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July 07, 1956 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1956-07-07

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Sixty-Sixth Year

4Ezra, You Got Any Storage Bins You're Not Using?"

(hen Opituion, Are Free,
Trutb VVIIU Prev&U'

I . I





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Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Action on Education Bill
Inspires Little Confidence

i i
pEpT. OF
4 5 f
y L

Pride Unjuqstified
In Western Filmt
'THE PROUD ONES", now staggernig through a run at the State,
is an immodestly mediocre film of great pretensions.It stars Robert
Ryan, Virginia Mayo, and Jeffrey Hunter, who disport themselves with
much too little pride.
After having been treated to "The Searchers" at the same theater,
local audiences might well be slightly miffed by the phoniness of these
Proud Ones. Screenplay, photography,, acting-all aspects of this film



CONGRESS had little to be proud of Thurs-
day - and much to be ashamed of. Its
handling of the federal school aid bill was a
poor commentary on collective congressional
intelligence, decency and integrity.
It is not the decision to ditch the federal
aid bill that arouses contempt; there are com-
pelling reasons both for granting aid and for
adopting the line that education is better left
to the state. But activity in the House pre-
ceding the final vote did little to inspire
confidence in the decision.
Federal aid is a delicate question. Inequality
in geographic distribution of wealth results,
under state control of education, in inequality
of educational facilities. It may be logically
contended that education is so important as to
impose an obligation on the federal government
to provide aid for substandard areas.
There is nothing new in reapportioning
wealth through taxation by using federal funds
for projects primarily in the state's domain-
it's done all the time in highway grant-in-aids
and housing.
THE GOVERNMENT helps states build
roads why should education raise an issue?
Because aid invariably implies control; aid as
little as we may object to federal control and
standards in highway building we may seri-
ously object to extension of federal controls in
education. State control of education is a
safeguard of democracy primarily because its
opposite, federal control, is a prerequisite of
Another objection to federal control is that


it will strip states of the incentive to provide
funds for education and encourage diversion of
funds into other area thus injustly imposing on
the richer states who bear the major burden.
This objection, though, may be met by the
matching grant-in-aid.
The Powell antisegregationl rider presents
new problems. Against the moral implications
of using federal funds to support unconsti-
tutional practices must be weighed the effects
of undereducating a large number of potenti-
ally useful citizens.
Given the many complex issues then, it would
be possible for two reasonable people to arrive
at opposite conclusions.,
congressional session is that none of the
complex issues were considered. Legislators
managed to ignore practically all of the eco-
nomic and moral implications of helping
schools. In short, the fate of the bill hinged on
parliamentary maneuvering and political gob-
Inherent in the democratic system are in-
efficiency and subordination of important goals
to the ends of political expediency. We accept
the shortcominggs willingly as the price of
Nonetheless we cannot but be disappointed
when wrangling and parliamentary confusion
give the federal legislative body a comic air
and the personal political aspirations of a few
men are placed above the education of the
country's citizens.-


Pearson 'A Skunk'-Judd

Congress and Foreign Policy

foreign policy has become evident once
Two recent actions in the Congress point
this up. Last week the 960 million dollar in-
crease in air force appropriations was voted
in despite the President's objections that this
sum is unnecessary and throws the defense es-
tablishment out of balance. Yesterday, a
House-Senate conference committee took a
substantial cut out of President Eisenhower's
request for foreign aid funds-funds intended
for military aid to European and Asian allies,
and more important, economic aid to those
These two actions, viewed together, give the
Russians good propaganda. While they an-
nounce cuts in the size of their armed forces
and make a big show of peddling economic and
technical assistance to underdeveloped coun-
tries, we take steps to increase the size of our
strategic air arm and cut down on economic
help to our friends. How does this look to 1)
our allies; 2) the so-called "neutrals"; and 3)
our enemies?
0 THE FIRST, it appears we are more
interested in self armament than economic
and technical development of those areas of the
world where it is so critically needed.
The Asian ally will look at the gleaming
new -52 bomber sitting on an airstrip built
by Americans in his country and wonder how
many tractors and pumps that would have
made to plow and water his fields.
The "'neutral" has been given just that more
reason to questio nthe sincerity of the United
States in our efforts to assure the world that
we are not the warmongers the Russians would
have them believe we are.
How can he be convinced that the United
States is more interested in his economic sta-
bility and political freedom when our Congress
takes actions such as these two?
ND LASTLY, the Congress has provided the
Russians with a ready made propaganda

piece. What is actually the truth in their claim
of demobilization or in the righteousness of
American motives is unimportant here.
What is important is how these facts are
presented, what sort of appearance they make
on the surface of international relations. It is
unfortunate but true that we are judged largely
by the superficialities, by the outward appear-
ance we present to the world.
At the present time, America is not operating
with its best foot forward. That we must keep
our miiltary guard up cannot be denied. ut
our military guard up cannot be denied. But
can we not have a more positive and construct-
ive approach in our dealings with other nations
in this world?
Postal Increase Proposal
Encouraging Indication
IN THIS DAY of ever increasing prices, an
increase in postal rates will probably be
greeted with a moderate groan from lthe
average' consumer as he shoulders one more
financial burden.
The proposal for an increase is encouraging
however .It marks one more effort on the part
of the Eisenhower Admiinstration to put the
government on a balanced and pay-as-it-goes
basis. The Democrats, attacking the measure
by claiming that it is an unfair tax on mail
users, have overlooked the soundness of the
economics of the Administration legislation.
The hard economic facts are that, sooner or
later, services have to be paid for and deficit
financing cannot go on forever.
This step by the federal government, under
Republican leadership, marks another step
away from the financial irresponsibilities of
the New Deal to a sounder and more firm gov-
ernmental economic policy.

RARELY does the House Foreign
Affairs Committee hold an open
meeting. It is one of the most
secretive committees of congress,
and as a result its members speak
freely. They figure that .what they
say will not leak to the press, and
it seldom does.
However, here is what happened
at a recent closed-door meeting
when the secrecy ban was tighter
than ever, because the subject
under discussion was the press.
Democratic Rep. Wayne Hays of
Ohio proposed a novel idea to his
colleagues - to invite columnists
and commentators who deal with
foreign affairs to present their
views before the committee.
0"I have no special columnists or
commentators in mind," declared
Hays. "I would bring in the out-
standing ones who write for the
newspapers or make a specialty of
foreign affairs in radio and tele-
vision programs. This is a field of
opinion the committee hasn't tap-
ped, and it might be well for the
committee to give some thought to
the matter."
COMMITTEE members mention-
ed the names of Walter Lippman
and one or two other commenta-
tors, when someone said:
"How about Drew Pearson? We
couldn't overlook him."
"Well, I don't that would be a
bad idea," Hays replied. "We could
do worse than Drew Pearson. He
has traveled widely and has ideas.
His idea for peace balloons, for
instance, was a very good one and
should have been followed up more
by the government.
"Drew Pearson comes from a
Quaker background, and the Quak-
ers have a long record of advo-
cating peace and better under-
standing between nations."
A * * e
AT THIS point Rep. Walter Judd

(R.-Minn) spoke up rather angri-
"Well, I've got to disagree with
you. I know somethingg about
Pearson's family. The father and
mother and the rest of the family
were sweet people, but I can't say
the same for Drew Pearson.
"He's just a skunk."
"You're just talking like that
because Pearson has been a little
rough on the Republicans," Hays
replied. "He's also been rough on
the Democrats. Remember the
names Harry Truman called him.
Or maybe you're sore because he
has been telling the truth about
the President's health."
Referring to the fact that Judd
has an M.D. degree, Hays contin-
"The trouble with you doctors is
that you can't abide medical opin-
ions from outsiders. Maybe, doc,
now that you are a member of
Congress, you are extending these
prejudices to the political field."
CONGRESSMAN Joel Broyhill of
Virginia is a good Republican who
devoutly hopes Eisenhower will run
again and doesn't want too much
questioning of his health. But in-
advertently he stumbled into the
wrong answers when he questioned
Dr. Donald H. Stubbs of the Blue
Shield Associations before the
House Civil Service Committee
Dr. Stubbs was opposing an
Eisenhower Administration pro-
posal to insure federal employees
against sky-high medical expen-
He cited three typical operations
on persons in their sixties to con-
vince the Congressmen that a fed-
eral employee who has private
Blue Shield protection would lose
financially if the administration
insurance plan is enacted.
"I imagine that. there is one
illustration with which many of

the members of this committee are
familiar," commented Broyhill. I
was wondering why you didn't use
ileitis? We know about that."
* * *
"PERhAPS there has been
enough said about that, Doctor,"
interrupted Rep. H. R, Gross of
Iowa, also a Republican, hoping
to change the subject.
"Well, I won't say anything
about that," replied Dr. Stubbs,
"but I will say that the example
on page seven is an example of an
involved abdominal operation with
"Is there any danger of recur-
rence here?" inquired Congress-
man Broyhill.
"I think that medical literature
is filled with evidence of the like-
lihood of recurrence of almost any
disease in any person over 60, if
he doesn't die from it the first
time," said Dr. Stubbs.
"Thank you for the limitation,
Doctor," murmured Rep. Broyhill,
quickly changing the subject.
* * *
a friendly letter to R. B. McLeaish,
the ousted Farmers Home Admin-
istrator, thanking him for his
"valuable assistance and wishing
him "health and happiness."
Apparently Ike overlooked the
fact that McLeaish was fired for
excessive drinking. He also forgot
the fact that on Sept. 20, 1952,
candidate Eisenhower said in St.
Louis: "From the beginning we
will bring into the government men
and women to whom low public
morals are unthinkable.
Note-McLeaish was hired be-
cause he was a close friend of Ike's
friend, Governor Shivers of Texas,
and retained /in office for two
years even though Secretary of
Agriculture Benson, a strong Mor-
mon, deplores drinking.
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

shoot high and miss wide.
It is difficult to determine just
which characters are supposed to
be proud. Probably Robert Ryan
and Jeffrey Hunter, but their
actions give the lie to the title, and
they come off mostly as just plain
stubborn stupid.
* * ,
THE PLOT, which is well hidden
in a maze of grimaces and flinty
stares, involves trigger - happy
marshall Robert Ryan (he denies
this vehemently, but it's true, after
all) who is determined to keep his
town honest if it costs the lives of
the whole populace,
His job is complicated by the
arrival in town of cattlement and
buyers from Kansas City, who are
rapidly followed by a bustling en-
trepreneur and his crowd of shifty
black-jack dealers and gun-sling-
This last arrival is particularly
perplexing because the entrepre-
neur is the marshall's old enemsis,
Honest John Barrett. Honest John
is very crafty and works the kindly
local businessmen (who have made
a neat pile off the cattle folk) to
his point of view: that the trigger-
happy marshall is trigger-happy,
and ought to be fired.
AND THEN there's Jeff Hunter,
who arrives as a cattle puncher
but who immediately recognizes
the marshall as the man who shot
his father awhile ago (the father
was a crook, by the way-an as-
sociate of Honest John). So Jeff,
presumably from pride, has it in
for Bob.
But the na rapid re-alignment
of power finds Jeff on Bob's side,
and Honest John is given his
come-uppance right between the
Virginia Mayo is present at the
beginning and the end of the pic-
ture. She is a lady who runs a
boarding house and loves themar-
shall, and keeps trying to get him
out of town-no pride at all,
* * *
THERE IS usually one consola-
tion in modern wide-screen wes-
terns-the outdoors. But "The
Proud Ones" hang around the
town all the time and hardly even
look at the scenery.
Only the music is up-to-date:
somebody keeps whistling through
the left stereophonic speaker while
string basses bump from one on
the right.
-Tom Arp
Stocks Again
Show Gain
By The Associated Press
Aircrafts andkchemicals paced
the stock market to its third
straight advance Friday.
Aircrafts took the lead from the
start following the government's
freeze order on critical steel
items, allwoing defense producers
to stock up on materials needed to
insure production as long as poh-
sible during the strike.
Pivotal stocks advanced from
fractions to around $2 generally,
but a few exceptional issues went
beyond this.
Chemicals resumed their rise of
Thursday against a background of
good earning prospects and big
plans for expansion.
The upward trend was fairly
steady during the day but at times
was ruffled by a churning of

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Universty
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial repont-
bility. Notices should be sent In
TYPEWRITTEN from the Room 33553
Administration Building before 2 pn.
the day preceding publication.
General Notices
Late Permission: All women students
who attended the play "Anastasia" on
Thur., July 5, had late permission un "
til 11:05 p.m.
10, 2:00 p.m., Aud, A, Angell Hall, spon-
sored by Department of Music Educe.
tion of the School of Music: "The De-
mocratization of Music Through Science
and Technology", by Delinda Roggen-
sack of Cornell College, Mt. Vernon,
Iowa. Open to the general public.
Foreign Language Lecture: Prof. Er-
nest Haden of the University of Texas
will deliver an illustrated lecture Tues.,
July 10, at 4:10 p.m. In Room 429 Mason
Hail on, "The Study of a Foreign
Language". The public is invited.
ANASTASIA, first play on the Depart-
ment of Speech Summer Playbill will be
be presented at 8 P.M. in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre tonight through
Saturday night.
The recital by Priscilla Bickford,
soprano, previously announced for Mon.
evening, July 9, in Ad. A, Angell all,
has been postponed until Sun, eveng,
July 22.
FACULTY RECITAL: 8:30 Tues. even.
ing, July 10, Rackhanm Lecture Hall,
by Robert Hord, Assistant Professor of
Piano. Schubert's Sonata in A minor,
op. 143, Debussy's Brouillards, La Ter-
rasse des audiences du clair de lune,
Feux d'artifice, and Halsey Stevens
three Preludes for Piano. After inter-
mission Hord will play Sonata in B
minor by Liszt. Open to the general
public wihout charge,
Academic Notices
La Petite Causette; informal French
conversation group, will meet Mon.,
July 9 at 4:00 p.m. in the Snack Ba
of the Michigan Union. A French-
speaking staff member will be present,
and all interested persons are welcome.
Rigler, Psychology; thesis: "Some De-
terminants of Therapist Behavior,
Tues., July 10. 7611 2{aven Hall, at 7:00,
p.m. Chairman E. & Bordin
Placement Notices
DUCTS DIV., Detroit, Mich., has at
opening for a Market Analyst Trainee
with an MBA degree.
N. Y., needs an Industrial Engineer,
stan, is seeking a man between 45 and
55 years of age, with a degree in Mech.,
Elect. or Civil E., with academic dis-
tinction as M.IM.E., M.I.E.E. or M.I.O.
E., and experience in modern methods
of teaching Engrg. subjects.
Farmingdale, N. Y,, needs a Man with
a B.S. in Mech. E. or Metallurgy and
3-5 years experience In Industry and/or
teaching to work as Instructor In Mech.
HARPER HOSPITAL, Detroit, Mich.,
has an opening for a Counsellor for the
School of Nursing.
Harrisburg, Pa, has a position for an
Engineer with a degree in Law or
courses in law school.
COUNTY OF WAYNE, Michigan, an-
nounces exams for Medical Social
Worker I, Social Worker I andMedical
Social Worker Supervisor.
For further Information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., ext. 371.
..A representative from the following
will be at the Engrg. School:
Wed., July "11
B3S. and MS. In Civil Engrg. for De-
sign and Construction.
For appointments contact the Engrg,

Placement Office, 347 W. Engrg., ext.
A representative from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments*
Wed. and Thurs., July 11 & 12
Women fro Officer aCndidate Training.
There is also a summer training pro-
gram open to Sophomore and Junior
Women, and a Platoon Leaders Class
open to Freshmen, Sophomore and
Junior Men.
For appointments contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Admi. Bldg., ext.




Apology for One-Party Plan

Stevenson, Despite Minnesota Loss, Now Leading

Associated Press News Analyst
PRAVDA, chief mouthpiece of the Communist
party, surprises exactly no one with its
pronouncement that the Soviet Union will
never abandon its one-party system.
Apparently in reply to reports that the
Russian people may be given some choice in
electing their governmental representatives, the
newspaper takes 4,000 words to describe and
explain the party's position.
Despite the reiteration of faith in the one-
party system, which sounds just about like it
always has, there is also a sort of apology
for some of the things that have happened
under it.
IT'S ALWAYS provided a higher typ f de-
mocracy than multi-party systems represent-
ing various portions of the class struggle Pravda
asserts. But then it says:

permitted the situation which produced Stalin.
"At one stage a complex international and
domestic situation . . . demanded iron discipline,
tireless vigilance and the strictest centraliza-
tion of leadership."
IN OTHER WORDS, the system was necessary,
but Stalin had no right to turn it into a per-
sonal cult.
Pravda makes it clear that, if there should
be any broadening of the elective base, the
choice' of the people will be held tightly be-
tween two or more identical candidates, all of
whom would act just as the candidates on the
single ticket have acted-with complete sub-
servience to the party leaders.
"The Communist party has been and will be
the only master of minds and thoughts, the'
spokesman, leader and organizer of the people
in their struggle for communism."
11K~n f-VD TT+T A . ..t -i , . . nr rca n'

THERE IS general agreement
among seasoned political cor-
respondents that Gov. Stevenson
has recovered from the setback he
suffered in Minnesota and, barring
accident, is virtually certain to be
nominated. The opposition, which
came from two directions, has
failed to raise an issue against
him and is fading away.
Sen. Kefauver's case was not
based on anything more substan-
tial than a claim that he was a
better vote-getter, and that claim
was refuted in the California pri-
The Harriman candidacy has
fed on the hope that Mr. Truman
would move actively against Ste-
venson. His candidacy has made
no progress. Why? ecause the
Democratic leaders and politicians
in the North and in the South are

dividing and confusing the Demo-
cratic Party.
* * *
THE DEMOCRATS, who are dis-
satisfied with Stevenson have
usually said that as a "moderate"
man he has raised no fighting and
winning issue against Eisenhower.
ehind these complaints there is
the assumption, quite unexamined
I venture to think, that fighting
and winning issues could be raised
by a bold stand on the farm prob-
lem, on labor legislation, on de-
segregation, on national defense,
on foreign policy.
There must be something wrong
about that assumption. For not
only have the Congressional Demo-
crats and Gov. Stevenson failed to
raise such issues, Sen. Kefauver
and Gov. Harriman have done no
better. Sen.Kefauver has promised
a little more and Gov . Harriman
has denounced a little more. But

appear that they have the aim on
a political bull's eye? He has shift-
ed the target, usually to the left,
causing them to miss.
* * *
IS THERE discontent over farm
income? He has vetoed the farm
bill and then conceded so much of
what it promised to the farmers
that it is no longer obvious how
much smaller is the Republican
subsidy that would have been the
Democratic. Is there feeling in the
Northwest about the give-aways
of natural recsources? 'He replaces
Mr. McKay with a Secretary of
the Interior whom the conserva-
tionists like and trust.
Is there complaint about foreign
policy? He lets most of the steam
out of the criticism by recognizing
that in a measure at least it is
valid criticism. The critics are
vindicated. But the opposition is
frustrated, and finds itself lung-

question is can he continue, and if
he cannot, who will replace him.
It is to this question that the
Democratic leaders in Congress
and with them Gov. Stevenson
have addressed themselves. They
have set out to prove to the people
that they can take over responsi-
bility effectively. With Stevenson
and with the Conggress, as proved
by its performance, the Demo-
crats have a formidable alterna-
tive in Eisenhower. They are in
the best possible position to appeal
to the Eisenhower Democrats who,
almost certainly, hold the balance
of power.
* * *
THIS DOES not mean that
Stevenson would be a carbon copy
of Eisenhower. Though they are
not far apart on immediate prob-
lems, such as the farm, the de-
segregation, defense, foreign pol-

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