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Latest Deadline in the State
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VOL. LXVIl, No. 9s
Committee Sets
$4 Billion Limit
Senate-House Conference Agrees
on Foreign Appropriation Ceiling
WAtHINGTON (/)-A Senate-House Conference Committee
agreed yesterday to authorize a ceiling of $4,128,283,370 on foreign aid,
but the House Appropriations Committee in a separate action voted
to hold the appropriation to $3,665,920,000.
. These figures, for the fiscal year which began last Sunday, com-
pare with the 2 billion dollars Congress appropriated last year,
and with about $4,900,000,000 President Dwight D. Eisenhower asked
for the new year.
Foreign aid programs always have to go through two processes.
First comes authorization, in which a ceiling is set. Then comes the
- appropriation of the actual money.
Nixon Tells
Of U.S. Aid
SAIGON, South Viet Nam (-)-
Vice-President Richard M. Nixon
told cheering Vietnamese yester-
day they have the support of the
American people in the fight to
make their young republic strong
and safe from Communist en-
Arriving here from Manila on
an official visit, Nixon brought a
personal message for , President
Dwight D. Eisenhower, saying the
American people greatly admired
Viet Nam's progress toward con-
stitutional government.
President's Message
"I am proud," said the Presi-
dent's message, "that the govern-
.ment and the people of the United
States have been able to contrib-
ute to your successful efforts to
restore 'stability and security to
your country, and to lay a solid
basis for social and economic re-
In an address to the Vietnam-
ese Constituent Assembly, Nixon
declared . that "although your
country is divided, the militant
march of communism has been
halted "
Nixon came here Just two weeks
before the expiration of the dead-
line set by the Geneva conference
for elections to unite Viet Nam,
slit by the Indochina armistice
agreement two years ago.
Refuses To Hold Elections
Diem has refused to hold the
elections on the ground they would
not be free in the Communist
northern half of the country. The
United States has.backed Diem's
"Nixon told the Assembly that
"behind the enlightened leader-
ship of your .President, Viet Nam
for the first time can look for-
ward to achieving her rightful
place among thefree nationsf
the world."
"You may be sure," he added,
"that you will have the warm sup-
port and admiration of the Ameri-
can people."
The Nixons leave today for a
brief visit with President Chiang
Kai-shek at Taipei, Formosa.
Czechs Stop
Plot To Seize
_Prague Station
VIENNA, Austria (P)-Commu-
nist Czechoslovakia disclosed yes-
terd y it swiftly smashed a plot in
1953to seize Prague's 'radio sta-
tion and post office and burn its
largest prison.
The Czech security police finally
r disclosed the story in the July 4
issue of Prace, official newspaper
* of the Czech trade unions. A copy
of the paper reached Vienna yes-
Publication of the story nov
obviously was meant as a warn-
ing against revolts such as the
June 28 bread and freedom up-
rising by workers at Poznan, in
Communist Poland.
The story was represented as a
dramatic example of how the se-
curity police are daily combating
spies, subversives and others trying
to undermine the Communist.
The Prace story gave no date
for the incident, leaving the im-
pression it happened recently.
Czech police and the editor of
Prace, who talked by telephone
with The Associated Press in Vien-
na, said the revolt broke in 1953
and was hushed up. Prace's editor
said, "We only now received this
Votes for Ceiling
In the authorization procedure,
the House voted for a ceiling of
$3,800,000,000. President Eisenhow-
er and other administration leaders
protested this was dangerously
low, and their efforts were a factor
in a Senate voting for a ceiling of
The Senate-House Conference
Committee then was named to
reconcile these two ceilings. Sen-
ator Walter George (D-Ga) an-
nounced yesterday that a com-
promise authorization had been
reached at $4,128,283,370.
Sen. George said the Conference
Committee still had some work to
do on language changes, but "we
split almost down the middle on
all money items."
When the committee makes its
final report, the legislation will
go back to the Senate and House
for final action.
House To Act
In the appropriations side of the
process, the bill voted yesterday by
the House Appropriations Commit-
tee is due to be actednon by the
House Monday.
The Appropriations Committee
figured President Eisenhower's
money request total at $5,071,875,-
000, made up of $4,859,975,000 in
new money and $211,900,000 in re-
appropriation of carried over
It figured its reduction from the
total asked at 28 per cent, or
$1,405,955,000. It said the cut would
not handicap aid programs, since
it said there is still $6,870,000,000
in previously appropriated money
which has not been spent..
The committee also noted that
its new bill is 900 million dollars
higher than last year's appropria-
The administration says it needs
bigger appropriations to maintain
aid shipments at a steady rate,
and to keep the pipeline flowing
to friendly nations which need help
in the face of Russian designs
against the non-Communist world.
Pick Jenner
As Candidate
CHICAGO (A')-A move to put
the name of Senator William E.
Jenner (R-Ind) on the Nov. 6
Illinois ballot as an independent
presidential candidate was started
The third party effort, launched
by a group named the Independ-
ent Elector Plan of Illinois, had
Senator Harry F. Byrd (D-Va) as
vice-presidential candidate.
Petitions were distributed in the
Hamilton Hotel, in Chicago's Loop,
as a session in which Mrs. Marion
R. Cleveland of Chicago, execu-
tive director of the group, discuss-
ed its aims.
Mrs. Cleveland, an unsuccessful
candidate in the Illinois primary
for a Republican congressional
nomination, said the plan is to
foster a slate of 27 elector candi-
dates in cooperation with For
America, a national group of con-
"This time," Mrs. Cleveland
said, "all conservatives will have
a chance to vote for a presidential
candidate to their liking, instead
of taking the lesser of two evils,
as has been the case in the last
24 years."
LT 'U'usic School
To Present Series
A .series of lectures and demon-
strations sponsored by the De-
partment of Music Education,
School of Music will begin at 3:00
p.M. Tuesday in Aud. A, Angell
GM Faces
Accused of Monopoly
Of Bus Manufacture
DETROIT (A )-The huge Gen-
eral Motors Corp. was accused of
illegally monopolizing the manu-
facture and sale of buses in an
antitrust suit filed by the Justice
Department in U.S. District Court
The department also charged
GM with conspiring with four
large bus-operating companies to
maintain the alleged monopoly.
It asked the court to enjoin GM
from selling more than 50 per cent
of the annual bus requirements of
the four"firms.
GM President Harlow H. Curtice
denied the government claims. He
declared in a statement that the
corporation "has no financial in-
terest in any manufacturer or op-
erator of buses" and "no require-
ments contracts with any bus op-
He also said GM "engages in
no discrimination as regards prices,
terms and conditions in the sale
of its buses."
The government complaint
charged that GM turned out at
least 65 per cent of all new buses
delivered in the United States and
last year sold 2,724 buses, or 84.3
per cent .of the total grossing 55
million dollars.
The Justice Department asked
that GM be enjoined from selling
more than 50 per cent of the an-
nual bus requirements of the oper-
ating companies named in the suit
as co-conspirators, but not de-
ferdants. They are the Hertz Corp.,
New York; Greyhound Corp., Chi-
cago; National City Lines, Inc.,
Chicago, and Public Service Co-
ark, N.J.-
WESTBURY, N. Y. W) - The
father of month-old Peter Wein-
berger said yesterday the baby's
kidnapper telephoned him the
child is alive and well.
In turn, the father pledged the
$2,000 ransom demand.
"Am ready to meet your de-
mand, awaiting your call," Mor-
ris Weinberger told the telephone
caller, whom he accepted as the
The father said the voice on the
phone was male and that some-
thing in the conversation-he
would not reveal what-led him to
believe the man was phoning from
The caller said he would watch
the afternoon newspapers for con-
firmation of the phone remarks
and for Weinberger's attitude to-
ward the ransom. He also said he
would listen to an 11 p.m. network
television news broadcast.
Weinberger was understandably
close-mouthed about the call.
There are reports he wants police
to withdraw and give him chance
to deal with the kidnaper in an
effort to spare the life of his
youngest son, who was 34 days old
Nassau County police have in-
dicated they will not interfere with
any private attempt to retrieve
the baby. The child has been
missing since the kidnaper snatch-
ed him from his carriage on the
patio of the Weinberger home in
midafternoon of July 4.
Weinberger said he received the
telephone call at 9:40 a.m.I
o LI
Ike Speaks
To Friends{
On Future
GETIYSBURG, Pa. (P)-President
Dwight D. Eisenhower discussed
his political future with trusted
confidents yesterday,
T h e predominant impression
around the temporary White House
was that he still is running for a
second term.
Almost four weeks to the day
since a major intestinal operation
cast new shadows on his inten-
tions, President Eisenhower talked
politics yesterday with presidential
assistant Sherman Adams and
press secretary James C. Hagerty.
Decision Secret
Any definite decision, if there
was one, was a secret locked up
tightly among this trio.
But Hagerty came away from
his talk with the President in bub-
bling good humor, wearing a
Cheshire cat grin, and eager to
volunteer to newsmen that he had
been chatting with the boss about
"both personal politics and gener-
al politics."
"You weren't disappointed in
the nature of your discussion?" a
reporter inquired.
"No," Hagerty said, "we talked
Did the President say whether
he would run again?
"I am not going to say," Hagerty
If President Eisenhower had said
he wouldn't keep his hat in the
ring would Hagerty be grinning
the way he was?
"I might have been grinning
one way or the other," he an-
swered-still grinning.
Happy Either Way
Later on, Hagerty remarked
that "I'd be happy if he was going
to stay in the White House and
I'd be happy if he was going to
leave the White House."
One White House correspondent
polled a dozen of his colleagues
after Hagerty's news conference
and said they believed 11-1 that
President Eisenhower still is run-
Hagerty himself fended off all
efforts to draw him out on that
point. If the President hadin-
formed him of a decision, he said,
he wouldn't even tell newsmen
that, much less what it was.
As to when there might be some
announcement as a result of the
political conversations, Hagerty
merely repeated, "I wouldn't know.
I wouldn't know."
Can't Locate
Crashed Plane
NEW YORK (P) - The Navy
abandoned hope yesterday of lo-
cating the wreckage. of the Vene-
zuelan air liner which crashed into
the Atlantic Ocean June 20 with
74 persons.
Searchers theorize that the
plane, engulfed by flames and
shattered by explosions, had dis-
Drink Up!
PHOENIX, Ariz. (A)-Offi-
cials at radio station KRUX
mopped their brows yesterday--
but not from the city's 100-plus
heat or humidity.
The station's seven disc
jockeys opened their programs
Tuesday and Wednesday sing-
ing Christmas carols for victims
of traffic accidents "who won't
be around in December to hear
They promised a soft drink to
everyone in Arizona if the State
got through July 4 without a
traffic fatality. None were re-
F irst Class
Postal Rates
*o Increase
yesterday passed a bill raising
postal rates a total of $430,100,100
a year.
The bill would raise the cost of
mailing a first class letter from
three to four cents.
The vote was 217-165.
The measure now goes to the
Senate, where it faces an uncer-
tain future in the waning days of
this session of Congress.
Opposed by a majority of House
Democrats, the bill was supported
solidly by Republicans and some
Southern Democrats. The vote
represented a victory for Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower and
his administration.
Since 1953, the administration
has sought rate increases from
Congress sufficient to offset an an-
nual post office deficit running up
to half a billion dollars, and to
put the postal service on a bal-
anced operating budget.
Democrats centered their fire
on the increase in first class mail-
ing rates.
This increase, representing $295,-
700,000 of the total annual revenue
increase, was branded unfair by
Democratic critics and described
as a "33 !3 per cent tax" on or-
dinary mail users.
GOP Enlists
Farmers' Aid
DENVER () - Dan Thornton,
former Colorado governor, hopes
to enlist 1,000 active farmers and
ranchers to carry the GOP agri-
culture county message to voters in
every farm county in the nation
next fall, he said yesterday.
The campaign, Thornton said in
an interview, will begin in the Mid-
west farm states and will spread
to all other agricultural regions
of the nation in September and
The Coloradoan, a stockman in
private life, disclosed the plans as
he prepared to leave for Chicago
tomorrow to open a headquarters
for the organization. It will be
located at 105 W. Madison Ave. in
the Real Estate Board Bldg.
No School Aid Reflects
On All Parties: Slosson
The House of Representative's failure to pass federal aid to
schools is a grave reflection on both political parties, Prof. Preston
W. Slosson of the history department said yesterday.
"Although I believe in school integration", he commented, "it
would have been better to pass the school aid bill without the
clause for integration, so at least we would have aid.
"And it looks as though the result is no aid".
White Against Powell
Agreeing basically with Prof. Slosson was Prof. John P. White
of political science department. He remarked the interesting thing
Abmut thw gill was that _as widel
a,,,.,t. V e 0111 ws'r a mp '" W1 ,J V
predicted, the tacked-on Powell
amendment for integrated schools
caused defeat, because Republi-
cans against federal aid voted for
the amendment, knowing demo-
crats would split over it.
"This was a poor piece of politi-
cal strategy on the part of Clay-
ton Powell, I think. Powell must
have known his amendment would
fail. For what he considers a prin-
ciple, he sacrificed better educa-
tion-political stupidity.
Quarles For Powell
Direct oppostiion to P r o f.
White's beliefs about Powell's
Amendment came from Prof. Ben-
jamin Quarles, visiting professor in
history from Morgan State Uni-
He said the amendment should
go along with a federal aid bill
"because if we are going to have
the government helping schools,
we'd get less for federal money by
having segregated schools. The
Powell Amendment is sound for
the standpoint of constitutionality
and using federal money, since
dual school systems are more
From the education department,
Prof. Howard Jones offered opin-
ionc opposing Prof. Quarles'.
Jones Opposes Powell
He felt there is adequate re-
course through courts for desegre-
gation-"If we attach something
like the Powell Amendment to
school aid, particularly for build-'
ings, not curriculum, we'll be at-
taching it to hospital bills, road
bills, and so on. The Supreme
Court asked for orderly procedure
in desegregation and it's better to
keep Powell's amendment out of
the legislature".
Prof. James W. Downer of the
English department s a i d he
thought there were "some political
shenanigans in attaching that
"With certain areas federal aid
is inevitable", Prof Downer added.
"Perhaps we in prosperous Michi-
gan don't realize this, but many
other states do need federal aid of
some sort and can't pay for schools
from their own pockets".
Fulbri iht Awards
ANN ARBOR 0P)-Two Univer-
sity faculty members- have been
awarded grants under the Ful-
bright act to lecture abroad.
They are Watson Dickerman, as-
sociate professor of education, and
Henry L. retton, Assistant Profes-
sor of political science.
Adlai Talks
To Farmers
In Midwest'
OMAHA (' - Adlai Stevenson
said yesterday the main theme of
his rural swing through Midwest
corn, hog and cattle country was
to sound out farmer opinion on his
thoughts as to a "genuine soil
conservation program"
The candidate for the Democrat-
ic presidential nomination spent
most of the day with his sleeves
rolled up and shirt collar unbut-
toned as he talked to farmers,
store keepers and agricultural sta-
bilization and conservation office
When his travels were over he
told reporters his plan for a "gen-
uine soil conservation program"
was on* providing increased in-
ducements for putting land into
soil-building crops. He said that
he felte doing this would reduce
production of cash crops and
'change the emphasis from allot-
ments and production controls to
increasing the acrege of roage
Then, he commented, the law of
supply and demand could be al-
lowed to operate for cash crops.
Stevenson emphasized that the
entire farm problem requires a
"variety of programs" to reach a
solution and that his conservation
ideas were only a part of what
would be needed.
Drouth condition, he comment-
ed, appeared to him to be worse
in southern Iowa than in the parts
of Missouri and Nebraska that he
World News
By The Associated Press
BONN ,Saturday-The Bunde-
stag early today approved a bill
to draft West German youths for
the new armed forces.
SAN CARLOS, Calif-Eighty-
three women fliers in 49 planes
will take off from San Mateo
County Airport today for Bishop
Airport at Flint, 2,366 miles away,
in the ninth annual transconti-
nental air race for women only,
known as the Powder Puff Derby.
Appropriations Committee recom-
mended yesterday a supplemental
appropriation of $4,858,00 for
construction at Bakalar Air Base
at Columbus, Ind.
The committee also recommend-
**~ *
edap roprati n e 40s0cn
Har yo, the as oIntdianrps -
partment yesterday granted a lim- I
ited passport to playwright Arthur
It means he can take a s. ro-
pean honeymoon with actress
Marilyn Monroe who became his
bride last week.
Appropri. an o+-myn.-e.recom- w
Hasn't Given
Up Hope Yet
President Claimss
Powell Amendment
Should Be Separate
WASHINGTON (P - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower hasn't given
up hope for school aid legislation
at this session of Congress.
This was made known to report-
era yesterday by presidential pres
secretary James C. Hagerty as
post-mortem recriminations con1-
tinued over defeat of such a mas-.
ure in the House Thursday by a
224-154 vote.
Hagerty said in' Gettysburg there
will be "continued expressions of
the President's hope that Congress
will act on the school bill, through
conversations with leaders, or word
relayed to our legislative repr-
No TV Appeal
Hagerty said he knows of no
plan for President Eisenhower to
make a television appeal for school
aid legislation.
As to whether President isen-
hower would want the bill in the
form in which the House rejected
it, Hagerty said: "We're interested
in school rooms."
Hagerty also was asked whether
President Eisenhower would want
the bill "with or without the Pow-
ell amendment" Hagerty replied
that the President had expressed
himself many times and "thinks
they should be separate."
Before rejecting the school bill
the House nailed on an antisegre-
gation amendment by Rep. Adam
Powell (D-NY). It would require
states to "comply' with decisions
of the Supreme Court" to be elig-
ible for federal funds.
Who To Blame?
Republicans and Democrats tried
to fix the blame on each other for
House rejection of a $1,600,000,000
federal aid construction program.
AdWa Stevenson, candidate for
the Democratic presidential nomi-
nation, was among those getting
into the act.
"Republicans must take the re-
sponsibility," Stevenson said in a
statement. "Our 'children's edua-
tion, and therefore the future of
the country, suffered a serious
blow yesterday with the defeat of
the school bill."
Stevenson added:
"Evidently a crisis already des-
perate must get still worse before
we do anything about it."
Strike Enters
Second Week;
Miners Idled
PITTSBURGH W)---The nation-
wide steel strike drifted yesterday
toward the end of its first week,
leaving in its wake a loss of near-
ly two million tons of steel and
workers in allied industries.
Anid by next Tuesday the steel
strike will hit the coal industry a
staggering blow. That marks the
end of the miner's annual 10-day
vacation. The captive mines, those
owned by steel companies, will be
the first to feel the pinch.
United States Steel Corp., the
world's largest steel producer, an-
nounced yesterday all its coal
mines in western Pennsylvania,
with the exception of Robena, and
those in West Virginia and Ken-
tucky, will not reopen next Tues-
How many captive miners will
be idled next week is problemati-
cal, but one source said the num-
ber may reach an estimated 30,-
There was no sign of an early
break in the stalemated contract
dispute. Both sides expressed will-
ingness to resume bargaining but
neither showed any desire to take
the initiative in reviving meetings.
It seemed possible that both the
Museums, Libraries Feature Exhibits
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