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August 09, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-08-09

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom



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XVIII, No. 33S




Nautilus' Crosses
trctic Under Ice
U.S. Atomic Submarine Pioneers
Submerged North Polar Sea Lane
WASHINGTON (R) - The United States atomic submarine Nauti-
has crossed the top of the world, steaming swiftly and silently
ler the eternal ice of the North Pole.
The White House yesterday announced the spectacular subsurface
age from the Pacific to Atlantic by way of the Arctic Sea, which
between the United States and Russia.
It said the famous submarine had pioneered a submerged sea
e pointing to possible use by nuclear-powered submarines carrying
imercial cargo.
But while President Dwight D. Eisenhower oriented his remarks
the peaceful possibilities of the route, it remains a fact that the



Nautilus is a combat vessel. If she
can roam under the polar ice, so
can the ballistic missile-firing Po-
laris submarines now being built.

Dkay tGiven
Pension Bill
WASHINGTON (AP) - An elec-
ion-year proposal to raise Social
ecurity benefits, and the taxes
hat pay for them, received quali-
jed approval from the Eisenhow-
r administratalon yesterday.
A presidential veto was threat-
ned, however, if the Senate
asses the bill in the same form
y which it cleared the House July
I' by the whopping majority of
Secretary of Welfare Arthur S.
Femming told the Senate Finance
lommittee he believes the pro-
osed seven per cent increase in
ionthly benefit payments is rea-
onable and desirable, and he is
11i for It.
But he balked at apart of the
ame bill that, would raise the fed-
ral government's contributions to
ate- operated public assistance.
rM*rams by 288 million dollars a
Flemming said that would only
dd 288 million dollars to the 12-
Illion-dollar federal deficit al
eady I n prospect for the coming
Eieca Balls
.t Quesion
ueSt 1lis
About Union
raiter) Ricca, an old Al Capone
angster, clammed up tight yes-
iday on why he'sold his luxuri-
is beach home in Indiana to
ames R. Hoffa's Teamsters
Ricca, now a rather peaceful
Pking man with a fringe of white
air, gave no help at all to Sen-
ie rackets probers trying to get
> the bottom of his connections
Lth Hoffa.
Takes Fifth
Ricca relied on the Fift h
mendment, and its protection
ainst givingincriminating evi-
nce against oneself.
The rackets committee estab-:
hed, through checks, that the
tness - his real name is Paulr
Lucia - got $150,000 in 19561
r his home and grounds at Longr
each, in Indiana's La Porte
Ricca condescended to look at
e checks, but that was all.
For 'Training School'
Committee Counsel Robert F.
nnedy said the estate was
ught by the Teamsters with the
nounced plan of using it as a
lining school for business
The counsel suggested to Ricca
at the true reason the sale was
ade was because Ricca was a
end of Bert Brennan, a Team-
,r ally and pal of Hoffa.
"Isn't it a fact you needed this
oney for a tax case you were
Colved in, and that you pre-
iled on the Teamsters to buy
e estate?" Kennedy demanded
The witness smiled, and invoked
e Fifth Amendment once more.
P. McEvoy
es of Stroke
TEW CITY, N.Y. (JN-J. P. Mc-

Skipper Decorated
The submarine's skipper, Cmdr.
William R. Anderson, native of
Bakersville, Tenn., received the.
Legion of Merit from President
Eisenhower. To the 116-man crew
went a presidential unit citation.
The circumstances of the an-
nouncement-the secrecy preced-
ing it and the drama of its set-
ting - seemed to have significant
overtones of a national prestige
Departure Kept Secret
Asked whose idea it was to send,
the Nautilus under the polar ice
and beyond the North Pole, White
House press secretary James C.
Hagerty replied: "I think as much
as- anybody's, it was the Presi-
The Nautilus, the world's first
nuclear-poweredsubmersible, left
the United States naval base at
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, under high
secrecy in the black, predawn
hours of July 23.
Goes Under Ice Pack
She sailed silently kandunno-
ticed to the north, up past the
Aleutian Islands, through Bering
Strait, between Alaska and Si-
beria, headed up toward the roll-
ing, grinding fringe of pack ice in
the Arctic -- and then on under it.
Above Point Barrow, Alaska, the
Nautilus turned slightly eastward.
For a few minutes 'on the morn-
ing of Aug.. 1, she"surfaced
through one of the occasional
openings in the ice field to make
photographs. Then she slid be-
neath the surface again to resume
her 2,114-mile long journey under
IBucy Cancels
Lake Swi
CHICAGO-Tom Bucy, '60, yes-
terday gave up his plan to swim
a 36%-mile course across the
southern end of Lake Michigan.
The 19-year-old swimmer said
he had run into too many compli-
Bucy hoped to follow the same
course, Burnham Harbor in Chi-
cago to Michigan City, Ind., that
proved too much for lifeguard Joe
Griffith July 30.
He found however that he would
need liability insurance for per-
sons who might gather to watch,
a boat to accompany him and,
most important, a sponsor to foot
the bills which jeopardize his
amateur status.

Two Bomb
Blasts Peril
Beirut Calm
Rebels Renew Protests
Against UN Delegate
BEIRUT () - Two terrorist
bomb blasts shook the uneasy
truce in Beirut yesterday as the
rebel front renewed its clamor
over Lebanon's representation in
the United Nations General As-
sembly debate on the Middle East.
One bomb blast wrecked a cafe
in the heart of the capital at
breakfast time. Two customers
were killed and three others were
Tanks Moved In
The second blast went off out-
side a tearoom. It left no casual-
ties. Government tanks were
rushed to the cafe. The proprietor
said two customers. were decapi-
tated by the blast.
There was no way of telling im-
mediately whether the bombings
signaled a resumption of the ter-
rorism that has marked the 91-
day rebellion. There has been a
truce since Parliament last week
elected Gen. Fuad Shehab presi-
dent as a compromise candidate.
Malik Protested
But from the'opposition Nation-
al Front came new protests against
Foreign Minister Charles Malik as
Lebanon's representative in the
UN General Assembly debate.
The front charged that Malik
speaks only for the outgoing pres-
ident and is antagonistic to the
policies of Shehab.
Probers Set
To Q uestion
Hoffa Kin
PONTIAC, Mich. ()= - Team-
ster boss James R. Hoffa's brother
and a vice-president of Hoffa's
home local are to be questioned in
the fatal burning of' Teamster1
business agent Frank Kierdorf.
Michigan Attorney G e n e r a I'
Paul L. Adams disclosed .this yes-]
terday in saying that Klerdorf in-
dicated on his deathbed he suf-
fered his fatal burns in setting
fire to a drycleaning shop Sunday
night in Flint, Mich.
To Question William
Adams said he would question
William Hoffa, whom he identi-
fied as a brother of the interna-
tional president of the Teamsterst
Union. But Adams did not indi-I
cate why or whether he mightI
have been gamed in Kierdorf's
deathbed answers to questions.
William Hoffa is a business
agent of Teamsters Local 614 att
Pontiac. Adams said he also wouldc
question Frank Fitzsimmons, vice-t
president of Jimmy Hoffa's home_
Local 299 in Detroit, and Joseph
Baines, another 614 busin ess
Adams Skeptical
Adams said he viewed "with
considerable skepticism" an inter-
view with Kierdorf a couple of
hours before he died Thursday.
But he added: "We will followv
through any. leads. He did makeg
'it - the deathbed statement -
although the doctor was doubtful
he could communicate or under-s



Third Degree
MASON, Mich. (P)-Police
and bystanders questioned a
two-year-old who had strayed
from his mother.
"Is your name Bobby?" the
lost toddler was asked. He shook
his head no. "Are you Frank?"
Another shake of the head. "Is
it Tommy?" Another negative.
A subtler questioner tried.
"What does your mommy call
you when she wants yo4 to
come for some ice cream?"
The small one broke his
silence. "liurry, it's melting," he"
House OK's
Bill for Aid
'to Education,
passed a 900-million-dollar aid-j
to-education bill yesterday after
stripping it of a college scholar-
ship program.
The legislation, inspired by Rus-
sia's strides in developing Sputnik
and missile scientists, now goes to
the Senate where a similar, more
ambitious bill is ready for action.
The Senate bill includes 175
million dollars for a four-year pro-
gram of college scholarships. If
the Senate votes to retain this
provision the issues will have to be
settled by a Senate-House Confer-
ence Committee.
Funds Transferred
The House first voted to reduce
the number of four-year scholar-
ships from 23,000 to 10,000 a year,
in line with a recommendation by
President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Then it knocked out the schol-
arship section altogether. The ac-
tion was by a 109-78 standing
vote, on an amendment by Rep.
Walter H. Judd (R-Minn.).
The 140 million dollars which
was to have been used for schol-
arships was transferred to a stu-
dent loan program, boosting that
fund from 315 million to 455 mil-
lion dollars.
Overall Total Cut
In the process of reducing the
number of scholarships to 10,000
the House cut the overall total
cost of the bill from $1,070,000,000
to 910 million dollars.

Blast Burns Student, Buckles Wall
An exploding chemistry experi-
ment yesterday burned a Univer-
sity graduate student, buckled a

concrete block wall and blew out
windows in several adjoining lab-
oratories on the third floor of the
East Engineering Building.
The student, Noel DeNevers,
Grad., suffered burns on his face
and hands when the experiment
blew up in his face. University
Hospital officials reported that the
26-year-old engineer is in good
Officials said DeNevers appar-
ently was heating a gas, perhaps
propylene, up to several hundreds
pounds of pressure while conduct-
ing a heat capacity experiment. He
is working on his doctorate in
chemical and metallurgical engi-
The accident occurred at 2:50
p.m., drawing four fire engines,
an ambulance and the police.
Also in the laboratory at the
time of the explosion was Yu-
Tang-Hwang, Grad., who escaped
In the Chemistry Bldg. a half
hour earlier, a chemistry instruc-
tor, Adon Gordus, was treated for
another accident. He inhaled mer-
cury vapors, was treated on the
scene and was not taken to Uni-
versity Hospital.
DeNevers' burns were estimated
to cover about 15 per cent of his
body. The explosion seared off his
hair and left flash burns on his
Mansfield HitS
Mideast Policy
Mansfield (D-Mont.), protested
yesterday that United States poli-
cy on the Middle East is largely
based on support of "military dic-
tators, social rot and economic
Mansfield, a member of the
Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee, was one of several sena-
tors engaging in a warm policy
debate in the Senate.
One Democrat, Sen. Hubert H.
Humphrey of Minnesota, renewed
his suggestion that Secretary of
State Dulles resign.

Hammarskj old



-Daily-Jon Snowman
SITE OF BLAST-Student examines shattered remains of equip-
ment which exploded yesterday, injuring a graduate engineer.




Asks Arabs.
Leave Each
Other Alone
Stresses Arab Right
To Set Own Destinies
Secretary General Dag Hammar-
skjiold put before the opening ses-
sion of the United Nations emer-
gency General Assembly yesterday
a broad plan for insuring peace
and economic stability in the
Middle East.
Hammarskjold called upon the
Arab nations to reaffirm their ad-
herence to pledges of non-aggres-
sion and non-interference in each
other's affairs.
Urges Economic Aid
He also urged UN aid to improve
economic and social conditions
in the Arab countries, but said
the UN should make clear the
Arab states have the right to
shape their own destinies as they
see fit.
The opening Assembly session
lasted only 35 minutes. It ad-
Journed until 10:30 a.m. Wednes-
day for full-scale formal debate.
Before Hammarskjold spoke,
Soviet Ambassador Arkady A. So-
bolev and United States Ambas-
sador Henry Cabot Lodge en-
gaged in a brief, sharp exchange
on purposes of the emergency ses-
Demands Action
Sobolev demanded immediate
action to get United States troops
out of Lebanon and British troops
out of Jordan, saying "their pres-
ence constitutes a danger to world
Lodge accused the Soviet Union
of seeking the Assembly session
only to afford an opportunity for
Soviet attacks on the United
In a statement outside the As-
sembly, Lodge welcomed Hammar-
skjold's suggestions as a "con-
structive approach to the prob-
lems of the Middle East." He said
the United States will give them
"most careful and urgent study."
Underscores Concern
Hammarskjold said he was of-
fering suggestions to serve "as a
basis on which members might
wish to develop positive and con-
structive suggestions."
'Space Ship'
To Twenty G's


Unemployment Drops
Fifth Consecutive Time
i WASHINGTON (P) - The government yesterday reported a July
drop in unemployment - to 5,294,000 - but the figures weren't too
comforting, because joblessness normally declines more sharply in
The number of unemployed Americans declined 143,000 from
the June recession peak of 5,437,000, the Commerce and Labor de-
partments said.
Employment increased for the fifth straight month but the
boost in hirings wasn't as big as usual for July. Employment rose
by 198,000 to 65,179,000. Because
the July figures fell short of sea- BACK TO WORK:
sonal expectations, the rate of
unemployment increased.
After adjustment for seasonalr
factors ,the report said, seven and
three-tenths per cent of the laborm
force was unemployed last month.l
This compared with a June rate ofR e aM n
six and eight-tenths per cent and
an April peak of seven and one- DETROIT (A - General Mo-
half per cent.
Government statisticians indi- tors, Ford and Chrysler Corp. yes-
cated, however, that the job situ- terday began recalling 182,000
ation probably didn't get so much workers to their jobs of building
worse in July as the unemploy- 1959 model cars and trucks.
ment rate would seem to indi- Announcement of the recalls
cate. came as the International Execu-
Their report said they had dif- tive Board of the United Auto
ficulty allowing for seasonal fac- Workers met to map strategy
tors in June, when a lot of stu- against the Big Three auto firms
dents entered the labor market. in an effort to break deadlocked
This suggested the estimate of the new contract talks.
June rate perhaps was too low. The old three-year pacts be-
The over-all job picture did not tween the UAW and GM, Ford
change, significantly in July. and Chrysler, ran out about June
In manufacturing, the situation 1, with negotiators unable to agree
actually improved. on new terms.

Wilson Fellowship Recipients
Choose 85 Graduate Schools
More than 1,000 of the nation's most promising college graduates
will continue their education this fall at 85 United States and Canadian
graduate schools under fellowships provided by the Woodrow Wilson
National Fellowship Foundation.
The announcement of the graduate schools selected by winning
students was made in conjunction with the transfer of the Foundation
from the University to Princeton University. Of the 1,080 students who


Hoffa Again in the Limelight

"won fellowships, 36 decided to use
them at the University. The school
selected by the greatest number
was Harvard, with 101..
Top Ten Given
Others of the 10 most preferred
schools, with the number of fel-
lowship winners planning to at-
tend are: Columbia University, 88;
Yale University, 85; University of
California at Berkeley, 54; Univer-
sity of Chicago, 49; Princeton Uni-
versity, 46; University of Wiscon-
sin, 38; Radcliffe College, 35; and
Stanford University, 29.
Men received 750 of the fellow-
ships, while women took 330.
The Foundation's program is the
largest campaign in history to
recruit outstanding young men
and women for college and univer-
sity teaching.
Year of Training
Each year, these college gradu-
ates are offered a year of graduate
training in any of the humanities
or social sciences at the United
States or Canadian graduate in-
stitution of their choice.
Although the students are not
obligated, it is hoped thatthey
will go on to a college teaching
Awards are $1,400 in addition

World News Round.up
By The Associated Press
WARSAW, Poland - Adlai Stevenson flew in from Moscow yes-
terday convinced that Red China played a key role in Russia's sudden
backdown from a United Nations summit meeting.
Stevenson, who spent three weeks touring the Soviet Union, said
a two and one-half hour talk with Nikita Khrushchev left him with
the impression that the Soviet Premier's recent visit to Peiping had
a strong bearing on his switch in tactics.
* . *
WASHINGTON - T. Keith Glennan, an engineer-educator who
has worked on talking movies, submarine detection and atomic energy
development, was named by President Dwight D. Eisenhower yester-
day to head the nation's new space agency.
* . *
BONN, Germany - Two submarines will put to sea with the West
German fleet for summer maneuvers beginning Monday, the Defense
Ministry said.
The Navy's only destroyer - formerly of the U.S. Navy - will
also be at sea in the exercise. Along with the U-boats Hai and Hecht
will be an escort squadron, three minesweeper squadrons and a motor
torpedoboat squadron.
* * *
WASHINGTON - Snrretnrv Af Atrrieni1hnrn TMennn r211.r1 vm-

JOHNSVILLE, Pa. ( ) -- Two
men rode a Navy-built laboratory
space ship traveling 18,000 miles
an hour in an acceleration experi-
For six seconds, because of ter-
rific pressure, their weight in-
creased 20 times above normal to
more than a ton and a half.
The experiments, it was d--
closed yesterday, were conducted
in a metal ball at the Naial Avia-
tion Medical Acceleration Labora-
tory at the naval air development
center here.
It was the first time a human
ever accelerated over 20 G's. One
G, to scientists, is equal to a per-
son's normal weight.
The centrifuge, whirling in a 50-
foot radius, accelerated to 128
miles an hour in 27 seconds. This
would subject the occupant to the
deceleration forces he would ex-
perience if he were re-entering the
earth's atmosphere inside an ob-
ject which had been in orbit.
A space ship must travel 18,000
miles an hour to remain in orbit
around the earth.
Soviet Warn
LONDON (j') - The Soviet Un-
ion warned Switzerland last night
#h4a Annirnn n_ rst n


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