Sixty-Eighth Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Justice, Little Rock Style
Stanley Quartet Plays
Inverted Sandwich
THE STANLEY QUARTET recently returned from a highly success-
ful South American tour, opened their summer season of three
concerts lIst night with the customary musical sandwich: a contem-
porary piece between two standard compositions. This is generally a
good idea; many of the contemporary works have not been recorded
(some may never be), and these performances constitute the only times
that many of us hear them. Unfortunately last night, the meat was
ESDAY, JULY 2, 1958
Mine. Chiang Comes for Degree;
Should Stay for Political Education
4ME. CHIANG Kai-shek's current visit to
the United States should be a pleasantly
nbarrassing affair for the University and
articularly for whichever officials first
lought of awarding her an honorary degree
s will be done this month. To go from honor-
.g an outstanding figure such as Germany's
resident Theodor Heuss to Mme. Chiang is
lite a jump.
It was hoped that Mme. Chiang, half of that
ar-Eastern symbol of pseudo-democratic gov-
°nment, would slip quietly into the country,
Aietly accept her honor which was offered
r last spring and quietly leave with as little
nfare as possible. But such was not to be;
st week she appeared before newsmen for
ie first time since her arrival several weeks
go and proceeded to put her foot in her
She appealed to the free world to stop help-
.g neutrals unless it wants the countries
ghting communism to start wondering: "Why
ould we fight when the neutrals sit on the
nce and get just as much as we do?"
IME. CHIANG has failed, like so many oth-
ers, to distinguish between neutral coun-
les and pro-communist countries. She also
ill conceives of the world in absolute military
ower terms when the actual area of struggle
day has shifted to economic competition. The
ason the United States must continue to
,sist neutral countries is quite simple: the
rge and rapidly growing blpck of neutrals
day hold what will be the balance of power
i the world. There seems to be little doubt
nong economists and political scientists to-
ay that to prevent the Soviet Union from
thieving its aim of world domination the free
orld must at least keep the neutrals neutral
nd, if possible, win their support. Certainly by
Lrning our backs to these countries we would
o nothing but push them into the Eastern
Because the competition between East and
West is now chiefly economic, the support of
the wealthy (in resources, man power, etc.)
is of vital importance. One would even venture
to observe that, in the long run, it would prof-
it the United States and the free world more
if this country were to take its considerable
support from Formosa and divert it to, for ex-
ample, India. There is, indeed, a definite ques-
tion of whether the money the United States
has spent on Chiang has been justifiable.
Mme. Chiang, in calling for abandonment
of the neutral countries, fails to realize such
a move would mean the eventual downfall of
the West. Since the Chiang regime is able to
hold its absolute power on Formosa only be-
cause of the United States support, the result
of abandoning the neutral countries would af-
fect her and her husband,
AS WELL AS taking a few swipes at the
neutral countries, Mme. Chiang also said
the Nationalists would recapture. the Chinese
mainland with their own army -- an army,
it might be added, which is American trained
and American-equipped. "We don't want the
United States to do it for us. If you ask me
when, I don't know; if you ask me how, I don't
want the Communists to know," she said..
This claim has been heard many times be-
fore, and Chiang and his army still, as the
saying goes, have a Chinamen's chance of ful-
filling it. Only through United States assist-
ance, something most unlikely, could the Na-
tionalists recapture the mainland.,
And now Mme. Chiang is on her way to the
'University to be honored by one of the lead-
ng universities in the world. From here she
will go on to Washington D.C. for an official
visit, probably to officially protest against aid
to neutrals, request more financial assistance
to make official life a little softer back home
and to confer with some of her close friends
in the United States Senate.
Daily Co-Editor
(Herblock Is on Vacation)
Near East History Repeating
IN MORE ways than one, history
regarding the Near East is re-
About three weeks ago, when
Prime Minister Macmillan of Eng-
land was in the White House,
President Eisenhower approached
him about cooperating with the
United States in armed interven-
tion in Lebanon if necessary.
Macmillan was something less
than lukewarm. He did not get up
and wave the Union Jack over
maching into Lebanon with any
degree of enthusiasm. In fact' he
couldn't help but remind Presi-
dent Eisenhower, gently, that it
was almost two years ago that
Britain intervened in Suez when
President Eisenhower stopped that
If British-French-Israeli opera-
tions against Nasser had been per-
mitted to continue, the British
Prime Minister intimated, it would
not now be necessary for the
United States to be talking about
new intervention against Nasser.
* * *
HOWEVER, since the United
States Joint Chiefs of Staff and
Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles all agreed on intervention,
Macmillan reluctantly consented
to go along. To that end, 37,000
British troops are concentrated on
Cyprus just a few miles from
Lebanon, ready for intervention.
This is exactly what happened be-
fore the Suez landing in October,
Meanwhile, Lebanese President
Chamoun was offered aid, and
United States ambassador Thomp-
son in Moscow was instructed to
call on Foreign Minister Gromyko
and inform him that the United
States was determined to use force
if necessary to protect Lebanon
independence. President Eisen-
hower figured the threat of Ameri-
can intervention would discourage
both the Russians and the Arab
rebels in Lebanon.
But it hasn't worked out this
way. The United States, thanks to
our slump in military prestige, can
no longer negotiate from strength.
Russian and Syrian arms contin-
ued to cross the Lebanese border to
aid the rebels, while Russia issued
a gruff warning that "volunteers"
might intervene in Lebanon if the
United States and Britain inter-
At this point President Eisen-
hower and Dulles began to get cold
feet, Last week United States Am-
bassador McClintock in Beirut was
instructed to urge President Cha-
moun not to call on the United
States for aid under the Eisen-
hower Doctrine-except in case of
"dire emergency." Even then,
American Marines and British
paratroopers would be used only to
evacuate American-British civil-
ians. Turkish-Iraqi troops would
be flown into battle the Arab
Meanwhile, hesitation in Wash-
ington, similar to the British de-
lays just before the Suez landing,
has given the Russians time to
prepare "volunteers,"
Once again history repeats.
* * *
DURING the height of the
Washington furor over Sherman
Adams, the man who had caused
the furor, Mr. Adams, went out to
a Washington cocktail party,
where he got into a conversation
over fishing.
"The best fishing I ever had was
in Turkey. I was in Germany visit-
ing with Laurie Norstad," he said,
referring to the American com-
mander of NATO. "Norstad flew
me to Turkey and we spent two
days there fishing. It was a great
The assistant to the President
was quite nonchalant about the
idea of taking an American air
force plane and flying from Ger-
many all the way to Turkey just
to fish. It didn't seem to worry him
that he was spending the Ameri-
can taxpayer's money any more
than he was worried about spend-
ing Mr. Goldfine's money.
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc,)
on the outside of the sandwich.
The opening work was Haydn
better Haydn quartets, featuring
movement and thoroughly amus-
ing, thi~d and fourth. The seconid
mnovemlent is eloquent, but dis-
y'lays a certain diisjointednessj
which is rather frecuent in slow
movements of Haydn In sympho-
nies as well as chamber music,
There are unadorned breaks be-
tween sections - the music just
sort of stops, sounding vey much
like the end cf the movement,
then begins again. It is. as it were,
a misapplication of the Grande
Pause which Haydn so often uses
brilliantly in his fast movements.j
'. * *
BENJAMIN Lees' Quartet No. 2,
receiving its first Ann Arbor per-
formance, seemed a bit thin in its
rather formidable context. One
shrinks from forming opinions of
new music on but a single hear-
ing; still if one must review, one
should extend one's neck. The sub-
stance of the first movement es-
caped me. The very openingl)
phrase set the goeneral atmos-
phere: it was patterned after
Bartok, but without the sardonic
power of that composer - a sort
of unastring ten Bartok with
Brahinsian overtones. More readi-
ly accessible was the slow move-
This was an interesting study in
contrasts between a sustained
singing voice and a broken sob-
bing motive. The picture was pre-
sented three times with interme-
diate episodes. The second time
the sustained voice came in open
harmonies, strongly suggestive of
the Black Masker's Suite of Roger
The third time the sobbing mo-
tive became articulate, almost me-
lodic, then violent, eventually re-
turning to its original form for
a brief recapitulation. The third
movement seemed a bit thin. One
discerned a motivic derivative of
the slow movement sob given to
the first violin and viola occur-
ring several times,
* * *
RENJAMIN Lees is an Ameri-
can composer In his early thirties,
currently in Europe on a fellow-
ship. Another work of his is be-
ing performed in Brussels this
The concluding work. Brahms
Opus 51, No. 2, was the best part
of the proriam. The tone of the
quartet was mellower than usual
last night, and this was particu-
larly appropriate for Brahms.
-J. Philip -Benkard
1960 Campaign Begins Early
rHE 1960 election campaign was kicked off
Monday in a speech well camouflaged by the
title "The Challenge of Co-Existence."
Author and news commentator William Cos-
ello, speaking under the auspices of the
Jniversity's journalism department, addressed
small crowd, small,: perhaps, because of the
fternoon heat. Costello commented that the
people who had chosen to picnic rather than
ttend the lecture were probably having more
un than his audience. As the lecture wore on
)ne would tend to agree.
He began his talk with certain observations
w'hich, although not new, did at least relate to
he topic. He talked of the meaning of co-exis-
-ece, presenting a negative definition-that it
foes not mean brotherhood-but suggesting no
lear cut affirmative definition.
HE SPOKE of the transition which was made
at the Geneva Conference in 1955, when the
emphasis of the cold war changed from politics
r ideology to economics.
He declared that some people in the world
believe that Russia is 100 times the United
states' superior because its three Sputniks have
i total collective poundage 100 times as great
as America's three satellites.
He cited the discrepancy in the growth rate
>f the economy in the two countries. "Our rate
of growth has shrunk alarmingly," he pointed
out. "It is averaging less than one-third the
Soviet rate."
And it was here in his address that the
blankes were removed and a political speech
was born.
"This administration pays mere lip service
to the problem," he said, referring to the eco-
nomic rate discrepancy. "What we face is not
Dulles's tame, well-mannered, nineteenth cen-
tury Victorian affair."
"H EMIGHT be a statesman, but he certainly
won't defeat communism with pious ser-
mons of chivalry," he continued. "The Eisen-
hower administration went into office with a
slogan of "dynamic initiative." This initiative
has been transformed into paralysis, he main-
He said that in only two instances has the
Arministration come up with anything new in
the way of policy.
Then, as the final blow, he turned the admin-
istration's election slogan directly against them.
"It's time for a change," he said.
The speech was not billed as a paid political
announcement but it probably should have
Opus 76 No. 5. This is one of the
a particularly interesting opening
A TOWN somewhere out west is
gonna have a hangin' of four
bankrobbers. Since this is its first
one, it has to hire a professional
hangman from another town
across the way,
Jim Douglas rides into town to
see the four men hanged - seems,
as if these same four outlaws had
raped and killed his wife awhile
back. He's been hunting them
down to kill them himself, but
since the law caught them first,
he'll let the law do the job. Every-
thing's all set for the event. But
the night before the hanging-day
the four escape prison. So now the
town and Jim Douglas must find
them again. This time Jim isn't
going to wait for the law to do the
job though, As he finds each one
of them, he kills them himself,
This all goes aiong very well with
the first three - he kills them
in nice fashion. But he has a
talk with the fourth one, and --
"THE BRAVADOS" is a some-
what different western, and a
rather interesting one. There are
had men and good men as in ev-
ery' western. But in "The Bra-
vados," the good men aren't quite
the sterling-plated ones who hap-
pen to appear in most westerns.
Jim Douglas is out after revenge,
He has vowed to kill the men whG
killed his wife.
The action which revolves
around gun shooting, name call-
ing, and saddle sores almost
matches the wonders of nature as
captured by the Cinemascope
camera. The dialogue leaves
something to be desired. Only
when the four nutlaws are talk-
ing among themselves does the
dialogue become more than a
mere parody on the modern con-
ception of the wild west. The
good men just don't make the
The role of Jim Douglas is so
underplayed by Gregory Peck that
it becomes almost painful to
watch. This is particularly notice-
able whenever he has anything to
say. The pauses are so long that
at times it seems as if he wouldn't
speak at all. The effect created is
not of a man who is determined
to seek revenge, but of an actor
who has forgotten his lines.
Probably the most interesting
character in the entire movie is
the outlaw (Stephen Boyd) who
has a weakness for women. This
weakness is so great that he takes
along a town lass when he es-.
capes from prison, and keeps her,
by his side throughout the course
of the chase.
The amazing thing is that he
waits for two days before he se-
duces her. For a man with such
a big weakness, he shows amazs-
Ing strength in holding off, This
sort of strength is what tamed the
wild west.
-Jack Clark
The Daily Official Buuetin Is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial-responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before a2 pm., the daypreed-
ing publication.
General Notices
The General Library and all divisional
libraries (including the Undergraduate
Library) will close at 6:00 p.m. Thurs.,
July 3, and will be closed all day Fri.,
July 4, a University holiday. All libraries
will remain closed on Sat., July 5. The
Medical Library, the only University
library maintaining Sunday hours dur-
Ing the Summer Session, is to be closed
on Sun., July 6.
La Sociedad Hispanica of the Dept. of
Romance Languages will hold its second
e8ening meeting n Wed., July 2, 7:30
p.m. in the Faculty Lounge, Rm. 3050,
Frieze Bldg. The speaker will be Prof.
MaLnuel Duratn, Smith College, visiting
professor in the Summer School, whose
top ic will be: "El humorismo en ]a
lirerat ua espanola" There will also be
Spanish music and songs. Open to the
Linguistics Forum Lecture: Prof. Wil-
11am J. Gedney, N. Y State Teachers
College (New Platz) on "Transitions
and In.onaaions in khai.Thurs., July
3, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphithatre.
Dis plays at Alumni Hall Impressive, Exciting
THE PRESENT production of
art prints on a large scale is
a phenomenon of the post-war
era and one unprecedented in his-
tory. In the early days of print-
ing, print makers had an import-
ant place in society providing il-
nustrations - largely religious --
dealing with topics of interest,
presenting pictorially for the il-
literate or scantily-literate masses
the counterpart of present day
newspapers and magazines.
With the spread of education
and literacy print making fell into
disuse and only recently, after the
lead of the more adventurous
French artists, has print making
become an area of important ac-
tivity in the art world.
Not only are more artists pro-
ducing prints and devising differ-
ent methods to meet the aesthet-
ic needs of the time, but the pub-
lic is buying them in gratifying
volume.Today, prints are being
produced and consumed primari-
ly as works of art rather than, as
Nasser May Capture Lebanon
Associated Press Foreign News Analyst
EIRUT, Lebanoli -- The bulk of evidence
available bh,ere indicates that if the oppo-
ion wins clearly in this rebellion, Lebanon
effect will become a satellite of President
isser's United Arab Republic,
To many persons, the government of Presi-
nt Camille Chamoun and Premier Sami Solh
s little to recommend it unless it is a deter-
niation not to be hooked by Nasser.
Chamoun put his finger directly on the point
issue here when he remarked that certain
rces want to lay their hands upon the foreign
licy of the country.
The rebel leaders insist Lebanon would re-
ain wholly independent. But Nasser domi-
tes the rebel scene. His picture appears ev-
ywhere. A calendar made up especially for
e northern rebel leader, Raschid Karami,
Editorial Staff
Co-Editor Co-Editor
BERT JUNKER................. Night Editor
WARD GERULDSEN............ Night Editor
SAN HOLTZER.....................Night Editor
NE VANDERS ICE .......... Night Editor
CHARD MINTZ......... .... Sports Editor
LE SHIPPEY.........Chief Phiotograrpher
shows him on one side, Syria's Shukry Ku-
watly on the other, and Nasser in the middle.
AT LEAST on the political level there is evi-
dence of liaison between the rebels in Beirut
and the Batth Arab Socialist Resurrection par-
ty in Syria which led that country into union
with Egypt. One important liaison man has
appeared both in the Batth headquarters in
Damascus and in the rebel headquarters of
former Premier Saeb Salam in Beirut.
It is not hard to credit the sincerity of men
like Hussein Mweini, a Moslem leader, and
Foud Ammoun, Christian opposition leader,
when they express the intention of remaining
Western in their sympathies. But both are
wealthy old men who are essentially weak po
litical figures. Likely they would have little to
say if the rebellion succeeded.
What this rebellion appears to seek is a weak
Christian president. Then the Moslems, with
a strong premier, could rule the country. The
array of Moslem ex-premiers now in the re-
bellion is solidly pro-Nasser at this moment.
These men would create a facade of Lebanese
independence and neutrality. But the foreign
policy they support is Nasser's.
T PRESENT, the Christian President Cha-
moun is strong, and the Moslem Premier
Solh is weak. Chamoun has a well-armed fol-
in their previous hey-day, as
telling devices,
* * *
THE SHOWING of 100 "Con-
temporary Prints from Great
Britain" (intaglio, woodcut, litho-
graph, serigraph) presently to be
seen at Alumni Hall, reflects the
contemporary interest in new and
varied techniques. Along with dif-
ferent approaches to old tech-
niques and ideas, that is typical
of most Western art,
Yet it is couched in terms and
manners typically and unmistak-
ably British. Seeing these prints
one is impressed by the level-
headedness of the experimenter
and charmed by the vitality of the
traditionalist. This is not to im-
ply that the show is dull or un-
interesting - quite the opposite,
In fact, it is refreshing to find
artists making calm and thought-
ful statements of considerable va-
lidity ,rather than shouting blas-
phemies or babbling irrelevancies,
as all too often happens when
Americans show their so-called
experimental work, as to be a.
blessed relief, a time for reaffirm-
ation of faith in art, an experi-
ence to be encouraged and re-
peated often. There is a maturity
of approach implicit in the work
shown that is impressive and, for
many an art student, unsettling.
also showing currently at Alumni
Hall, presents the work of eight
young American sculptors, most
of the works being executed in
metal. (The title of the show
rather sets one wondering - to
include work by artists living in
Boston, New York and Chapel Hill
in a show labeled "Midwest"
seems to us stretching poetic li-
cense beyond the permissible
point.) The examples shown (re-
gardless of locale of origin) are
representative of much of the
work presently being turned out
by our younger artists and re-
flects the interest in applying
comparatively new techniques to
the art field.
The whole topic of titles of
contemporary art works is one
that could be discussed at length
(and propably to little point), but
it would seem best to simply ig-
nore most of them (just as one
should disregard most of what
artists write or say about art, es-
pecially their own) and Just look
at the works in question.
FOR special looking, we would
like to suggest "Soldier" by Rob-
ert Howard and "Blind Man" bye
Thomas McClure and "Structure"
by Robert Youngman,
In recent weeks we have been
hearing outraged yelps from vari-
ous connoisseurs of art (Con-
gressmen, government officials
and other hardly qualified indi-
viduals) visiting the Fair in Brus-
sels, concerning the degenerate
quality, or unrepresentativeness
of the kind and quality, of art
works shown in the American Pa-
Much of the work included in
"Sculpture Midwest" would excite
similar reactions from persons
who still think of the United
States as lemonade on the front
porch circa 1910. The show is
typical and exciting - an unusual
-David Guillaume
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