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July 02, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-07-02

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I -&

Six ly-"Seten- Years of Editorial Freedomt



See Page 2






. . . .............

Rebel Push
Driven Back
In Lebanon
Government Forces
Save Capital, Tripoli
BEIRUT, Lebanon {A) - An at-
tack with jet fighters, artillery
and armored cars halted a rebel
stab toward Beirut yesterday and
dove the insurgents back into
hi hills.
The assault apparently erased
any immediate threat to the capi-
"tal's vital airport.
The insurgents also appeared to
be weakening on a second major
front, at Tripoli in northern Leb-
anon. Heavy fighting broke out
again there yesterday morning.
Rebels Near City
The rebels in the hills overlook-
ing Beirut had moved within five
miles of the capital's airport, the
)nly one that can handle jet
fighters, before security forces
and 'pro-government irregulars at-
First, mortars opened up on the
rebel entrenchments and jet
fighters came in to join in the
Then security forces with ar-
tillery and armored cars swung
into action. They were joined by
the irregulars who Jammed into
trucks'and taxies for the forward
Lose Ground
The rebels, with only small
arms and pack weapons, lost
ground in the two ranges of hills
within sight of Beirut and the air-
Government forces claimed the
rebels suffered heavy casualties.
The irregulars admitted the loss
of only one man. There wee no
figures for the regular security
The irregulars said they cap-
tured several rebels and large sup-
plies of ammunition. They said
three of their captives were "Sy-
rian army conscripts."
, Kamal Jumblatt, a young rebel
mountain leader, commands the
Druse tribesmen, and controls a
large area south and east of Beirut.
Rebels led by former ,Premier
Rashid Karami around Tripoli
showed signs of weakening.
Another battleground was at
Sidon, the south Lebanon terminal
of an oil pipeline from Saudi
On the political front, there was
increasing agitation for a stronger
United Nations force to help end
the rebellion, whose announced
purpose is to force out the pro-
Western government of President
Camille Chamoun.
The moderate, compromise-
winded voices and even some
Aormally opposed to Chamoun.
now are suggesting that the only
way to end the costly, 5-day-old'
conflict is to close off the border
with Syria.


fore ign




The largest number of foreign
students ev'er in residence on a
single United States campiusen-
rolled at the University this spring.
Foreign students totaling 1,427
registeIed at the University during
the spring semester, an increase
of 149 over the spring semester of
1957, M. Robert B. Flinger, Inter-
national Center Counselor, said,
As Michigan went, so went the
nation, The United States attract-
ed 43.391 students and scholars,
more than ever before in its his-
tory. The United States continued
to lead the free world in the edu-
cation of foreign persons, as stu-
dents came from 145 countries
to study 'n 1.801 American schools.
"U" Behind California
With 1ts 1,427 foreign students,
the University was third in the
number of foreign students in at-
tendance-behind only the Uni-
versity of California, with 1,662
and Columbia, with 1,370.
The University was ranked be-
hind Columbia University because
foreign students who have per-
manent residence in the United
States and displaced persons were
counted In the International Cen-
ter survey, and omitted in the
national survey.,
The national survey, conducted
yea 1rlyby .th~e Institut~e of Inter-
national Education, listed 1,246
foreign students at the University

The typical foreign student: manant residents, 59, of foreign under 50', nationally that he will the social sciences, according to
1) Is from the Far East and is University students are either sup- be a graduate student, the report, while Europeans and
majoring in engineering. Interna- ported by their family or earn The statistical "he" in these Canadians favored the humanities
their own way by teaching, re- surveys is also likely to be one in Men students outnumbered
tional Center statistics showed search or other employment. Na- real life. At the University, there women three to one nationally.
that 37% of the foreign students tionally, 42% are either supported are only 282 women foreign stu- The largest percentake of for-
are from the Far East or South- by their parents or provide their dents in the 1,427 total, less than eign students, 23%, came from Ca-
east Asia and 43% excluding Cana- own support. 20 ,, nada.
dians, took engineering as their In Graduate School ' Tend Toward Social Sciences The University was not repre-
field of study. Results in the IE 3) Is in graduate school or a Far and Middle Easterners and sented in the list of United State;
survey were lower, with 33% com- school or college for which pre- Latin Americans, "striving for institutions with the largest num-
ing from the Far East and 23f vious undergraduate training was their countries economic develop- ber of faculty members abroad.
enrolled in engineering, required if he attends the Uni- ment," were those concentrating The University of California
2) Is most likely to be here on versity. Sixty per cent of Univer- most heavily in engineering, the again headed the list with 17
his own funds. Excluding Cana- sity foreign students are in this 1IE report said. while Michigan State University
dians, ELI students and per- t category. Chances are slightly j Africans "tended" more toward was second.




AFTER GRADUATION-Results of a national survey indicate
one-third of the foreign students studying in the Unied States are
interested in employment after graduation with the overseas
branch of a United States corporation,
U.S. Read To Ri
K' Be n

Of Consular Officil~s

IV-f-I1 '-! "'- Il uringthe Ianl semester.
01E Report Shows
Moon Expl oration boon More American students went
abroad for study, the IE report
showed, numbering 12,845. Al-
WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE, N.M. (P)-United States mill- though the students studied in 52
tary and industrial leaders in the missi e field were told yesterday this different countries altogether, a
country is ready to take a first step in the exploration of the moon. recrd total of 58% studied in
W. H. Pickering, director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory which
helped put the Army's Explorer I and III in space, told Army and stentisrics covering American
NATO generals this country can regain the technical superiority it year 1956-57, because of the time
has lost to Russia. lag involved in receiving returns
Army Authorized from foreign schools,
The Army has been authorized to fire one, or possibly two lunar What is the typical foreign stu--
probes, Pickering said. He indicated these would not land on nor strike dent like? Both the IIE survey and
17the moon, but rather "will carry figures compiled by Klinger show
some simple instruments and send essentially the same thing.
back information to us from the-- -
vicinity of the moon." MC
Unlike the missile combine1 1'
which launched the Explorers'
. these moon missiles will be boosted * ('FT
inate space by the Army's Jupiter 0 1l I U
GENEVA ( - The East-nWest termediate range missile, rather
;echnical conference" on pollcing than the Redstone missile.
t;baonucl cnerenet ontpolicing- Heavier Payloads Following the aw arding of an
i ban on nuclear tests got off yes- "Using a Jupiter booster," Pick- honorary Doctor of Laws degree by
terday to a hopeful start, ering said, "very much heavier the University in a public cere-
Fifteen scientists and techni- paylosds can be put into orbit mony, Madame Chiang Kai-shek
clans from eight nations held around the earth and substantial will speak on the topic "Shall We

Goldfine Set
T Testify
About Costs
WASHINGTON () -House in-
vestigators expect Bernard Gold-
fine to testify today that he de-
ducted as business expenses money
he spent on favors for Sherman
Adams, President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower's top aide.
Roger Robb, one of Goldflne's
attorneys, said last night the Bos-
ton industrialist will testify as to

Hiltner Relates Freud,
Religion in U Lecture
Those interested in the area of3
psychiatrics are more indebted to
Freud than anyone else, Prof.
Seward Hiltner, of the theology
department, University of Chicago,
said yesterday.
In the third in the summer ses-
sion's lectures on "Religion in Con-
temporary Society," Prof. Hiltner
dealt with Freud's relation to re-

whether Goldfine's gifts to Adams ligion.
were deducted for business pur- He justified his emphasis of
poses. But Robb would not go into Freud, saying that there is no
detail on the testimony, theoretical conflict in the broad
Facts indicating whether money areas of religion and psychiatry,
spent by Goldfine on Adams was and thus no need for further ex-,
treated as business expense have planation.
been produced by House investi- Religion Illusion
gators. Freud charges, he said, that re-j
Charged to Business ligion is an allusion which can
These are that Adams' hotel neither be proved or disproved and
bills at the Sheraton Plaza in that evidences of religious belief
Boston and the Waldorf Astoria in stem from "wish thinking."
New York were charged to ac- "His charges do not quite get
counts of companies owned by the real inside picture of what
Goldfine, high religious codes have stood
Robb announced Goldfine would for," he continued. "He really
testify on whether he charged the didn't understand that religion
gifts up as business costs after isn't literal but mythological." I
being told Rep. Oren Harris (D- "Although," he said, "if we be-
Ark.) was ready to criticize the'

Two Enter
Rebel Hills


their formal opening session be-J

payloads can be sent to the moon

hind closed doors. They came out and beyond."
with broad smiles. Pickering spoke to the 400 top
Nobel Prize winner Ernest 0. brass attending the demonstration
Lawrence of the United States of weapons in the Army arsenal.
said the first session went quite Officials, headed by Secretary,
well. of the Army Wilber Brucker, saw
Yves A. Rocard of France told firings of two missiles never before
newsmen there will probably be given a public showing-the Nike

Exist on Sufferance."
The first lady of the Republic of
China will be heard at 8 p.m. on
July 10 at 1Pckham Lecture Hall.
She will be greeted at Willow
Run airport by three University
students from the Republic of
China, William Chen, Grad., Paul
Mao, Grad., and Lydia Woo, Grad.
Madame Chiang will spend part

...Freud and religion,
lieved that we have the truth, so
that no further inquiry into the
nature of truth is made, then I
would have to agree with him."
Freud Prophet
To Prof. Hiltner, Freud stands,
as a prophet decrying idolatry. "He
talks against these.idolatries, and
we must do the same if they try

On Sunday
Cubans Carry Off
Four Americans
In Latest Kidnapping
HAVANA ( A)-Diplomatic circles
speculated last night that two
United States consular officials
sent into the hills Sunday to seek
release of 50 United States and
Canadian kidnap victims may have
been seled themselves.
The speculation was based on
information from United States
Embassy sources that there had
been no word of the return of the
two officials from rebel territory,
The two, Consul Park Wollant
and Vice Consul Robert Wiecha,
had been expected to return from
the rugged hill areas Monday night
or early yesterday to report on
their efforts with rebel leaders.
Contact Made
Wollam struck out for the moun.
tains outside the towi otf Moa
Sunday morning and was reported
to have made contact with rebel
forces. Wiecha was said to have
gone into the hills around Guan-
tanamo Sunday afternoon.
Four more Americans were car-
ried off yesterday by a rebel band
in what is considered a blackmail
campaign to force United States
intervention in Cuba. The rebels
thus ran up a total of 50 captives-
47 United States citizens and 3
Canadians-in their kidnap raids
that began last Thursday night.
AP correspondent Robert Clark
in a dispatch from Guantanamo
Bay reported heavily armed Cuban
army reinforcements were moving
toward Oriente Province,- center
of rebel activities.
No Word Received
He quoted Rear Adm. R. B.
Ellis, commander of the United
States naval base at Guantanamo,
as saying there had been no word
up to last night from the captors
on the American servicemen ab-
Rebels have been quoted as say-
ing the abductions were to force
the United States to cease assist-
ance to the government of Presi.
dent Fulgenclo Batista. The United
States says it is not giving suchz
I A hnnd riVM0A

Gen. Twining
Says U.S. Set
To Enter War


DETROIT (RP)-Gen. Nathan F.
Twining last night said the United
States is ready to send troops into
Lebanon if the situation calls for
"I don't think there is any ques-
tion about it," General Twining,
chairman of the joint chiefs of
staff said. "We are prepared for
any eventuality-all-out war or
limited war-right now."
He told a news conference he
doubted that nuclear weapons
would be used by United States
troops if they entered the seven-
week-old Lebanese rebellion.
He said he did not think United
States intervention in Lebanon
would touch off a world war.
General Twining was here to
address an evening session of the
industry missile and space age
conference sponsored by the Aero
Club of Michigan.
In a speech scheduled for de-
livery before about 400 Michigan
industrialists attending the two-
day conference, General Twining
cautioned that the United States
must nct forget the cold war in
its rush of technological progress.
"If we do not win the cold war
we may never have the chance to
capitalize on the scientific pos-
sibiliies of the space age," he said,
Schedule Talk

a technical agreement. He said he
expected an agreement "because
this is an international group of
scientists who cannot deny tech-
nical realities."
Only a few days ago it appeared
the Russians would boycott the
talks because of United States re-
fusal to agree beforehand that the
purpose of the conference was to
ban tests,
The United States insisted any
ban on atomic tests must be
worked out on a political level aft-
er the scientists determine the
practicability of insuring compli-
In the opening session, Yevgeni
K. Fedorov, head of the Commu-
nist delegation, appeared to un-
derwrite the American position.
"Certainly we are not here to;
take up the matter of a test ces-
sation," he said. "This is a mat-I
ter for the governments to solve."
James B. Fisk, head of the
United States delegation, said the
purpose of the conference is to
"studythe technical problems in-
volved in the detection and iden-
tification of nuclear explosions."
Work -To Start
In Two Week
A 52-unit, five-story apartment
structure will be built at 721 S.
Forest Ave. under a building per-
mit taken out yesterday.
Construction on the $750,000
steel and concrete building is

The Nike Hercules is
version of the Nike
aircraft missile.
The Hercules, with
gen bomb warhead is

Hercules and the Hawk.I

a beefed-up of that afternoon at the Univer-
Ajax anti-|sity's television studios where she
will be interviewed,
its hydro- Her answers to a series of ques-
already in I tions will be incorporated into'
several programs on China.

Bostonian on grounds of not co-
Rep. Harris is chairman of the
House subcommittee investigating
Goldfine's affairs.
It was not clear whether Gold-
fine's records showing the tax
treatment of these items will be
produced before the committee.
Disagreement over Records
Disagreement over records at
this point lies in what records are
supposed to be turned over.
Robb told a reporter, "I thought
we produced what they wanted"
when Goldfine's lawyers came
through with various records after
the subcommittee issued a sub-
Some committee members say
that whether Goldfine charged the,
Adams gifts as a business or per-
sonal expense is a key clue to de-
termining whether Goldfine ex-
',pected business favors in return.

*World News Roundup j
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON -President Dwight D. Eisenhower and other
leading Republicans yesterday called on Congress to grant Hawaii the
statehood already approved for Alaska.
*' * *0
LONDON--Allied nations have agreed to slash the curbs on
strategic trade with the Communist world by nearly 40 per cent. About
80 items, Western officials said last"'
night, will be taken off the banned

to literalize themselves," he said.
l i R He further posed the question
as to the nature of Freud's im-
..plicit religionz or w hat he vwas
G. Glauco Cambon, visiting lec- ultimately concerned with.
turer in English from Italy, will Freud believed that life can be
continue the summer session lec- 'understood only in terms of its
ture series in a talk on "Religion dynamic forces, he said. "These
in Contemporary Literature," at forces have to do with needs, values
4:15 p.m. today in Aud. A, Angell and relationships."
Hall. Ideas such as that the under-
Cambon, an expert in the Italian standing of human life is incom-
and German languages as well as plete unless it understands human
in English, taught at Columbia development in sequential fashion
University before coming to the could not have been altered by any'
University last semester evidence presented to him, Prof.
A native of Northern Italy, Cam- Hiltner continued.
bon wa.3 an inG ructor at Liceo, onĀ° "Any interpretation of our faith
of the upper schools in Italy. today that does not contain these
He teaches both American and kind of things is out of contact
comparative literature at the Uni- and irrelevant to life today," he
versity. added.

Lecture Set


WASHINGTON - President
Dwighte D. Eisenhower appealed
anew yesterday for a biggder foreign
aid budget from a House appar-
ently of mind to spurn his plea.
The White House promised a
new bid for more money before
voting starts on a bill appropriat-
ing $3,078,092,500 in new aid funds
for the fiscal year that just
This is 872 million less than
President Eisenhower originally
asked and 597 million below the
ceiling set only last week in a
separate authorization.
IU' Presents
Grants To 63

Stason Sees More '[raining for Lawyers

In the future, lawyers may need four years of college education in trucks carried
in their special field instead of three, Dean E. Blythe Stason of the raid. Coming down
Law School believes. they drove into a
Outlined in the current issue of Law Quadrangle Notes, the alumni Co. plantation at (
publication of the Law School, are Dean Stason's views on legal and roared off
education as it will exist in 1975.
He believes the first two years will be devoted to the study of
fundamentals, with few elective courses. At the end of the second No Blac
year, the student will take a comprehensive examination, in addition
to individual course testing. Dulles S[
Two-Year Specialization
During the final two years, the student will devote himself to
dealing intensely with elected specialities such as administrative la, of State John Fos
insurance law, international law or comparative law. yesterday the Un
Formal examinations will be kept at a minimum, he predicted, working hard to fre

off the latest
from the hills,
United Fruit
Guaro, grabbed
they could find
(,P) - Secretary
ter Dulles said
ited States is
e more than 60

but much attention willbe paid to careful grading of papers, problems Americans held prisoner abroa,
and drafts in the final two years. but that it stops short of paying
Each graduating senior will be required to prepare a compre- blackmail,
hensive written paper involving legal research. "If we started doing that," h

5 ' , x: ,..

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