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July 24, 1956 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1956-07-24

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SAY, JULY 25, 1956



S H ADY TRAILS: ---_ ___----_ __ _
Speech Camp Helps Stuttering Boys TONIGHT at 8
Department of Speech Presents
* In a small 26-ndacre camp ony the N
shores of Grand Traverse Bay, The speeches are usually only a Clancy emphasizes the point
boys from seven to 22 are engaged handful of sentences in length and that the camp foes not work any
in a struggle the outcome of which have a wideevaration in c amazing recoveries. "We work PAUL VINCENT CARROLL'S COMIC-FANTASY
could seriously effect the rest of but they have one thing in com- wt o n rt ephmi O
t dheirulives, mon-they are painful. The boys with a boy and try to help him in "An Irish romp!" - HAWKINS, N.Y. World-Telegram
All of the boys have speech de- stammer and halt or theyrdon't every way we can. But in theend $1.50 -$1.10 75c
fet-oesekhligy tesget started at all. They try to his progress is strictly up to him.$15 -$.0-7c
canurelybtome udersa etoid The practice their breathing control If he works, and works hard, he LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE
struggle Is to overcome their han- and their vocal prolongation. will usually show improvement."
dicaps and go on to normal lives. Some of them make it and some
Though some of their speech of them don't. But they stay in
Impediments stem from physical front of the group until their STORE HOURS. . .9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. DURING BARGAIN DAYS
w defects such as cleft palate, loss speech is finished and they have
of muscular control in mild cases introduced the next speaker.
of cerebral palsey, and loss of The boy having difficulty may
hearing, the largest group is that get upset at himself but he doesn't AN
whose problem is stuttering, become embarassed or ashamed.
The 'Block' He seems to know what every visi- ARBOR BARGAIN DAYS
Stuttering so pronounced that tor to the camp seems to feel-
the youngster attempting to speak that there are 98other bys in the
may go on for minutes making roas hoastryingbto mentally
only inarticulate sounds-rubbing psh him past his "block."
his face, tapping his leg with a 'If' I Could
hand, or scraping a foot on the Some of the boys do get mad at EN TIRE STO C K
floor in an effort to force himself themselves. Like the 14-year-old
past his "block." who tried for minutes to begin a
To John Clancy, founder of poem that began with the word
Shady Trails Speech Improvement "if." He finally gave up, slammed Rose M arie R eid andantoner
lramii 25 years ago and now its the written poem on the table and
director under the University, there said, without a half, "If I could
L are three main courses to follow to say 'if' I could read this thing."
help such a youngster in correct- When he realized what he had
ing his speech. done he tried again and still
One, one the theory that speech, couldn't say "if."
like other muscular and nervous Clancy's method and that of his
action, is largely dependent upon counselors is to say nothing if
the condition and function of they can get one of the boys to w lipped
every part of the body, is physical talk instead. They don't usually
conditioning in large doses. have much trouble. As the boys
Another is training and encour- begin to overcome their impedi- justlook WhatrS ha ppen i
agement by graduate speech cor- ments they anxiously sieze any
rectionists, many of them from the opportunity to try their new skill.
University. Only rarely is a boy completely here today and tomorrow
The third is talking. cured after one eight-week stay at
'Mine Talk' the summer camp. But rare, too,
"Talking," says ex-stutterer says Clancy, is the case of a boy
Clancy, "is like swimming. You who forgets and relapses com-18
can read all the books you want pletely when he leaves. The usual
to, but you've got to get into the thing, he says, is for the boys tou
water to really learn how. My boys old habits. They usually work
f And talk they do. Lunch and suffer a partial relapse into their
supper are not only meals, they themselves out of the habits If Fleece Boy Coats-Reg. $75, 38
are a project, a toastmaster's para- and when they return to the campea2
Afdise. the following year.
members of one of the camp's six Brassieres Sweaters
cabins will make a speech. It may P e es
be the "Cavemen" after one meal, Blouses Blouses
£ the members of the "Roost" after LAGRANGE, Ind. (A})-Topeka
another, the "Wolverines" after town marshal Ralph Troyer Belts Cotton Skirts ab
the next, and so on through the was surprised when State Police Summer Bags Swim Suits
"University Club," "Park Avenue" Trooper Henry Cripe arrested Sm e asS t
and the "Neophytes." him for driving without license Cotton T-Shirts Crinolines
plates on a town truck.
"We've never bought any,"
CommriUnit said Troyer ooks--U S Ct 4
Justice of the Peace Stephen books ---justpnc
P I Gruber of Lagrange suspended
P rogram s a $1 fine provided Troyer im-
mediately bought plates for the
ShR sultfire truck and four other town-
owned vehicles in 'the small
commnunity of 550. FOR2Ttables ofLLqu
Dozens of beneficial develop- cense plates for town-owned
ments have resulted from the vehicles are free, except for ae3laefrtonowerf
community action movement pro- 25ceser ec fora 302 South State Street
moted by the University during car or truck. Troyer got them.
eighteen years of helping Michigan cetsriecag o ah---..--UVeniles--2 f
communities to help themselves.
this is the statement of Howard
Y. McClusky, University professor
of educational psychology and
consultant in community adultFerry Fleets
cAmong developments he lists: NOMIE Mich. - ItftheUn r
other towns to learn new useful Straits of Mackinac ferry fleet
ideas; community directories list- for other duty when it is displaced
ing oanization facilitIe and k by the Straits Bridge, House in-b o ok sro m o
people; news-letters reporting vestigators booksolfromday
community activities; leadership Witnesses said it might be more
training conferences; presidents' economical to build new boats
clubs in which organization heads than to refurbish present vessels,
attempt to co-ordinate individual some of them 50 years old, for C-
organization activity with over-all psil er evc cosLk
community needs.
Also community beautification; Michigan.
Alsocomunit beutifcaton; It has been suggested a ferry
information centers on community cs be te
line could run between Menominee

)r 26c
ed new
ur regular

organization, activities and ideas; and Frankfort, cutting 250 miles
study groups for school needs; from the trip between the upper
community music programs, cn- and lower peninsulas.1s a nd
tional understanding. 7O Jsa dQQ
munity fairs, projects in inerna-__and___________understanding._
Institutes for better home and
community living, home planners' LLuK Dr
institutes, community health pro- ub ishers e
sects, children's clinics, nursery BARGA I
schools, baby sitter service, co-
operative child centers, hospitality 2 44iscount
dents, movie and projector loanDAYSo ve y ow
centers for organizations, toy 120-620-127-828-135
lending libraries, tool "libraries,"
second-hand goods exchange and Kodacolor. Kodachrome . Ektachrome
disposal centers, and school lunch Presented by d cp.K dr.. Ekhr
Among other projects have been your Ann Arbor
voters, institutes for elected offi- Retail Merchants'
cials, roving play-lots in which
play materials are trucked from Associtio E-U E -N ( l M odels)-
one vacant lot to another on ae(Old
schedule, craft shops for adults, ECTORS
yoth forums-the list goes on TPROY
fandn. IVLA ,
In such ways, "the people" on
the local level are busy making
tei cmmiunities better, Prof. 2 o 5 %D s on
"Democracy demands local plan- TOMORROW! %
ning, participating, prosecution. Specia- Viewflex Pro ect-O-Mati
Without these democracy cannot B O B
meanrmuch," he notgs. $59.50-V3 ... $39.50
ScNEW-USED--NEW (Old Models) MARS i

's of choice
iaind ers

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