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July 30, 1958 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1958-07-30

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. At Night, When You're Asleep,
Into Your Tent I'll Creep ..."

Sixty-Eighth Year
1 Will Prerail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MIcH. * Phone NO 2-3241
rials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



5/T' z 7

Bassett Premiere
Hihlihts Concert
FOR THEIR third and final concert of the summer series, the Stan-
ley Quartet performed a program neatly divided between the very
contemporary and the very familiar. Surprisingly enough, the most
contemporary work of the evening was also the highlight.
The Quartet in C Major, K. 465, easily one of Mozart's most ma-
ture and beautiful works, was the opening selection for the evening.
The restrainedly lush and limpid Andante second movement was
particularly well played, while the following Menuetto could have
been a bit more sharp and biting in contrast.
RODOLFO HALFFTER'S Quartet (1958) received it's second per-
formance here last night, and suffered very much in comparison with
the Bassett which followed.
HIalffter is fond of the Stravinsky technique of using two perfectly
respectable keys in combination at one time. The effect is an interest-
ing dissonance, especially when used as Halffter does, one half tone

!. JULY 30. 1958


Branch College Criticism
Needs Close Exammation

CRITICISM aimed at branch colleges in
ie latest Russell report on higher educa-
n Michigan probably comes as somewhat
shock to supporters of the onolithic
tional unit. And it may wel be quite
ralizing to university officials and old
who visualize "their school" extending
all the state with its name a symbol of
nce and pride in every town large enough
)port a college.
according to the survey the Russell study
has conducted there is some skepticism
g Michigan's educators about the value
inch colleges. Many are strongly opposed
rther development of four-year branches,
Lve only mild support to two-year branches
as the University has at Flint and Dear-
importance of this report, which sur-
university and college officials on many
tional problems, cannot be minimized.
pinions of these men, who will shape the
Ls and colleges of the immediate future,
be carefully weighed. It is only hoped
each educator will now read the report
d out what the others are thinking, since
actions sometimes make one wonder if
ONE also wonders what thoughts are
ehind the responses the educators gave
e questions asked by the Russell com-
e. As broad-minded and objective we
hope university administrators to be, it
te possible that, when the chips are down,
iven administrator will act to benefit his
ition even though it may not be in the
nterests of all state-wide education.
his is true, then it must be asked if the
tors in the survey frowned on branch
es because they, in fact, may not be the
economical and practical method of ex-
ng facilities to meet the increasing de-
on education in this state or rather
se branches might cut into their area ofd
nce and provide unwanted competition.

And the same question must be asked about
all the observations and conclusions in the
HOWVER, given this reservation, college
administrators should take a close look at
the report, and particularly the area on
branches since this may be an integral part of
educational facility expansion in'the near fu-
ture, For if educators plan on handling the
expanded enrollments about to reach college
by building away from the central campuses
they must act with a popular and well-agreed
upon plan. Indeed, any plan of action that
would cause further and more bitter competi-
tion among the schools willonly retard educa-
tion in this state.
A section from the report is most particularly
enlightening. While noting that efforts to draw
branches into communities is often motivated
by sincere, well studied considerations, the re-
port also says that some schools have, been
under pressure from local promotional groups
interested mainly in increasing the payroll in
the community.
It also notes that in some cases these local
efforts to get a branch college established have
been embarrassing to the state institutions that
were approached, particularly when the com-
munity has tried to develop a spirit of competi-
tive bidding between two or more schools. Uni-
versity and Michigan State officials should take
note of these remarks when they think of the
Grand Rapids area.
TWO-YEAR branch colleges working in co-
operation with community colleges have
much to offer in meeting Michigan's educational
But if there is a more adequate solution it
will have to be found in the near future. And it
will certainly not be found now or at any time
unless all state educators search together rather
than in their own private little worlds.

. . - l


#1 60


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yPhilE A Morris Stubs Its Toe

The .Problem ofSalaries

MAJOR University complaint at budget
me is that the state legislature has not
priated enough money to allow expansion
ndle larger enrollments. Vice-president
ean of Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss, com-
ng on a recent article in "Time" magazine,
ressed an even more important area of
n-hold the present University faculty.
magazine article discussed the need for
rniversity of California's new President
Kerr to find 5,000 more teachers for his
by 1970.
get them," the article explains, "Kerr
raid the source of supply-the faculties.
,rvard, Yale, Chicago, Michigan, et al.,
>romises of blue skies, expansion-pushed
cement and high salaries ($12,900 top)."
,IUSS EXPLAINED that the University's
culty members are "prime targets for
5" and termed the magazine's observa-
'all too true." "There is an unprecedented
id for the outstanding teachers and re-
ers on our staff. Yet this year the average
y salary increase at the University was
also cited the National Education Asso-
i Research Division's findings that Uni-
r salary raises have been only 6.1 per
uring thepast two year, half the national
se findings stress the misguided emphasis
by the University and the Legislature on
sity problems. It has appeared at budget
hat while the University was concerned
faculty pay, they may have stressed ex-
n too much. The Legislature has not

taken steps to insure that the present "high
calibre" faculty of the University will remain
FACULTY SALARIES are much more im-
portant now that competition for teachers
has become keener because of the national
increase in higher education. A faculty built
up by the University over a number of years
can quickly be crippled or ruined with a "blue-
skies" policy such as that at California.
Many teachers, particularly young men in
University departments who have not risen
into the top salary bracket, can be more easily
attracted by other schools than men who have
served long tenures and have built their repu-
tations and income here. These young men,
many of whom have already made a name in
the academic world, will be needed by the
University as the nucleus of a "high caliber"
faculty in the coming decade. If the University
cannot hold its present faculty, its chances for
gaining neW faculty members of distinction is
LOW SALARIES do not attract outstanding
intellectuals who would be wanted many
places, some of which would offer high mone-
tary rewards. If the present distinguished fac-
ulty is dispersed, the quality of a less distin-
guished faculty will not be an incentive to
attract outstanding young men to Ann Arbor.
Thus holding the faculty members now at the
University by salary raises may make the
difference between an outstanding university
and just another state university.

WASHINGTON -- The cigarette
lobby recently bootlegged an
advance proof of a Harper's mag-
Iazine article on cigarettes and
tried to bamboozle the congress-
man-author into changing it.
The article was written by Min-
nesota's kindly congressman John
Blatnik, who has been investigat-
ing misleading cigarette ads and
means of protecting the public
from cigarettes.
His words had scarcely been set
in print when Philip Morris's pub-
lic relations director, John C.
Bowling, turned up with a proof
of his article. He announced to
Blatnik's office that the magazine
had asked the cigarette company's
public relations firm to proofread
the article for accuracy and that
they had found some factual mis-
Bowling then flew to Washing-
ton to discuss the alleged errors,
and showed up in Blatnik's office
with a Philip Morris Expert, Dr.
Lee S. Harrow.
THEY TRIED to persuade Blat-
nik's assistant to have the con-
gressman strike out passages in

the article that reflected on Philip:
Morris products, particularly his
description of Parliament cigar-
ette's "recessed filter" as a "gim-
mick" and the charge that the
"white ash" in Marlboro cigarettes
is achieved by a special bleach.
While Bowling was pulling his
bluff, however, Blatnik's office
checked with John Fischer, editor.
of Harper's. Fischer is a man who
withstood pressure from the pub-
lic utilities regarding an article on
Hells Canyon - and lost power-
company advertising thereby. He
is not easily pressured.
Angrily he denied that he had
asked the tobacco industry to,
check the article' for accuracy,
and he suggested that Philip Mor-
ris must have smuggled an ad-
vance proof out of the magazine's
Albany, N.Y., print shop.
In the end, Bowling's bosses
apologized to Harper's, and Blat-
nik's article went to press uncen-
* * *
AMINTORE Fanfani, the five-
foot, two-inch new premier of
Italy, now visiting Dulles and

Eisenhower, is a man who believes
in applying Christianity to poli-
tics without any affiliation with
the church.
It's understandable that a coun-
try which has suffered under both:
a monarchy and Mussolini should
now have one of the biggest Com-
munist parties outside Russia..
Fanfani is trying both to head off
Communism and to keep the
country on an even' keel by cru-
sading for compulsory education,
through the age of 18 for boys.
At present there's free educa-
tion for boys up to 14 only. Rus-
sia has 10-year compulsory edu-
cation in many parts of the coun-
try, and Fanfani believes that in
order to lick communism Italy
must expand its public school sys-
He has also campaigned for
more public housing, equal wages
for women and men, more electric
power, and plans a huge Tennes-
see Valley Authority-Type power
system for southern Italy.
Even Fanfani's foes grudgingly
admit that he's a breath of fresh
air in Italian politics.
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

apart. The Cavatina was the most
nello the theme of which per-
meated the movement.
The first performance of Leslie
Bassett's Five Pieces for String
Quartet (1957) following on the
heels of the Halffter opus which
was especially commissioned for
the Stanley group, leads one to
question the wisdom of constantly
straying afield when commissions
are handed out.
All five movements of the Bas-
sett work are short, compact and
marked by an urgent drive. The
Fast first movement is driven by
a rapid trilled figure in perpetual
motion. The Slow second move-
ment features the same trill in a
slowed down and shorter varia-
tion while the middle movement
deviates from the trill pattern
with catchy rhythmic figurations.
mood, the Slow fourth movement
features a dark viola opening and
close, and the fifth Very Fast
movement returns to the rapid
flow and turn of the trill. It is
gratifying to know that a com-
poser in such control of his ma-
terial Is in existence.
Mr. Bassett states his idea, does
what he wants with It, and gath-
ers it together in a concise 'sum-
mation. It is a rare composer who
knows how and when to end a
The program concluded with a
polished performance of the easily
listened to Ravel Quartet in F
-Allegra, Branson
Associated Press Farm Reporter
WASAINGTON (A) - The na-
tion's farm surpluses would melt
away quickly should the country
become involved in a big new war.
Without doubt, shortages would
develop quickly for some items
and rationing would be needed to
assure equitable distribution and
to prevent skyrocketing prices.
There are some surpluses, but
they are limited almost wholly to
food raw materials, such as wheat
for flour, corn and other grains
for livestock and poultry feed.
TRUE, the government does
own stocks of such items as but-
ter, dried milk, cheese, rice and
dry beans. But measured against
year long needs, they are Insig-
The government holds no stocks
of meats. The only surplus avail-
able are those held in processing
and distribution channels and
those represented by livestock still
on farms.
It would be possible to step up
meat production somewhat, but
not for long unless grain produc-
tion were increased. Present sur-
plus stocks of corn and other feed
grains -, while at record high lev-
els - represent only about six
months' requirements.
* * 'S
ONLY in the case of wheat are
the stocks sufficient to maintain
a high consumption rate for an
indefinite period. Of course, there
is a possibility the United States
would be called upon to share
these supplies with allies.
Now plentiful, sugar would be-
come hard to get in the event of a
conflict. That's because this coun-
try depends on offshore producing
areas such as Cuba, Puerto Rico,
Hawaii and the Philippine Islands
for nearly two-thirds of its needs.
* S* .

MUCH HAS been said about the
milk surplus. About five per cent
of the production has been mov-
ing into government surplus
stocks - in the form of manufac-
tured, products-under price sup-
But this five per cent would be
a b s o r b e d quickly through in-
creased civilian and military de-
mands. In wartime, civilians tend
to buy more heavily of food.
That's because supplies of other
consumer goods usually are simqll-
er than in peacetime.
year ago and considerably below
levels of World War II. Production
nf noltrv meat is ilrger .Bt e'r-

interesting, utilizing a cello ritor-
NOT EVEN Music Circle, as suc-
cessful and tntertaining as its
productions have been so far this
summer, could do anything this
week with the Howard Lindsay and
Russell Crouse musical, "Happy
The story of a Philadelphia
socialite who doesn't get an invita-
tion to the Grace Kelly wedding,
this obviouslyrdated show is fdo
beginning to end a poor excuse of
a skeleton on which to hang music
and lyrics.
And the music and lyrics are
equally good, culminating in a
short patter of nonsense called
tEveryone Who's Who's Who'",
tesong that easily wins the con.
testfor last place in the all-time
hit parade.
SOMEHOW the cast under theb
Music Circle tent in Farm
seemed to realize the utter use-
lessness of it all and never really
entered into the spirit of the show
-if indeed there was one,
As the snubbed socialite with
the backwoods background, Joyce
Randolph (she plays '1Trixie on
television's "The Honeymooner)
was in fine voice but never acted
up to her part. The staging of her
musical numbers was sparse at
best while Miss Randolph showed
little more stage presence and
much less sense than a chorus girl.
The only other outstanding
member of the cast was Donald
Sheehan, whose main trouble was
that he threw himself into the
role' too far and overacted from
beginning to end--which ruined
what. little potential effect his
songs might have had.
Evans Thornton, the Duke of
Granada for whom the socialite
falls, was adequate in a less than
adequate role. Judy Guyll, the
socialite's daughter, was really the
only pleasant moment of the eve-
ONE GOOD character role, play-
ed by Jane Connell, gave a much.
needed lift to the show as it was
acted with care. Another such role,
with Gordon Connell as a Spanish
hotel manager, was hackneyed and
downright dull
The most noticeable problems in
this production of "Happy Hunt-
ing" were with direction, choreo-
graphy, and the singers and dan-
ers of the ensemble - the very
things that, executed with ex-
cellence, had made successes of
opther otentiallymediocre shows
performed at Music Circle this
Most of all, the oast and its
director and choreographer seemed
to have missed the mood and
pacing of the show altogether.
Much of the dancing, in its very
tempo and staging, was out of
place in the musical.
* * *
THE SINGERS and dancers,
outstanding in earlier shows this
summer, were disappointingly staid
-and not because the script called
for it.
A fine opportunity to redeem the
show came with the huntin the
second act but was fairly well
passed up with anything but a
show of creativity of imagination.
"Happy Hunting" offers, at best,
a little low comedy and social
satire ,(if one is familiar with the
Philadelphia set) and perhaps a
song or two ("Mutual Admiration
Society"). But it is not at all good
musical comedy.
- Vernon Nahrgang

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigansfor which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m., the day preced-
ing publication.



Hard Worker for Peaceful World

Associated Press Staff Writer
WASHINGTON -This seems to
be the season for peace ped-
diers to hit the road.
Our own itinerant diplomat,
Secretary of State J. F. Dulles, is
in London, talking over the Bagh-
dad Pact.
The Soviet Union's Nikita
Khrushchev is studying timetables
and roadmaps, eager, he says, to
show his wares almost anywhere.
England's Harold Macmillan
seems ready to join him, while
France's Charles de Gaulle is ask-

ing, why not hold the sales meet-
ing some place like Geneva?
President Eisenhower, appar-
ently unconvinced that this is the
way peace will be had in our time,
seems to be in the position of a
reluctant card player. He doesn't
care for a game where so many
cards could turn out to be wild;
but if the game is to be played,
okay, deal. But let's watch whose
deck we're using.
* * *
SO, WITH all the peace, ped-
dlers ready to mill about, it's ap-
propriate that Ewing Cockrell of

Hooliganism in Russia,

Associated Press News Analyst
TA KHRUSHCHEV sees no humor in his
,im of compete control of security in
v for a summit meeting and the Soviet's
attempt to make the mobs around West-
bassies appear to be spontaneous.
e was no doubt in the West that the
were officially arranged. His statement
nvicts his own government of hooligan-

In the Soviet Union, hooliganism covers a
lot of ground. One form of it is smuggling in
jazz records. It also includes wearing American
clothes, making passes at the ladies or getting
drunk in public. Boorishness in public vehicles,
disorderly conduct of any sort, is decried as
U"NLESS A rock-throwing, window-breaking,
ink-slinging crowd happens to be express-
ing the government line. Then the police are
powerless, and the newspapers hurl no charges
of hooliganism.
It may not be good taste in a sorely troubled
world to comment on the more comical poses
into which the Communists fall through their
very intensity and solemnity.
If they see no humor in portraying a tipsy
youth who whistles at a girl as an enemy of
the state, then they'll never laugh with the
West, anyway.
It is natural for Westerners to chuckle over
how the mobs got so out of hand at the em-
bassies in a spot where Khrushchev has such

Time for Revolution
Clear to Iraq Soldier
By The Associated Press
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Brig. Abdul Karim Kassem, the man who made
the- revolution in Iraq, says he knew the time was ripe for his July
14 coup because "I read the decision of the people in their eyes."
At 44, Kassem's black hair and thin mustache are starting to turn
gray. The thin, quiet officer who now is premier of the Iraqi republic
is described by his associates as a dedicated revolutionist.
"He is just a simple soldier," said a lieutenant from Kassem's old'
armored brigade. "He is a bachelor because he did not want to en-

Warrensburg, Mo., should be on
the road, too.
For Cockrell, it's an old story.
As far back as 1950 he was nom-
inated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Now 84, his hair so thin and
scraggly it looks like wind-blown
silk thread, Cockrell is pushing
peace in every way he can: By
talking to senators, urging them
to go on record more firmly, by
writing President Eisenhower,
"You say you write features?"
he asked. "Good. I've got enough
stuff here to keep you writing un-
til 1960."
To Cockrell, peace could be a
simple thing.
First, he would have an inter-
national army strong enough to
keep order.
Second, he would disarm until
no nation was powerful enough to
challenge the international cop.
Curiously, nearly every leader
has gone on record saying almost
the same thing.
HERE ARE a few quotes from
Cockrell's peace pack:
President Eisenhower in 1950--
"It is clear that international dis-
armament is essential to a stable,
enduring peace. In a disarmed
world - should it be attained -
there must be an effective United
Nations, with a police power uni-'
versally recognized and strong
enough to earn universal respect."
Macmillan in 1955 -"Genuine
disarmament must provide effec-
tive international or, if we like,
supranational authority invested
with real power."
Khrushchev in 1957-After say-
ing the Soviets would disband
their armies if thers would: "We
could keep a few men as militia
to keennorder becau w wni

tt t tYi Daily

Editorial Staff


.. ....... Night Editor
DSEN................ Night Editor
.e''';*.';;;.' Ngt Edtor
LICE ................ Night Editor
S. .................Sports Editor
................Chief Photographer

cumber himself. He lived only for
the revolution."
KASSEM HAS said he decided
the day he was graduated from the
Iraq Military Academy in 1934
that he would lead a revolution
against the monarchy. King Fai-
sal, slain in the uprising, had not
yet been born.
But Kassem took care to pre-
serve every ontward annpe aran

the year of the Suez crisis, but
was called off when the govern-
ment's intelligence branch nearly
discovered it.
KASSEM'S new information
minister, Sadik Shanshal, said he
was told of the July 14 date only a
week before.
By luck, the 3rd Armored Divi-

,.:. .

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