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July 30, 1959 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1959-07-30

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Sixty-Ninth Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"You Obviously Recognize Our Superior Facilities
For Putting Things into Orbit"

Waltz of Toreadors'
Plaintive Melody
"IWALTZ of the Toreadors" is the kind of dance that the Fench do
so well, a ballet on a tightrope.
In the midst of flamboyant comedy lurks the pathetic, the bitter-
ness and emptiness of life as farce. The play is, as one of its charac-
ters describes it, "tragic nonsense."
Attempting to maintain the delicate balance between dry wit and



)AY, JULY 30, 1959


New Year, Old Problems:
A Recurrent Theme'

ECORD STATE appropriations do not mean
much when there is no money to back them
The ironic situation of the University ob-
iing a record $33.4 million from the state
the current fiscal year, and then having to
row to meet its first payroll calls to mind
aphorism: Put your money where your
uith is. This was the one thing the State
islature forgot to do.
'he Universityl is trapped. With all the
ional publicity about Michigan being on
financial rocks, it is urgent that the Uni-
sity continue to meet every payroll on time.
s will hold faculty members to the unsink-
e ship and leave a good impression in aca-
alc circles so that new faculty men can be
racted here. With the first payroll which is
sed goes the University's reputation.
t the same time the University cannot fi-
ice itself indefinitely while the Legislature
angles over various tax plans to provide the
:me with which it can pay its appropria-
is. A tax solution seems nearer now that
use Democrats have accepted the Senate
publicans' demand for a one cent increase
the sales tax instead of a personal income,
UT THIS will bring in only about $110 mil-
lion a year, hardly enough to cover the

state's needs. And how to raise the
million a year which is necessary is;
ing block to any tax solution.

other $30
a stumbl-

So the University must wait. And the State
Administrative Board must take the scanty
revenues it is getting and attempt to pay bills
far larger than the cash on hand. This-month
the University got by-passed. The board was
forced to do this to meet welfare payments
and certain state creditors who haven't been
paid in six months.J
So the University is trapped between the
necessity to meet every payroll and the lack
of state revenues with which to meet these
same payrolls. Of course, it has been in the
same situation for the last eight months and
has managed to survive.
The University can still borrow about $3
million on its September student fees which
will carry payrolls through the month of Aug-
ust, if borrowing is still necessary next month.
By September it is hoped the Legislature will
have realized its responsibility to make good
its appropriations and have passed an ade-
quate tax program.
Of course, that's what everyone said last

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agonized appraisal, the cast falters
on its toes. As General St. Pe who
has been waiting patiently for his
beloved . . . for seventeen years,
Jerry Sandler switches from sly
lechery to bitter disillusion to
stern lectures on life and love
with admirable ease.
HIS BELOVED, Lorraine Small,
is at her best when she gleefully'
contemplates suicide. Carefully
placing a small, pearl-handled
gun to her temple, she delicately
plugs her ear with the other (the
noise is so unpleasant, you know).
Alas, the gun too has waited
seventeen years. It doesn't work,
so there is nothing left to do but
fall in love with someone else.
(Ah, the French, they are a prac-
tical race )
Gaston (Robert Hall) is the
lucky man whose "anemic blood
gives a leap" when the lovely 35-
year old mademoiselle literally
falls into his arms. As a properly
prudish, but educable young
cleric, Hall is alternately dense
and devilish.
* * *
SALLY AYN Rosenheimer is the
"invalid" wife who gives perhaps
the best performance in a com-
bination of high comedy, bitter
cruelty, viciousness and vivacious-
ness. Miss Rosenheimer's control
of nuance and the mobility of her
characterization are an enchant-
ment in themselves.
Unfortunately, the performance
of William Taylor as the philoso-
phizing family doctor is the weak
link that undermines much of the
humor and heartache of the play.
Given some of the best lines, he
continually delivered them care-
lessly or awkwardly.
"Waltz of the Toreadors" should
be played for its wit and its wis-
dom will be emphasized as force-
fully as well as painlessly. It is
the constant barrage of obvious
philosophy that makes the play
too serious for bomedy while be-
ing too amusing for tragedy.
* * *
"IT'S THE SOUL that makes
life the hell that it is" says one
of Jean Anouilh's spokesmen, but
one wonders if it is so much the
soul as the glands that cause the
problem to Anouilh's characters.
Perhaps love is, as the play-
wright says, a dream unattain-
able . . . once grasped, a night-
mare. But love is the driving force
of his play and his characters
move to the strains of a melody
they could not live without hear-
As performed by the speech de-
partment players, the Waltz is a
melody not to be missed.
--Jo Hardee

i occasionally, but generally stays
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Dailyaassumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXIX, NO. 27-8
General Notices
The Masters.Breakfast, honoring'Stu-
dents receiving masters degrees in the
1959 Summer Session. 9:00 a.m., Sun.,
Aug. 2. Ballroom of the Michigan Un-
ion. Each degree candidate is entitled
to a complementary ticket which may
be secured at the Office of the Sum-
mer Session, 4507 Adlmin., Bldg., any-
time before 3:00 p.m. July 31.
Astronomy Dept. Visitors Night. Fri.
July 31, 8:30 p.m., Rm. 2003 Angell Hall.
J. Paul Mutschlecner, "Star Clusters."
After the lecture the Student Obser-
vatory on the fifth floor of Angell Hall
will be open for inspection and for
telescopic observations of Jupiter, Sat-
urn, Double Star, and Cluster. Chil-
dren welcomed, but must be accom-
panied by adults.
Regents Meeting: Fri., Sept. 25. Com-
munications for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than Sept. 15.
Forum Lecture, Linguistics. Inst.
Thurs., July 30, 7:30 pm. "From Mean-
ing to Structure." William E. Bull,
Assoc. Prof. of Spanish, Univ. of Calif.
Rackham Amphitheater.
Pl ays
Waltz of the Toreadors, by Jean
Anouilh; wed., July 29 through Sat.,
Aug. 1 at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
8p.m. Dept. of Speech. Box office open
from 10 a.m. Tickets available at $1.50,
$1.10 and 75c.
Doctoral Recital: Gordon Wilson, or-
ganist, Hill Aud., Fri., July 31, 8:30
p.m., presented in partial fulfillment
of the - requirements for the degree
Doctor of Musical Arts, Horace H.
Rackham School of Graduate Studies.
Student Recital: Franklin Koch,
pianist, Thurs., July 30, 8:30 p.m., Aud.
A, Angell Hall.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Richard
Louis Hauke, Botany; thesis: "A Taxo-
nomic Monograph of the Genus EquL-
setum subgenus Hippochaete," Fri.,
July 31, 1139 Nat. Sci. Bldg., 1:00 p.m.
Chairman, W. H. Wagner.
Doctoral Examination for William
Anthony Gamson, Social Psychoolgy;
thesis: "A Theory of Coalition Forma-
tion," Fri., July 31; 6625 Haven Hall, at
2:00 p.m. Chairman, Darwin Cart-
(Continued on Page 3)


Ca'ib bean Cano'4el


The Bicycle Problem


LOOKS LIKE the administrators are in for
another indignant hiss from the student
body - or at least that segment whose bikes
are carted away from in front of the Under-
graduate Library.,
Yet the pedestrian students' cries against
bicycles in general are of equal strength with
those voiced by administrators, faculty and
interested bystanders. 'T'he complaint is old. Its
forms of expression vary from the accusation
that the two-wheeled wonders clutter up the
campus to the unintelligible mutter that fol-
lows a stumble over a strategically-placed bike
blocking the way to that eight o'clock class.
The campus is apparently divided into two
camps - those on bikes and those on foot. But
once a bike is parked, the student generally
loins the wheelless throng in denouncing other
cyclists and their parking habits.
OLD, TOO, are attempts to solve the prob-
lem of too many bikes in too little room, but
mastery of the, situation has remained a dis-
tant dream. Students had their try last year
when Student Government Council tagged il-
legally parked bikes. The result-bikes placidly
rested against do not park signs with the tags
dangling colorfully from handlebars and
fenders while SGC was deluged with criticism
both of the policy and its ineffectiveness.
Winning the problem by default, the Office
of Student Affairs sat back and meditated for
a while. Would the obstacle courses growing
in every doorway disappear if a new sign ask-
ing for cooperation were erected? The idea
just didn't seem to work, but it kept grounds-
men busy rolling message-bearing tires in and
How about fines? The city periodically
tickets illegally-parked bikes, but if they hap-
pen to be unlicensed (and a great many are),
the tickets were frequently ignored 'along with

their goal of persuading students to use racks
rather than porch columns for parking pur-
THE RANGE of possibilities was narrowing.
Of course, the administrators could have
given up in defeat and let the bicyclists and
pedestrians fight it out for themselves, but
such a policy would do nothing toward alle-
viating the fears of the state fire marshall that
evacuation of a building would be next to im-
possible with the present set of circumstances
prevailing. Students, both handicapped and
healthy, would continue to weave through bike
mazes with shouts of "Why doesn't somebody
do something?"
Nor would it eliminate the danger of parked
bikes falling through doorways - the glass
panes at Mason Hall had to be replaced twice
last year after such occurances. No one was
hurt, but~
After much study and appeal to 'the stu-
dents for voluntary action, the administrators
have resorted to impounding bikes - a seem-
ingly foolproof way to convince students to
steer for the racks. A ticket hanging from a
bike doesn't impair its peddling capacity, but
once impounded, it does the owner no good
until he redeems it. While reduced to pedes-
trianism he might even be convinced of the
validity of the complaints lodged against the
bicycle crowd and take them to heart when
once again he pedals off to class at the last
The effectiveness of the impounding process
has yet to be decided and much will depend
on student attitude. Strict enforcement of aj
policy is rarely received with enthusiasm, yet
how else are the desired results - desired by
the majority of students as well as the fire
marshall if one is to believe one's ears - to
be obtained?

SLAN JUAN P. R. - World War
Two ended 15 years ago, but
the Communists still fan the em-
bers in Poland.
Exhibit A in the Red case
against theGermans is Auschwitz
concentration camp, where an es-
timated million anti-Nazis per-,
Auschwitz (Oswiecim in Polish)
began as a labor camp in South-
ern Poland to accommodate only a
few thousand. It grew like a can-
cer, so out of control that only
100,000 of the estimated million
victims were ever entered in the
Today all that remains is a me-
morial museum, housed in brick
barracks the Germans built to
mislead Red Cross inspectors. It
is administered as any other mu-
seum, by the Ministry of Art and
Culture, but will be turned over to
an international committee with
headquarters in London, Paris,
Warsaw and Moscow.
Visitors enter through an iron
gate bearing the words "Arbeit
Macht Frei" - work makes one
free. The camp's forced-labor
gangs left and entered through
this gate every day.
* * *
NEAR THE GATE is little Cre-
matorium I, which met the camp's
needs for only a short time. The
broad chimney on top and the
ovens inside are as they were then,
but it was impossible for me to
imagine the crematorium in oper-
ation. Talking this over with the
other Americans in our Experi-
ment group, I found this a com-
mon reaction; Auschwitz is cer-
tainly depressing, but the horror
is "too much to get your mind
Inside one of the brick build-
ings, we saw plaster cutaway min-
iatures of a railroad car jammed
with prisoners-to-be, and of Cre-
matorium II in operation.
The model of the crematorium
was 20 feet long, on a scale which
used inch-high people. The detail
was amazing -you could see pris-
oners entering, taking off their
clothes for what they had been
told was a shower, collapsing from
the gas.
On the wall hung the original
architect's drawing for Cremator-

ium III, an installation to dwarf,
the second.
(In the crowd of visitors looking
at these models I saw a number
of parents with little boys. One
tiny girl, dressed in' the red-and-
white traditional costume of the
area - children~ wear it as Amer-
ican children wear sailor suits --
stood with her nose pressed
against the glass.)
One museum room contained
flags of all the nations which had
lost citizens here (the United
States included). Each had black
bunting attached.
In the front of the room with
the flags, a guide was speaking to
a little knot of people.
"What's he saying?" I asked.
"He says 'This camp was built
for Poles'," my companion replied.
* * *
ANOTHER SERIES of exhibits
was designed to show how the
Germans had misled their victims.
Many families were told they were
merely being relocated - a photo
mural across one end of the room
showed piles of furniture they
brought with them.
Display cases along another wall
showed piles of thermoses, and
picnic-type baskets, and suitcases.
Another case contained a tangled
heap of crutches and artificial
limbs. Still others contained piles
of ,shoes, and toothbrushes.
A case 10 feet deep by 45 feet
long contained a mound of human
hair. Nearby were displays show-
ing the manufacturer of tailors'
backing material from hair.
Still another room was devoted
to Jews interned at Auschwitz. A
huge photo-mural showed a pile
of watches, rings and necklaces.
Was the anti-Semitic note inten-
tional or not? I don't know. Didn't
non-Jewish Poles bring watches?
-Didn't the Jews contribute hair

and artificial limbs to the other
piles? Certainly.
Talking afterward, we agreed
these exhibits, in which personal
details were multiplied into im-
personality, came closest to bring-
ing across to us the crime that
was Auschwitz.
* * *
PICTURES of famous people
(i.e., Communists) who were im-
prisoned in the camp were shown
in another exhibit, hanging from
bunting of their country. The
Poles included Cyrankiewicz, now
number two man behind Wladis-
law Gomulka. The French were
represented by female resistance
figure Daniele Casanova, whose
name I knew because a friend in
Paris lives on a street named for
Exhibits showing living condi-
tions the Red Cross never saw.
were housed in Block II - the
death house. A room with straw on
the concrete floor and another
with straw-filled pallets showed
the state of Block II when in op-
Another room contained a re-
construction of the horse-shed
housing most prisoners had - wo-
men slept on rough shelves, four
In the basement of Block II, we
saw "standing cells," three feet
wide by three feet deep, in which
prisoners being disciplined spent
three, five or even ten nights -
they worked by day with the oth-
And on the second floor torture
implements were displayed: whip-
ping stools, and "gallows" which
lifted a man onto his tiptoes.
* * *
PERHAPS the most touching
exhibit consisted of the music,
script and puppets used in a clan-
destine entertainment given for
Christmas, 1943.
But the visit to Auschwitz,
whichever exhibit meant the most,
stayed with us a long time.
Leaving the camp, one girl de-
clared, "That place should be
plowed under."
"No," another member of our
group replied. "Those things have
to be remembered."
The disagreement went on, and
still does.





Percussions Produce
Most Exciting Concert


, }+,

Vixon Tactics Approved

UNUSUAL and strange combin-
ations of sound emanated from
Burton Tower Tuesday evening. It'
was the occasion of ,perhaps the"
most exciting concert this listen-
er has heard this season: it fea-
tured the Burton Tower Percus-
sion Ensemble conducted by James
Salmon, Assistant Professor of
Percussion Instruments, which
performed in the Burton Tower
bellchamber with the carillon
played by Percival Price.
The percussion instruments in-
cluded .three kinds of drums,
three kinds of gongs including a
large and rare Chinese gong, and
the wooden semantron, an instru-
ment developed by the early Chris-
tian church. These were well

THE STRIPED-PANTS set, as the old career
diplomats are called, tend to tut-tut Vice-
President Richard Nixon's bare-knuckled "poli-
tician's" approach in Russia. But the truly
responsible chiefs at the State Department--
those who, under the President, actually run
our foreign policy-are delighted by his per-
formance in the first, or Moscow, phase of his
Indeed, it can be stated responsibly, these
controlling heads believe that if Nixon is able
to wind up his trip without a major mistake,
he will have done well all he went to the Soviet
Union to do.
Three circumstances have confused many
estimates as to the effectiveness of the Vice-
President's trip. There is the quite unhidden
fact of his fierce ambition. Of course, he wants
to be President after 1960-as do some of his
critics, too. There is the fact that, partly be-
cause of his past partisan savageries, he has
enemies who will never credit him with doing
anything well. And, most important of all,
there is this: Some have never understoodwhat
his assignment really was and was not.
JF THE REAL purposes of his journey are

This is absolutely correct--and absolutely ir-
relevant. The complaint has been made that
he has been "acting just like a politician." This
is absolutely correct - and absolutely inten-
tional. The complaint has been made that he
has been trading some tough and highly un-
reserved words with Nikita Khrushchev. That
he has. But there was no mistake in this; quite
the contrary.
For to trade such words with Khrushchev
and other Soviet leaders was one of the two
main reasons Nixon was sent to Moscow by
the Administration. His other main purpose
was to set at rest, if he could, what our top
people are willing to concede were some honest
misconceptions by Khrushchev about the United
teeth with a series of easy world propaganda
victories Khrushchev had scored in his previous
conversations with unofficial envoys like former
Governor Averell Harriman of New York and
Senator Hubert H. Humphrey of Minnesota.
State Department leaders had no criticism of
the motives of such envoys. The department
felt, all the same, that they were not in a
position to do full justice to our side of the
world argument.

Backwoods College Dedicated to Mountains

played by the following musicians:
George Caveider, gong; John
Jenkins, bass drum; Calvin Lange-
jans, semantron and upper-level
mallet-struck bells; Jon Michael
Moore, triangle and cymbals; Gor-
don Mumma, lower-level mallet-
struck bells; Jack Seidler, snare
drums and tenor bells. Although
they showed that they were very
good musicians, their teamwork
was 'a little shaky in the perform-
ing of "Little Suite for Percussion
and Bells" (largo, allegro, an-
dante) which was the.principal
work of the evening. This piece,
recently composed by Percival
Price, is the product of a very cre-
ative imagination, and is surely
the only such piece of tower mu-
* **
ONE WOULD welcome another
hearing of this unusual study in
rhythms and tonal colors after
more rehearsal. The insistent urg-
ing-on of the beating of the druns
and semantron, and the ominous,
colorful effects created by .the
gongs driving on to the nasal
sound effects of large bells struck
by hand with heavy hammers,
merging into and blending with
the sound of the carillon, con-
jured up various pictures and
moods in the minds of the listen-
ers. The adjectives, exotic, mystic,
bizarre, could perhaps be used to
describe the modernistic effects
achieved in this composition.
The three marches which be-
gan the program (the carillon part
arranged by an Antwerp carillon-
neur in the eighteenth century
and the percussion recently added
by Price) were performed in good


Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer
PIPPA PASSES, Ky. - In the
shadows behind her rough-
hewn desk, Alice Lloyd looks more
like an angelic grandma than the
architect of a school system and
founder of a college.
But with her one good hand and
the antique typewriter that sits in
the circle, of light beneath the
room's one shaded bulb, this tiny
woman in white worked a near
"When I first came to the
mountains," she tells you in a
voice as small as herself, "a moun-
tain woman came to me and said,

$10 a semester - in cash if they
have it, in corn and potatoes if
they don't.
They pay no tuition and nothing
for board and room. Some go on
to the University of Kentucky
where their expenses are paid by
Caney and they live in a home
owned by Caney. A few gb through
medical and law school with
Caney paying the bills.
But there is a lifetime fee: "An
unwritten pledge to settle in the
southern mountains and take a
dedicated stand for capable and
consecrated citizenship."
In a narrow valley just over a
mountain from Garner Post Of-
ficep onStt Route 80. t fl he CaTnev

antiquated. But to boys and girls
raised in the austerity of the
mountains, it is progress. For every
one accepted,. there are half a
dozen who must be denied.
While ability to learn is the
principal requirement for admis-
sion, intelligence is not the sole
requisite. "We take bright stu-
dents," says William Hayes, the
youthful academic dean who holds
two degrees, "but we also accept
those who show promise of becom-
ing outstanding citizens."
There is a faculty of about 20.
Pay is small and several members
give their services in return for
room and board.
Hayes came here in 1942, left

June Buchanan, the Dean of Wo-
him to be mannerably'."
A story is told of one hot day
at the University of Kentucky
when a professor told the only
two boys in his class wearing
coats that they could remove
them. The boys declined. After
class they explained to the pro-
"We're from Caney. We were
taught .to wear coats when ladies
are present. We hope you don't
mind, sir."
THE|E ARE few rules at Caney,
but those few are strictly enforced.
One bans guns. In the mountains

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