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July 10, 1959 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1959-07-10

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Sixty-Ninth Year



Trntb Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

, JULY 10, 1959


Israeli-German Trade
Beneficial to Israel

TWENTY YEARS AGO, in Nazi Germany,,
the brutal destruction of 6,000,000 Jews in
nassive ovens and gas showers began. Today
hese pogroms are not without repercussion.
The matter at issue now is a moral one, in-
'olving the right of the Israeli government to
urnish arms to West Germany. The result is
he resignation of the man who has served as
Premier for nine years of the youthful country's
1-year history.
Political parties opposing the negotiations of
remier David Ben-Gurion's government to
ell. 250,000 grenade launchers to the Bonn gov-
rnment object, basically, on moral grounds.
'wo members of Israel's four-party coalition
ave denounced the transaction which would
urnish arms to the nation that had formerly
ttempted to obliterate the Jews of Europe.
?REMIER BEN-GURION defended the sale
on several justifiable grounds, including
,revious acceptance -of the plan by political,
arties now raising the loudest objections.
First, he distinguished between "the Ger-
any of yesterday and the Germany of today,"
Tiirming that the German government of
day and the future is not and will never re-
irn to one of Naziism.
In doing so, Ben-Gurion recognized the
olitical and economic implications of initiating
id maintaining favorable relations with Ger-
'HE CHARM, the grace of it is gone. Alas!
This is the on-the-spot reaction of students'
the razing of the ROTC Rifle Range which
s elegantly smashed between the West En-
aeering Building and the Undergraduate Li-
ary. First the Romance Languages Building,
en the Pharmacology Building and now the
fie Ranlge. Oh, the horror of it all!
Some observant administrator probably saw
e chance to add 200 square feet of cement to
Itral campus by the demolition. And the
ry of the wooden and stone architectural
n fades into the tradition that is Michigan,
ddess of the Inland Sea.

many. He cited Bonn's position in the councils
of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, as
well as West Germany's close ties with France,
Israel's closest ally in :Europe.
Economically speaking, the contract would
mean 3,300,000 dollars for this first transac-
tion of arms, as well as a future market of
unlimited promise.
IN ADDITION to "morally wronging" his
country, Premier Ben-Gurion, who doubles,
as Minister of War, has been called "material-
istic" because of the arms transaction.
Ben-Gurion has been with the young gov-
ernment since its prenatal stage. He organized
a group in the United States to encourage im-
migration to Palestine after World War I and
was on the executive board of the official body
in charge of Jewish immigration, settlement
and welfare.
Perhaps the Premier's action was in light of
the fact that the population of Israel has in-
creased threefold since 1948. To absorb these
newcomers, the country has been increasing
its productive capacity-in agriculture-turn-
ing former swamps, deserts and stony hillsides
into fertile fields-and in industry, where the
average gross industrial output per hour in-
creased 4.4 per cent annually during the six
years following 1950.
BUT DESPITE ,the growth in national in-
come, the country has a long way to go.
Families are still pouring into the "Promised
Land;" they must be housed. Port and aircraft
facilities, in addition to highways, have shown
great strides over the past 11 years; as more
people immigrate, further areas are developed
and industry continues expanding, means of
transportation must be bettered.
There are still children to be educated, other
social sciences to be rendered and greater ef-
forts to be made providing employment for the
eyer-expanding population. Above all, there
must be money in the Israeli bank in case of
attack by the Arab nations.
If Premier Ben-Gurion's action was "ma-
terialistic," such materialism will at least in-
sure the next 11 years in the life of the State
of Israel.-

"Just Half a Gallon - W e're Saving M oney"
Bule et ig t
e t

R ENUNCIATION of ordinary
pleasures is always difficult
(smoking), and in some cases
noble (celibacy).
And because a nun disavows
life's daily rewards without even
the promise of glory or recogni-
tion, that renunciation is holy
and noblest. Male clerics may,
after all, aspire to Infallibility, or
to adulating congregations of a
hundred thousand individuals.
Such purity of spirit as this
The Nun's Story sets out to tell,
takes you through some fine in-
terludes of feeling, and then secu-
larizes. It attempts, in the end,
to make you feel that Sister
Luke's renunciation of her. vows
is something noble and uplifting.
* * *
THE FAILURE is certainly not
in the acting. Audrey Hepburn's
performance invites superlatives
and Oscars. She surpasses in sub-
duing speech to expression, this
being necessary and laudable
since we're told that a nun must,
never speak unnecessarily.
The story takes her through
training as a secular nurse, but
this is subordinate to religious

duty. She is caught in this
struggle from the beginning.
Missionary service in the Congo
brings the film to a delicate high
point, and we feel that Sister.
Luke succeeds even though her
passions are understandably
aroused by a doctor's worldly
sympathies. But later, when the
Nazis machine-gun her father in
the war, she cannot summon
enough will to forgive the enemy.
* * * *
THE FILM is not, then, a nun's
story, but a biography of a wo-
man of ordinary spirit who weak-
ens in what might have been an
admirable victory. The book is
probably followed; this is one
time Hollywood could have im-
proved on the book.
It must be the book that pro-
vides authenticity, and this is one
reason The Nun's Story should
not be missed.
Otherwise, the picture does
little more than remind you that
we are less than perfection. Ex-
pect nothing as transcendental as
promised by a quotation from the
Gospel at the outset of the film.
--Ernest Zapiitny

'Nun's Story' Sensitive,
But Has Contradictions




Apple Pie Founded
In Distant Russian Past
Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer
ONE AFTER ANOTHER our beloved cliches prove to be not- only
tired but erroneous.
"It's like owning a gold mine," everybody once said. Now gold
mine owners come to Congress and complain they're losing money.
"You're just shooting for the moon," we would say. Yet here our
spacemen are, shooting at the moon, and with some hopes of hitting it.
* * * *
BUT TODAY came the unkindest cut of all.
It has always seemed that when the last American entered the last
diner his last order would be, "I'll take a piece of that apple pie." That
overworked comparison, "as American as apple pie," looked as if it


France Overrates Itself

WAKE UP and stop dreaming, France. And
admit that long experience has shown it
is not possible for any nation to become a
power in the world by merely issuing a state-
ment to the effect that they are one.
But in the past few weeks it seems that
France, or at least President de Gaulle, feels
this is possible. Initially he - demands France
should have atom bombs which the three pres-
ent nuclear powers have spent billions of dollars
in development. When this did not work he
tried to show his new found strength by de-
manding concessions from the United States if
it wished to keep its forces based in France.
The United States put up with this as long
as they could but at last has had to rebel. And
so, on Wednesday the free world lost some of
its front line force when it was necessary to
withdraw planes from France and base them
in Britain and Germany. And all because a
second-class power chose to assert that it was
still first-class.
IT IS TRUE of course that France has pro-
gressed greatly since de Gaulle took power,
but only in stability and economic growth. This
alone is not enough to justify the demands that
France has made. In demanding that France
be considered on a level with the United States
and Britain in the North Atlantic Treaty Or-
ganization, France is acting very much like a
spoiled child.
To be considered a first-class power today--
to make decisions effecting the world as a
whole-it is necessary that a country have the
power and strength to back up their demands.
In the case of the United States, Britain and
Russia the power is there. All three nations
with their nuclear weapons have the power to

destroy one another. If for no other reason,
this entitles them to the greatest share in the
making of decisions.
SINCE FRANCE does not have this nuclear
capability and thus the necessary force to
back up their demands they must remain a
second-rate nation. With the war that France
is presently waging in northern Africa they
do not even have enough forces at hand to de-
fend themselves adequately in case of an at-
tack from Russia.
Certainly it would be possible for the United
States to give France atomic and hydrogen
bombs, but this would not be a wise decision
to make. Not only would there then be a fourth
nation that had the power to start an all-out
war but it would be giving it to a nation that
is even now engaged in a war that is draining
its manpower and resources. What guarantee
would the world have that France would not
use such a weapon in order to end the war in
northern Africa.
But this is not the only fear that must be
considered. If France is given nuclear weapons
Russia will be tempted and in fact even have
justification to give nuclear weapons to its
satelites. Such a move would further endanger
the delicate balance which now exists between
the free and Communist sections of the world.
The dangers involved do not justify giving
atomic bombs to France merely so it can take
the position in the world de Gaulle feels the
French deserve. A position is not deserved un-
less it is earned and this is something that the
French must learn if they wish to regain the
power they held in decades past.


NATIONAL Democratic Chair-
man Paul Butler is moving
with unexampled self-assurance to
control the 1960 Democratic con-
vention for purposes that are quite
clear but in behalf of men whose
identities are not clear at all.
His central motives are plain
enough. He wants to discredit the
party's "moderate" elected Con-
gressional leadership - and in-
evitably the record of the Demo-
cratic Congress itself - both
within the party and in the eyes
of the country.
He intends to destroy that lead-
ership's influence at the conven-
tion and thus to open the way to
the nomination for President of
some person deemed by him to be
"liberal" enough in his definition.
He is attempting not only to drive
from the convention all the con-
servative Southerners, but also to
make powerless even the party's
moderates-Northern as well as
* * *
erners have long been fair game
to nearly every Democratic fac-
tion outside the South, and un-
derstandably so. For these con-
servatives for years have brand-
ished the threat of party bolts to
try to force their way, even as a
But Mr. Butler has now gone
far beyond these favorite Southern
whipping boys.

He is hitting, in a word, not
merely at the top Congressional
leaders from Texas, Senator Lyn-
don B. Johnson and Speaker of the
House Sam Rayburn.
* * *
AND HE IS ALSO cutting, if
more obliquely, at four of the five
present real Democratic Presi-
dential "possibilities": Senators
John F. Kennedy of Massachu-
setts, Hubert H. Humphiey of
Minnesota, Stuart Symington of
Missouri and Johnson. For if the
Democratic Congressional per-
formance is as poor and timid as
he says it is, no man who is a
part of that record can escape
some measure of blame for it.
Two large unanswered ques-
tions, however, remain: In whose
convention interests, precisely, is
Butler operating this curious cam-
paign? And how does he feel
qualified to take the whole con-
duct of the party into his own
AS TO THE first question, the
suspicion is wide among national
Democratic politicians that But-
ler is running an operation in aid
of a third nomination for Adlai E.
Stevenson. This is assumed mainly
because Butler is much influenced
by politician Paul Ziffren of Cali-
fornia, who is supposed to be a
"Stevenson man." Even this ex-

planation, however, is not too
plausible. For Stevenson as titular
party head was ready to discharge
Butler as national chairman in
1956 until he wept to be kept on
THE SECOND question - how
does Butler think he alone is com-
petent to dominate the conven-
tion? - is a good one even if the
Democratic Congressional leader-
ship is worse than he says it is.
That leadership, after all, has
presided over three successive,
Democratic victories in Congres-
sional elections. Butler presided
over a catastrophic Democratic
Presidential defeat in 1956. And
in 1958 he was repudiated in his
home state of Indiana in trying
to block the successful Democratic
Senatorial candidate, Vance Hart-
No one can say absolutely that
Mr. Butler is not alone right about
party matters now. But no one
can again say that never in
memory has a salaried, unelected
employee of a national party'
sought to grasp so much personal
power in such enigmatic circum-
There is room for one larger,
and final question: Who, on bal-
ance, are benefiting most of all
from the Butler strategy? Answer:
The Republicans--and well they
know it.
(Copyright 1959, by United
Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

would last forever. That's how it
who cans pie filling in Newark,
Comstock decided it would be
nice to send some of his prepared
apples and pie crust mixes to the
Moscow Fair.
* *
WELL, HE SOON learned un-
officially that the Russians weren't
too impressed. It seems that before
the Pilgrims set out for New Eng-
land the Russians were making
something called yablochnyi pirok,
which vaguely resembles our apple
Comstock'doesn't know whether
or not a man in Moscow, when he
wishes to say that something is
typical of his country, says, "why,
it's as Russian as yablochnyi pi-
Yet much can be said for the
distinctiveness of American apple
Early settlers, having neither
time nor resources for fancy fix-
ings, turned naturally to apple pie.
Cherry pie is now traditionally
associated with George Washing-
ton. But when Mrs. W. Wanted
to make a big, splash at her first
inaugural dinner, what did she
serve? Something as American as
apple pie.

Wilensky Says 'Look Back' Not Really Sociological

looked, too, to Richard Comstock,
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Rooms. 3519 Administration Build-
Ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1959
VOL. LXIX, NO. 13-4
General Notices
Aug. Teacher's Certificate Candidates?
All requirements for the teacher's cer-
tificate must be completed by Aug. 1.
These requirements include the teach-
er's oath, the health statement, 'and
the Bureau of Appointments material.
The ;oath can be taken in Em. 1439
U.E.S. The office is open from 8-12 and
1:30 to 4:30.
Astronomy Dept. Visitors' Night. ri.,
July 10, 8:30 p.m., Rm. 2003 Angell Hall.
Benjamin F. Peery, "The Milky Way."
Student Observatory, fifth floor, Angell
Hall, open for inspection and telescop-
ic observations of the Moon, Venus,
and Jupiter. Children welcomed, but
must be accompanied by adults.
conference for English Teachers:
"Release from the Lock Step: The Ad-
vaned Placement Program in English."
Dr. Isabel S. Gordon of the Bronx High
School of Science, New York City. Mon,
July 13, 4:00 p.m., Angell Hall, Aud. C.
Brandenburg Concertos: The Six
Brandenburg Concertos by Johann Se-
bastian; Bach, Rackham Lecture Hall,
Sun., July 12, at 3:00 and 8:30 p.m.
Student Recital: Willis Patterson,
bass, Wed., July 10, 8:30 p.m., Aud. A,
Angeli Hall.
Student Recital: Jerrold Lawless,
clarinetist, July 11, 8:30 p.m., Aud. A,
Angell Hall, in partial fulfillment: of
the requirements for the degree Master
of Music.
Student Recital Postponed: The pi-
ano recital by Laurie Lindemulder, ori-
ginally announced for Fri., July 10.
has been postponed until Sunday, July
26, at 4:15 p.m., in Aud. A; Angell Hall.
Academic Notices
Mathematics Colloquium: Fri., July
10, Rm. 3011 Angell Hall, 4:10 p.m.
Prof. G. Hochschild, Univ. of ,Calif. "Al;,
gebraic Structures on Complex Analy-
tic Lie Groups." Refreshments: Em
3212 Angell Hall at 3:30.
Doctoral Examination for Thomas
Natsoulas, Psych.; thesis: "A Study in
the Perception of Causality: Principles
of Momentum and Kinetic Energy ini
the Perception of Collisions," Fri., July
10, 7611 Haven Hall, at 3:00 p.m. Chair-
man, J. D. Birch.
Placement Notices
On Tues., July 14, there will be a
representative from the Detroit Public
Schools at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments. Candidates will be interviewed
In ail"fields for the 1959-60 school year
For appointments contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.,
NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.



Daily Staff Writer
A DISSENTING voice in the
crowd proclaiming John Os-
borne's "Look Back in Anger" a
sociological play has called this a
Informally commenting on the
play's implications after seeing
the speech department's presen-
tation, Prof. Harold L. Wilensky
of the sociology department sug-
gested "Whatever its 1i t e r a r y
qualities, it is hardly an analysis
of a segment of the social order."
"Not even a responsible piece
of social criticism . . . more dia-
tribe than diagnosis" were some
of the professor's objections to
looking to Osborne's work for an
analysis of the social ills of
* * *
OSBORNE'S hero, Jimmy, in
Prof. Wilensky's view, "thrashes
about, lashing out at class distinc-
tion, Christianity, the Cabinet, the
atom bomb, the mass media, his
wife and her family (for their
higher social status) and every-
thing else in sight.
"Only the proletariat," he said,
"which is somehow more vigorous,
and lovable, more 'scruffy', comes
off well."
The sociologist commented on
the "sustained whining and nag-
ging," which he said in general is
the offering of Osborne, his hero

working class, the strain of social
Prof. Wilensky's suggestions of
contemporary British works with
the "sociological flair" he finds
lacking in the Angry school in-
cludes C. P. Snow's novels "with
their subtle dissection of elite
groups" and the "satirical expose
of an Orwell or a Huxley - men
whose anger is more sharply fo-
cused and has some intellectual
He was quick to add "there is
surely room for social criticism of
the successful, democratic welfare
sttae. What 'Brave New World'
did with totalitarianism some tal-

ented social critic should do with
the society now taking shape in
the free West," Prof. Wilensky
noted. "But the Angry Young Men
don't seem to me to have suffi-
cient command of the social facts
to produce such a work."
* * *
WHAT ARE the necessary so-
cial facts? In answer, Prof. Wi-
lensky suggested a few queries,
adding "I'm afraid the Angry
Young Men won't muster the
questions, let alone the answers."
"For instance: In what ways
precisely are security and free-
dom incompatible? If equality
and quality are at war, how, and

Premonition from the Past

Willie's Words . 0

what social mechanisms can re-
concile them? Are increased
equality coupled with an inflexible
status system paradoxical (one of
Jimmy Porter's- many problems),
or have equalitarianism and sta-
tus consciousness always been
natural allies?
"If the balance between tradi-
tion and change is unhealthy,
what reforms are possible and de-
sirable and what are the costs
and gains of each? Are more men
alienated from self and society
now than, in times past? If so,
where lie the roots of alienation---
changes in work, mass entertain-
ment, the threat of war, or what?
If modern society, in contrast
to pre-industrial societies, pro-
duces malaise in family life and
leisure, where is this most and
least developed and why?"
RETURNING to an attempt to
"locate both the play and this
group of writers in social con-
text," the sociologist wondered
that more writers have not "found
rich dramatic material in the
thwarted intellectual, the declasse,
the marginal man - in light of
the increased levels of education
and high rates of social mobilityj
which produce such types.
"Sociological" novels and TV
shows, he commented, "are al-
most exclusively preoccupied with.
the nsvcnhn1noxica1 straim. ofr




Associated Press News Analyst
EVERY NOW and then a name rises out of
the past to remind one of the French saying
that the more things change the more they are.
the same.
To most Americans today the name of West
Berlin means a very great deal, the name of
Swatow nothing, and the name of Harry E.
Yarnell not too much.
But 20 .n rs naiod amrinea mni

THE JAPANESE captured the city and de-
manded that American and British naval
ships leave. Yarnell, then Commander of the
United States Asiatic Fleet with broad powers
to meet an emergency, replied with action
which paralleled the famous "nuts" which
McAuliffe gave the Germans at Bastogne.
The 1939 issues are dead, and Yarnell died
Yarnell moved fast when the Japanese sank
an American nat in +th e ngfivm Rvarin

.,. .:<



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