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August 01, 1957 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1957-08-01

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'in Front;Whi p Pirates

PyhTplsCoeHTo Whin I-lSoftball Championship

OUT AT FIRST-Prof. Bill *eKeachie, being' thrown out at
first in last night's I-M. title game, ,relied on his pitching rather
than his hitting, as Psychology won over Cooley, 8-4.
4Gavilan on Comeback rTurail

in the run that gave the Cincin-WL. LRubinsonPJ Basillo11 Sign1I *-*I
nati Redlegs a 6-5 victory over the appealed to, the umpire on the MIAMI BEACH - Former xvel-RbisBaioSgn-
Philadelphia' Phils in 11 innings. grounds that ,Soclerlund had. never terweight champion, Kid Gavilan, NEW YORK- Carmen Basilio, Indians 4, Orioles 0
Nuxal wnt nt te gmetotouched the base. Soderlund was took a long step on the road back world welterweight champion and BALTIMORE -- R a y Narleski
hit for Art Fowler after Manager called out, ending the inning. The when he punched out a unanimous Ray (Sugar) Robinson, middle- of the Cle'4eland Indiana blanked
'Birdie' Tebbetts had used every ~umpire, ruled that the two runs 10-round decision over Gasper Or- the- Baltimore -Oriles 4-0 on, six
plyroci ote xetpth ounted, tega of Mexicali, Mexico, in a na- weight champ, signed the formal hits Wednesday night and pae nhsrse extend-tc-
er =and bonus player Bob, Hen- In a third place contest, CMS tionally televised fight last night contract for their Sept. ?3 bout ed Baltimore's runless streak to
rich: seniors trounced the Ghosts, 14-2. in the Auditorium, yesterday. 32 consecutive innings.
rr . .,.. . 4. r. r.;{"4: ..,'{4... 4 } ..' ...S«"" .... lr. . . . . ". . : .S
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(Continued from ;Page 2)- the fifth floor of Angell Hall will be Fri., Aug. 2,, in Hill Auditorium. Brown formation of Energy by Daphnia pu- Muskegon, Michigan- Elementary
open for inspection and for telescopic is a pupil of Robert Noehren, and his lex," Thurs., August 1,-3126 Natural Sci- (1st, 2nd; 3rd, 6th); JHS (7th, 8th).
observations of, the Moon and, Saturn. recital will be open to the general pub- ence Bldg., at 4:30 'P.m.. Chairman, D. Northville, Michigan - Elementary
pick up tickets in 3510 Administration Children welcomed, but must be ac- lic. C. Chandler. (3rd)..
Building before 4:00 p~m. Fri., Aug. 2. companied by adults.----- Novi, Michigan -- Elementary (1st).
l____ ,u .. Doctoral Examination for Walter South River, New Jersey - English;
All eteans ho xpec edcaton ,/1 aaeitc #t.ce Richard Johnson, Physics; thesis: "The Science/Math; Industrial Arts; a'Girls'
and training allowance under Public Plys Interaction of Plane and Cylindrical PMysicalEuain;Eeetr (4th,
X~a 55 (Kre G.I. ill mst et n lys"Baratin" (French Conversational Sound waves with a Stationary Shock 5th, 6th);«VclMsc
structors' signatures at last class- meet- "Circle -of Chalk", the Chinese fan- Group) will meet in the South Room, of Wave," Fri., Aug. 12. 2038 Randall Lab-: S.CarSoeMcia on
ings in July and turn Dean's Monthly tasy, will be 'presented, by-the Dept. of the Michigan Union Cafeteria, Thurs., oratory at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, .-Otto mercial.
Certification in to the Dean's office be- Speech at 8 -pam. tonight through Fri- August 1, 3 ,to 4:30 p.m. Laporte. Whieton, ioiganglih rae
fore 5:00 p.m. August "2. day in. the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre._____WhtPieMcign-thra.
_______Youngstown, 'Ohio - Librarian.
_____A Seminar in Mathematical Statds- Doctoral, Examination for Thomas Ypsilanti, Michigan= - Spanish/Eng-
Con~elstics will" be .held on Thurs.. Aug. 1, at Eugene Kruse, Fisheries; thesis: "The' lish; Home Economics/English; Girls'
LecturesConcerts4 p.m. in 'Room. 3201, A.H. M. M. Ali Grayling 11of Grebe. Lake, Yellowstone "physical ,Education; Full time Counse-
Prf oma . ftie Carillon Recital by Percival °Price, will discuss some, of the work of G.E.P. National Park, Wyoming," Fri., Aug. 2, or.'
Po.Nra A.McQuow'.o th University-.Carillonneur, 7:15 this even- Box on the study of the effect of de- 2124 Natural Science Bldg., at 9:001 a.m. Fradtoa nomto otc
University of Chicago will speak on "A ing. Sonata for 48 Bells Composed by partures from assumptions anid the use 'Chairman, K. F. Lagler-' the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-

staff, students, and friends oat the De- e following vacancies are listed
artment of Classical Studies on with the Bureau of Appointments for
Mhurm, Aug. 1, at 4 p.m., In the East the 1957-58 school year. They will not
,onference Room, Rackham Building._ be here to interview .at this time.
7 r. R. J. O'Brien will speak on the in-I Battle Creek, Michigan - H. S. Comn-
;erest of the Church in the Latin lan- mercial.
;uage. ' Big Rapids, Michigan - English.
Birmingham, Michigan -- Elementary
Prof. Jose Emilio Amores, Dean of the (Kdg., 1st, .3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th) ; Jr. High
Preparatory School of Monterrey, Mex- Math; Jr. High' Latin; Jr. High Science.
co, will give an illustrated lecture at Bloomfield, New Jersey - Librarian.
;he sixth weekly meeting of the Socie- Britton, Michigan- H.S. Commer-
ad Hispanica of the Department of cial; Chemistry/Physics.
Romance Languages, in the East Con- Burnt Hills, New York -- Sr. High
Perence Room, Rackh~am Bldg., Thurs., Librarian;, Elementary Librarian.
Aug. 1, at 7:30 p.m. The subject will, be Culver, Indiana -- Spanish.
Monterrey, ciudad industrial y de Evanston, Illinois -- French.
ultura." All interested in Mexico 'and Fairview, Michigan -' English.
ts progress ,are invited. Fenton, Michigan-Elementary (5th);
1th gr. English.
Deutscher Verein of the German De- Flint, Michigan -- Elementary (1st,
partment will meet on Thurs., Aug. 1 4th); Mathematics; JHS Shop.
at 7:30 ppm. in Room 3-G, Michigan Grosse Ilie, Michigan -- 6th gr. Vocal
Union: The German Consul in Detroit, Music.
Dr. Ferdinand Friedensburg, will speak Henderson, Nevada - Journallsm/
'in German) on problems of the reuni- English III, IV; English II, III; English
ication of Germany. All interested are I; Machine Shop; Auto Mechanics;
welcome. omics; Elementary (5th).
________Miliford, Michigan - Elementary (1st,
Doctoral- Examination. for Sumner 3rd, 5th, Vocal Music).
Richman, Zoology; thesis: "The Trans- Morley, Michigan - Art.

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