Braves Nip Pirates, 4-3, in 1nnings
1CC Links
hOpen Won
In Playoff
LANSING ()-Bob Zimmerman,
17, a Jackson youth who settled
for second place the past two
years, today won the Michigan
Jaycee Junior Golf Championship
as the top six players ended up
t in sudden death playoffs.
At the end of the two-day med-+
al at Walnut Hills Country Club,
Zimmerman was tied with Jack
Reynolds, 17, of Waterford Town-
ship, Oakland County, at 147.
The tie came on the 36th hole
when Heynolds, 1 up on Jimmer-
,man, missed a two-foot putt while
Zimmerman sank a 35-footer. On
the first sudden death hole, both
i took a par 4. Both hit the green
on the second par 3, 154-yard
hole. Reynolds rimmed a straight
25-foot putt, while Zimmerman
sank a 20-footer to birdie the hole
and win.
Third, Fourth Also Tied
Tied for third and fourth place
were Howard Konwinski of Grand
Rapids and Steve Miller of Jack-
son at 132. In a one-hole sudden'
7 death playoff, Miller shot a bir-
die 3 while Konwinski took a bogie
While the top four players were
scheduled .to represent Michigan
in the national Jaycee finals at
Columbus, Ga., Miller told tourna-
ment officials he would not be able
to compete, leaving a spot to fill.
In .another sudden death play-
off to fill the spot, Brian Bell of
Jackson beat out Nick Berklich of
,. Ypsilanti in six holes, both playing
even until the sixth when Berklich
missed a 3 foot putt for par. Both
were tied at 153.
Knows Best
rena Reynolds said Tuesday she
wants her son to quit boxing
whether he wins the world's
heavyweight championship. or
Mrs. Reynolds is the mother
of Archie Moore, the light
heavyweight champion. Moore
meets Rocky. Marciano for the
heavyweight title Sept. 19 in
New York.
"I hope Archie quits," said
Mrs. Reynolds. "He's getting
too old. If he wins this one,
I'd be for a return bout -- then
She says she's not counting
on it, but she thinkis Archie can
beat Rocky "with proper train-
and and rest."
"I don't get my hopes up,"
she said. "I Just pray for him."
Longest Game of Year Lasts 4 Hours
By The Associated Press the majors this year was a 17- PHILLIES 7-6, REDLEGS 3-2
PITTSBURGH-The Pittsburgh inning contest in the American
Pirates scored two runs in the League, Cleveland beating Wash- PHILADELPHIA - Robin Rob-
bottom of the 19th inning early ington 6-5 on April 27. erts walked to force in one run
this morning to pull out a 4-3 de- Milwaukee and doubled home two others to
thismoring o pll ut a4-3de-tuck away his 15th victory--a 6-2
cision over the Milwaukee Braves 100 100 000 000 000 000 1 - 3 11 2 decision over the Cincinnati Red-
in the longest major league game 020 000 000 000 000 2 - 4 17 legs in the nightcap of a twi-night
of the season. 0twin bill.
The Braves had scored a run The Phils took the first game
in the top of the 19th to go into a YANKEES 4, WHITE SOX 3 7-3.
one-run lead. CHICAGO - Elston Howard's
Starting .pitcher Vernon Law two-run homer with two out in the RED SOX 6, ATHLETICS 3
hurled the first 18 innings for the eighth inning powered the New KANSAS CITY - Home runs
Pirates. He struck out 12, gave up York Yankees to a 4-3 victory ov- by Jackie Jensen and Norm Zau-
nine hits and walked three. er the Chicago White Sox before chin torpedoed Kansas City as
"Manager Fred Haney told me a crowd of 46,711, the largest of the Boston Red Sox sank the Ath-
he was taking me out because he the season at Comiskey Park. letics into their eighth straight de-
thought I might hurt my arm," The victory stretched the Yan- feat, 6-3.
said Law. "Boy, 18 innings is a kees' American League lead to
long time out there." three games over the second place CARDINALS 3-2, GIANTS 1-4
The longest previous game in White Sox and four games over NEW V .ORK. - Y lm Willard
Fox Helps Carry ChiSox
In Role of 'Little Poison'
CHICAGO (A) - It's been some
20 years since the big leagues had
a "Little Poison" batter, but tiny
Nellie Fox of the Chicago White
Sox is gaining that sobriquet a-
mong American League pitchers.
The record book says Jacob Nel-
son is 5 feet 8 and weighs 150, yet
the belting bantam from St.
Thomas, Pa., won't argue if you
call him smaller on both counts.
The thing that does count is
that Fox carried a .334 batting
average into Tuesday night's game
with the New York Yankees at
Comiskey Park.
He's the main reason the Pale
Construction Firm Remodels
Old, Outmoded Golf Courses
NEW YORK (P)-Is. your golf
course old, outmoded and a push-
over for the scratch players who
f belt a golf ball farther with a six
iron than granddaddy did with a
If it is there's no need to give
it up as- hopeless, says Bill Mit-
chell, who' has had a hand in
building and rebuilding a lot of
golf courses in the past few years.
Same Cost, Better Course
But if you have the land, you
can build a brand.new course for
no, more money than the old one
cost 30 years ago-and it's bound
to be a better course.
Mitchell's construction firm in
Sutton, N.H., has just finished the
swank Pine Hollow Course on
T Long Island.
Since the 1920s, the last big era
of golf course building, the advent
of steelshafted clubs, better golf
balls and the virtual abandoninent
of the pitch-and-run shot have
made doddering old wrecks out
of some courses that once were
among the best.
Most of them can't be length-
ened much because they're hem-
med in by houses and highways.
"Usually you can find a way to
shove the tees back a little," says
Bill, "but where you can't add
length, you can get the same re-
sults by trapping and green de-
Greens, Traps Redone
Old greens, designed for pitch-
and-run approaches, are re-con-
toured and the traps relocated so
they'll catch a poorly played ap-
Starting from scratch, Mitchell
says, a whole course can be built
as cheaply nowadays as in the
1920s because they bring in heavy
construction equipment instead of
using the old pick and shovel and
wheelbarrow methods.
The results are better, too ''be-
cause the big equipment just can't
make poor contours."
Hose have stayed within close
reach of the Yankees, even though
the likes of Minnie Minoso, Jim
Rivera and Jim Busby are trying
to hit .250.
"Lots of Luck"
"I've had lots of luck at bat,
especially on the last road trip,"
said the 27-year-old Fox. "I'm
swinging all the time and I'm
Older fans will recall the iriginal
"Little Poison," Lloyd Waner, who
basked somewhat in the limelight
of his more illustrious brother on
the Pittsburgh Pirates, "Big Poi-
son" Paul.
Hits for Accuracy
Like the Waner' brothers, Fox
spanks the ball with more accuracy
than distance.
Sax General Manager Frank
Lane joshes that the .only thing
that would make Fox slump would
be a flurry of homers. "Then, the
little guy will start flexing his
muscles and nothing will happen,"
quipped Lane.
But Fox counters:
"The day will never come when
little me starts swinging for the
fences. I'm not built like a slugger
and I'm content just to plunk that
ball where they ain't."
Football Fans
To See Double
MUNCIE, Ind. (A) - Indiana
State appears twice on Ball State's
1955 football schedule - but the
Cardinals haven't gone in for re-
peat engagements.
Indiana State of Terra Haute
will play at Muncie Oct. 15 and
Indiana State of Indiana, Penn-
sylvania, will visit the Cards Sept.
Cincinnati's Jablonski Optioned to San Diego
NKW YORK (M-it wasn't tooV
surprising to learn that the Cin-
cinnati club had sent Ray Jablon-
ski to San Diego on option.
The stocky fellow hasn't been
hitting, and he isn't exactly the
type you keep around just for his
Here is an athlete who for two
i straight years knocked in more
than 100 runs each year, and last
year was rated good enough to be
the starting third baseman on the
National League All-Star team.
July 19, 1954, he was hitting .320
eectio onMoaern Coolin
' DIAL 2-2513
and had batted in 76 runs, and
he finished the season with an av-
erage of .296. July 19 this year he
was hitting .234, with only 24 runs
batted in.
What caused this startling re-
versal of form at the plate is a
matter for speculation, and the
best guess we have heard is that
fretting over the criticism of his
fielding finally had affected his
ability as a hitter.
He could field a ball he could
reach, but he couldn't cover much
territory, and once he had gloved
DIAL 2-3136
at 9 P.M.
of a brand new CinemaScope comedy
in Technicolor. Come at 7 or 9 P.M.
ind see Preview and Regular Feature.
a ball the chances were better
than fair he would take careful
aim at the first baseman, and bean
a spectator in the 10th row of the
Jabby is only 28. He'll probably
be back up if he doesn't let that
"good hit, no field" label get him
Coleman Suffers
Brain Concussion
CHICAGO () - Jerry Coleman,
New York Yankee second base-
man, suffered a brain concussion
and a possible skull fracture Tues-
day night when struck by a pitch-
ed ball.
Coleman, just returned to the
starting lineup from the disabled
list, was struck in the seventh in-
ning by a pitch thrown by Chi-
cago White Sox pitcher Harry
Byrd. The Yanks went on to beat
the Sox, 4-3.
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