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July 24, 1956 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1956-07-24

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& irtBally

"Gee, It's Time Tc Go Crusading Again"

hen Opiniona Are Free,
Truth WtD PrevaUll

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Stassen's Proosral
Difficult To Analyze
THE FLURRY of fireworks set off by Presi- dubious in light of his previous support of i1hZ
dential adviser Harold Stassen's proposal Eisenhower program. In addition the President
that Massachusetts' Governor Christian Herter has already come out with his choice of Nixon
be nominated as the Republican Vice-Presiden- as a running-mate.'
tial candidate instead of incumbent Richard Stassen has little to gain, at least immedi-
Nixon is a little difficult to figure out. ately, by seeing Nixon dumped. Then again,
While few will deny that Mr. Stassen was could he be thinking four years into the future?
will within his rights as a private citizen to *Thirdly, Stassen could be doing nothing more
make his preference known, why, considering than stirring up some pre-convention interest
his position in the Republican Party and the in the Republican Party. For some time now,
Eisenhower Administration, did he choose to the Democrats have been getting all the pub-
throw this bomb and why is he so late in licity due to the not infrequent fierce, cam-
tossing it? paigning of Messers. Stevenson, Kefauver, et al.
This could be a healthy sign that there is Stassen's suggestion may be little more than
life in the GOP, that the convention in San a political gimmick designed to take the play
Francisco will not be a perfunctory rubber away fro mthe opposition and the public mind
stamp gathering going through the motions off the issue of Mr. Eisenhower's health, the
of nominating candidates as an expression of only major news the GOP has been seen to
the will of the members of the Republican engender for some months.
A difference of opinion is usually considered THE LATEST development in this political
a strengthening factor in America, as long as it byplay, that of Governor Herter's announce-
is honest and does not go to the point of ment that he would be proud to place Nixon's
splitting a group into bitter rival factions. name before the convention might indicate that
the whole affair is but a game of political
IT IS ENTIRELY possible that Mr. Stassen ring-around-the-rosy.
has just now come to the conclusion that Certainly, Governor Herter has left Stassen
the Republicans stand to lose the coming rather high and dry. Either there was no
election with Nixon on the ticket, an estimate prior consultation between Stassen and Herter
which he does not hold alone. He claims that or an excellently timed scheme was worked
his actions are out of loyalty to the Republican out in detail.
Party and its leader. The public will be waiting with bated breath
A second possibility would have Stassen bring- for the next surprise move in this tense drama.
ing this up for personal and, at present, Surely, it cannot be predicted here.
unknown political reasons. This seems rather -RICHARD HALLORAN
Aid to Small Colleges
May Ease Enrollment Pressure
ALTHOUGH state universities are crowded to explore means of building up the smaller
beyond capacity and Ivy League schools schools and aiding them in their bid for stu-
are next to impossible to get into, small col. dents. Continued high standards of the state
leges are having trouble getting full comple. universities may well hinge on the smaller
ments of students. schools' success in draining off the large num-
The New York Times reported Sunday that ber they are unable to adequately accomodate.
500 small but fully accredited colleges could State aid would enable many of these schools
absorb another 100,000 students this fall. And to increase their endowments, build up their li-
several hundred other institutions apparently braries, attract top quality faculties. Grants
will be in financial difficulty because of too from large foundations, which now go mainly
few students, quite the reverse situation exist- to establish universities, would go far towards
ing at the University. increasing potential of the smaller colleges.
These statistics, should not be taken lightly
in days when we talk glibly of 40,000 students AS THE president of a Kansas school recent-
by 1970 and wonder where we'll put them. In ly noted, it's a vicious circle. It is easier for
an era of rampant enrollment increases, with established schools with big names and pres-
our academic excellence endangered by an ex- tige to get gifts, grants and state aid. And not
cess of students, the plight of the small college until the smaller schools get the aid can they
should be thoroughly explored. raise their standards to compete with the big-
Our enrollment difficulties would be eased ger schools.
considerably if the small colleges absorbed the Breaking into the circle somewhere and help-
overflow-and evidently they have facilities ing the small schools out might well reap aca-
to do so. . demic dividends in the near future. Although
they may attempt to meet and control it, no
MAJOR problem is making the smaller at- school welcomes rampant expansion.
tractive, "selling" students on applying to As long as there is an empty classroom in
them. This is not an easy task, but neither is smaller colleges efforts should be made to di-
preparing for an onrush of 40,000. vert students to it. Helping these schools may
It is encumbent upon state legislatures, char- be the best way to help ourselves.
itable foundations and even state universities, -LEE MARKS
GOP Situation Unchanged

Harpsichord Sounds
Fine Baroque Music
MADAME EHLERS last night delivered a highly satisfactory harpsi-
chord recital which at its high moments showed off the subtly
expressive qualities of the harpsichord (which in the hands of ama-
teurs can become recalcitrant, harsh and angular in tone,. But the
performance also was an ideal seminar in the baroque style: gentle
and human, and yet expansive and powerful; clean in outline but
forthright in the bold ornamentations.
The first portion of the program consisted of a number of Bach
compositions representing a variety of forms and intent.
The superb Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue, a super-structure of
dramatic tensions, was performed with a keen realization of its ex-
pansive and deliberate rhetoric; yet the quiet middle section preceding
the fugue was treated with tenderness and expressiveness.
The Second Partita (from the Clavieruhung) emerged with a
remarkable variety of tempi and moods in its various dance movements,
performed without repeats. The speed of the "courante" seemed almost
to push beyond the bounds of sense, yet in Madame Ehlers performance,
it remained musical (and almost danceable). The suite as a whole was
like a song; lyrical and to the point.
The coyly programmatic "Capriccio on the Departure of His Beloved



a r h~l v
ret W ~ m 1'r Co

THE HOUSE of Representatives
of the Congress of the United
States was creaking slowly to a
close. It had been a long day. The
four-year old son of Congressman
Francis Dorn of Brooklyn
squirmed and fidgeted. He had
been sitting beside his father, as
an education in government, all
week; and he had been remarkably
good. But it was 6:30 p.m. and
small boys get hungry. Two seats
in front, Congresswoman Cecil
Harden of Indiana, who has three
grandchildren, looked as if she
could have taken care of him, but
she sat engrossed in official pa-
In the Speakers chair, Sam Ray-
burn, bald, placid, patient, looked
out over the chamber. He had
been a member of that chamber
for 42 years, had sat for 12 years
as Speaker, riding herd on its hec-
tic sessions, watching bill after bill
argued, wrangled over, noted on,
defeated or passed, to become, for
better or for worse, the law of the
United States. Thus the laws are
made, thus the people of the Uni-
ted States are governed.
Speaker Rayburn squinted from
the rostrum at the machinery of
democracy in motion. It was in
slow motion. None of the lightning
repartee and fireworks that fea-
tured debate on civil rights as the
momentous question of Alaska's
right to build its own hospital for
the insane was being debated.
Congressman Leo O'Brien spoke
for this right. O'Brien comes from
Albany, N. Y., and is a Democrat.
Yet he understood Alaskan prob-
lems thoroughly. He also spoke

for the Eisenhower Administra-
* * *
AT THE LEADER'S table on the
Democratic side, sat Bob Bartlett,
Delegate of Alaska, with no right
to vote, but the right to speak. Be-
side him sat Edith Green, ex-may-
or of Portland, Oregon, now a Con-
gresswoman. She had pioneered
the hospital. Over on the Republi-
can side, "Doc" Miller of 'Nebras-
ka, walked about, supporting him-
self with a stick, asking questions.
He opposed the hospital. So did
other Republicans - Hosmer of
California, Gross of Iowa, Dawson
of Utah, Republican, d i d n ' t.
"Those of us who supported this
bill have been labled traitors and
Communists," he said, "but we
think the mentally ill of Alaska
have a right to be cared for in
Alaska, near their homes, not
shipped 2,000 miles away from
Martin Dies of Texas stopped
chewing a cigar to ask helpful
questions. The debate droned on,
the machinery of democracy at
work, giving minute attention to
a problem far from Washington
affecting only a few hundred. The
bill passed.
The machinery of democracy is
not always so careful. It can be
rambunctious. It can go on sel-
fish, cruel rampages. It can also
be sneaky. This is the time, as
Congress grinds to a close, when
the lobbyists stand in the lobbies
ready to push across their pet bills
benefiting those few who pay
them. The school bill, benefiting
millions, failed of passage. The
equality of opportunity bill help-
ing thousands of small business-

men got stuck in the Senate,
blocked by Welker of Idaho and
Jenner of Indiana. The clean elec-
tions bill to stop the buying of
elections hasn't got off the ground
in the Senate.
But a dozen bills benefiting a
few and costing millions are poised
on the brink of passage, will be
sneaked across in these hectic
days. One of them would wipe out
Roosevelt's New Deal banking re-
form, passed afterthe 1933 bank
failures, which allows minority
stock holders to sit on bank boards.
The American Bankers' Associa-
tion doesn't like minority direc-
tors and Chairman Brent Spence
of Kentucky, prodded by White
house emissaries, has suddenly
been pushing for last minute pas-
* * *
PAN AMERICAN Airways is be-
hind another bill to prevent the
government from deducting its
profits on the sale of airplanes
from its subsidy. Every affected
branch of the Eisenhower Admin-
istration has opposed this, but
Pan Am has potent friends.
The bill may be pushed across
the goal line in the last few min-
utes of hectic play.
Friends of Dictator Trujillo of
the Dominican Republic also have
a ship deal they are trying to
sneak across during the last min-
utes of play. Congressman Zelenko
of New York is trying to block it.
The return of German property
was also readied for a final push
when nobody was looking, but
somebody looked. It has now been
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

Brother" was attractaively delivere
the naive postillion horn calls
evoked many smiles. But most of
this music (even from Bach) seem-
ed contrived and verged on dull-
The performance from Madame
Ehlers, however, was pleasant and
seductive. That the brother left
anyway is no fault of Madame
9 * *
ance style is a highly admirable
one. It is direct, straight forward
and clean; and she faces the music
rather than herself or the ivory
keyboard. The result is a well
modulated, intelligent performance
of the music (without the self con-
scious gyration that one gets from
people like Wanda Landowska who
invariably tamper with the tempi
and the pedal).
From these qualities, one would
expect to hear superb perform-
ances of the German baroque
artists. Her Couperin was thus, a
revelation and a surprise. It made
one suspect that perhaps Madame
Ehlers' forte is French clavicinist
La Faste . . Menestrandise
was performed with an imagina-
tive use of the various registers.
The French style trills were man-
aged with expert languidness, and
the scales were nimble and limpid.
All in all, it was the harpsi-
chordist's evening.
-A. Tsugawa
A merican."s
A PAINTING isn't a flag or a
complexion. It is nothing so
Currently hanging in the Uni-
versity Art Museum is an exhibi-
tion entitled 8 New York Painters.
The title is a denial of art boun-
daries and implies that the Ameri-
can Negro artist is fully integrated
in his artistic expression,. for the
"eight" are eight Negro artists.
(And I assume that the "New
York" of the title is no more than
a circumstance of residence and
isn't meant to limit their place
within the breadth of American
The virtue of a painting lies
not in its origins, but in its de-
partures. Intensity is a criterion
of its vision, a criterion that can
be fruitfully applied to this exhi-
Generalizations about art are
easy-but can be deceptive. We
sometimes say that Nordic paint-
ing is introspective; Latin painting
is lyrical; Oriental, reverent-con-
templative; African, magical.
CAN AMERICAN painting be
easily typified? It shouldn't be
equated with the equalitrianism
of our society. All painters are
essentially seers, and their visions
are humanely compassionate, in
varying intensities.
The indigenous characteristic of
American art is improvisation.
Althought the Patroon painters
of colonial America tried to simu-
late old world ideas, it was a
meagerly understood lore. They
improvised. Just as their more
practical neighbors, establishing a
new society in a hostile and obdur-
ate land, they improvised out of
* * *
THIS EXHIBIT seems especially
subject to view through the
ideas of "intensity or vision" and
"improvisation"-not for judging,
but for seeing. Neither special
learning nor special words are
needed to appreciate this group of
American paintings; they have
universal affinities.

Hale Woodruff, Profesosr of Art
at New York University, is the
organizer and spokesman of this
show. In addition, he is one of
the exhibitors. His paintings are
barbed and hooked, and in their
whirl catch the archaic mystery
of relics among the dynamic won-
der of space ships.
Norman Lewis, with serene in-
tensity, paints dolorous, feathery
night shafts and tufts. Although
Merton D Simpson titles his works

d, and the last two movements with
(Continued from Page 2)
Foreign Language Examination for
M. A. Candidates in History.
Thurs., July 26; 4:00 p.m. Room 2402
.Mason Hall. Sign list in the History Of-
fice. Dictionaries may be used.
La Sociedad Hispanica of the Depart-
ment of Romance Languages weekly
meeting Wed., July 25, at 7:45 p~m. In
the Assembly Hall, Rackham Bldg.
Prof. Norman Sachs of Oberlin College
will speak in Spanish on "Un viaje por
Espana en colores." Illustrated with
color slides. Senora Elena vlisides of
Columbia will present a number of
Spanish songs, accompanied by Mrs.
John Morrow. Also Spanish songs by
the students. All interested are invited.
Doctoral Exaination for Man Mohini
Kaul, Education: thesis: "Relationship
Between Behavior Ratings by TeacherR
and Mental Age, Achievement Phys-
cal Growth and Total Growth of Chil-
dren." Wed., July 25. 1956, 2532 Univ.
Elementary School, at 2:00 p.m. Chair-
man, B. O. Hughes.
Doctoral. Examination for Robert
Theodore Otten, Classical Studies:
Greek and Latin; thesis: "Metron, Me.
sos,and Kairos: A Semasiological Stu-
dy," Wed., July 25, 2009 Angell Hall, at
10:00 a.m. Chairman W. E. Blake.
Doctoral Examination for Dolores
Catherine Toms, Education; ttiesis:
"Progress in Reading with Reference
to the Quantitative Measurements on
the Binet: A Study of Longitudinal
Records," Thurs., July 26, 2532 Uni-
versity Elementary School, at 2:00 p.m.
Chairman, B. O. Hughes.
Placement Notices
The following schools have listed va-
cancies for the 1956-57 school year.
They are not sending representatives
to the Bureau of Appointments at this
Bessemer, Michigan - Teacher Needs:
English/Dramatics; English (junior
high school.)
Brown City, Michigan - Teacher
Needs: English/Dramatics/Library; His-
tory/Girls Athletics - Junior High.
Byron, Michigan - Teacher Needs:
High School English Commercial,
Copley Ohio - Teacher Needs; Ele-
mentary (1st, 3rd, 6th); Junior High
English; High School Social Studies;
Girls' Physical Education.
Dryden, Michigan -- Teacher Needs:
English - High Sccol.
Durand Michigan - Teacher Needs:
High School Latin/English.
East Jordan, Michigan - Teacher
Needs: Librarian/English/Social Science
or Spanish; English or Social Science or
Euclid, Ohio - Teacher Needs: Ele-
mentary; Junior High Math; Latinf
French; English/Social Studies/Coach-
ing; Senior High Girls' Physical Ed.; .
English; Spanish/English; Home Econ-
omics; Social Studies; Business Educa-
Flint, Michigan - Teacher Needs:
Junior High Gils' Physical Education;
Math/Social Studies; Senior High Eng-
lish; Business Education; Business Ed-
ucation/Coach Basketball.
Franklin Park, Illinios - Teacher
Needs: 6eramic; Remedial Reading;
Physics: Homemaking.
Harvey, Illinois - Teacher Needs:
High School Girls' Physical Education;
English; General Science/Chemistry;
Gen. Science; Math; Typewriting/Ju-
nior College Zoology.
Jonesville, Michigan-Teacher Needs:
High School English; Math or Gen.
Norwalk, Connecticut - Teacher
Needs: Junior High Language; Libra-
Norwalk, Ohio - Teacher Needs: Ju-
nior High Math; High School English
Wheaton, Illinois, - Teacher Needs:
High School English/Math.
For additional information contast
theBureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Bldg. No. 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Ford Motor Co., Ypsilanti, Michigan,
needs a woman with a degree or ex.
perience in Home Economics to work
as Supervisor for Cafeteria,
Navy Dept. Civilian Job Opportuni-

ties openings for Professional Engrg,
Personnel, Architects, Electronic Sci.
entists, Chemists, Geophysicists, Mathe-
maticians, Metallurgists, and Physicists,
as well as Statisticians, Administrative
Personnel, Stenographers, Typists, Aud-
itors and Budget Specialists. Positions
are In various locations throughout
U. S. and oversea s.
General Motors Institute, Flint Mich.,
has an opening for a Chemistry In-
structor with an M.S. degree, teaching
certificatae not required, to teach gen-
eral chemistry and chemistry of en-
gineering materials.
Gen'l Motors Corp., Detroit, Mich.,
is looking for a woman to work as




Associated Press News Analyst
REPUBLICAN ranks appear to be reforming
quickly after Harold Stassen's surprise move
to "stop Nixon."
With Governor Christian Herter of Massa-
chusetts displaying extreme wariness about
Stassen's suggestion that he should replace
Nixon on the Republican ticket, there was
some question whether the flurry would even
last until convention time.
At least during the first 24 hours following
Stassen's statement. nothing had been heard
from the Republican leaders whom the "sec-
retary for peace" said would come out in sup-
port of his stand.
Stassen insisted that in this matter he was
acting as a private citizen rather than as a
member of the White House "team."
He acted, he said, out of loyalty to President
Eisenhower, who would be "handicapped" by
any vice presidential nominee, but less by Her-
ter than by Nixon.,
Editorial Staff
LEE MARKS, Managing Editor
Night Editors
Dick Halloran, Donna Hanson, Arlene Liss,
Mary Ann Thomas, Adelaide Wiley
Sports Editor, Dick Cramer

JTAMES HAGERTY, the President's press sec-
retary, promptly threw a bucket of ice water
at Stassen, but the water immediately turned
hot. There were quick suggestions from out-
side that perhaps Stassen had best resign, so
that his political status as a private citizen
would not get mixed up with his status as the
President's adviser. He said he wouldn't resign.
This left him, however, as a member of the
team, of ambassadorial rank, who is opposing
a major decision both by the President and the
Republican party.
It would not do to consider him a lone voice
however, whether voices in the party come
to his support or not. There has been oppo-
sition to Nixon in the party, and it continues,
although it has been hushed since the Eisen-
hower endorsement,
T HEgreat surprise over Stassen's action is
that he would come out so late against what
most folks consider a foregone conclusion.
Some people even suspected a Republican
"plot" to stir up some interest in what prom-
ised to be a cut and dried convention.
Some expressed publicly the view that Stas-
sen might be trying to attract some vice presi-
dential attention to himself.
The general verdict was "situation un-
New Books at the Library
Diaz del Castillo, Bernal-The Discovery and
Conquest of Mexico, 1517-1521; NY, Farrar,
Strauss, 1956.

'HIappiness' Evades Pursuers

"THE Pursuit of Happiness,"
which opened a two-week run
at Saline Mill Theatre last night,
is a thoroughly uninspired play,
and its production at Saline is
appropriately lifeless and drab.
The program tells us that the
play is by Lawrence Langer and
opened in New York in 1933, prob-
ably for a rather short period. It
is of the sort that usually may be
seen in a high school dramatics
production, with an attempt at
being racy which somehow only
produces a flatter tone.
This is all infused with broad
attempts to arouse patriotic pride
and the warm glow which comes
with reference to familiar names,
places, or customs.
But nothing, not even the plot,
is up to the job of provoking in-
terest. The story involves resi-
dents and transients in a small
Connecticut village during the
American Revolution. The action,
occurs in the farmhouse of Aaron
and Comfort Kirkland, she a god-
fearing practical woman and he
more practical than godfearing.

the Hessian and the sheriff vie for
the daughter, and the minister dis-
approves of bundling, sex, smoking,
drinking, and other pursuits of
happiness. Ergo, a plot.
With such a play the ultimate
cause for the present disaster in
Saline is in the hands of the
parties who chose it for presenta-
tion, Nothing really could be done
to save it, and probably nothing
should be.
This seems to have been felt by
the actors involved in the pro-
duction, because there is an evident
lack of interest on the stage as
well as in the audience. Most of
the performers throw out a barrage
of false heartiness which does not
quite conceal their routine reading
of the lines, and some of the time
there is only loudness to attest
that a play is being performed.
* * *
ONLY ED BORDO, who appears
as straightforward as Aaron Kirk-
land, does anything to create a
credible character. His are the only
punch-lines which are not de-
livered with the obviousness of a
ti mnt-..nn 11 nilha ,.rxcecrnc a,,

Harry Burkey enacts the role of
Virginia Colonel Mortimer Sher-
wood with an attempt at galantry,
but his movements are often awk-
ward and his accent shaky. His
exchanges with the servant Meg
(played by Nadine Cherney)
amount mostly to ineffective las-
civious leers. They apparently work
on Miss Cherney, however, for her
bumptious agrarian coquetry in-
creases in proportion to the time
spent in presenting the show. She
is fortunate in having the smallest
number of the play's preposterous
THE HESSIAN Max Christmann
is played by George Webb, a new-
comer at Saline this season. Mr.
Webb is much less lucky than Miss
Cherney, and compounds the prob-
lem of faulty lines with an equally
faulty Geman accent. His acting
style is flagrantly bombastic, much
too much so for the size of the
James Hamilton and Richard
Thiede, as the minister and the



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