
CAntong the speakers were Dr. Milton
T. Watoossf Detroit, who was of tire
clasa of '92; Dr'. Creer Wilder, of De-
troit, of the class of '9f, asnd Prof.
J. R. Nelsns, of the class of-'94, stow
inrstrusctor itsftsetnginteerintg depart-
osent.'Tse youngest prospective fresh-
moast was Bensjamnrt Halstead, 3rd, whot
will be nf thte clans of '26.
After ftse feed, at which Hestry
Sweesty acted as toastmraster, titers
were toasts antd sonrgs ansdftse custo-
mtary cortn-cob pipes were panned

-- -°. I a l u u i

Get Set for Exams
Try a Day at
W h itmo re Lak e
Wieh a
Fish and
.Frog-Lbegs Dinner
Lake View Hotel
Jan, Burke, Prop.

'fo,ires ra planr abs nart truss to ralce
floe struirassannusatlrmidsusmmer pow-
scud tsr (J. nofSI. ore i5sfPetosterec-
10 I' ttIe eVe.ops rlimrs at t0e per roll,
anod vi'Jssa5lie srrvies tickretftreeoiths
earls $3.0 ustrchase. TI- 'T'h
Nowy ott-All Clntltiss at greatly re-
I riured prices. N.IF. ALLEN CO. Al
Ensur tt-w lncatin, 211 Sn. Mtain St. tff
New uvarters
Law, Medical and
Dental Books
336 S. State :street
tvrCcushitng'snDrg Store
Enlarged Quarters


Have a real vacationa on the Great Lakes, the most enjoyable and
economiceal oting in America. The cool lake breezes, the ever-charra-
log scenes along the shore and tine luxurious steamers operated by this
Company are positive guarantees that you will enjoy every minute of
the trip, and return home refreshed and glad you went.
DailyaservicekbeteemDetroieasad Clevelad asd Detroit andBuffalo. From Jane lotk
tn Styreasker I0tkSteaesrs Ciyf Droi IIad City ofClevelandIIlter"TwosGiasa
of theGreat Lalcea operae daly servce ontheBfaoDviin oeantafford to
msinnske pleasure sof aride an tkrse fleain se s.FOUR ;FPJlI WEEKLY fro
Toledoad DeroitaMackinaccIsland and Way Pote. MakisnaIsad, te Historic
SummnrRres fterNrhiCoutry is beoming ssre papuasenero seanwihktke
Touristnaseekigquieness adrseposr. Earelleat Hotelad Boarding HHaassccon-
modationsn at reasnabkle rates. TWO TRIPS WEEKLY BY SPECIAL STEAMER,
Clevelned toMakianIslssnaand atosernsseeseptseDetrait aadAlpen. DELI#GHT-
FUL DAY TRIPS keteoensbntraiesand Clevelad daring July ad Austafour trips
wterkly. DAILY SERVICE Jue14tk toSeptemerltkkbtenoledanad Put-in-Bay.
Steamerrskbetween DeriteandBuloor Detritand Clvland eitherdirectio.
Sendfihso-cent stam fo Illstrated pamnhlertad Great Lake Map. Addess L. Q. Lease,
G0P A 4Detroit MIA. Setofpaoserastams mailed far fieents.
Philip iRf.MuMiflen, Pres. A. A. Scksntz, Vice Pres, & GoalHer.
Alsteanser arrive addepr. Tird AveueWarf. Detrait.

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articles which you have lost this
summer by using
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