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August 09, 1958 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1958-08-09

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Sixty-Eighth Year

"Oh, Great! - That's All I Needed"

niofla Are Free
Will Prevail"

litorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

STS '\

No Political Cold War
On Foreign Affairs
Associated Press News Analyst
POLITICAL OBSERVERS in the United States are wondering now jt
how far the recent wave of statesmanship in Washington has col
shouldered traditional partisanship.
In 1954 President Eisenhower predicted a season of political co
war and chaos in governmental affairs in case the Republican admini
tration had to deal with a Democratic Congress.
That has not developed. Instead, from the beginning, Democrat
leadership under Two Texans. Johnson in the Senate and Raybu
in the House. has avoided extreme partisanship.
There used to be a saying that politics stopped at the water's edg
meaning that foreign affairs got nonpartisan treatment. But Congre

AUGUST 9. 1958


College Aid Bill
Ignores Many Problems

iE COLLEGE AID BILL currently in Con-
gress ignores many problems which the act,
assed in its present form, will complicate.
he billion-dollar measure will provide about
100 college scholarships plus 220 million dol-
; in loan funds. Teacher training will also be
ed. The real fallacy of the bill, however, Is
t it fails to provide any facilities for the
itional students the other funds will send
Vith the nation's colleges becoming over-
wded and with the increased demand for
her education, facilities are being strained.
>usands of additional students, while a
aocratic goal, is practically impossible. The
will add to the already heavy burdens of
erican education in attempting to find a
e for everyone who can afford a college
HE BILL also. seems to be.incorrectly based
ideologically. The president has termed it
education-for-defense bill, inspired by Rus-
s scientific breakthrough. There is no men-
1 of the "ideals" of higher education--edu-
on for civilized living and the rest.
bill which has as its obvious aim the assem-
line production of scientists, without con-
a for the humanities or social sciences where
eased competence could well mean peace
her than war.

Education for the masses, if this is part of
the motivation of the bill, is a faulty basis for
any legislation. Not every member of a society
either can, or should go to college. An intellec-
tual hierarchy now, and has in the past, been a
necessary element in democratic, society. An
intellectual mass will need a different basis of
government for its continuance.
EDUCATION on the basis of intellectual
capacity, and regardless of financial con-
sideration, should be the goal towards which to
work gradually. Throwing 23,000 students at
the nation's colleges, however, is not one of the
methods to be used.
The training of teachers, Which the bill will
facilitate, must be kept at a high level to insure
the students of the future of capable, quality
education. Dilution of educational quality is
too great a price to pay for a more widely
educated population.
Any bill which does not take into considera-
tion the facilities available for higher education
and which has such a petty aim as wholesale
creation of war facilities deserves to be de-
feated. The President, as a military man, seems
preoccupied with war and peace, refusing to see
other areas. Education for the sake of education
is a worthy goal in itself-no further limitations
need be placed on it,


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Hidden Middle Eastern Problem

Chinese Belligerency Warned

JE OF THE most basic causes of Middle
last strife has been curiously ignored in
recent wave of revolutions and insurrec-
s. But India's Prime Minister Jawaharlal
ru has brought up the matter again by
aring that the Arab nations will have to
pt the existence of the state of Israel if
real stability is to come to the area.
ehru said he did not know what terms
d be necessary for peace, but said emphat-
y that it "obviously involves the continu-
1 of Israel and its acceptance by the Arab
itries and other countries around it."
aring the last few months of one continu-
isis in the area, Israel has been peculiarly
t, and with good reason. The recent events
e provided the tiny nation with her best
.k since 1948's independence fight. Iraq,
non, Jordan - all have taken the minds,
he Arab nations off Israel, and given her
lef respite which she badly needs. She has
the time to advantage, building up het
urces, her arms, and her economic strength.
T NEHRU'S statement, simply by its be-
ng made at all, is graphic enough demon-
tion that the "Israeli situation" is not over.
problem, lying dormant at the moment,

has not been eliminated; sooner or later, as
Arab-against-Arab problems simmer down, and
tempers cool, interest in the Middle East will
once more become focused on Israel, and there
is little indication so far that tensions between
that nation and her neighbors have lessened.
This must come about. If present Arab prob-
lems are solved, only to have another crisis
spring up in their place, the Middle East can-
not stabilize itself. The "world affair" that
Nehru predicted would result from an Arab-
Israeli war is almost inevitable.
Both East and West right now are desperate-
ly trying to avoid all-out war in the Middle
East, by reconciling the warring Arab factions.
But both are overlooking this continuing, fes-
tering sore. Both,, apparently, are still refusing
to look to the future in that most vital area.
And both may find themselves with an involun-
tary war on their hands unless the Israeli prob-
lems are solved.
The problems surrounding the acceptance of
Israel by the Arabs are many; some may even
be overpowering. But they must not be ne-
glected, even now when all eyes watch other

WASHINGTON - The sudden,
secret Peking conference be-
tween Khrushchev and Mao Tse-
tung was preceded some weeks
earlier by a confidential warning
from Admiral Felix Stump, Amer-
ican naval commander in the Far
East, that trouble might be brew-
ing with the Red Chinese.
Admiral Stump flew to Wash-
ington to attend the secret mili-
tary strategy meeting at Quantico,
Va., where he warned our highest
military leaders that United States
naval forces in the Pacific were
inadequate, our carriers wearing
out, and that we had neglected our
Far Eastern friends.
Some of the Communist ma-
neuvering on the mainland of Chi-'
na especially worried Admiral
Stump. The Chinese Reds have a
growing economic problem, and
war could be a desperate way out.
With modern medicine and better
living conditions now prevailing in
parts of China, the Chinese popu-
lation is bulging.
ONE THING that alarmed Ad-
miral Stump was the statement by
Chinese leaders that in case of
war China could afford to lose
half its population. It would still
have 300,000,000 left.
Human life in China has long
been the cheapest of all como-
dities. This was one reason for the
waves of suicide troops thrown
against American lines inthe
Korean war. It is also one reason
why American military strategists
have long feared the belligerency
of Red China more than the bel-
ligerency of Red Russia.
There have been increasing re-
ports from both Moscow and Pe-
king that the Chinese Reds were
becoming restless with the Krem-
lin's more moderate leadership
and wanted a tougher policy to-
ward the West.
Khrushchev's right-about-face

regarding a summit conference
after conferring with Mao Tse-
tung appears to bear this out,.
* * *
AN AFRICAN workers' delegate
to the International Labor Con-
ference in Geneva recently com-
miserated with Eugene Frazier,
president of the United Transport
Service Employees, regarding dis-
crimination against Negroes in
the United States.
"Things aren't so bad," replied
Frazier, himself a Negro. "They're
improving all the time."
The African delegate looked in-
"That isn't what I hear," he ex-
pressed his disbelief.
"What would you think," replied
Frazier, "if I took you up for a
drink with the American secretary
of labor this afternoon?"
"I wouldn't believe it," remarked,
the African delegate.
However, Frazier did take him
up to have a drink with Secretary
of Labor James Mitchell, who was
head of the American delegation
to Geneva. Mitchell made it a
practice to invite labor leaders,
delegates, representatives of all
countries to his office regardless
of race, creed or color twice a
week. The African delegate came
away figuring things were not
quite as bad in the U.S.A. as the
Communists claim.
* * *
WHILE a Senate committee has
been investigating Chicago gang-
sters and the Mafia, a Chicago
congressman who once defended
members of the Mafia and was
once seen at a baseball game with
Al Capone, tends to his knitting
in the near-by House of Represen-
He is Congressman Roland V.
Libonati, Democrat of Chicago,
whose election caused some skep-
tical glances from colleagues.
After six months on the job,

however, it can be reported that
Libonati not only is making scores
of friends among once dubious
colleagues, but is chalking up a
reputation as a conscientious and
hard-working congressman.
In fact, his record of attendance
on the House floor is phenomenal.
Libonati has not missed one min-
ute of the daily meetings of Con-
gress since he took office.
He has a 100 per cent voting
record on all roll and quorum calls
and, because he is always there,
has been called upon by Speaker
Sam Rayburn and other leaders
no less than 20 times to make the
motion for daily adjournments.
In addition; he has not missed
a single meeting of the House
Judiciary Committee, of which he
is a member.
* * * ,
PRESIDENT Eisenhower has
been upset by the misleading eco-
nomic statistics he received last
winter that made him get out on
a limb and predict the recession
would end in March. When the
recession got worse instead of bet-
ter, Ike angrily demanded more
accurate economic reporting. As
a result, the Commerce Depart-
ment has started to revise its sys-
tem for figuring the gross nation-
al product.
The corrupt unions which were
kicked out of the AFL-CIO have
hired private detectives to snoop
on President George Meany. The
ousted unions are now comparing
notes to see what dirt they can dig
up on Meany.
Several AFL-CIO unions are
defying Meany's orders to ostra-
cize the outcast unions. At least
a dozenshavetsigned working
agreements with the expelled
Teamsters - including the Na-
tional Maritime Union, office em-
ployees, and United B r e w e r y
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

was slow to realize, after two world
wars, that there was no longer any
water's edge, that world tides
flowed and ebbed across the whole
nation in Its new position of inter-
national leadership,
THE STRENGTH of the nation's
economy, the welfare of its people,
the factors shaping its domsetic
life, became integral parts of that
position. There is no longer any
clear division between domestic
and foreign affairs.
That meant that legislative pol-
itics, to abide by the old tradition,
could not stop merely at the
water's edge, which is no longer
defined. For America's best inter-
ests, it just had to stop.
There is an abiding faith among
the American people that their in-
stitutions,while sometimes sinking
to petty levels, will always rise in
strength to meet unusual de-
Legislative politics hasn't stop-
ped, and never will. But in recent
years the spectacle of solidly par-
tisan votes has been gradually
fading from the congressional
* * *
CONGRESS is about to wind up
the present session with a highly
constructive record. It has not
always agreed with the President
on just how things should be
done, but has insisted on doing in
some way almost everything he
said must be done.
The acid test will come next
year, as the international crisis
continues to impinge on domestic
affairs while the country goes
about choosing a new president.
There are going to be some
bitter fights.
But there are some grounds for
hoping that, as the nation becomes
more accustomed to its world bur-
dens, it will insist on carrying
them with a display of continually
increasing maturity.
Middle East Plan
WE SHOULD stop trying to force
the Arab peoples to "choose
sides" in the cold war and should
accept Arab neutrality.
The evidence is strong that,
other things being equal, a neutral
Arabia would prefer to do busi-
ness with the West rather than
with the Soviet Union; at worst,
it would try to play one off
against the other.-
In the latter case, the logic of
the situation gives us certain ad-
vantages. Oil provides the strong-
est natural tie between the Arab
states and the West. Russia does
not need oil, Europe does. And the
oil must be sold.
Whether the Arab states merge
or federate, some means should
be worked out to pool a portion of
oil revenues for the development
of the region.
To this end, with Britain, France
and Holland, we should call' a
conference of oil companies in an
effort to bring their policies into
line with the needs and realities
of the region.
For a change, let us begin to
think of the problems of the,
Middle East not exclusively in
terms of "vital interests" but also
in terms of what is best for the
Arabs. And on this they should be
consulted through representatives,
however chosen, who can frankly
claim to speak for them. '
-The Nation

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the IUiver-'
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Roonm 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m., the day pieced-
ing publication,
Linguistics Forum Lecture: Bastian
Jarvis., Instruc. in Psychology, on "Psy-
cholingutistics: Another Look at Struc-
ture vs. Function." Tues., Aug. 12, 7:30
p.m. Rackham Amphitheatre.
Student Recital: Sheila Ann McKenzie
wll present a violin recital in partial
fulfilment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Music on Sun..
Aug. 10. at 4:30 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell
Hall. She will be accompanied at the
piano by Carol Papich. Miss McKenzie
who is a student of Gilbert Ross, will
perform sonatas by Telemann, Ives and
Brahms and the Passacaglia for Unac-
companied violin by Biber. Open to the
general public.
Student Recital: Theodore Johnson,
who studies with Gilbert Ross, will
present a violin recital at the Rackham
Assembly Hall on Mon., Aug. 11, at s:30
p.m. He will be assisted at the piano
by Patricia Arden, and by Bernard Gal"
ler, violin and Harry Dunscombe, cello.
Mr. Johnson's recital, which is being
presented In partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Doctor
of Musical Arts will include Trio Sona-
ta in D Majo~r by Corelli, Trio Sonata inx
E flat major, by Purcell, Sonata in A
minor for unaccompanied violin, by
Bach, and Soniata in G major, Op. 30,
No. 3, bydBeethoven. Open to the gen-
eral public.

Now the General Assembly

Student Recital: Earle Boardman, cell-
ist, who studies with Oliver Edel, will
present a recital in partial fulfilment
of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Music on Tues., Aug. 12, 4:15
p~m. Mr. Boardman, who will be assisted
by Lucien Stark, pianist, has included
on his program sonatas by Beethoven
and Hindemuth, and Schumann's "Con,
certo inA minor." Open to the general
Student Recital: Jo Ann Noble will
present a piano recital on Tues., Aug.
12, 8:30 parm. at Aud. A, Angell Hail, In
partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Master of Music. Miss
Noble who studies with Robert Hord.
has included compositions by Beet-
hoven, J. C. Bach, Bartok, and Brahms
in her program. Open to the general
Academic Notices
Examinations in Eight Week Courses
Hour of RecitationiTime of Examination
8 Thursday 8-10
9 Friday 8-10
10 Thursday 2-4
11 Friday 2-4
Hour of RecitationTime of Examination
1 'Thursday 4-6
2 Thursday 10-1.2
3 Friday 10-12
All other hours Friday 4-6
Attention August Graduates: College
of L., S., and A, School of Educ., School
of Music, School of Public Health,
School of Bus. Admin. Students are ad-
vised not to request grades of Z or X
in August. When such grades 'are ab-
solutely imperative. the work must be
made up in time to allow your instruc-
tortor treport the make-up grade not
later than 11 a.m., Aug. 21. Grades re-
ceived after that time may defer the
student's graduation until a later date.
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Tleaching departments wishing
to recommend tentative August gradu-
ates from the College of L., S., and A
and the School of Educ. for depart-
(Continued on Page 4)

meet face to face in a closed mee
senhower and Mr. Khrushchev fin
ves agreeing that there should be
ular meeting of the .eneral Assemb
erybody will confront everybody in
The previous proposals for a summit
Krushchev's, deGaulle's, Macmilla
senhower's-had one thing in comm
,s the idea that there should be s
rtunity for private discussion and
gotiation, even though there was su
great deal of public propaganda.
But now we have to have a giganticS
ich is entirely propaganda, and we
etend that we like it. The only visibl
;e is that the President is under no
n to attend the meeting and that Mi
chev may decide not to attend. The
nference which we have never wa
en for the noment avoided, and wel
ted instead a rough and tumble o
UR PROBLEM is to prevent this s
the General Assembly from being;
al of the British and American mil
vention in Lebanon and Jordan. Thi
. Khrushchev says he wants and, a
Mr. Dulles' press conference last w
e for the defense which we shall pre
n decided upon and is being worked
The official American position seer
at, having been widely criticized
endly countries, we welcome the c]
plain and to vindicate publicly ou
the Middle East.
P'his is an optimistic view. Possibly
n out that Mr. Lodge and Mr. Du
i a verdict in the General Assem
will not be prudent to rely too muc
ic of our case and on the eloque
,gnetism of Secretary Dulles, or+
esident Eisenhower.
n the General Assembly we do not


y might sue, 'even if we can win the support of all the
Ming, Mr. American republics and of all of Western Eu-
d them- rope and of the old commonwealth states, Au-
a spec- stralia, New Zealand and Canada, and of our
bly when client states in Asia. ,
a public The General Assembly, as it is now composed,
Is a very unfavorable forum in which to justify,
meeting intervention by British and American forces
n's and in two Asian countries.
.on. This
ome op- SO IT IS IMPORTANT that in preparing for
perhaps the Assembly, the diplomats rather than the
are to be litigators and the argufiers should take the
leading part. One place to begin is to stop
spectacle building up the size and power of our military
have to forces in Lebanon and instead to begin reduc-
e advan- ing them.
compul- The newly elected President of Lebanon is
r. Khru- " going to ask us to leave, and the sensible thing
ssummit, to do is to begin leaving befor~e we are asked.
nted has We 'do not need 15,000 troops to protect Mr.
have °'ac- Chamou~n for the few weeks he has a legal right
iratorical to remain in office. Moreover, it would be a
good idea to use our diplomatic influence in
Beirut to persuade Mr. Chamoun to leave the
ession of country now and to take a holiday abroad.
a public Then, we could order the withdrawal of all
itary in- our troops before the General Assembly meets,.
s is what The problem of extricating the British from
ccording Jordan is much more difficult. But there is.
Meek, the not much doubt that a way must be found to
sent has extricate them. For the 2,000 paratroopers in
d out. Amman may be enough to protect the king
ms to be frm assassination, but they will never be able
even in to make of Jordan a viable and independent
hance to kingdom. Sooner or later, but not much later,
r actions the paratroopers and the king will have to
leave, and Jordan, as a separate and sovereign
it miay state, will disappear.
files can ..
bly. But THE GREAT question is whether Jordan is to
h on the be transformed into some kind of neutral-
nce and ized territory under the United Nations, or
even of whether it is to be broken up violently at the
risk of a very probable war between the united
Arabs and Israel.
. have a ...n , & -- ..., A -




Readers Criticize Daily Review and Editorials; Miscellanea

Segregationa. .
To the Editor:
THE EDITORIAL on segregation
in the Aug. 6 Daily is one-sided,
naive, and confused.
It is one-sided because there is
a great deal of concern for the
feelings of White Southerners, but
nowhere do I detect a concern for
or interest in the Negro-who
feels the brunt of segregation and
is denied his human and citizen-
ship rights.
The editorial is naive because it
assumes that if we leave the South
alone it will solve the problem.
This is not a Southern problem. It
is an American problem.
There is a great deal of confu-
sion and misunderstanding as to
what the problem really is. It is
sometimes argued that minority
groups segregate themselves any-
way; that they are not really "for"
integration any more than the
Southern White. But. what these

WE HAVE A pluralistic society in
America. Groups-racial, religious,
ethnic-are divergent. This diver-
sity promotes creativity. It will al-
ways exist and we sljould strive to
maintain and promote it. Integra-
tion does not mean this diversity
will be destroyed. However, there'
must be communication between
groups; there must be acceptance
of group differences; and there
must be tolerance between groups
-they must have equality of op-
The only way to have equality
and a truly democratic society is to
have complete integration in edu-
cation, benefits, job placement,
housing, and so on. Integration is
the only mechanism whereby com-
munication, tolerance, and accept-
ance as equals (in opportunity)
can be realized.
Segregation is not the issue;
discrimination is. If any one can
devise a method of insuring com-
munication, which brings about

proposing solutions. I refer to Mr.
Edward Geruldsen's piece in your
August 7 issue.
In the first place, the AFL-CIO,
which lacks all legal sanctions
the ultimate one of expulsion,
against internal corruption except
might have been mentioned as the
most vigorous and consistent ex-
ponent of cleanup legislation --
since long before Senator Knowl-
and decided that this would make
a good political issue.
Some thought is in order, too,
regarding the viciously misnamed
right-to-work' proposals. A labor
union, like a public utility, is a
natural monopoly in a given shop
-without a closed shop, labor's
bargaining power, it's only tool to
defend the workers' right, is
* * *
FINALLY, nothing short of abys-
mal ignorance can lead one from
the corruption of a few in labor

Legislation in the field of labor
is sorely needed. But let us inform
ourselves as to what is wrong be-
fore we legislate.'
-Karl V. Teeter, Grad.
'Traviata' . . .
To the Editor:
not appreciate Wednesday's
generally excellent performance of
"La Traviata" he would do well re-
fraining from doing reviews.
A review column is not a gossip
column. He keeps up the tradition
of poor reviews that The Daily
publishes day in and day out. The
better judgement of the audience
was manifest in its spontaneous,
heavy and repeated applause
throughout and at the end of the
Prof. Blatt has, in his latest
presentation, reached new heights
of professional excellence in pre-
senting difficult works on campus.
T nr" c , , e . ah A nffnr*,. earyr

However, I felt certain that my
speed was no more than 35 mph,
which would have made the fine
$13. Having had no experience
with the law, I asked the officer
what I might do to have the fine
reduced. Whereupon, he told me
that I might appear in court and
possibly have the fine lowered.
What he didn't tell me was that
court costs of $4.30 would be made
for appearing in Dexter Scio Jus-
tice Court. If I did not care to
trouble myself I could settle out
of court by sending $18 through
the mail.
So after having appeared in
court and having been assessed
court costs in addition to the $18
fine and sitting through an im-
promptu lecture by the judge on
the subject of "Dexter is not a
speed trap;" (I said no more than,
"Judge, I admit to driving over
25 mph but certainly not more
than 35 mph."), I wound up pay-


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