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July 10, 1959 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1959-07-10

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom





Post Taken
Names Self Minister,
Enlists Army Leader
JAKARTA, Indonesia (P)-Pres-
ident Sukarno appointed himself
prime minister of this sprawling
E ~island nation Yesterday an a
broughtAbdul Hars Nasution, a
tough and efficient Army general,
into the' cabinet to help end po-
litical bickering and sputtering
The country is in ceonomic dif-
ficulties, too.
Sukarno, leader of the nation
since it fought for and won in-
dependence from the Dutch 10
years ago, reshuffled his inner
cabinet and barred all political
parties, including the Commu-
Only Two Changes
Although the press has been
calling for "new and efficient
men," there were only two new
faces in the cabinet: Ipik Gada-
mana, West Java governor, who
becomes minister of home affairs
and regional autonomy; and Lt.
Gen. Nasution, Army chief of
staff who virtually ran the coun-
try during Sukarno's recent 67-
day absence on a long world tour.
The 40-year-old general con-
tinugs as head of the Army and
steps into politics for the first
time by becoming defense min-
lsetr as well.
An iron-willed disciplinarian,
he denies leaning toward East or
West in the Cold War but says he
is only "pro- my country."
But he has been credited with
a major role' in the recent fall of
Communist popularity here as
well as a corresponding rise in
understanding between Indonesia
and the West.
Sukarno abolished the constitu-
tion Sunday and restored the 1945
That meant the end of parlia-
ment and cleared the way for
what Sukarno calls "guided de-
mocracy" - government by per-.
sonal ability rather than political
Abolishes Assembly
A constituent assembly had
been dragging its feet on writing
a new constitution including Su-
karno's ideas and he abolished the
assembly, too.
The sequence of events demon-
strated Sukarno was more deter-
mined than ever to stamp out the
guerrilla remnants of last year's
t rebellion.
Rebels in the outer islands had
demanded a stronger voice in the
central government and claimed
their areas were being neglected
economically by Jakarta. Their
leaders are still at large.
Seek Atlanta
ATLANTA ('P) - A federal dis-
tnict judge yesterday ordered At-
lanta school officials to produce
a desegregation plan by Dec. 1.
But he said the plan may be
submitted contingent on action of
the Georgia Legislature.
This left in doubt whether At-
lanta schools actually would be
integrated or be closed under state
Reasonable Start
The order by Judge Frank
Hooper said the plan should pro-
vide a prompt and reasonable

start toward integration of At-
lanta public schools and a method
for achieving desegregation with
all deliberate speed.


-Daily-Robert Dennis
SOVIET CHALLENGE - The Russian economic aid program
absorbed Prof. Berliner during his talk yesterday.
Warns of Soviet Threat
In Area of EconomicAid
The Soviet economic aid program seems to have assumed the
"modest role" of "furthering the forces of neutralism" in uncom-
mitted nations.
Prof. Joseph S. Berliner of the Syracuse University economics
department suggested this as the primary objective of Soviet aid
in a talk here yesterday, saying the popular notions of espionage and
subversion as goals were probably false since a "few scandals" would
-destroy the program's effective-
As for the concept of the Soviet
Dcatbloc attempting to influence a na-
tion's politics by threatening to cut
off its aid, he predicted "a Nasser
'A ttack Ike or Nehru would say 'take your
damn dam and go home,"' a pos-
WASHINGTON (R-Democratic sibility the Russians are beginning
Senate leaders lit into President to accept. n
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday Aid doesn't necessarily breed1
for vetoing domtstic housing legis- goodwill, he explained.
lation while pressing for more for- However modest its goal, the
eign aid spending. Communist world's program does
eig aid present a very real threat to the
Majority Leader Lyndon B. international position of the
Johnson (D-Tex.) told the Senate United States, Prof. Berliner in-
that eventually "the cloak of sisted He advocated stepped-up
hypocrisy is goinig to be torn fromfrgnadrgrm tocner
some of this propaganda." m foreign aid programs to counter
the threat, warning against a
"What's good for Burma ought United States of the future as a
to be good for the United States," "shrinking oasis of uncertain free-
Sen. Johnson said. doms in a world lost not by force
The assistant Democratic lead- but default."
er, Sen. Mike Mansfield of Mon- The Marxists, he said, have a
tana, said President Eisenhower long-range view of history which
was demanding "every dime the "is on the side of the growing
administration asks" for foreign power, not the greatest power, at
aid and at the same time putting any given moment." While the
domestic needs on a basis of "not United States "spends its energies"
all or nothing but little or nothing." on the solution of racial tensions
Referring to President Eisen- and the upgrading of living stand-
hower's veto of a broadscale hous- ards, the Soviets, unopposed, con-
ing bill last Tuesday and the Presi- tinue to plough profits back into
dent's news conference statement industrial growth, he explained.
Wednesday that a special session Rapid Soviet industrialization,
might be needed to vote sufficient he stressed, was "accomplished
foreign aid funds, Sen. Johnson under a non-capitalistic system,"
said: an important factor to uncom-
"On Tuesday we have a veto of mitted -nations where the "money
a bill on the grounds that it would lender and merchant are tradi-
authorize excessive spending. On tionally objects of contempt."
Wednesday we are told that we The fact that the USSR was the
might be called back in special only nation opposing the colonial
session if we don't spend enough. powers and one of the few ap-
Sen. Johnson added: "It would parently free of racial troubles
be helpful if somebody would just also influence newly-independent
lay down a few ground rules for and yet underdeveloped nations,
this course." he added.
Other Democrats continued to The Soviet program of loans
take potshots at their national contrasts with and has some ad-1
chairman, Paul M. Butler,,for his vantages over the United States',I
criticism of the Democratic lead- which is based primarily on out-
ership in Congress. right grants

On Berlin
WASHINGTON ( - Secretary
of State Christian A. Herter yes-
terday saw some possibility -
though he is not optimistic - of
reaching an agreement with the
Russians on Berlin.
The prospects, he indicated, will
depend on what answers the So-
viets give to a pair of questions
from the Allies when the East-
West foreign ministers conference
resumes in Geneva Monday.
Two Points
Sec. Herter said the Western
Allies will want to know:
1) Whether the Russians are
saying that Allied rights in Berlin
will expire atthe end of an 18-
month deadline, or whether they
will continue even though no
East-West agreement has been
reached by then, and
2) Whether the amount of time
allowed for negotiation on the
German question is itself a nego-
tiable point as far as the Russians
are concerned.
Charges Unclaity
Since the Geneva talks recessed
fruitlessly on June 20, he said, the
Reds havg left unclear whether
they are insisting on a deadline
to push the Allies out of Commu-
nist-encircled West Berlin.
The Western powers have made
clear they will not negotiate un-
der a deadline which they regard
as an "ultimatum."
The United States foreign af-
fairs chief declined to say wheth-
er a favorable answer from the
Communists on these questions
would constitute the progress that
President Dwight D. Eisehower
says is needed from the Geneva
conference before he would go to
a summit meeting of heads of
As the questioning ranged far
and wide, Sec. Herter admittedly
slipped up in saying at one point
that he might not be welcomedin
Berlin after the Geneva confer-
ence. He said that the remark had
been just an off-hand comment
on the possibility of a bad deci-
sion from West Berlin's stand-
point, which he hoped would not
Reverses Statement
On another question he re-
versed himself completely. This
was when he said he thought the
Soviet at Geneva were really try-
ing to find a solution to the Ger-
man question rather than just
reaping propaganda. In his ad-
dress to the nation 17 days ago
he'said the Reds gave no sign of
interest in genuine negotiations.
Sec. Herter voiced hope that
the second go-around at Geneva
would not last beyond three
weeks. The fist stage lasted six
Action Seen
'On ights Bill
By Next Week'
erners and Southerners in the
House Judiciary Committee
sparred for an inconclusive open-
ing round yesterday over pro-
posed additions to the civil rights
A drive is on to draft a bill by
next week for House considera-
tion later.
The civil rights bill is part of
the Democratic legislative pro-

gram which one faction in the
party now says is moving too+

Blame Red

Hatchers Greet Summer Students

-David Giltrow
OPEN AIR--Summer Session students were received by University President Harlan Hatcher and Mrs,
Hatcher (insert) at their home last night. Guests heard evening music from the Hatcher porch.

Terrorists Murder
)fficer, Sergeant;
s for Secret Attack


Tax Battles
To Continue
LANSING WP-Michigan Law-
makers scattered for their homes
yesterday after drab House and
Senate meetings that failed to
produce any significant develop-
ments on the overshadowing taxa-
tion issue.
They will return to the Capitol
at 8 p.m. Tuesday for the 116th
day of the marathon Legislative,
They are still faced with the
problem of raising about 140 mil-
lion dollars in new revenue for the
9-day-old fiscal year which started
July 1.
Party leaders are having an in-
creasingly difficult time keeping
members in town. .
Before they left yesterday, the
legislators were told by Gov. G.
Mennen Williams that the two per
cent flat rate income tax is the
"most equitable" plan before the
"By and large it does not add
an extra burden to low-income
groups," Gov. Williams said.
Gov. Williams had originally
supported a graduated personal
income tax, but compromised aft-
er such a plan was rejected by the

Williams Hails Passage
Of Record State Budgets
By The Associated Press
LANSING-Governor G. Mennen Williams signed five more 1959-
60 budget bills yesterday, including one for higher education, and
claimed a victory in the "battle of the budget."
The Governor praised the Republican-run Legislature for "recog-
nizing the needs of the state" in adopting nine budget bills totaling
$361 million which come within two per cent of meeting the Governor's
spending recommendations. "Now
if the Legislature will enact a tax
program which is fair and' work- l
e and which provides sufficient
money to pay these appropria-
tions, we will be back on the road #
to solvency and restoration of theI
state's dignity and reputation,"
he sai.Spending Bills NEW YORK ()-The New York
Bills signed yesterday allocate City Commission on Intergroup
$101.2 million for higher educa- Relations, set up to eliminate prej-
tion, $70.9 million for mental udice and discrimination, sched-
health programs, $10.3 million for uled today a hearing on charges
conservation, recreation and agri- that the famed West Side Tennis
culture, $16.1 million for public Club bars Negroes and Jews as
health, and $9.6 million for regu- members.
latory agencies. The Forest Hills Club, site of the
The Legislature has yet to take United States tennis champion-
action on bills providing for state ships and the Davis Cup matches,
school aid and capital outlay, was criticised in Congress, too, for
Lawmakers could boost totals to shutting its doors to Ralph Bunche,
a minimum $405 million or as a Negro.
much as $425 million, mostly de- Bunche, undersecretary of the,
pending on the level of school aid. United Nations and winner of the
(The University is expected to Nobel Peace Prize for his work in
receive a share, perhaps -$4 or $5 mediating the Arab-Israeli con-
million, of the capital outlay ap- flict, said Wilfred Burglund, presi-
propriation.) dent of the club, advised him the
Common Victory club's policy excludes both Negroes
"This is a victory, but it is a and Jews as members.
victory not of partisanship but of The commission hearing was set
common sense on both sides," Gov. for July 21.
Williams declared. Alfred J. Marrow, chairman of
"It is disappointing that the the 15-member group created by
Legislature, while doing a generally law in 1955, said the commission
realistic job, did not provide ade- has subpoena powers.
quately for such things as small He asserted that Burglund and
colleges, the polio vaccine pro- other club officials would be called
gram, assistance to the tubercu- to the hearing.
losis programs of local commu- Officials of the United States
nities and support for two new Lawn Tennis Association also may
cauthor uidance clinics that were be asked to attend the hearing, the
The Governor praised lawmak- chairman said.
ers for allocating $500,000 for an Although the West Side Tennis
Institute of Science and Tech- Club is a private organization, its
nology at the University. facilities.are used for the United
States tennis championships and
the Davis Cup challenge matches.
Indicate Lon"We find it unthinkable," said
Marrow, "that major international
M uch W ea ker athletic events for which the gen-

New Riots
Army Billet Attacked
While Soldiers View
Old American Movies
BIENHOA, South Viet Nam (P)
- Terrorists with tommy guns in-
filtrated a United States Army
billet last night and killed a major
and a sergeant in a group watching
an old American movie.
The government blamed Com-
The attack went on for ten
minutes. One of the attackers was
blown to pieces by his own home-
made bomb. Two Vietnamese army
guards and a Vietnamese boy were
killed in an ensuing gun battle.
Watching Movie
Six American service men -
members of a military aid group
-were in the mess hall watching
the movie.
Beside the two dead, a captain
was wounded.
The three American survivors
could see the attackers peering in
through screen windows as bullets'
smashed into the floor and walls.
In a lull in the firing, the Ameri-
cans made a break for the main
door of the mess hall, sped outside
and summoned two companies of
South Vietnamese soldiers.
Flee to River
The Vietnamese drove off th'
attackers, believed to total about
ten, who fled to the nearby Dong-
nai River. They apparently had
come up by the river.
Maj. Dale R. Buis of Imperial
Beach, Calif., and M.Sgt. Chester
M. Ovnand of Copperas Cove, Tex.,
were killed.
Capt. Howard B. Boston of
Blairsburg, Iowa, was wounded
and flown to Manila for treatment.
He was not wounded seriously
said a joint communique from the
Viet Nam government and the
United States embassy.
Team Members
The six Americans were mem-
bers of an eight-man United States
Military Assistance Advisory Group
(MAAG) team training the sol-
diers of anti - communist South
Viet Nam in the use of American-
supplied weapons.
Indicating that this may be the
signal for a new wave of terrror-
ism, authorities said the attackers
in this city of 200,000 seemed to
be well informed of United States
army habits.
There had been no attacks on
Americans here by partisans of
Communist North Viet Nam since
a series of bombings in the
autumn of 1957 at Saigon, 20 miles
south of Bienhoa.
The terrorists chose a time when
they knew the Americans would be
assembled for a nightly movie.
Steel Strike
Still Possible
Despite Tallks
NEW YORK (M )- Steel. neg-
tiators temporarily suspended di-
rect talks yesterday to reach tlei
minimum terms needed for a
contract settlement before nxt
Tuesday midnight's strike dead-
Major steel company executives
were reported huddling secretly to
discuss the possibility of making
a formal settlement offer.
There seemed to be a good deal,
of argument on this among: the
top dozen steel firms guiding the

The Steelworkers Union, for its
part, was reported to have
whittled down its asking price for
a new contract and seeking to win
a possible meeting ground with
the industry.
Barring progress toward a
settlement - and there seems to
hae~ hPn nhivna.rn, , r,. o-

v.v+aaj.. ... ..vaab+v .na.

a abaav a wa vim

Although informed sources
dicted some plan would be


mitted by the board, there was
doubt that the Legislature would
provide what Hooper called "stat-
utes permitting such a plan to be
put 'into operation."
Present state law provides for
the closing of any schools ordered
to integrate.
Gov. Ernest Vandiver has said
he may propose new segregation
laws when the Legislature meets
in January, but will not favor
any changes which would lead to
'Reasonable' Period
Hooper's order enjoined the
city and the Atlanta Board of
Education from enforcing or pur-
suing racial segregation in school

eandering Kozlov Surveys Farms, Business

CHICAGO (P)-Capitalists and
corn kept Comrade Frol R. Kozlov
moving at a gruelling pace yes-
The touring Soviet first deputy
premier clambered aboard a farm
truck near the town of Morris,
Ill., and surveyed the lush green
fields of the sort of farmer who
does not exist in the Soviet Union
-the independent one.
Obviously impressed by what
he saw and learned, the right-
hand man to Premier Nikita
Khrushchev left the rurnl alnts-

At another farm he inspected
price cattle and automatic feed-
ing equipment and complimented
As Kozlov arrived at city hall
for an official greeting from Chi-'
bo 'x .}, ' ^« : rI

cago's Mayor Richard J. Daley, a
crowd of pickets waited across the
street, carrying signs with such
legends as "International Steal
Company," and "Free the Com-
munist Slaves".
The orderly demonstrators were
outnumbered by about 240 police.
After- polite greetings in the
mayor's office, Kozlov left for the
Grundy County farm country, the
boos of the demonstrators his only
popular sendoff.
Studies Corn
A nn arm hPwnrip +hrah-

pretty good at that sort of thing,
hinted the Russians were getting
Seldom, if ever, on this trip has
he admitted that Americans do
anything better than the Russians
To the Communists, Kozlov's
host today would be known as a
"Kulak," or an independent farm-
er hiring farm workers. The Ku-
laks were liquidated as a class
ruthlessly by Stalin.
To Farmer Holderman's pretty
15-year-old twin daughters. Ra-


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