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August 13, 1910 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1910-08-13

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Nof 2j.


(~D~PD ~lf AIG is o ooreshocig than to speak f
VAR IT G the "tlibrary nder ap ak.cmp Scattber.
V R IY tA [ ENJOYING EUROPE cetherI'sotfontaheaiclnus sotScte
812 E. Liberty n ubro alsadcar bu
_______________________________nder__tie trees. ius a good sized or-
chitrass ite lhnidstandid th ae a
Onlyone lockfrom Honer Explains How Campus snniss Isofsteirs fromsrongy
re \i Sits iiss INurierer Rei-
Onl oe bCka rosCould be Converted Into 'IX is et. Thr yti uld iaea
th apsGerman Beer Cardcn r-XclsGer'tmantibe ter.re!igior
Thiree:good square isisst iii titisitparts of Sizeraid..
meals per cda 'SENDS A LETTR TO WOLVERINE Sisces i us,
Single Meals 25c lleidelierg GermanyNVLTNKT EOE
$ ~5O per Week TTherigornieexp 'tieitiois is still Demonstrations With Models Will
Sundy Iner 35 in ullswig. herehav ben turs be Made for Visitors
SunayDines 5c n~dftolrswttfrmehoma CoiSn's Tie snavaitask in tese wesigineer-
flyitg etpeditiousstolonieyjornysig bilsiding is t e('iens stisis er
wills"Bedeker as i inolls fritsndiindtiscoolsotusdseits o enis e i'sasytafe-
M E AL T J1 C K E T S guideBit our eis w ass qsiutsue nisn fromis 3 toi 5 p. i. his wiligei
as a certalustlemeit f sexctemetiithii i ails ioppoi sr titysiltoisvisi sssietinisg tit
______________________________________it that uakes i ipreelce isioanIsisolher.cats sitte sess eercla, sie to te
* Speaking of the catteiot svuyae l iact st itiwittsnee iceutionstheiUsi-
mutst say ie foundsia ;'oildsitaniifor crsttc f \i ciii' 5i i hi nso oi
leafed cssvers ii te ih s iiisiichewe tt is tius equ iti Iiipe, h cr osoti ldsiic
* ' *p fed to the ibeasts. AMbt stwlstsofs5hcierefirttsa kiisass I""rof te opsis
* call e-isnssisisboard were coleeen tisisssh ilt ciiiredTheseisisof tss tak
qAu.smsal ip to the sessasectnsiswes teit iill h l aii uti s i eediand demo sitti i
' ?U~iAhl~1fAt like kiigs. The wstu sns dif ificuslt ifitisis sit I s wil ibe imadei
aid taking iai als iiitt it s c x liiiIeitink osis si eiissoite "siud
1 eploialy pieasasintisoyag, fline o tenegiering lding
(l Soppisng us LonssoossMistlngnugessis t i 30 fetoo ng cii an"'dsife iesisic silts
r to "uke our marks"isisi "et sci" wes'siiphiiositi fet Diineindi ii(f ithe
t'jumsped jino Germsasy. Craigs" sal-iii i itsasnksssisis amdlr imweethe liist-
nways eens rather fast sitsp-ins-fr nicidlits oIs the nvlsesis neringssssiepstar-
oni the trck, asd so iautt{iiy ensuug :emlct"hessiii i r own o diss siscsiwsits
ao takens the lead witi'i Iis imtbles' hichsitsh ists stsais tshs e1i exptrimenits
l , * v 'ansdi neaps, etc. le was sitess am ties n slthe isink
: "Thoitas Cook" blie atey (f huts is iThei iwisxiisth t isht ssmsdeiig f
J61,1& S6 ef G"j O cnsonottbond the list scosuistg Ii i)ts iioats i issssisacopisei wc's'ui ft ito the
JOCRNAL BIIDNG Rhine, ecause sof it sefficsincy s 'usdisartmtien sstsomJssiss).Rokeffelic's
DE TIT guiste -ar usisgreat. k 'sits ic'ge ofal ."I r i c[:i i
tie railroads ott the outisisest ply
Europe is full of Amsericas sits ,isi ueIiii theliii esensscitsof tisl ankisii
stransge as it ta seemosts ssssmhsessst' i t ish i fs th tsryss best ospor-
AnoherCha ce oot realize it. Tie'go abssuts, blidslsnis tsosanisisesitercestd in sthiss
A11 1110 Cl a l~pU gaznsgwith wondcer at he iistoi essi sisIsii1 i i sicna"bac f essgss'c i siT e
es adbeu i ssnd s lit, evspe kit -i s'isrk siisde Ite us e vsi on so ii ris.
For Thorn. Who Want ing to asts isie for fearithtesswillts he50 Sadlesitw11its i it u,' lt ysiialso it-
derstoot. ft is dsulott si y ito meets metis omisse 'dditio tteissi t nstil its c-
T iEiWOLV R~INEr themtsott histsaccouint. fT s osliss slice siftsIeriment 5suts ithaerplanliilis.
THE WULYUUI ndi 'ssis as ftoss: If tou sseea rtrs
Akinerisais girl, ie preparedts stto oosir oupi sits'ii isiis
STUDflENTS' tsssch surprisesdaid tiltte stftysusitoitRegeslt soinsinit iteoslsttesmer
i.)EU U LI~l~) witerr she ay ie sitting. Thesse'cimitsf te usisssse sit sringi"boilswhoio
DR C O Y wills great esphsios onthie "yost" s ewtrappiledlini matlters piticth isi
DIE TO Y "Are 'y'uuanitAmseric'sn? " ;snmessr seets hissofiDssrlists
-he wl reply, ''Whysi ssesaec ots" benhisrits isss fo slitsatciithe
'Thens follow wills somthcising ulits-sffi of sityor.Iliie eisi tatspossitisn
Verified by Univrify Records, and the
books ot the Telephone Companies )e, atnd ist it strainge-asssromnusticslas'fewNst backi st~fort iltercmsi
-'that we lion Amtericasnsssossld siet i t s siwa isilct Couidiwih11011nesssppr
ti's strange lands, adasi msiosg sudsich nst sto lt isttsiit sear cciiof a
(fstrang~e peoples-and,bithtie stas-' sitspsisiietu isfothe51 'sit od,
To Get It sottknow Toni Joies sof Psislis'ic?" otseitti semsss1 to s hd is fferet
"Yes, I kuows'of hm utsisI kois'Iis ilt' s 'sto iiss funsctuit sie slitod.
You Must Subscribe for cusuinsveryssell." tti tcoti s ssa isf ~sTtis
mseet Ihere so far asway'frossihome, std il., .wshst gadutedsiifrom111 te utii-
T h id that we ate coisitos cilaittiai- stllwsithsthe ltciassosof 71. ihis bees'n
T he ~ ~ es etc.', etc..?"It is te easiest tinig itsAnnsts 'Irortafeti test itvsisitng
its the oorid. It's s ncwa i-finds Iat 32 l1. Wasinigosn t.
W o lve~rine -isancsse ahrod will ermitit
S H eidelberg is a eesy'interesting std a FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH
_______ very ibeatiful tiamstt100 eryone
knows.Tonigts te stdntss ae liii cOuNi'u STt APND Jr n oTRcs.
NO INL COPIES isg a celehratiosi at tst odid lssitstHENRY WILDERt FOOTE, Misiiaer.
O SNGE tll castle, the celehratio nsitsotsiss" 111its
of issueo containinug Directory of tmaking the old Schloss alii 'glowt
except to suhscruiuers. with colored lightso.Thest iuet'sitem Service tomorrow at 10:30 A. M.,
I seites coisider it qut esseintiali to bei Sermon by Rev. L. M. Powers
2G5 its. "lit uip" as wel as the caste it ordr of Haverhill, Mass.
to enjoy the great eet
Phone 960- Germiatty is fassous foruisc sbee rgard- ttit C
ens. To speaks of a ee-arsitu hsre "The Right to be an Optimist"

Electric Lighting is Cheaper
Than Cas Excepting for
Household Purposes
Ptrofessor Hit 1. ii i le's Littlur
'iTursdays' afternsosohssoilt 'Recet Dee-
opmenstesil sisGectric Ligtting," saetictie
casec of clecric lighitingh'teus gasligt-
'li appeaitr a litte mtutolte foilrss
'isho'tnt' sithnsit isadsbeec Tshss tsus-
thu, afie ProessrseXXits leIcureeoit
"us lighng.is
In compartsits"'electic lnhtinwthi
gso ProfstHihi idmtthsed tt the fr-
suie was mores epnsissse so so suds
eileeny suslost its its pouctusinsu. OnDly
frusslim 5 hust utuolie ercnt oitthue ergp
stredinusthis coal, tiusnecdt deeloi
tilt power5wisch -tts tht'"'enetris.t
svilstnte for lghtngg purposs. H-ou-
stir, utiude tof theshoustesold151elcticity
ismc oeefc int tthns"gass
hut prosducinganitslthi ntussd'sil light
is s'egared s's thse'its' lshoIa'stit. his
tryintousget a hiit tha1 s smtingt s
huke dayilight it is usecssaits to thie
it culsnis'idtonithis cslor(toltthe liht,
lie huesouer sdiffussiosthit'eit itsty,
tash a stdy ilitmintist.u t inaslthi
siothe cstitlst hute5asill s ipiossili.
It is aninisterestingf-st e velospshed
trug rs''icensut xliiimtt s ta'ttes
silt- terselitIosithe is'Igt rustsatest hi
a ti-irts-is its thi s ulIissislt o ilt'u
sectrsums shie inte list uslamp5515sillsw
todayitosly 'tuusr cnt of t higt is it
tse visilespshestilts
Prosfesssr fligisesilstsi'el trosugs
aseries f udemuostrtost 11 the efcctio-
ness f 'a numtbuier of uincnduescnth ights
shostuswingte graduaimp sssrve-metstt. 'Thus
us siofthsitslightlitfteisu ps gaes
tromsreddilish toluely'ii-v' itsits epending
it thir-iegsic'sfcc erfeItsitlon.
1'i usunles sf'ie its wus-c-esowns
adtuhe thissira~ctristis tushd useris of
easchs poinutdh out
'Noutosits t imporutanst'stohischose hi
"uod lightut thes shuts"g of tins'ligh
tuht tdereletorssetutuare'scostitnlgt
hie totssiescsilustass sen stitli use-
dust" 'nfits i centuligt fle is-of
this thesticusitut ituoruer5toseue its
g'reatstfien'cy utu i is tsevlpiedtaong
'wih ue desvsltument of ito ideas as
to thismaings s"oh the lui s themtselvs.
If ue sid n ot hits rsflectos the ight
wus d u be Ismuore tintense u inte tiue part
oh use roomustandtwu'tltslt heasoeffi--
ciit in telulwsr55aIt sr it ttnhbe maue
his reltis.hus hsoug hitselue of aue-
gntetsreflec trs 15urgs-si stl it is ot
as e tsnoi hsoisto th uotheexremue
tutu use opaquerrste cersitas the sarps
inec of tdemarcton tiiset te light
situ the sark tsis of the roomn are
serr inuriouss to oueses.s
Somuse reletors sfost usasitlamnpttar
so arransgedh as to uil thuueue lgt swhict
ssouildhothserwcise lis thle swaltutu he
abisoredc. (lue oh thu stlusreentt ii-
ventionssis sa tutump sswhishtruwsth te
light upwsards andh slpssds 511105 the
reflectionstof sashte eiling surface foir
its efficiency as alugt-ist"uer

is worth considerable more to
you than the cost of
Take so chsanccisy drisk-
tng ordisnsry o ce eat liststisse
of the year, int let is suspsply
youth ilsgetrit-fire
wohichswiaul 0110yoiswillsant
abstilslrly piste and whisle-
Per Gallon - 15c
5 Gallons - 50c
Confainers reurnable at price
charged. Delivery free to
any city address
fH(AVTO TIh; tt t NtI Itl
The tftsenooutnIleue -onlt's'i
he hiy P'rofessour rest N.Scthd<.
the depar tmuest f RPli nths' i.
versuit-. His sujc wsill b -"he Us
of Picturscs us Teacill''EInusiss isis
psitio Th e ' titsisucs sui use llustatlush
Fusean }eart s P esoittot Ia
bten teach sit" composs siion susni hits
li thue utusesf t uti5ssand bsothler
msethosspeculiaus o his lf ft'%a
use list to "us's'theuncut-isisisgmlsicus ho
thue sainusyithe hussreusredt histhi s sht
dentts. Togethertsowit Puofssor1)1 hi
of OhioisState C tutu iityhewoti
treatise olii araga t i t i slit' hu is
stidely' ised.M'snuc-uther texts havI
salso ects strits-usb Proess'tut ot
alone sand c onts u ntiol l ist s till s .s
Nexfyearu hueis t hisadi teusewusooltssi
if josurnalism1establlised ere
Hi R.fAit lf iihissbehit apt i n iu tell i
strisctor ius Ithouryfor tins yeari1910
igtir, to usced this F.iB.Niasshiuwho
ins wsihdranni orser to accepti a hiss
sitiont in ueGUitesiy f Texas.
Thur fooctblsqsusiad egins taninutg
Septemubher 15 asititihitmre ITake.

tiniversit Victor
1I~~i ?~oue IITalking Machines
m uetclioue III and a choice stock of High Class Records
moII~~Iut1Ning MIIa1naa street We are always glad to show them

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