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July 30, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-07-30

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Sixt y-S even Years of Editorial Freedom

l43lait tl

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No. 25S





Ike To Propose
UN Meeting Soon
Eisenhower's Reply to Khrushchev
To Suggest Talks in Two Weeks
WASHINGTON )-President Dwight D. Eisenhower will propose
that he and Soviet Premier Khrushchev and other government heads
discuss the Middle East crisis at a TJnited Nations Security Council
meetng sometime around Aug. 10 to 15.
The White House announced late yesterday that President Eisen-
hower is drafting a short reply to Khrushchev's latest summit confer-
ence proposal and that it will be delivered by week's end, and perhaps
as early as tomorrow. .
An authoritative United States official familiar with President
Eisenhower's thinking made these disclosures about the reply: -Presi-
lent Eisenhower regards United Nations headquarters in New York
City as a reasonable and logical
A IR* Asite for the proposed summit talks
U.S., A les aher meetigpae IfA" th
U S , but' would be prepared to accept
nation Security Council preferred.
End B gh d "Moscow Ruled Out
-President Eisenhower will rule
ut'Moscow .as a possiblesite, how-
Conference -The President believes that
privateinformal conferences be-'
LONDON (M)-The United States tween the big power heads of gov-
nd the four Baghdad Pact allies ement would be an inevitable
resterday ended two-day talks on corollary of any formal summit
he Middle East crisis and dele- session under United Nations aus-
rates reported an informal under- pices.
tanding on - eventual recognition -He intends to reject specifi-
i the new Iraqi regime. cally, in his forthcoming note to
Delegates who attended the con- Khrushchev, what he regards as
erence of British, Iranian, Turkish a Soviet concept of big power con-
lnd Pakistani premiers said the trol of the world.
allies intend to take no hasty ac- -President Eisenhower plans to;
ion in according formal recogni- attend any such conference per-
ion to the new Baghdad author- sonally. "Don't make any mistake
ties, who came to power by a re- about that," the source said.

Could Up
mittee for Economic Development
said yesterday the United States
could afford to pay billions more
for defense, if necessary.
It added, however, there is an
urgent need for better manage-
ment of the spending.
The CED is a privately support-
ed research organization of busi-
nessmen. It praised President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's proposals
for reorganization of the Defense
Department, which Congress has
approved in large measure.
Plan on Future Threat
National defense policy, CED
said in a review, must be geared
to the assumption that the Com-
munist threat "will continue into
the distant future, and that its
removal is not within our con-
The report was issued at a news
conference by T.V. Houser, chair-
man of CED's research and policy
The CED made these further
1) Create the post of civilian di-
rector of defense research and en-
gineering, to obtain greater diver-
sity in military research, quicker
decisions, and broader participa-
tion and rivalry among defense
Improve Attractiveness
2) Improve the attractiveness of
careers in defense work.
3) Relieve the Defense Depart-
ment of pressures from special in-
terest groups.
41 Transfer many functions now
performed by military personnel
to civilian personnel; also, shift
more jobs now done by the gov-
ernment to private contractors.
5) Make congressional partici-
pation in defense planning more
Prof. ilunter
To 0'Leture
"People, Space and Power in the
U.S.S.R." will be the lecture topic
of Prof. Holland Hunter, professor
from Haverford College at 4:15
p.m. today in Aud. B, Angell Hall.
Prof. Holland is the author of
"Soviet Transportation olicy."
He has recently returned from the
Soviet Union, and next year will
be a fellow of the Guggenheim
He received his bachelor of
science from Haverford in 1943.
He took his masters degree at
Harvard in 1947 and his doctorate
there in 1949.
The lecture is presented under
the, auspices of the Committee on
the Program on Russian Studies
and the Summer Session.







Candidates Look to November El

r,+ --

ilion July 14.
Iraq is a signatory of the Bagh-
d Pact alliance but was not re-
esented at the current meeting.
There was a feeling any move
ward recognition should be de-
wed at least until the shock of
e assassinations of King Faisal
d his family and Premier Nuri
s worn off.
Nevertheless, informants said
e four countries, together with
e United States which sat in as
observer, were agreed that the
y to the future of the alliance
it present form clearly lies in
aq's intentions.
The. new government in Bagh-
d has concluded a defense pact
th President Gamal Abdel Nas-
r's United Arab Republic. Never-
eless, the Baghdad allies decided
keep the door of their alliance
en to the Iraqis just in case they
cide to stay in.

Answers Krushchev
The new message will respond
,to Khrushchev's demand for a
clear answer to his own call Mon-
day for a five-power summit meet-
In saying President Eisenhower
would be willing to go to Europe-
but not to Moscow-the official
wlo is helping draft President Ei-
senhower's reply explained:
"The memory of well organized
mass demonstrations and damage
to the United States Embassy in
Moscow is too fresh in our minds."
Gives.Some Concession
President Eisenhower's reported
willingness to take part in some
private talks will go a step toward
meeting Khrushchev's insistence
that 'leaders of the United. States,
the Soviet Union, Britain, France
and India meet informally to dis-
cuss Middle Eastern problems.
But under President Eisenhow-
er's proposal, the Security Council
meeting would be the backbone of
the high-level parley. Such a meet-
ing would provide a forum for the
Soviet's accusations and any West-
ern counterattack:
President Eisenhower was said to
regard Khrushchev's proposal for
five-power talks outside the United
Nations as tending to push forward
the big power concept which the
Soviets have advocated since the
end of World War II.

(EDITOR't NOTE: This is' the
second in a series of articles out-
lining the views of candidates in
Tuesday's primary eledtion.)
Both Rep. George W. Sallade
and Mrs. Annette Hodesh are en-
tered in Tuesday's primary, but
both of them are looking ahead to
the November election.
Both are unopposed in their re-
spective party primaries for Ann
Arbor's First District, seat in the
State House of Representatives.
Rep. Sallade is the GOP incum-
bent; Mrs. Hodesh will oppose him
on the Democratic ticket in No-
A "personal interest in the
legislative process" and the wish
U.S. Politics
American-style politics are slow-
ly penetrating Norway, Prof.
Daniel Katz of the psychology de-
partment told a summer institute
in survey research techniques yes-
Dealing with "Relationships be-
tween Local and National Studies
of Political Behavior," Prof. Katz
indicated the differences between
the problems of the Detroit-area
precinct worker and his Norwe-
gian counterpart.
He 'noted that in Norway there
is no direct election of national
leaders. As a result, he said, per-
sonalities play a much" smaller
role in campaigning there.
Have Six Parties
There are six political parties,
instead of two, Prof. Kats con-
tinued. This means voters are able
to pick a group which more close-
ly reflects their occupational in-
terests and personal values.
Functional groups such as la-
bor unions and women's organiza-
tions are an integral part of the
political party structure, he said.
Instead of indirect pressure
from such groups upon the parties
as occurs in the United States,
there is direct representation of
labor, youth and women's organ-
izations in some of the political
Hoopla Not Accepted
Prof. Katz reported that there
is no television in Norway. Per-
sonal canvassing, advertising and
other attempts at. c a m p a i g n
"color" are not widely accepted, he
Newspapers there are still jour-
nals of opinion representing small
interest groups, he said. One com-
munity of 50,000 people supports
four different daily newspapers,
Prof. Katz reported.
"Personally, however, I feel that
we might well introduce some of
the restraint and seriousness
which characterizes Norwegian
politics in our campaigns," Prof.
Katz declared.

"to be part of it," Mrs. Hodesh
said, are what brought her into
the race at the request of the
Democratic organization. "The
State Legislature is a rewarding
field for a woman," she noted. "I
hope my running will bring more
women into it.
Not Stepping-Stone
"I am interested in this parti-
cular job," she added. "I do not
intend to use it as a stepping-
stone to another office."
Outlining the general issues she
will emphasize in the election,
Mrs. Hodesh said "my strongest
point will be organizational." Rep.
Sallade, she said, "has realized
that this is a liberal community,
but in the Legislature he can only
add strength to the moss-backed
elements of the Republican
She said, therefore, that in set-
ting up the Leggislature. Rep.
Sallade will vote with the GOP for
committee chairmanships and ap-
pointments, thus placing conser-
vative views in important posts.
"He is not consistently liberal
himself," she said, but emphasized
that even if I had no disagree-
ments with him, a Democratic
majority is important."
Need Democratic Majority
Noting that "Gov. Williams has
never had the Legislature behind
him," she called this "the crucial.
year to get a Democratic majority
in the House."
Rep. Sallade, in opposition, said
"you must vote for the person, not
the party..
"I am in line with the national
Republican party of President
Eisenhower," he declared, "not
the other Republicans in the
Legislature. They are the ones
who are out of step." Commenting
on the organizational issue, he
said, "voters must vote for their
candidates, not another man in
another district."
To Run on Record
Rep. Sallade said he will con-
centrate on supporting three
Gov. Faubus
Wino s Race
Orval Faubus, receiving over-
whelming endorsement of his rigid
stand against integration, last
night rode an avalanche of votes
to a third-term nomination in
Arkansas' Democratic primary.
"The voting today was a con-
demnation by the people of illegal
federal intervention in the affairs
of the state and of the horrifying
use of federal bayonets on the
streets of an American city and
in the halls of a public school,"
Faubus said in a victory statement.
Faubus' two opponents - Chris
Finkbeiner, 37, Little Rock meat
packer, and State Judge Lee Ward,
51, of Paragould-had conceded
defeat by 9:30 p.m., three hours
after closing of the polls.

.: .seeks House seat

groups during the campaign --- "The gene
higher education, labor and mi- paign," Mrs
nority groups. "I will run strictly naturally be
on my record," he added. See SA

[ection Of Forces
Not Likely
Sohl Escapes Deatl
3 , By Assassination
BEIRUT, Lebanon (IP) - TI
National Front, extremist oppos
tion to Lebanon's pro-Weste:
government, dashed hopes yeste
day,'of any early solution to UJ
nation's presidential crisis.
An attempt to assassinate Sai
Solh, the Moslem Premier, an
heavy spatters of gunfire in Beir
A" emphasized that withdrawal
* <American troops was not yet
sight, that Lebanon's crisis - nc
-u 81 days old -- would continue y
)RGE W. SALLADE a while.
Publican incumbent Solh escaped death by a spi
second when a car parked at ti
eral issues of my cam- side of the road exploded as h
. Hodesh said, "will was driving into the capital. Th
e related to the na- blast killed eight persons and s
AULADE, Page 4 riously injured a young girl in a
automobile preceding him. A de
onating wire ran up the hill fro
the car. Two men were seen
run away from the spot after th
t ef blast, firing their guns.

.. .Rep

Bold Try' at Overthrow
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (P) - A bold attempt to overthrow the
government of this Caribbean Negro republic was snuffed out in a
blaze of gunfire yesterday.
Seven men who tried the coup were shot dead. At least seven
other men also were killed.
Authorities identified one dead plotter as Arthur Payne, a deputy
sheriff from Miami, Fla. They said another was believed to be an
American and two others were_

avie S tudy
legins in Fl
k program leading to the doc-
's degree in Slavic Languages
I Literatures will be started
s fall by The University of
:higan Graduate School, Dean
ph A. Sawyer announced yes-,
'he program will stress either
ssian literature or Slavic lin-
stics. In addition students will
required to have knowledge of
language and literature of a
and Slavic people.
'his new program brings the
of programs offered by the
duate school to 63 for both
tor's and master's; 43 for mas-
' and 13 for doctor's only. Of
s total, four master's and five
toral programs were instituted.
ing the past year.
[aster of Science and doctoral
grams were established in
ech correction and audiology
i in speech science for students
ose interests are not primarily
he speech communication arts,
mn Sawyer said.
master's degree in epidemi-
;y was approved for students
o are preparing to take the
tor of Philosophy degree in
Iso established were a doctoral
gram in Far Eastern Studies
. programs leading to a mas-
s and Doctor of Philosophy de-
es in American culture.
rop Program
t Wayne State
he non-matriculated program
Wayne State University has
n abolished because of the
rd-breaking number of appli-
ons received so far this year,

Word News Roundup
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON -- Contempt of Congress proceedings were
launched yesterday against Sherman Adams' good friend Bernard
A House subcommittee recommended unanimously that Goldfine
be cited for contempt because of his refusal to answer 23 questions
about his financial dealings. Declaring the subcommittee had an
ironclad case against the Boston textile and real estate magnate,
Rep. Peter Mack (D-Ill.) predicted the House would issue a contempt
citation before Congress adjourns next month.
ELGIN AIR FORCE BASE, Fla.-Two Nike Hercules ground-to-air
missiles were fled at a three-second interval Tuesday and streaked
about 47 miles out of the Gulf in4>
a successful test.
a surcemssutest. aThe Philad
explosive warhead, destroyed, anla
F80 drone fighter leading a three-r
drone flight. ;

Spanish-speaking foreigners. The
three others killed were exiled
Haitian ex-army officers from
Miami, who supported the come-
back hopes of 'former President
Paul Magloire, the army said.
Magloire from exile in New
York denied any connection with
the plot.
The shooting erupted in the
area of the National Palace. Of-
ficers said President Francois Du-
valier and other high officials
were in the thick of the fighting
from the start.
Duvalier, in an army uniform
with second lieutenant's bars, a
steel helmet bearing a major's in-
signia and with a pistol on his
,belt, made a noon broadcast
praising the army and his sup-
"The army and people realized
this historic day with loyalism
and fidelity," he said. "They have
understood that only peace and
order will help the country . . .
the criminal adventurers-Haitian
and foreign-have paid with their
lives for this deadly enterprise."
Interior Minister Frederic Du-
vigneaud, with a pistol stuck in
his belt, called a news conference
to announce the government had
the situation completely under

Stress Study
In Schools,
Morse Asks
"Many classrooms today con-1
tain children who cannot possibly
benefit from the instruction be-
cause of their emotional and so-
cial deviation," says Prof. William
C. Morse, director of the Fresh Air
"By law they are required to
stay in school. They are captive
clientele but they are not about toj
learn," he says.
Prof. Morse stresses the need to
study what is appropriate for par-
ticular types of children. It is
quite possible that special atten-
tion to such needs would give the
classroom a new lease on learn-
He points out that the class-
room has lost status as the right-
ful center for learning. "It has
been run down as being merely an
arena for socialization, an amor-
phous mass, an irreconcilable
range from imbeciles to geniuses,
and an operation infested with
milk money collections and the
reading of notices. If we are to
improve education, we will have
to improve the climate for learn-
ing," he says.
"We arrange special provisions
for the dull, but we ignore the
fact that classrooms can become
clogged with other pupils having
no readiness for learning.,
"Reluctance to segregate them
is destroying the school's basic
tool, classrooms for school learn-
ing. The problem thus imposed is
literally wearing out many a sen-
sitive career teacher. The major-
ity of class members are short-
changed while the teacher tries
to cope with the maladjusted."
A rethinking of this basic issue
would be a boon to the maladjust-
ed pupil, the teacher, and the
group," he maintains.
Fan ani Plans
e _2 7 1f _ - _ 4_1

Reject Compromise
The National Front, a rebel (
alition led by Saeb Salam fro
the barricaded Moslem sector
Basta, put its foot down on a con
promise in the election of a n
president just as it seemed Ge
Fuad Shehab, the army con
mander, might be chosen tomc
row by a nearly unanimous vo
of the 66-member Parliament.
After a 51-hour meeting, t
group declared it would supp
no candidate for president unle
he agreed to demand immedia
withdrawal of American troc
from Lebanon. It also demand
immediate resignation of pr
Western President Camille CN
moun, whose term is not up unt
Sept. 23.
In Tripoli, Rashid Karami, t
north Lebanese rebel leader, ma
identical demands.
In Difficult Position
These conditions for the opl:
sition's support appeared to p:
Shehab in an impossible'positic
If he agrees to the conditions
almost certainly would be veto
by the pro-government majori
in Parliament.
If he rejects the demands
might be elected, but he wot
face continued rebellion and d
order. The National Front 1
only a few members in Parli
ment but it controls substant
private armies, mobs and terro
ists who could keep the country
Informants close to Shehab sa
he had agreed to become a ca
didate only on the basis that I
election by Parliament would
by unanimous vote, and that
prior conditions be attached
either side.
Kennedy Says
NAM Killed
Labor Bill
F. Kennedy (D-Mass.) said yeste
day a general labor bill apparen
is dead for this session.
He named the National Associ
tion of Manufacturers as the kill
House Speaker Sam RaybU
(D-Tex.) also said he doubt
there would be any action ti
In New York, NAM Preside
Milton C. Lightner issued a stal
ment challenging Kennedy's cla
that pressure from the organi2
tion had doomed the measu
"This is a power that NAM neith-
has nor seeks," Lightner said.
The bill, co-sponsored by Ke
nedy and Sen. Irvin M. Ives C

elphia Story' To Open at Mendelssohn

* S *
yesterday passed a bill that would
permit self-employed persons to
put aside part of their income
for their old age and pay the taxes
on it when they draw it out after
The, measure was sent to the
Senate without a rebord vote de-
spite administration objections to
the cost of the bill and criticism
that it would help only the big
income taxpayer.
* * *
LIMESTONE, Maine - Eight
men plunged to death yesterday
in the crash of their B52 jet
bomber three miles south of Lor-

Philip Barry's "The Philadelphia Story" will be presented by the
speech department at 8 p.m. today through Friday at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
This play was, in the past, Barry's big Broadway success when
presented by the Theatre Guild with Katharine Hepburn. It is a
theatrical comedy in the old "comedy of manners" tradition.
Tracy Lord, played by Bea Minkus, Spec., from the society family
of the Philadelphia Lords, divorces her husband, C. K. Dexter Haven,
played by Joseph Ombry, Grad., when he gives up liquor because she
ignores domestic duties.
Turns to Handsome Snob
Tracy thaen turns to a handsome snob, George Kittredge, played
by Robert Reynolds, Grad., and is about to marry him. Just before
the wedding, Tracy discovers a diversion in the person of Conner, a
fascinating reporter, who will be played by J. Roger Birtwell, Grad.
Conner and a camera woman have been sent by 'a gossip weekly
to cover the wedding.
Too much champagne and a dip in the swimming pool threaten
the wedding ran dthe grnm-tn-h denavt frnrr i nt an dl .This

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