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August 13, 1910 - Image 3

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The Wolverine, 1910-08-13

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01p51)p i l",1 7I hl lAl Rl)1(;,-I IWOMEN HAVE GOOD 7'J JME Tey pny iet} loseie 'wetse
Playere area rticular V41 G1Sit ESAGI N. __ VsTh li~iYbe s snithrlsteE OCNN
ahoutcuea We have good n fts fa ll uhgss J. Fank anin'lIgae ULR&OCN
celghorhaypli, Again the old chemistry building sWme'sLageolre the Sesn n~l iveersity of California Mr.
corded, or ebony to sit. undergoinig systenmatic repairs. The old!I Wt at etra Daniel has been intr' doe here its the
Find what you like and we builditng is used to repairs by this time. T'ePkose snetcaguec had its last zoslogy u dleposisnt for te past year,
reserve it for you in private It has been repaired many tnes. rob Ftridtay afternoon party of the summer andi swill continue Iis specialty is the Steamn and Frenchd
drawer i hootharge. ably this time marks the greatest ctsasge sssioni yesterday afteroo, and everyswet. Before coming to this utniversit r lenr
the buildig hs sects in this mtny a daybodnuy present ail to admit ltht it wa5s Mr. . aniel sas a stdent it the Usi-
No longer will the fumes of sutiao, tes'ese nerusetc.Evereyone hs5 got versite of Ciog. idisJohnsssHop
H 1JS7O1~ BRO . asd the killing smels of acid gases tll t osogtst acuanted bly this time ns knsriisrUsiersiss'. t the close of his
30-395 Sat S. the remodelled structure, stiff formsaliy hansbees esstirey dusts rl' ,csecred Ihis doctor's dere.SutPrse25
With the opesnisg of sholsotins the as y iti h ryyelrl wsw_____________
_________________________________fall the political ecosnosmy departmsiesia kisist(f comisnissatioss May Festival, ,"MICH IGAN BES" SOON TO Trousers ioc
moves to its portioss of the busilisg ii Majesic 'suitGranger's. ansI eerythiusg Bl;READ FOR FRESHMEN.
Ball & Sjimlonls the souths wing. H eeeessoomsinsllienssesithil a rush rihtl frosms the start_
RELESAEsared withm the departmsessnt pstitieI Frer slisg also siectitls the refresh- Te"iiliasltl, rtaeth
RAETAE scenecme wich is snewy esablishiedtere.'.nts ofcorse. e.latlDasne wa~sti as srrsls CA.i sowii 19FWilliam Steet
Rentals, Houses, ROOMS I tiem saiss part of ctselbsilisg lros sity .ssslndti'ssd illt. IHowlanssdlthe ress. This is a little sob prepared
or Apartments essors fros th le msedica faclty ill Srees.,iselIisords ,ass aniy en- h nsusr flsCsrsis s________________________
cosduct classes. T'l'b aisemsent siill be ress it. lit routecern her itemttest siissiso usnd fothte ilers ssho siar Ie-
w w ww r" utilized by the lprintns hop,. ansdslt gsssnubeigs.iser ienstersteid. Tim the frishiasi it is
COMPLETE CAFE FOE STUDENTS art of the foresry d sai esu.isi si .giserisg busilisg?'Well liesinsalsssst idisiesabile utIte ges Iis JOHN H. LAMBERT
DacvAND tNIGHT The whole buildisg hsac YO'i . Uit ii!.sow5 whatii it se.mis. leiisg ie. Fcsya ssslel r
0r. C. BIRS4L led throughout. \\ r hbe ongtress le ui s srr that there arenosisi d susst 51to Iprsphetie stsdests. VTe The UiesiySoeSo
a33 S. Mai o thre for heatime ea'r. u'hensfi- to hs'be iam sutre sf the hurties ut as ssoskcontissniss rules for registerisg i l v rit h e S o
Everyting Nw and loet ished te uildisgswill amsptly tprosidt'e ir us rl i i e ii ns eethe aissdepatmtsets swhaut to dsinasd altn'stAess ssisunl es
___________________________ for the seeds of thure e t ho tses'cruel fisas amsusetmes it mis t hm h i tw eetFoosfrisa u l ish o tiu's niit tunhtiesrti
' . a isslcssu'esaddition tsino thessseaitsunug-tionss sf the casmsssbuiinhsgs are gives, LACES AN) POLISBps
Huron iRiver Boat UvArky oto painst of tie suseme ita ssmgtugosgethirthoe hs'u'sisnt sitthe summtuer Itogete ithsnubauccunsst of the several
Canoes ad Boats Rne ue nthemmseuimIsth tur sesiou. Niver beore luateraugya-orgasizatisu i tie iusilus wich are 63H WlimS. n ro
P. C.,TE$SMER, -Puoprit ' o hecr ies tus iitie s ltite en arestsuiexcept diuringugssaissr s I1fuse slu trite tt.,usengeAsboa
isishaimesysil it uti hu eua snet, a st it is greatly sudes tiy. The cuser is its leather,
scheue ru thin risuuhus thisthu rersdit of lios's'its charge that thure t ie tos s'i t' sus hie toe _____________
ur~ugs. tut i i hr rsiest ae tesissuesh itsormse years.
Panama 3U U lSrew -_abstle Iospstntsd their Frida afternosuoss ____R__-einger & Company
s ltatyth mebrhp asand .an other. ALUMNI ASSOCIATIOIN IN stiesshy.'u seslsehi a XI'Z
CLEANED and BLOCKED COMFORTABLE LtUAET'FR:S. es iern eruy uhsie sgiu A response o your act awaits you at
___the a ists little ur aadddsto5thi ts'ue oice of Tie Wolerine. TeOdPaeBlir
301-2 S. State st. treasur. Ts he sure it sou't lbut' ass _______________
Thesicomrpleieod, orsttthirtmorral'little
First Class Shining Parlors Building marked a stepu its sdsassce for er amrhlbtteee Big oxford salt' at Aitsull n ssssandon-Parlors
the Aumis Association. Funsserty. thurels.sute.
associatiosn had eetshinisdeed itsits --if'l- -Nt~SP NC A
NEW SHOE STORE swork by ack of office esms. NowMis BIACK TO) VISIT FRENDS.( Call Longmuas.tie photogapher,
ON STATE STREET with the new offices inthe aumnisibusils- ___oi-{s 'SJfotreoss ars of yourehososm, igrs, Candy, Tobacco
GO f you want s eascais ma sr'euurs- Nest hIiog , '0.osse-tisse ecaptan ndstakueesatm yuse std aywehser. ________________________
an EN I ette. Rooms for the editorial wortri of Msr" ic'hi'ugastat: l'a'strait sin-GOFadTN I hvebnfteduinheasnc wh
S O S its easy access of Ithe side dittis. Al itt gshusfor bihpresrIt s seaogmIsiou tsse'ngts ourvloingssan o r .0
CALslokabtpeLirtoKlog ON gdoetgt ot ~oga'.the dsks have beets so iplacedl as to gire hies ats, fuse e's bhensabhset frostsSieia tteinutionssgivens echsfilms suesae. T~' l
mhe greatest efficiency for thie oif See sis ntssfo usssgtsu. Tme7hcmi
302 Re FROSTf force Fles are arranged alosissythurA'tnisbor rithu lon t'ie.Te i ess- t tuwasasieenssunoGl- Crsqcko
STATESSTUEET wals for ready reference. Thur sffce rsit flail, tusha dzohusiler ustiiu- et'schcltoesil risgo his fushisg'AFaru-
SUhof the editor of te deeusal catalog~ue sr ta r.cmopaet shv ay 0 8f )~ll
is sow separate frostsIluatsosithueasisn- itsuprsomiuen 'sincere is'gsad
eation, but the uwork goes ositsoits-essussig
SnCmay mostlanshbefore. rofessorsenBs'tiiutisiiueonussuu uise o u aneuay 5 3osfW lim
bebhESncopn thEnshsss drmetis editing ofKFllosggywsoisse ito7fetig s grn east
wrrorroseea AND aemnm other of the tell year euslaolsrs icsn isirii en rnig ie n w
Chmials, Drugs and Sundries sir. Utilt s lou d i w aehsget
El ~~will apear snu. Thurnsew ofis wssithsylIi
X00 i 0s P.Librrty t nuk1 wr o hiupsuhihen t cla s hiuug urisdthslr'Cnferenesetirb
mae the w r of flg saisis1muc e-rerd ts inte l tter enint.
se regard at.the moemuents of ts lur'a us hr en uuss stss eesno tl'Smokeless Pow~sder Shells
umuels easier.nor hou esties it 1ous .Uiesii, tshd
W0LVEKINE- tainsundtushees suitlsme tamss eu- The Patent Corrugated Head on Win-
"Lae"CLVB ROOM Tm aehussiu alrsesus ' lsso iegiin'.chester ede"and"Repeater shells
still- visilme withinimoderate psereters '4~absorbs the shoclc;ofthepowderexplos-
boes. I sets soons sulen Jupirhsii ue . mumnus ss u nur5se.~ ion instead of localizing it, as the old
Tbiacicrs and PolCiigmgplntstsIle cehnu eesisg o'tu. Tomasss ,tusrely itohrthe e- EngishwayofmnetalliningdoesThata
ToapsadCia. syesrtinernt of Rhetrsi, suit st pesentsh hs why Winchester shells, with their
Lver-ythiirii New tv Iest of thur samue siparmsenst st Miss modern patented construction, are so
Suat natrussge solicied. -Iomer Hethi, who manasssgs thur uesnus is inthite itt. ike is spendinitg- ' superior to ones made according to
__________Usioss clubhouse, is act intoyu=s sihs iaumos of Iis tisse usonlutisteteworb its heEnlshtntodoftme1lnpat
this puse ssdass hiauhi Cu tat. tur usss rnityhihnar. ~ -""If you want the best shooting shells
Opp D. V.. R. Sitione.,_____
5i .Br.Sc OSPo. Big oxford sale at Alsmandslath Fuse Thi niUsersty of Micihiigans was . ASK FOR THE REDW BRAND
sythe. 5-z-s. "' strutis s337.
cals and supplies of all kinds,
come to this store and you Select Vodevil Animated Pictures of THE
will be certain of depend. Tonight . Last Time . Tonigh
able quality. We sell the C..
t ti I ST eL d aNL o b r sa c wy*i i t f A c i a CAeF ' I L N M C o m i n g M o n d a y , A u g . 1 5 Is r e a d y f o r d is t r ib u t io n a t t h e S e c r e ta r y 's O ffic e .
It contains complete information concerning all ott
which makes truer, better The Highland Laddie the Departments of the University. Fall semester

balanced negatives, and Be nn i e Cou Id begins October 4, 1910.
Cyko Paper for deeper,ScthMsalCmdn
softer, clearer prints. cthM sclCmda
Let us show you our
splendid assortment of Those Stunning irls
cameras. Pure chemicals,
all hotographic supplies. ABBOTT and L I N D A copy of the Catalogue with special publications relating to any
Developng and'printing department will e sent on application to
doiue. Reasonable chafges.A- Classy Singing-Very Dressy
Phone-Belt 93 L Colored Eneraianr-Walker and Walker-The Unblached Amen.Anroi-chha
cane Jeanneta and other nity actsAnAroMcia
Portrait Studio-G 319 East Huron Street

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