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July 24, 1915 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1915-07-24

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Vol. VI.


No. 14

-1lehiganders' Tilmely Clouting Puts
Gtame onl fee i Early
By Hap Church
Michiganos All-Staro, composed of
players from the Vacation league
I defeated the Ypsilanti Normal team
on their home groonds yeterday af-
ternoon by the store of 14 to 12. The
Varsity men pounded a Normal twirl-
er off the lot in the early rounds, but
Brilnmyer, who started for the local,
weakened in the eighth when his sup-
ptort wobbled badly, and the Normal
city crew scored eight rons. By add-
ing two more in the ninth off "Bill"
Nieman, the home hopes made .the
contest interesting,-.although she re-
sult was never in doubt.
Ypsilanti scored most of their runs
as the result of fielding slips by the
locals, who had never played together
before. Eaton had a bad day at third,
and his miscues put Brilmyer is bad
in the disastrous eighth swhen three
meon scored before a sinigle moan was
retired. All of Michigan's runs were
scored on solid hitting, hoswever, the
four errors of lbs Normsal team hav-
lug little effect on the tallies.
Benton with a house run and M-
Farland with a triple were the club-
?ing stars for Michigan, both of the
lung distance swats setting three
runs.. Nieman and Robinson featured
1the attach with a clever double steal,
wihile all the Michiganders hit the
ball txcept Phelps and McMullen, who
had but one crack at he Normal
Michigan scored the first tally in
the, second, when McFarland walked
sith one dowii, and later scored when
Rtobinson hit a hot onse to Spencer,
swhich the latter booted into center
field. In the fourtha the Michigan men
staged their first exhibitioin of timely
clouting. Arentz swalked, Baribeau
singled, as did Nieman, and MFar-
laud tripled with the bases full. The
next three men see retired swithout
an opportunity for McFarland to
sneal'= home.
to the fifth Rice tripled, and scored
on Arentz' single. The sixth was an-
other big Michigan round, McFarland
got on by an error, Robinson singled,
and tBenton clouted for a home run,
making three niore. The eighth was
the banner round, an even halt dosen
Wolverine runs counting. Benton,
Eaton and. Brilmsyer singled succes-
sively, filling the paths. Rice walked,
forcing in one. Arent' sigle scored
two inure, and Baribes's sacrifice fly
added another. Niemas's single swell-
ed the total, while Benton, batting for
the second tine, again singled, get-
ting the final run.
Ypsilanti scored first in the fourth,
t when tGuimp doubled, and later scored
on an infield out. In the seveith the
homie teans scored again, Spencer
woalkinag and tallying on Fraser's
double. The eighth was disastrous.
Spenasc' walked, Rynearsois singled,
anad Robinson's error filled the sacks.
Blrilmyer struck out Fraser, aiad Rice
threw out Armstroiag,- but errors by
Michigans tihen played savor. Bani-

Toa I P O N M NI2:00 o'clock-Ball game, Vacatioisn___
league: Medics vs. La's. (Utilated Leave oiifb li.e ti It Re ielsslFir't (alnte of Today"sIDoubleheader 'Bltn(xreet Player sore IUnqualifed
3:30 o'clock-BalI gains, Vacation to Carry ioitIleseareis Xl rk M r eielia il nTw foriaie
League: Lits vs. REngineess aRulihie, Sadn etra
3:30 o'clock-tGoldsnsith's, "She Stoops - tndn Ysera
to Conquer," tanspus theater. 1lA VE S H) 11 SIMt' III.' h FN FALL . IIEST 1. T FSESMS ERS (1I6FPR
3:15 o'c'loc'k-Shakespeare's, "A Slid--
summers Nigt Drem," Capus frofes~or I enris ftis of teobotai n*Ben* Greet's * WnoodlatidWod playersyesmore
theater. setart iii, was grauted a tirs's year *thnsifedhex
Tlomorrows es's'of ah onice by the board o1 ri'- Leagu'e Staindinig to aite h expectationis of the
10:3 o'loc "Pas' - isaire I est 'ftiii.st3, od ili tevi sWXL1,T1'Pet. * audience at: their two perfor'imances
Agaiit lnrst" Rv.Lliyd I'Si'..'iie r fer thisisltandhoh Ssiisahsa.Li....... 2 0 1 1.000 * yesterihay. In liothi plays giveti duritng
Dogas, Cnreatiotia.lchurC. oss't wihcsli Ir'ert i is Xidics . 2 h0 1 1.010 *this day, Miss Elsie Rearias was the
10:30 o'clock--"This Moderii Approach o iribber tiressfor this' UitedSttes Laws..1......2505acigsrBtas"thiehs
to Reiin"Hv .R.trutsh tibbi';' Ci. '1, -ineers ..... 1 3 0 .25th * Shrew," and "Peg Wolfiuigtoii," she
to eliion" Rv. . S Loing Un- , * * * * *scored ais unqualifiedl hit. Although
tanian church. t15 ofessor Ithis was rhseiifroiisa h *X=**** ** *M.BnGetwsotaltob
Monday mistiib ii fthei'imost sisiteshscienists' . o Maes * r.eisGreetoadsonbleaoye
5:00 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i o'lc-hs eaisK i u ir iiiiirtniersities, anid will at-" Sitiriays tiie Gii r oadRhsiOspae
5:00 'clokt"Tthis'ins o anSn-iMdiec-Lit at 2:00 o'clocks o the part of "Grsiisio" in, "This Tainitg
cisistit'iviltoatoubleiiie amoun" oitsai
ctrt vidizaProf. L.M. toe, Welsi yi. 'sii i hs ibisrte..i 01 Lit-Eng. at 3:20 o'clock, a of this Shrew," aiid that of "Triplet" in,
orateassorofhor.tM i'Oat, Asara%%i, * * **. * o* * *"Masques and lFaces," "itsa very se-
lectors room, Physical labioratory. a-. 'rilctda srn ilb
8:00~~edc o'lc1)eial hs.ls i iiathis sdispiosal. I'e iltl alsosmake Mediics anid Lits will battle for the ceptahils manner,
8:0 'coc-Rcial te las i'..'r'.sh r 'ss-iri'tiexirithihisinto Iirit- Viacation league leash this afternsoon, "ThisTainig of this Shrew," was
Shakespeariaisreaing, ''Much Altd it' ' 1 si sh r' all' a.thie'twosteams fought a tie given is she afternoon before ans audi-
itaitInoCiautc iisAbout Nothing," University hiatl.t. isisubemaeia o tegaeo their previous imeetiing aind ses which nearly filled this outdoor
huhrthisraise si this work msiay bhis'hv have each whsippe both the Laws aind theater oin thisesaspus. Local dra-
((isis 4. Enginesers, tosday's gauss should be a isatis' critics stated that the perform-
lio sii iiesot gsts ars-fought onesties was this best acting of, "'lbs
collsection oh this rasr'paints growitig It -thisMedic's defeat the Lits, they'atsigothsSrw tathsBe
DECEN SinASA T hei strictshewl visit. These wil be i first phase whatever the re- Greet players have ever given in Ann
willbe entto he nivrsit an sut o th seondgauss which the Lito Arbor.
plaed n te hrba iv hichs sill bemuhst play today. If the Lits defeat Last night the play which was re-
.tptutnliiettthey wvill still be its first place, hiavitig W tlad playters, "Masques and
Prof. EfE inger CLAeSeGIeES wonun or ae hnthe Medics.lFac'es," bylTomsTaylor and Charles
As Literiiry ('allege IDeaii "1 'II A ll ABOU'NO'l'IIN" this doubile-header for the Lis is Reahde, was given befohre ath audiemice
'1 imrsilay . ''IA 4 ' h55~h~ti xniitoi even larger hhan that of this after-
Oil necessthyRaynthotedaBrainioy
EN7I PRIOFESSORI EL, ll" tis Motnday eveintgonie of thi ssot ill this Law departmsenst, and Robin- 'on ayodBrme, playitig the fLS 'LC1,1pato"aretVn"plsdth
-uiquehhandisenstertainitng of hthe suma- sonssmaens will noht get hts action pr h Erss ae"pesdti
Prof.JohnH. Efingr, fr th enh~ programsswsill alts place, wehen agains until Wednesday, whets they aude heiy this realistic msannier in
years acthig desms of ths College ofi 'rot. Hltister's slass in Shakespear- mueet thisEnsgineers.whchiplydtearofseov.
LitratreScetie, usi use rts s anai readinig silt gvs a platfornm re- 'lThse battle betweens the Lits and All of the parts its both performances
appmmiedsheth h his (ihiegeth thsvital of Shsake'speare's, "Machi Ado Medics is apt to settle the final stsnd- were carried in the artistic mantier
board oh regents at their July mheethig Atbocit Nothing." isgu hslage shs o tor avewihhs cm ob xpce-r
'h'hunday atermuioms.As this girls its this class greatly out- huh two morse ganmes, playhng both the the Ben Greet players,
Priif. Samuel Moors, of this tUiver- iumhber thus boys, 5t will be nsecessary Lawvs andshEngiteers next Saturday. tob gvnb
sity of Wisconssims, was appinted a~s- llows them to give sistine scenues, Owinig to this fact that the sunmner teWoln lyr ids.Ti f
sociate professor ot English to succeed taksing btt this msale sin femuale parts.' sessions of the Medics closes the next tSe mS at 2:30 o'clock, Goldsmithas,
Prof. J. 5.T'atlscks, who recenstly cc- Althoui'ghi no scemiery or costumses arc week, thecy will be umable to play any "She Stop o oqen," will be
signed to takce a simailar positions in itoedtdihing thies perfornmances, this maons gamses. played.. Mhss Rearns will be featured
this Untiersity of C'slifornia. Other rtascsvhii'hi give the isfiferent works this Lits, hiowever, will have twoas"teBdath"wilMrRu-
05t giem poitisi weeDr. S. 'thn of Shakespearc' and othier comihempa- gaines withi this Laws and one .with ton will 'lytepato Tony Lumsp-
Froteberg, of tUpsala college, instructor rary authors al'ways please their audi- the Enginesers after today's double- km. hspr a ae atya
in psychology, andt Rodrigho Bonilla, ofhececs withs s clear imntrpretations of hecader..Dii past performncihes, both Sty Bets Greet.
the tUnited States naval academsy, in-? thus plays svhichs they give. itis amid Medic's wilt wits all their Tlhie evemning's emtertainmuent will
structor is Spansishs, ansi W. A. Patois, -- -- ------ gass es froms the other two teanms, and consist of Shakespeare's, "A Midsn-
'15, inistructor ini ecuoomic's. Assistant R1EV,. IlOCLIS GIVES 'IlHIlI) today's comtest seems to be a struggle men Night'n Dream." The play will
Ptrofesor XWatter Fishileighs,hit thisemsn- SEIiIMONIEC"I''E OF SEIRIES for this causpus flag. begini at 0:15 o'clock. Miss Rearns
gieein cllge asmae n ss-- will again play the leading feminine
ciate professor, aud will takse carge Resv. Lltoyd C. Douglas wiltl give the *sas*s'sx a a ous*a*s role, that of "Helena," while George
of this courses in automiobile smigi- third of a series of sermnm-ectures orsi 0 lenMeltdii img ho play ill (lie sum- * Somnes will play opposite her the
neerinug. "hImperial L~ivinig" at the Fis Cisure- * ier btseball leaguie shlould get ins * leaditig male role, that of "Lysander."
Ausomig other businsess tramnsacted by gatiotial churcs at t10:30 o'clockc to- * tultiell sitll the manaihger of thle * In vhew of the mannier in which tho
this regemts was this purchase at this imorrowiv oninhhg. Thi suboject of this 1te11m of their tepsininient same * playera were received yesterday, a cs-
Eber White farmsswhirls will his usetd cenizom iith be "P'ehace-Imsured l tius tis aseek, 'le menagers * pacity audienuce is expec'ted at hoday's
jointly by the forestry stnst botansy de- .Xgainst Cusnict." . ksiilli their phone numbers are: * perfornmces.
partimenuts, amid thisconferrinigitt de- So far these lectures hiave attracted * Lit-3tcFirland, 1813-J. * _____________
grees upons students svtho wcre uot5'idhespreadttattenstions amsomagthi sotis- * 1s;Labsudie, 494-3. * HOLDI STUDIENT 1011 tASSING
present at coimensscsemnt. 'hssbhi- dens, as hahs beensshiownu by they Enigiees-Blenltonl,811.11. * WORIMLESS CHfEC'KS IN JUNE
ated degrees granted to graduates of capac'ity audii'nces ai this twooprevioussa Nedics-l-4IS.ML
t~outimsssdoss age4) msteimi o.Clurs H. Borge, '17, is in the county

LEONARD A. BARRETT will speak Sunday at 10:39 A. M.
THEME: A SOUL RECOVERED -As illustrated in Victor Hugo's-Les Miserables
Bible Class at noon for students attending Summer School
Professor W. D. Henderson will speak

jail ons ths charge of passing worth-
less checks to this value of $50.00 on
the imerchants of Ants Arbor.
He was brought back from his home
in Clevelamid Thursday by Sheriff tLin-
denschmitt, who had beets sent there
after niany of the merchants of this
city had complained that the checks
passed by Burge, dating May and June,
were of no value. Burge was accom-
panied by his father, who is desirous
of doitig everythimig possible to free

tt'ouutnuisd on page 41 1 JL -q "'aon
Friday afternoon: Annual Summer School Engagement ofSetalatWh'
"Taming of the Shrew"SetalatWh'
Friday evening: State St. Store, opens
"Masks and Faces" Monday, July 1, at 4
Satudayaftenoo: G RE T S P. M. Reserved Seats
Saudyatroo:uNr RES 75cts. A Reduced rate
ShStostCoe'TSaturday evening: Woodland Players of $2.50 for the Four
"A Midsummer Night's CMU HAR JULY 23, 24 Performances. 1

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