Jhr Sie14tjan Daig
Sixty-Sixth Year
"You Think This Is Real 4th-Of-July Stuff?"
Wh~en Upalnnsre Free.
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily expre ss the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Finney and Mozart
.Given Fine Delivery
THE STANLEY QUARTET last night was in top form and delivered
a fine concert; the weather, mercifully cool for summer, and the
congenial compositions both providing optimum conditions.
It was not easy to take the Stanley Quartet for granted. Frequent-
ly in their performances, the old items in the classical reportoire,
under their alchemy, take on a surprisingly different guise and acquire
a new and refreshing aspect.
Even though for such item, one may prefer the interpretation
of some other chamber group, the efforts of the Stanley Quartet,
always carefully prepared and consistently thought through, hold
their own worth and validity in their directness, vigor and en-
Smoothness, or complacent mellifluousness (which one some-
times notices in as auguastan organization as the Budapest Quartet)
North Can' t Afford
Race Hatred Peddlers
ONE OF THE MOST vivid scenes in our
memory is that of standing behind the
banisters of a secluded porch in a small
Southern town, and looking out across the lawn
at a mob of men parading down the street.
We were young and innocent then, with a
deep and abiding faith in Tim McCoy and
Santa Clause. And this crowd of about three
hundred masked men, robed in white and
marching silently down the street, was the
first view we ever had of the Ku Klux Klan.
.We have never forgotten it. And we still
remember the words of our grandmother as she
came out on the porch, took us by the arm, and
led us into the house. "Natural fear is one
thing," she said, pausing at the door and taking
one last look at the now disappearing, masked
figures, "but cowardice is quite another -
something that men bring upon themselves."
We hadn't thought too much about this since
we came to Michigan, stored of whiskey jugs
away in a damp, Ann Arbor hovel, and started
wearing shoes. Not until the other day, that is,
when we came across some illumniating arti-
cles on Ace Carter, written by Bud Goodman,
and published in the Detroit Free Press.
ACE CARTER, according to Mr. Goodman, is
bringing his program of race hatred North-
ward. Goodman further states that the Carter
forces, "through subterfuge," have already
rented office space in Dearborn.
If Michigan must play host to Carter and his
ilk, then Dearborn does seem to be the logical
place to start. There isn't any Negro segrega-
tion in Dearborn. There doesn't need to be.
No Negroes live there.
Dearborn-in 1rinciple, at least-is a more
impressive monument to the theory of white
supremacy than the cities of Richmond, At-
lanta and Montgomery combined. It is an ideal
place for a creature such as Ace Carter to
establish a regional office; a headquarters for
hate peddling, race-baiting and human dema-
gogery. Dearborn, as a matter of fact, may
even become known as the home office of the
White Citizen's councils of the world.
It is not our purpose here to say, "We told
you so." Prejudice, like dandruff, houseflies
and broken dreams, is to be found in most of
the nooks and crannies of the world.
BUT TO THE good people of Michigan, who
for so long- have sneered so delightfully at
the South, we have only one thing to say
regarding Ace Carter and his hoodlums, and
that is this: You all had better clean your own
back yard before its gets littered. For once it
becomes contaminated with Ace Carter and his
kind, you won't be able to clean it at all.
There is enough hatred in this world already
without engaging professionals to peddle the
stuff. Too many constructive things remain
to be done for time to be wasted in merely
reacceuntating the negative.
The white man, for one thing, could again
search his conscience with the reflective mirror
of his mind. He might try comparing the
color of his skin with the "whiteness" of a cigar-
ette paper. Or even take a moment to reflect
that prejudice is not lessened by the facilities
of education. There is as much prejudice in
the college-trained groups as among the factory
workers and retail clerks.
The Negro, for another, might take the
trouble to realize that he is not a completely
innocent victim of his own predicament. Upper-
class Negroes are not famous for displaying
either tolerance toward-or an understanding
of-their less fortunate Negro brother. And, in
the final analysis, it is no less a sin for the
Negro to hate the white man, than for the
white man to hate the Negro.
] TAKES two people to achieve a mutuality.
and both must give.
There are many moral and social factors
involved in the sphere of inter-racial relations.
Characters like Ace Smith make a living by
contorting these factors so far out of focus
that they produce, at best, only disgust and
hostility. The only real hope for a mutuality
of divergent peoples is more-many, many
more-understanding minds and educated
But, moral and social issues aside, there is
the ever-present element of simple 'human sur-
vival. And we are saying to the people of
Michigan that Ace Smith, the hate-monger
from Alabama, is something that the metro-
politan cities of the North cannot afford. He is
not only a potential threat to cities like Detroit
and Chicago. He is a living danger.
There are too many large Negro settlements
in the Northern urban centers to ever run the
risk of allowing Ace Smith to ignite the tinder
box. Trouble at the Belle Isle bridge can still
be remembered. And rumblings on Chicago's
South side have, for over a year now, been a
Those that don't want to use their heads or
hearts might remind themselves that the tac-
tics of Ace Carter threaten their own scalps.
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At Concord and Lexington
is not one of the characterisitics
of this group. Always, their music
is honestly and deeply felt.
THERE WERE two Mozart com-
positions on the program: the
Quartet in C Major (K. 465) and
the Clarinet Quintet (K. 581).
Neither compositions need describ-
ing; for they are familiar and uni-
versally admired.
The Quartet which opened the
program was given a rough be-
ginning; but the organization soon
warned up and finished in good
form. The minuetto (both in this
and in the Quintet) seemed breezy
and rapid.
The first performance of a
Quartet (Number 7, 1955) by the
university's resident composer
Ross Lee Finney was given before
the intermission. This is a smallish
and brief work in two movements,
characterized by a muscular, en-
ergetic propulsiveness. It is fairly
well knit and attention holding.
Both in idiom and in the string
writing, however, it seemed to be
some kind of an analogue of
Bartok, from the opening pizzicato
note accompained by the bowed
cello, to the sliding technique on
the strings, as well as much of the
thematic material. The first half
(the Capriccio portion) of the sec-
ond movement seemed wonder-
fully attractive: but it all seemed
familiar after Bartok.
Our men played this number
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-A buoyant stock
market Tuesday rebounded from
Monday's loss and steel issues
more than wiped out the declines
resulting from the initial reaction
to the strike. -
Leading issues stepped ahead
from $1 to $3 in the sluggish type
of trading that has marked recent
sessions. The imminence of the
Independence Day holiday did not
slow trading exceptionally.
Brokers said a decision by top
mobilization officials that the
serious as yet because of the steel
strike helped bolster confidence.
The market was slightly higher
and slow from the start. Prices
built up gradually and there was
some pickup in volume. Price lev-
els were about at their best near
the close.
Volume totaled 1,840,000 shares
compared with 1,610,000 Monday.
The Associated Press average
of 60 stocks rose 70 cents to $182.90
with the industrial component up
$1.80, the rails down 50 cents and
the utilities up 30 cents.
DUCKS WADDLE on the bank
of the Concord River uncon-
cerned that they are in the shad-
ow of the bridge "where once em-
battled farmers stood and fired
the shot heard round the world,"
but they don't seem concerned
about it. Tourists, more concerned,
snap pictures. They point cam-
eras up the rolling hill from which
500 farmers armed with pitchforks
and squirrel rifles came down to
the bridge to turn back British
red coats,
A lady from Iowa tells her 7-
year old that it was here that the
independence movement began in
April 1776, how it swept down to
Philadelphia, how Thomas Jeffer-
son drafted the Declaration of In-
dependence in July, how a little
group of patriots signed it on July
4, how, understandably, they
didn't have the courage to pro-
claim it or ring the Liberty Bell
until four days later.
Across the field from the bridge
a guide takes a group through
the Old Manse, home of Nathaniel
Hawthorne and the family of
Ralph Waldo Emerson. Around it
once revolved a cult of strong
thinkers, individualistic thinkers--
Henry D. Thoreau, Amos Bronson
Alcott, the "Concord Summer
School of Philosophy and Litera-
Joe McCarthy would have called
it a Communist cell, and the Min-
ute Women of Texas and Cali-
fornia today would have been
shocked at the revolutionary ideas
of the Minute Men who defended
the bridge at Concord. Even Thom-
as Jefferson, who (after the Revo-
lution) wrote "The tree of liberty
must be watered by a little blood"
might have been jailed today for
proposing overthrow of govern-
ment by force.
* , *
CHILDREN PLAY in the late
afternoon on the green at Lexing-
ton. It's a beautiful green-green-
er, neater no doubt than when
Captain Parker ordered his min-
ute men: "Stand your ground,
don't fire unless fired upon, but
if they mean to have war let it
begin here." Around that green,
the suburbs of Boston, reaching
out for more elbow-room, more
air, more freedom from gasoline
fumes, has taken over.
Paul Revere, if he made the
brief ride from Boston today,
would have got tied up in traffic
jams. His horse's hooves might not
have survived the punishment of
concrete pavements.
Actually Revere never did get to
Concord. He stopped first at Lex-
ington where he had the dickens
of a time waking up Samuel Ad-
ams and John Hancock, famous
later as the first man to sign the
Declaration of Independence in
Philadelphia. They wanted to
sleep and when Revere headed for
Concord, the British caught him.
They also caught Rufus Dawes,
ancestor of Coolidge's Vice Presi-
dent, Charley Dawes, The only
man who sneaked through was
Sam Prescott, who had a late date
with a girl in Lexington and man-
aged to ride the backroads seven
miles to Concord to warn that
the British were coming.
* * *
RIDING over the smooth,
crowded highways outside Boston
today you can't help comparing
the type of war fought then and
war fought today. Captain Parker
lost eleven men at Lexington. It
was a great historical battle, the
beginning of a war. But only elev-
en men were killed.
Today if war came to the sub-
urbs of Boston, one hydrogen
bomb would wipe out, maim or
contaminate 1,500,000. For days
afterward no one could live in the
vicinity. Not eleven men, but 1,-
500,000, that's what war means to-
"Several hundred million people,"
including many American allies in
-Europe would be killed, testified
Lt. Gen. James M. Gavin, if hy-
drogen war broke out between the
United States and Russia.
(Copyright 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
e.^l ..
Welcome Vice-President Stirton
with great aplomb. The tone of
the organization seems best suit-
ed for compositions in this vein
This quality is difficultto describe.
Biting is not the word. Perhaps
acrid best describes it; and this
quality, frequently present in the
violins, gives even Mozart a
rigorous, contemporary quality,
* * *
played in fine spirit, with Mr.
Luconi, Assistant Professor of
clarinet, playing in lovely tone and
careful phrasing. This was both
Mozart and the evening at their
No one should miss the next
concert which includes the won-
derful Divertimento Trio (K 563),
as well as another Mozart Quartet.
--A. Tsugawa
SECRETARY of Defense Wilson
-under fire recently because
he said "phony" in connection
with efforts to hike the defense
appropriation; because of his order
(reversed by the President) that
Pentagon officers wear civilian
clothes; and because Defense so
curity agents invaded Senator Leh.
man's office looking for hidden
microphones-denied last week he
intended to resign: "The price of
progress is trouble, and I must be
making a lot of progress."
--New York Times
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Universty
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN from the Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication
General Notices
The General Library and all Division.
al Libraries will be closed Wednesday,
July 4, a University holiday.
Le Cercle Francais: The weekly meet-
ing of the Cercle Francais will be held
Thursday, July 5, in the Michigan
League. All persons interested are wel-
come. Professor Paul Spurlin will give
an illustrated talk on "Grenoble et se
Dr. F.H.C. Crick of Cambridge Uni-
versity will lecture on "The Structure
of Fibrous Proteins" Thursday, July 5,
4:00 P.M., Auditorium C. Angell Hall.
ANASTASIA, first play on the Depart-
ment of Speech Summer Playbill will be
be presented at 8 P./L in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre tonight through
Saturday night.
Academic Notices
Preliminary Examinations in English:
Applicants for the Pr.D. in English who
expect to take the preliminary examina-
tions this summertare requested to
leave their names with Dr. Ogden, 1634
Haven Hall. The "old style" examina-
tions will be given as follows: English
Literature from the Beginnings to 1550,
Tuesday, July 10; English Literature,
1550-1750, Saturday, July 14; English
Literature 1750-1950, Tuesday, July 17;
and American Literature, Saturday
July 21. The "new style" examination
will be given as follows: Tuesday, July
10; 1660-1780 aSturday, July 14; 1780-
1870, Tuesday, July 17; and 1870-195,
Saturday, July 21. The examinations
will be given in the School of Business
Administration Building, Room 76, from
9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
CARILLON RECITAL, 7:15 this even-
ing by Percival Price, University Caril-
lonneur, perform ing his own compo-
sitions: Sonataefor 23 Bells, Fugue,
Sonata for 35 Bells.
Placement Notices
CITY OF ROYAL OAK, Michigan is
interested in obtaining applicants with
specialization in sanitation or allied
fields for the position of Municipal
Sanitatian. The man would assist the
Public Health Officer.
(farm milling) Detroit, Mich., has an
opening for a Salesman to work as Sales
Correspondent with the possibility of
becoming a Sales Supervisor.
SERVICE announces examinations for
men and women to do Motion Picture
WILLIAM E. STIRTON, the University's
fourth vice-president, began work Monday.
Appointed by the Board of Regents in March,
Stirton will perform liason work with the
capitol in Lansing and ease the work load of
Vice-President Marvin Niehuss.
A former vice-president at Wayne Uni-
versity, Stirton shoulder help promote the close
cooperation between the University and Wayne
that in the past has proved academically and
politically beneficial to both schools.
The appointment is evidence of University
attempts to insure controlled expansion rather
than chaotic growth.
Stirton joins an able trio of University vice-
presidents. His Job is an important one-good
relations with the State Legislature, handled
admirably by Vice-President Niehuss, have
been a key factor in University appropriations
in the past. We are confident Stirton will gain
the respect and confidence of the legislators as
Vice-President Niehuss has.
With the opening of North Campus, the im-
inense capitol outlay program and the con-
sideration of branch schools and campus popu-
lations of 40,000, the University may truly
be said, to be entering a new era.
As a key figure in the administration, Vice-
President Stirton will have ample opportunity
to guide the University and help chart its course
over what promises to be important and diffi-
cult years.
To the new vice-president we extend a
cordial welcome and express our confidence in
his ability to join the executive officers in
leading the University forward.
Presidency Needs the President
Complexities on Cyprus
THE SITUATION on Cyprus appears this
week to have reached an effective stalemate
-but not entirely, as public opinion would have
it, because of British bungling.
The newest stumbling block to a peaceful
Cypriot settlement was revealed yesterday at
the conclusion of secret talks between British
and Turkish officials. Britain had made the
proposal that Cyprus eventually be permitted
self-determination after certain conditions had
been established. The island would have to
restore law and order, undergo a ten year trial
period of constitutional rule, and providq full
guarantee for the protection of the Turkish
President Menderes of Turkey replied to these
peace overtures with an unqualified no. Thus
the situation regarding the Mediterranean is-
land remains at an impasse. But this latest
negative development .contains two positive
aspects. The first is that the Turkish action
will serve to underline the fact that the answer
to the Cyprus problem is not the simple one
that the British should just abandon the island.
What had seemed before to be a simple
triangle situation between Greece, Cyprus, and
the Unitetd Kingdom is now revealed to have
an even more intractable fourth contender--
THIS BRINGS to the fore the complexity of
the problem. Turkey, in her refusal of the
British proposed compromise, maintained that
she would regard any attempt at self-determi-
nation as a violation of the 1923 Lausanne
Treaty. According to this treaty, signed by
both Greece and Turkey, Cyprus was placed
under permanent British rule while Greece
gained Western Thrace. It is conceivable that
Turkey will reclaim Thrace if an unfavorable
Cyprus settlement were effected.
The Turks, insisting on equal rights for the
100,000 Turkish minority, claim that this can
be possible only under British control. They
are in a position to make this claim heard as
Turkey is the Jey participant in the Middle-
East Defense Pact as well as being a member
of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It
is in connection with the latter that the
Cypriot problem is of vital concern to the
United States, as Greece also is a member of
NATO and Cyprus is in a vital strategic position
for the defense of the Mediterranean.
AN ALREADY sufficiently complicated situ-
ation was not aided in the past months by
the inefficient and myopic British attempts
to crush terrorist demands for union with
Greece.. As has been amply demonstrated in
North Africa force and cruelty do not suppress
national resistance. However, London ap-
peared to have attempted positive action in
+t , .. d .. . .. - -
(Ed. note: The following article is
reprinted from The New York Times)
PRESIDENT Eisenhower came
out of the hospital today, three
weeks after his operation, and
will now spend "at least two weeks"
resting at his Gettysburg farm.
This can be a useful period, for
he has come out into a different
world, and there has never been a
time since he came into the White
House when a fortnight of rest and
quiet thought could be for profit-
The Communist world is involved
in a momentous argument about
the past. Its new leaders are be-
ing attacked by the Communist
party chiefs inthe Western world.
There is rioting in Poland, and
party strife among the comrades
in Italy, France, and elsewhere.
The Allied world, meanwhile, has
its own serious problems. The de-
cline in British and French au-
thority in their overseas territories
continues. The French Govern-
ment is weak and the French
permanent Foreign Service is em-
broiled in a divisive shuffle.
The authority of Adenauer is
slipping away fast in Germany,
and the ritish, lackingg the imagi-
native leadership of Churchill, are
faced with critical losses of valu-
able oil and rubber resources in
the Middle East and south Asia.
sides of the political aisle is that
the United States is marking time
in a period of great change and
If the President will read the
testimony of only those men who
have been the stanchest supporters
of his foreign policy in the past,
he will find that they are going
along this time, not because they
believe in the Administration's
programs, but because they do not
have a satisfactory answer of their
* * *
HERE IS the chairman of the
Foreign Relations Committee,
Senator Walter F. George, plead-
ing with his colleagues not to
return in their frustrations to the
doctrine of isolation, begging the
Senate, in a heart-rendering fare-
well, not to let down the boys (in-
cluding his own son), "who have
died in nearly all lands and have
been swallowed up by the blue
waters of nearly all oceans."
Here is Senator Ralph E. Flan-
ders of Vermont pleading for a
revision of our German policy, and
here is Senator Theodore Francis
Green of Rhode Island appealing
for steady action rather than ex-
"In the words of the nursery
rhyme," says Mr. Green, "it isn't
the whistle that pulls the train.'
We cannot rock along in the same
old fashion relying on slogans and
SECRETARY of State Dulles
takes a highly optimistic view of
the split in the Communist world
and announces his views before
others who disagree with him can
have their say in the National
Security Council.
Gen. James M. Gavin tells the
Armed Services Committee of the
Senate that an all-out nuclear at-
tack by the United States on the
Soviet Union would kill several
hundred million people, and that
they would die in Russia or West-
ern Europe, depending on which
way the wind were blowing. But
Secretary of Defense Wilson, who
is Gavin's boss, deplores such
statements as "exagerated" and
fears that they will complicate Mr.
Dulles' problems.
There are some bright angles to
the picture. The President is out
of the hospital, walking slowly
and looking thin, but on his way to
recovery. The Senate, for all its
doubts, has tried to restore some
of the cuts made by the House in
the foreign-aid bill, and nothing
has happened that need limit seri-
ously the President's freedom of
action in the foreign field.
ter the President now to announce
his political intentions, and the
Gettysburg routine of last autumn
will be repeated, but this need not
hasa. ,t--i a nnrin na i nthi
to the
Letters to the Editor must be signed
and limited to 300 words. The Daily
reserves the right to edit or with-
hold any letter.
Driving Fee ***
To the Editor
IN REGARD to the article con-
cerning my opinions on the
driving problem and registration
fee I feel that serious misrepresen-
tation has been effected. The ar-
ticle states, "The two graduate
students said they are against the
driving ban in general but object
particularly to the registration
f ee",
Actually I am not against the
driving ban as it has existed in the
past. What I did say was the rath-
er than see a majority of persons
paying a fee of $4 - $7 to keep a
much smaller minority of persons
from driving I would rather see
the driving ban lifted entirely.
It is of course obvious that an
acute driving and parking prob-
lem exists in the campus area, but
I cannot see how the registra-
tion fee proposal will effectively
alleviate this condition since the
great majority of people who wish
and are able to drive will be able
to do so. A responsible solution is
needed but the registration fee is
not it.
-Howard Wolowitz, Grad.