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July 30, 1959 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1959-07-30

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Journalism Workshop

Regents Announce Appointments

What's Below?

ALMOST THE REAL THING-About 90 high school newspaper
and publications staff members will attend workshops this sum-
mer at the University. Sponsored by the journalism department,
the workshops are designed to give high school students practice
in all phases of producing high school publications. Shown above
are two Ann Arbor High School students who are attending -the
workshop. They are Bob Scott and Ruth Ann Brazda.
Inoperable Lung Cancer
Curable Using Electrons

The appointment of Joseph H.V
Burckhalter of the University of
Kansas School of Pharmacy as
p r o f e s s o r of pharmaceutical
chemistry in the University's
pharmacy college was approved by7
the Regents at their last meeting.
The appointment is effective
starting in September, 1960, when
Prof. Burckhalter will replace
Prof. F. F. Blicke who will retire
on June 30, 1960..
Dean Tom Rowe of the phar-
macy college requested early ac-
tion on the appointment to insure
the acceptance of Prof. Burck-
Burckhalter Sought
Dean Rowe reported that there
are only a limited number of out-
standing teachers in the field of
pharmaceutical chemistry and
that services of Prof. Burckhalter.
werebeing sought by other uni-
Prof. Burckhalter received a
B. S. degree in chemistry, with
honors ,from the University of
South Carolina in 1934, an M. S.
in chemistry in 1939 from the
University of Illinois, and a Ph.D.
in pharmaceutical chemistry from
the University in 1942.
The Regents also approved two
appointments to ; the University
School: of Public Health.
Prof. Vlado A. Getting was ap-
pointed acting chairman of the
public health practice depart-
ment, effective July 15, 1959, and
continuing until "such time as a
permanent chairman can be se-
Prof. Getting had been profes-
sor of public health practice at
the University since 1953. The po-
sition of chairman of the depart-
nient was left vacant by the re-
tirement of Dean Henry F.
Approve Getting, Cornish
Herbert H. Cornish was ap-
pointed assistant professor of in-
dustrial health in the industrial
health department, without ten-
ure and without salary, effective
July 1.
Prof. Cornish has been a re-
search associate in the Institute
of Industrial Health and an in-
structor in biological chemistry in
the medical school's dermatology
department. He has been with the
Institute of Industrial Health
since 1955.
Three appointments to the

medical school faculty were also'
approved by the Regents.
Prof. F. Gaynor Evans, of the
Wayne State University College of
Medicine, and member of the
Wayne faculty since 1945, was ap-
pointed professor of anatomy be-
ginning with the 1959-60 Univer-
sity yera.
Theodore O. Sippel. senior in-
structor in the anatomy depart-
ment at Western Reserve Univer-
Hall To Study
Tokugawa Era
Prof. John W. Hall, director of
the University Center for Japan-
ese Studies, has undertaken a new
approach to the study of Japan
which he hopes will contribute to
knowledge about that country.
For seven years the University
specialist has done research on
early modern Japanese history
and is now writing a book on the
results of his work.
Instead of making a general
study of Japanese history, Prof.
Hall has selected one area of
Japan to study. This technique is
considered unique.
Prof. Hall has chosen for a case
study a former feudal domain
which had its headquarters in the
present city of Okayama. He is
preparing a complete picture of
the organization, political and so-
cial structure, economic activities,
and the intellectual and cultural
life of that community of about
400,000 individuals.
Studying this area in connec-
tion with the Tokugawa era, 1600-
1868, Prof. Hall feels that a study
of the 200 independent domains,
which were present at that time,
is necessary for an adequate un-
derstanding of Japan.
"What little has been written
about the Tokugawa period in
English has been in terms of the
rise and fall of the central auth-
ority of the time, the Tokugawa
shogunate," Prof. Hall said.
"It is natural, of course," he
continued, "for historians to view
the history of the nation primari-
ly in terms of the political and
cultural center. Yet in the case of
Tokugawa Japan this approach"
has serious shortcomings."

sity (Cleveland) since 1957, was
named as an assistant professor
of anatomy, beginning Sept. 15,
Dr. Brian F. McCabe, who has
just finished four years of train-
ing on the staff of the Univer-
sity's otolaryngology department,
was appointed as an insrtuctor in
otolaryngology, three-fourths time,
with the privilege of private prac-
tice in University Hospital.
Dr. McCabe's appointment is
effective July 1, 1959.
Appoint Allmendinger
Appointment of E. Eugene All-
mendinger, an associate profes-
sor of mechanical engineering at
the University of New Hampshire,
as visiting associate professor of
naval architecture was also ap-
proved by the Regents at their
last meeting.
Under terms of the appoint-
ment Prof. Allmendinger will
teach naval architecture at the
University of Sao Paulo for two
years, beginning Aug. 15, 1959.
This will be under a contract be-
tween the University and the In-
ternational Co-operation Admin-
Prof. Allmendinger received a
B. S. degree in naval architecture
and marine engineering from the
University in 1947 and an M. S.
in mechanical engineering from
the University of New Hampshire
in 1950.

ASLEEP IN THE DEEP-And nothing can stay asleep under
water for long when the scientists are making underwater seismic
shots. This scientist, aboard the research vessel Vema, is readying
hydrophone records made during preliminary explorations in
Operation Mohole north of Puerto Rico. Final object of the ex-
plorations is penetration of the earth's crust.

TV, Papers
First Choice
For News
Newspapers and television are
running neck-and-neck as the
public's first choice for political
news, Prof. Samuel J. Eldersveld
of the political science department
said yesterday.
Prof. Eldersveld reported on the
findings of a survey conducted in
cooperation with the University's
Detroit Area Study, which took a
random sample of Wayne County
residents to describe their politi-
cal news sources.
He said tht interviews with the
sample showed 38 per cent got
most of their political information
from television, 38 per cent from
newspapers, and nine per cent
from radio.
Follow on TV
The survey indicated that al-
most half those questioned fol-
lowed the 1956 campaign by TV
at least, once a week. Seven per
cent reported watching the cam-
paign "every day," 12 per cent
"almost every day," and 27 per
cent "at least once and nore usu-
ally twice a week."
Only 17 per cent of thesample
never watched the campaign on
their sets, Prof. Eldersveld said.
Candidates using TV are able to
reach many people who are not
predisposed toward their particu-
lar party, he added. In Detroit, 48
per cent reported watching both
parties on TV, 12 per cent watch-
ing only the Republicans, and 14
per, cent watching only the Demo-
Calls TV Important
Theformer mayor of Ann Ar-
bor termed TV "terribly import-
ant" in reaching the lower econ-
omic groups, the less formally
educated, and lower prestige oc-
cupational classes of people.
However, Prof. Eldersveld em-
phasized that newspapers are still
"very important" as a source of
information: nine out of 10 De-
troiters read at least one major
newspaper daily, 25 per cent read
two, and five per cent read all
Only 43 per cent of those inter-
viewed realized that their news-
papers supported Eisenhower edi-
torially during the 1956 campaign,
Prof. Eldersveld added.
Feel Papers 'Neutral'
About one-third felt the papers,
were editorially neutral, while four
per cent said the papers supported
Stevenson - which was not the
case, he said.
"To me, this indicates that a
large number of adults are either
naive or don't read the editorials,"
he commented.
So far as news content was con-
cerned, 61 per cent felt their paper
was impartial during the cam-
paign. Only 36 per cent felt re-
porting was biased in favor of one
party or the other, he concluded.

Crawford Portrait Shows Tragic Life

CHICAGO (P) --A radiologist
told yesterday how inoperable lung
cancer can be destroyed by elec-
trons which ride to their deep-
seated target aboard high speed
micro-waves emitted by an atom
Dr. Erich M. Uhlmann, director
of Michael Reese Hospital's Tu-


DIAL NO 2-2513~1A

mor Clinic, told the International'
Congress' of Radiology in Munich,
Germany about the electron ther-
A Michael Reese spokesman re-
leased the gist of Dr. Uhlmann's
scientific paper to newsmen.
Avoids Hazards
Dr. Uhlmann said the electron
beam seems to avoid two hazards;
of x-ray therapy - injuring of,
healthy tissue in the path of the
x-rays and the production of fibre
masses in the lung.
Dr. Uhlmann said 10 of 13 pa-
tierits treated in the past nine
months still arehalive, although
all were beyond hope of surgery.
One patient has recovered to the
extent he has returned to heavy
work in a steel factory.
Not Cure
However, Dr. Uhlmann empha-
sized that electron therapy can-
not be called a cancer cure.
"No long term survivals can be
reported at this time," he said.
Physicians regard a cancer pa-'
tient as cured if the patient sur-
vives treatment five years without
a recurrence of malignancy.
Less than five per cent, of pa-
tients with advanced lung can-
cer survive five years. The survival
rate is much higher among those
whose lung cancers are found ear-
ly enough for surgery.
Three Died
Of the three Michael Reese pa-
tients who died, one was free of
lung cancer when he died of other
The other two patients suc-
cumbed to the cancer, but Dr. Uhl-
mann said the electron therapy
kept them alive longer than the
usual span of a patient with ad-
vanced lung cancer.

er 150 years, the face in the old
portrait still looks haughty, confi-
dent, capable of showing anger
enough to wade a threatening
cane at a President.
Nor is the expression surpris-
ing. For the portrait is of a high-
ly successful politician, a man
destined, so many of his contem-
poraries thought, to wind up in
the White House.
But after presidential races are
over, who cares who ran second?
And who now except a historian
would recognize the name of Wil-
liam Harris Crawford?
Found Picture
Foster Cannon, a local art and
rare books dealer, reported re-
cently he has found a long lost
picture of this long forgotten
United States statesman. And he
believes his discovery is doubly
important because the artist is
Charles Willson Peale, one of our
leading early painters.
In 1818, when this picture was
painted, Crawford probably gave
the painter no more than a pass-
ing thought. Peale had come to
Washington that winter to paint.

I'U' Receiving Major Portion
Of Foreign Langfuage Funds


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The University is receiving a-
major share of government allo-
cations for foreign l a n g u a g e
study, Prof. Albert Marckwardt
of the English department told
the Ann Arbor Rotary Club yes-
One-fifth of the money allocat-
ed by the National Defense Edu-
cation Act for foreign language
fellowships next year was award-
ed to Michigan, he disclosed.
"There's a growing concern on
the part of government officials
about foreign language deficien-
cies and the need to correct
them," Prof. Marckwardt said.
Cold War Struggle
This is reflected in the fact that
federal allocations for foreign
language study is on a par today
with science and mathematics."
Prof. Marckwardt said that the
cold war is a struggle for the
minds of men, and "we cannot
possibly win foreign peoples to
our side unless we become more
proficient in foreign tongues."
A State Department survey re-
cently revealed that 40 per cent
of its Foreign Service Officers
could not speak a foreign lan-
guage, Prof. Marckwardt said.
U. S. Depends on Languages
"It was also disclosed that sev-
eral key African and Asian dia-
lects were completely unknown by
State Department officials. To-
day, these countries are being
subjected to infiltration by Com-
munists," he continued.
Germany was able to triple its
foreign trade since the war be-
cause of the ability of its com-
mercial traders to speak with for-
eign businessmen in their own
languages, Prof. M a r c k w a r d t
I Notices
Sailing Club, regular weekly meeting,
July 30, 7:30 p m. 311 W. Engineering.

"Clearly, there's a war waging
the minds of men. How well the
United States does in this struggle
depends upon how well languages
are taught and how widely they



those who were great and those
who might become greater.
Naturally he would be eager to
paint Crawford.3
A native of Virginia.who had
moved to Georgia, Crawford had
served in the United States Sen-
ate, had been a minister to the
important court of France, and
had been secretary of war.
Leading Vote Getter
In 1816 he had been, for a time,,
a leading vote getter in the con-
gressional caucus to nominate a
President. James Monroe finally
beat out Crawford, 65-54, and
went on to win the Presidency.
One of Monroe's first official acts
was to name Crawford his sec-
retary of the treasury.
So here Crawford was, a strong
man in a strong spot.
On Dec. 13, 1818, Peale wrote:
"I finished the portrait of Mr.
Crawford. His lady and her chil-
dren stayed to the end of the set-
ting, and she was much pleased
with the picture-I believe would
be glad to purchase it.
Never Parted
"But my invariable rule is never
to part with an original picture.
Copies may be taken from them.
Therefore if anything further is
said by the family, I will offer to
make a copy'at less than $100, it
being a less size than those I usu-
ally paint for that price."
So far as Cannon can find out,
nothing further was said by the
family, no copies were made, and
the original appeared to be lost.
It recently was purchased, dir-
ty and unrecognizable, in a batch
of 20 from a dealer in Connecti-
cut. Cannon cleaned it, decided
DIAL NO 2-3136
Officer and Gentleman by


wr i i i u i i r i 'I

he had the genuine article, and
put a four thousand dollar price
tag on it.
But what of Crawford, so high,
so mighty?
The fates were cruel.
Crawford Stricken
In 1826, when he might have
made a formidable bid for the
presidency, he faced such strong
candidates as Andrew Jackson,
John Quincy Adams and Henry
Clay. To this was added a crush-
ing blow: during the campaign
he was stricken. He still ran. ,
He recovered enough to become
a circuit judge back in Georgia,
and died in 1934, at the age of 62.
Looking at the picture, it's fun
to reconstruct one dramatic epi-
While secretary of the treasury,
Crawford became so incensed at
his boss, Monroe, that he called
him "a damned, infernal old
scoundrel," and lifted his cane as.
if to strike the President.
Monroe alertly grabbed the fire
tongs and ordered Crawford out
of the house. -
You don't find Presidents who
are handy with fire tongs much
any more.


(Continued from Page 2)
Doctoral Examination for Jaap Died-
rick Snoek, Social Psychology; thesis:
"Some Effects of Rejection Upon At-
traction to the Group," Thurs., July
30, 6625 Haven Hall, 3:00 p.m. Chair-
man, T. M. Newcomb.
Placement Notices
Personnel Requests:
The Kroger Co. openings in Midwest
and South in the fololwing areas: Per-
sonnel and Labor Relations, Division
Accounting Training, Real Estate Man-
aging Training, and Merchandising
Training. Men with B.A. in Economics
or Business Administration.
Firm in Ann Arbor. Legal Secretary.
Will involve dictation, phone, typing
and some handling of people. Woman.
shorthand: 100 wpm and typing: 50-60
Farrand Publications, Inc., Royal
Oak, Mich. Copy Writers and News-I
paper Layout people in their advertis-
ing and sales consultant business. Men
and woman with B.A. in Journalism.
Automotive Firm in Detroit Area.
vacancy in Product Planning. Will be
working with numerous departments
such as Styling, Research, and Engrg.
Man with B.A. and Engrg. background
-Must be technically oriented, but
the position is definitely not technical.
Requires 2-3 yrs. experience and must
be under 30. Business background
Minnesota Civil Service Dept. an-
nounces examinations for: Dormitory
Director, Physician, Bacteriologist, and
Maternal and Child Care Nursing Ad-
visor, and Patient Programs Super-
Marion County Mental Health Clinic,
Marion, Ohio. Psychiatric Social Work-
er. Must be M.S.W. with five yrs. ex-
General Electric Co., Cincinnati, O.
The Bureau has a cross section list of
their more than 300 technical open-
ings. Engrs.: Mech. Design, Aero., Con-
trols Mech. Design, Combustion, Met-
allurgical, Welding and Programmers.
Tennessee Valley Authority, Knox-
ville, Tenn. Landscape in the Site Plan-
ning Section of their- Div. of Reservoir
Properties. College grad. trained in
landscape arch., design, and site plan-
ning with particular know-how in
planting, horticulture and field prac-
tices. Applicants should have 1-2 yrs.
of practical experience in the kind of
work mentioned.
S. C. Johnson & Son., Inc., Racine,

Wis. Packaging Enggr. with degree in
Indus. or Mech, Engrg. and experience
in adopting methods and machinery to
high speed packaging operations; and
opening for Mechanical Engr. to work
on wide variety of plant improvements
and repair projects.
Midland-Ross Corp., Owosso, Mich.
div., Engr. for Research and Develop-
ment Dept. and 2 recent grads (BSME)
for work in Experimental Engrg. Dept.
Armstrong Cork Co., Lancaster, Pa.
Ceramic Engr., Development and Sales
and Research; Chemist-Ph.D.; Chem-
ist - Research; and Chemists or Chem.
Engrs. - Production; Engr. - Plant,
and Production Planning.
Michigan Civil Service announces ex-
aminations for: Medical Laboratory
Technicians and Right of Way Buyer
Trainee .Closing date is Aug. 19.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.,
Madison, Wis. Bank Examiner Trainees
and Bank Examiner, Jr. Asst.
City of Detroit, Mich. Civil Service
examinations for the following: Tele-
phone Operator (Shift Worker-Fe-
male), Clinical Psychologist, Messen-
ger (Male), Student Technical Asst.
(Bus. Admin., General Science, Social
Science), Student Medical Asst. and
Medical Laboratory Aid (Female).
For further information concerning
any of the above positions, contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 4001 Admin.,
Ext. 3371.
Summer Placement Service:
Contact Ward D. Peterson, NO 3-1511
Ext. 3371 for information on either of
the followgin:
The Breakers, Sandusky, Ohio. Inter-
ested in Waitresses, Waiters, Bus Boys,
Bell Hops from now until Labor Day.
Russell Kelly Service in the Free
Press Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Stenograph-
ers and Typists from now until College
opens in the fall.


Fall's Fashion Calendar


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Transition Time in
Collins Sportshop

Spring-Summer Shoes
400 Pair of DRESS SHOES
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of dark cottons"!
for example:
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also, more gay
plaids, prints or
landscape colors
in separates to
give a transition
touch to your



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