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July 24, 1915 - Image 2

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The Wolverine, 1915-07-24

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Orpheum Theatre Second Hand
Therousue ofF+m. M ay by u, o, The official student newspaper for U iain C
1ilyern. the University of Michigan summer Unia in C u ch u m rS h olT x o k
seso.Pbihdhytesuet n Stae anti Ilroit Sts. Woodruff's Quasi-Contracts
Julyp ofternoons. Twenty-five issues.
JnTuesdaySulsursdayuanduSaturdayiaf- At 1:30 in ddresss on Vie Mod- Mcel's Gari sminlCPleainan Prcire
pd,luuionotl, svl,riu."en Approach to Religion tie Rev. It. Hal's Cases Constitutional Law
J1y1 w-a7, }i-toe,.-lltersweet Sulbscription rates--By carrier, ev-Wimr'CaeinEdnc
insoe oiS. Loring speaks olPrf.Euen'sWi oe'Casin vdnc
5,eu111"enty-five cents for the soosmer;Am'CaeonEut
j lmailed tn any address for one do- View ofAm'Cae onEut
f____________ ar. WHlY IELIityI $ W A
-- - Life as Spiritual Activity needs Spir-W
____________________kiertslng rates-Furnishled upon up-itol as well as Mechanical Organia-
S uscitin adas aena Qa-UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE
Majestic Theatre Itsarstn n d ae tQa- Soprallo Sol y Miss Stevens and ___________________________________
PRESENTS THE FAMOUS PLAYERS 11ue13Pharmlacy. Scool of Music. = - iro il elc
PROGRAMME Office Hours: Managing eitor, 2:00 Th4iro.il elc
10 t 3:00 daily; business manager, cs" i a perct fi at every poin if yor clohes
Sat. July 24 :00 to 2:00 daily. Phone 903 or aT~fa re omade hre. 'thai we guaratee. No
2,14 U a rianESS ChurchE //smater wat your huild iay be we can
Dustn Fanum i asr1you apparel ta will fit you
in erecty.See lhe miatwhose tailors we
lidressThe Wlverinesess Buld- are"and yuwl e aprelywell-
drseIne o il eE efetyIT e q a an nMynr tAn ro. wat1man1y tustees clamsthey are - Halve yolorerd Yolr flannel trosers
____________________moere hiredi men who teach what they-
loward I. Marsl-Managing Editor
Phone______24414-1505________ are told to teach, and sot wat their
rrist._Ftch-BsinesMaager_________orthirsnse f truhsco1a.dsFHerlis lfuslifoeasreManagerThatrePhonela6023dsfrm Here a isw aas fieldswoforbearlre-
SHOW; ATEROONS4;0: EE. 615;1:4; 9:5 Cntrbutig Eitos- uckrakisng of a diferenti variey, andz
FI. F.t lS410 Y. :5;14; :5 ('llihlsiiditos olfa kind where tie results would '
"F. M.Chuchiney perhaps e leso direct:but ilfilitely K E K T E
more __profitable. _ For Table Supplies-Wholesale and Retail
Sat. July o211 5111 R,113 CIsA~elIN 1i1
"Luaugng a" Al- ,The hieS"" Asiistant to Business Maager- 11 4-1 16 E. Washington St. Phone 326
art Fx ealsme, SIl, Doolhy W1iliamll 1. Mogan55
Donnselly.,__________________ _____________________________________
Isn dtr____ _ Fine Watch, Jewelry and Eyeglass
Dw_______________________ lsight 5W Jenn~in~gs .E AII .
These new batlig suls sake some..E ARNC .
Itetporters l0111 shorter ut others look losgerF0UNTA
P1hi1 PackF UN A N P S
Temple Theatre Wardi Peterson tOne c sugestsbtat ou CONKLIN, SWAN a OUR $1 SPECIAL
ADMISSION 5c. Nalhaniel 'Thlomllsonll 1humour55'colyum lis goodI dolpe; thai is, i>(Lese rondtoOre
lexoept Friday and Satinrday) R-rce Swaley l it puts1h11 to sleep. ' ese run oIre
_iDavid Rosenthal -_... Alarm Clocks 75. to $3.00
CarlW. emeyr eltoii
Kr emyr t. July l4-"Ti' ,l ay of t~heulluw" To keep yor feel fromlIgoinge to R° E
lowiRpla d ravI~er,. 3011 "the sleep, don't. let your toes turnin 5. 7 u H I E E E R O
hose Wip," wth, Lllan salter.
"Tihe chorus girls filed off the stage." U. S. Postal Station 8 TELEPHONE 54
SATt'RDAY, JU.LY 24 1915 '-Teatrical iReview. ______________________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________ Wha~t a rasping soud'l
FREDOMOFSPECH6. Musical Instroments, Sring, and
nsksga On it Summner Sthool Fashilont mpty bed where Gwesdie's been; all Musical Supplies at reasonable
ffAfier all tie bssiness of mkn Out runs father, prices. Shiaeberle & Son, Mtsic
msaryr of Professor Scott Nearingssg ust a trick of susumer schotl-7.
wh'a eetydsisdfo i'lougls blistring hot or shiv'ring cool Pasnlesteloes n ose, 110 S. Main St. tf
tlsUniversity of Penssylcasia, and all There's 510 exceptions to the rule-Mryechohr
This columni, containing newus ofi n.tile hse asd cry over thesmosey ele- A ma~5 nust wear 'esu ay ansd night- 8 N. F. ALLEN'S MED) 'AG C'LO'T'HING
ferest to university women, will ap- msest running that university to al- Msst wear 'emssgoose or wear 'esm tight, Father comes as mad as sis, SLE
Nh isue"~ Te Wlverne.vassee doctrisses favorable to capital, To be iss really truly right.Laetbohr
pear . n chisueofThGilvrie.fuosv oter
nnounceenents to be made in it shoould we hare left one side of the qilestionss1fusyd ressy summller school,- Now' 00-All (lotinig at greatly re-
be pitonted to Fraiceet Hogan, 594. su itItlie mlentioned. It iso the studestEvntogth wid blwite Algernon asd Giwendolyn doed prices. N. F. ALIEN CO(. At
___isstie various otier usiversiies '001op Clasp each other. orsewv locatios,211 So. Mais St. Ift
Masy wnlel is tse sliersty th iroughout te cousstry. Withste ssass A ssass sust msake hisissef a sigt- ("Hearts and Fowers.")
at P'esnnsylvasia we sneed not be cus- I'll get 'ems pressedi this very sight, 'Those who arrived late may renmains-__________________
sunmmer are takisng adivantage of the crned. He fisds hisimselt iss aslinisti- Asdnornshiall viewv ssy duds of white. for the next show.
opportunities whic'hstile weekly parties tutionstwiere freedom of thought is -G. C. C. University School o1 Music
o1' te Womssan's Leaguel, offer to e- suppressed, asd sppressed openly.- Governor Authioizes Free Exant ALBERT A. STANLEY Dtector
come better acqusaintied withstheis' fel- HE<Ineedtbbut seek another schoolt. Our Hltl f Famue Gov. Woodbridge N. Ferris has is- " osigPaetrivne ifns
lsw-students. 'these entertainmllents Wiee swvr resec s~ o l-slrcs ptius h sued a proclamatioss to the people of
fsee learnismg is suppressed is an in- baldhieadled masmwho walks ito tie te state of Michigan authrizing the Annual Summer $CSsio
are givesn every T'hursday afterssooss in sidious sasasser asd there is every barber shop a111 asks for a haircut. te xniaino ahctss ya ECTWESJN 8 U.2
Harbour tymnsasiusn frosm 4:00 to) reason to believe that stchs a state of -- good physician. Tie day for tie free RgoaFilTrbensM.Oc.411
6:00 oclock. affairs exists iss sassy of our universi- _I)EI6N MOVIE exanination will be te 20th of August
ties-the recourse is not so pointedly "llooed aidtOe." and a search for te eidence of tuber- Fr cttalogue ixandtroatioxiaddrs
Dring tile last two years, tie wo- cloear. nti'nse Nearissg casei it w shoulti- Iss Sevn ieels andl a Stagger. culosis will be the priscipal aims of CHR Ann A Nbor, Mih.erty
men o thisun(tosiaylavehiowngasould serve as a wars- Syopsis. tie examinatios.
ieestinterest ill vocatiosal asnd social isg to eulators, to parents and to the Reel 1. -____....________________
seivice work. Beievinlg iat thse train- _studsl'lt. ti oters a splendid oppor- Agersnossalso Gwesdolyn Alttmnuis Atinountites Isis Engagentt
insg wiicis college wosmen receive tunity, or excuse, for investigation iss Love eachs oter. Word has eels receivedi in Ann
soakes theml particularly well filled to oilher usiversities, where instsructors 2. Arbor of the engagesment of Miss Mary
specialize inl s0o0e brassch of voa-ee less couageous asd less outspokess Irate fahses' rushes in Margaret Walker, of Detroit, to Mr.
tional work after leavinlg college t1e Ithass is Professor Nearisng. That pri- Love to ssmother Sidney Ruggles Small, '0. Small, B OK
Associatioss ot tollegiate Aussssae ias vate interests control to a large extent 3. while in college, was a menser of Poi
organlized sdeprmn for tile ex- the teaciisg iss our schools ssus ibe Agernon resolves to wis U fraernity and was te leader of the [a & iiuica
tenio ofths wrkamog ollgeobvious to eery mass who has fasil- Iss spite of father. Glee club his senior year. He is sow
wlen.n dof theeawork sh11011f colegss;iarized hiosel fwith the goering4.the representative of Willians A.Red
m~lnBsset f(iiao h s15sethods of our educatiossal istit- Ladder leaned to roof of tin; bankers, of Detroit. NEW AND SECOND HANE)
tee ento Ciao h s ios ovt scvri hsi h oso oie'
chlarge of this departsmest, a voce-poles o
wionalec.tnsereea dherpofastos go odic ve n sssghe Ltsaofeother
tinprosfrsoewaleedheelat . Frthims~gt of a pay en- 5. Forty-sine usiversities and colleges Complete line
velope is al powerful tisng, asnd it is tar outside makes too muchs din; are sowv offerisng instruction in jour- Tx ok
yeas. As a result of the interest ultch easier for professr ob WkouTstee.xais.-Lbto Books
asoused at that timle pans t stbs rfsos to ee-Wstab-ohr ols.Laoaor ok

lishs a local reference bureau are sow Reference Books
binsg worked out bly a comlmittee ap- Dictionaries
pointed for this purpose. Michigan as JULY C E A AN E ALEF Compendg etc.
also represested at thse vocational co'nCs-rechnefryu
ft'rensces which vie leadisng colleges in llS ring Sut 141 joff A lF urnishings 20('/1cI off Csho old Books
teMiddle West hold111eatci year. AtS isi- l
present sisice tile referesice lists of THE. MAN STORE OF ANN ARBORLagsStcin ihgn
positiosoassditrainsing schoo~lis as sot NEXT TO ORPHEISUretStcIi icia
bee'n comspleed, if aisy ol thte wosmest
studests us insusssser schooll are iter- VG C U R H C .C .B R H L
I stal ill vocatiossal sorka other thiasiJn. W E T eC .B R H L
teachisig, they are urged to c-ommunlni- Firm J. F. WUERTH. F. P. HAItRIS 326 . StaecSt. Tl. 761-M
cate siths Mis enelttt.

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