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August 13, 1910 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1910-08-13

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4 x 5 Cartridge
Price reduced 50c each day
beginning Aug. 5th at
Se i in our windown
E. E. CALKINS, Druggist
324 S. State St.
et your MICHIGAN
Pins, Fobs and Spoons
OpticaI' ~Dept.
Fine Watch and Jewelery Reparin
216 South Maimn St.
Ji'noie's to innenStudn't
Printes ': -Ti enoleine. Tie
'ste On.no anlyo TheAiounnns, Te
Taw k lewThen (:iagoy. Te Mih-
inTn ic.'s'Ilnn.tigOh hol Omvega.
A neis n T'yler -kieysne Snos6
Great B(511 on Fotballntisi.Itcia Stn
dens' Iirenn'ninny, Nes-Lette. S. . A.
'Text-Hoos ininiifern'ln'o nuann.
Press Building, Maynard St.
Attn Arbor, Michigan
All Lovers
of wod sda Waers find
ihati the Fasft' nie'r'ity t'Ior-
winwy i an ieaipiaceo' a
' de on' lnici s co'loe eivie.'' a0 hirs'
Last University Pharmacy
29i 00000 Jniv esity

University School of Music
Aiin'ei A. Sianiey. A. M., tDirector
Summer Session, July 5-Aug. 26
Rs'guiar shooi ye'ar'ie ;ins Ocntobern3.
(cusst tlIsann'iunn of Mtnnin'.
Aitilitin'nithnintiv n in''tly.
if Artisi t'nTea'ie's. 0'nniorseend fnnr
C' ttARft t"t&A. SNNt. Sn'cr'tar'y
May nnrnnt . Ann Arbor, Mictn.

Tweky ubiation of. the tudetntn
of heUnnvenit' f Michigan Summioen
Editor-in-Chief--DaAA . JoN~s.
ManaogintgIEditor-LEE A WHITE.
News Editor.... Dion S. Birtney
E. Rl. Bunrtnn Edwand It. Robie
H. G. MoGee Bunleigh Jacobs
Enwint F. Koch H. M. Calkinsn
W. LeRoy Pentkinsn
Advetisntg Manager.. Riohard Simmioon
0I. 0. Carpentien Jonn Bonnilla
W. G. TBeasley
Addreas: THE WOtrvFRNtng Pnesn Bldg.,
Mbaynnand Street, Atnn Anionictihigan.
Off ice lHous:a:3t 2:30Jop. tondaily.
Both phonnes, 960.
Snnbncriptiotn Raten :tLocal, fifty ceints
for the snummnner;ttmaited to aniy ant-
dnenn for twetnty-ive cenits addtitionnal..
Advertininig rates: Furnishned nnpotn ap-
titicatioti to tine Manoagitig Editon.
Editor Today-Eni'wNF. Koctt.

FOURTH DIMENSIONS? SURE! t'ii (0n'Ni N vti ''
Its Existence Is Satisfactorily Ex. ins oleaiy to ninni ienn th ie t'ol- NEW FOR
plained by Prof. Ford noe"n ~en nlt s nie its~
''X'lttinn s no inng it, soni inane ]seen concs'n iveh nnat ti lne'IisinignrioIiin
seeinng }osenlf's' inn a onurnelith itnisi niii Iclobiousonil Sniiinvafte'nrnn. 'This
asincet envens'tie ounlonksediins a niirn-niniceitmwl1benn ins'tinnoinnitin nnni dtn
nonr;" s0ot least said Pofn. XX'. tB.tFnordnninie nnelns'sinnnennts xviii ienseredn S U M M
kinhis licte Fidayonsaftenoon on the iand aeneral gonod time in nssurned. S M E
coined auy practical valnne. fnn it is nlymi tPRsOF. IXV IN TOi1sXn t'.N IIN
thenoeticai inn isonicentonn.nt, ru I Nt'S IN COfNS'TIT UTION.
lutg tby' analnogyits ''nintenieca's~nib in
shonns'ias neaslis stihai t n tinn th nindWenesdain'afienni tin ec'nture nill
dinnienisinionrnil tinesecnd.'Tinhe ii nistb-be inst'nnnrfssonrnF. S.'C('ninof i
jest iassbeeni ineateni so much ninnsthe iPinsctn intniive'nsity. Illis sunbject nwiii
natiens antsndtolartin ognces iniiat int ins"Te ()'tivstndthtis'l.'nnstitnntnni.'
has inst sno' 51 its sie'itifics svnluie ni I tnt esnniI'Conrninnis'conduiniig cs's
assumesid mnitnieliec int ofla onptint inn rI ag'nn''nn thinstintmeinn'nthhins toryn'
ilay ting. leptm e nsnt. I. liv ss'n its n i ns ' 'he ( - -
"'ine thenony canbeheelednsciioynsinnnn Iio n ins nilinof tiicni ~tteStaties We are showing an exten-
stantinig nithn onFine, as a sampneinfeonis aff it inb' judsicialI decisiostns. Iiin ivo lite of Summer Fabrics.
iiinitninni.Xioii einies iivsOn I inisi lsit' eitsiiss in sniitinni The'Foeassortmsents comprises
'spacee' nil tihe seond 'innnennisn oinnihiea ws ofin n nnt'ii'iin tendeditsui oil w
nojects haioiing' letigit. inbroidthn dstintinerut d tecisinons nan' inndnnenceni it. everytlhinig that is new and
thickniess, suchis sphiieren rbe , sin s ee ill iiinoubted~' ly alwit nobby in designs, color anid
irspokeg neof s eninnheitirdimnein nIthe nnfuiengn 'rl uect.in snss dtn uality. We cot ssay with-
It s , ' _ r n o in~othaotn' ou1t ex~ggerat ions ousr stock
stoinitng thtere,nsf on inninn i n ainnmis ontheonn claofni'this year is the nso. t hand
higher n ninnenisinni. Sin fnrntine aoritinies loono. iThsoughn still a onunnngmninonenit s omse we have ever sisown,
diisoigreeas ino iwhethete ohluman 1minds snestmedsvns' inghlyis inonschetoa. and willredlap al'th
coan graspoboljecsrsp' clums'r'elations- ini ________________raiyapa h
tine hypmerspoie geomietry',indtel imist1FntAI Co-ED lEXK I N'TO most particular patron.
in madetnont whieinnnurtminsshavebe; ':SF1I XIiiNi;UI IIENLY.
trainedo s ou see those lhigheuenioiten,
it xwililibe oaiu nnnnsmpl ''tturti ncenss ive of sudide'n dincoernunhes anbeeni unonde.
exult furnthner'dimnnsuions.no SinInns thne Xpinsonns beenIonmutinnin''henumi-
rationlsitd' is conisideredlthiseuthory mrschnoolsxnnliwonshis otical nontensi-
is perfectly feonsile, blo in, mur lnnmiustics. Nosun, wse srietnot surso etoti
cit knowxlendgeof thne .;ubject, it us xxeol Insanitinat diuring tins' u."mmlanlt'rm th iere
mmci to ask ftiomaim' 1uestinnns. Thlu e's ealon ie ts out tine oampnunshunt tin
mnigihs ceaote ndiffiuelntiesfor innmmwxhois filnd nschlin au minsid s'ersonage' inntine
to annswen thnene. summern inschotil--thot's on differenntpoinn-
"But to cosntinnue, hnniing gixven sintin. _______________________
sphnere, nxwinh its npropne'equasin ti insby m otmiis innie is nt a foireusend,
anialogy it is pnossiles. tnd suevens'nnmnu its ''rea mouthinxxwit curnshain'. No.this
Bibole tin anddtoius'coordinot n d gul'et limotimue mlus nucox-edi. Junst exaetly'ssho W E . te l
equanotionn,minitinhe equnntionntnly, nf a lthsis c-ldis, hm ommiist tbeensnilscover- w " D d
founrthn dinmesnsionalntsonlid. If. nowuen d Seis stilltooimmunondest inn divsulge Varstty Tailor-
sass o nie thrnouighnmiis imaionarynm'' onnin un'' osminn'he' initials; poetiscnl
spnhere, we xilvii nne givn a siheofue pnrnonpenusities nine hinns'tesvertelens. 1 17 E. liberty 8t.
the third dimnennsionn. IHowever, ius Tins insiraution finn thenpoenomomas
nwiththe fits'ultinug snuinne onlny limos iesfurnnnisit my aonitue marsn allowotrnvoast,
are anctainteud, mnd on's'coins nit itnagineic'hx'tMsim l snBigelownsgaves in tos'he mm--
line higher' onbjectfro mm ichmiiit 'nle- 'ide nts i ins tin pysicaltoi ntnittn'gsin'ant-
gsenorated.' iAs lusnnosm beinug's, xxe ine imost atoil 01must'ildlul:few' e'veninmgs RE R
cost 1te it s dfnitm ena s a g'.There swere a ewoth'r refresh- GRE R THERS
it is at tine presentnimnie inmnnssible for singinug; mini sn uotiolen effect there waos
fs1t inn e anni'aly useo nf the fourth im nilu- a pnoenm. If alonninnne stililots ftnan
sioni, exepnias Os subljectfIno a lector;thnere is ai pnoeess inn ournidtst, let him TA L R
no annulthncn." reod ndi best oenoins'est.
.n t~r~tNDiofin inc nt:t''Y HOnn.moxand
SUMMtER( SITIEDS ENJoY' Lasti Tthursday uigin tineinmnooni sinnne
IIEF RO'AS'TS ON IHU.RON. brightacosmld leyhlo r n x
Tine drnougbt xxicht lins tprevailedt fonn Wheun fuotyginris foinppedlilghotlyfnoth
soune tmne hloom aote'rianlly' lowxeredttine Tontnoast and tm arn nnshmalow nn. 1112 S. University Ave.
Ii snooi, mmmimiis sdies nunshindcer tine .A ciiti'lun bighntlitinlothne skoy'and
energetie canonm xvihomis nwilling itoxnnwok'T'he jealonusnmoonmn ceptnilow. 911 N. Vine Ave, .
his ndray over shmnols nnd Ihul ghn naronmw Fion ajonlly' utotieorthnkmssacceput.
tiloces f ronm maknoinng'loins u nmo donw imuu ln s'relces'e finnMiss - igeilow l GREY B O HE S
tins river. Nieyeey' nighot snmal l.'ontriiuen atnil's n nicipmuntf.1X. F. U.~f~l
panties gn upmthelin'rixonrfion afeedt ion a - ____- ___-

SExamoinations are nt so demr at hant
sinai the lectures scheudenfonrthecom-n
mg weeks need to tue neglected. Ann es-
pecially attractive prnog'rimnnhas Ibeeni
pnretparedInortine last regulanr neek of
tine sumnnmer sessin beforne tinexweek
of 'ekmoinnationns.
Frinday nightE at eighnt-thnirty the last
reception of tine onmmner nchoool fanculty
is inn le giveno. Tickets nmay lie secedo
at time offico inn University Hall my' those
nwhon desire thmenmn. Adsnin nn'ill ibe
grannted mupon the lpresetntation ilfinhe
Treansurer's receipt at the ndoor.
IHow ilonesomne thmoselanusxiiilibe neon
all alonne.

Tine umany deceptionsn that aine prac-
icedi inn preparinngfood snd drugnsvwilm
lie nunvoaled Tuesday afternoonmy' Pro-
fessor Schliotterbseck, dean of tinefde-
parimentm of pioarnmacy. Thse lecture
miii lie held at the usnunl timne amnd oplace,
aunn il bot e illuntrated.
D~eann Schotterboeck sliest snme timnes
abonuad, receivling'-lin doctor'sfdegree nt
tine Universitv of Berune. He returnnedi
tss miis nunioersity as Assistamnt Prosfes-
snor of Phnarnmacoignosy and oitoany', and
ill 1904 wvas advaunced to flue rannk of
Jniorsn Professor. Tienexset yuan mie
nvas nade dean of the school of than-
mnacy. Professnor Schtlotterbeck 1is On
nmemtber nsf manny phanuaceticat socie-
ties amid associatinons, anud is a freqtuenti
contriboutonr to scientiic jonurnaln.
oMichigan wan one of time first states
In adopt a cnopete eduecationnal system.
Studennts amtinhe engineerinng camop lint-
sin teir xvork August n26.

. -
t .

ltrip dunsn'ntime rapisintoss'almostsdevomidi
Eof danngers.
A cannoe flnl nfcumsiosns, on goid steanl:,
amid on suitole spot for on campsfine moms
an appeal mth nt mix'one nt aisle in
resist. So gnomalong line rixer nnu' ight
tanud y'oun see litt'esinus o flickering light
aiming tne shnores, aunt smuells sof joule's
steaks xxiilInc xaftes t to iy s ou an s you
3potndlte alng. 'Truly, snumen ersol is
mmmi sumchu mn anxfunlgrindtfer oil.
Prof. Freh N. Scott moms returnedl frm
a x'acatinisteintintine AXiimi sin

"'ilS nRsMtnnIsd.,1LDMile o UILDNGv.
OIn'unenurnot dollars an beets appro-
ptedisibi's thin Regeunts of sine Unnixversity
fcnr the preparaon' of pashin finnrno
mnnoeling time Odh Mendical Bilihnig
alosng' the lies ohf isuggestinssoffered
is' some old gradulnates of time Medical
A ponrtionn of thne basennmnt of tineOd
Chnemical Buildsinug is beinug fittest up
fnor use of time depamnnnenti of Geology.
C'o-eucaionismtxas esiaishiecd at miis
umniveruss inn 187.

210 E. HU-on T1O M ~fLOVELL 1109 S. Visst
First Class Boot arid Shoe K.epairinjg
Torn wants youar old hligh shoes Best price $lven
ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS---French and Steam Cleaning
For Fine (Gowns, Waists, Woman's Suits and Maet's Clothing
All Spots Removed. 204 C. Washinsgtoni
If youi are furnishing rooms this fall be sure and consult
us, as it will be to your advarntage

Catoitat $50,000 Surplus and Profits $100,00g
Genenral iBanking tBusines. 5percent paid
n0 Tinne and Saving, Dpstnss~. Safety D~e-
ooshtn ttnns nto mrn t ao.00and upwards
tin. tcnnsr, Pres. H. 0. PREnT'rsAs, Vice-Pes.'
II. A. WILLIASs. Oashier P. T. STOWE, Asst.
[he Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Capital Shoots1.50,000 Surpls $:80,000
Resousrces 12,40,00
A General Bakiag Business Transacted
OFFICERS: Chas. E. Hiscock. Pens ; W. 0
Htarrtiman, Vice Fees.:n M. J. Fritu.casatee
4V. J. Rooth Jns, V. Sheehan
Wmn. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan
Tans. H. Wade E. F. Mils
John Haarer Jno. Koch
Prof. H S. csrlnsrt Henry W. Douga
Ohrtstotan martiun Dan F. Zimeremime
Lerman- meneicanniivin sfaj
Correrle s', .d
Cor. Melee, send LibertyrUtz-sots
Pres. Vice-Fees,
S. .LARKSON, Cashier.
Canpital, $ioo,ooo. SurplsnatodProfits,

F..nrentwxre, Carpets, send Draperles

112-122 E. Liberty

121 Washington E.

RANDALL & PA CK, Photographers

5bo 98

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