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Latest Deadline in the State
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VOL. LXV, No. 22S
-Daily-Harding Williams
PANELISTS-Discussing "The Two-Party System In Michigan" are left to right: Lt. Gov. Philip A.
Hart, Prof. James K. Pollock, and Rep. Wade Van Valkenburg.
Panel Discusses Party System
"Since the twenties Michigan
was in the straight jacket of a one
party system, but now it has turn-
edi Into a fifty-fifty race," Demo-
cratic Lieutenant Governor Phillip
A. Hart commented here yesterday.
Participating in a discussion on
the 'Two-Party System in Michi-
gan," which was moderated by
Prof. James K. Pollock, chairman
of the political science department,
Hart declared that the present free
competition "is a very good thing
and will be good medicine for the
The other panelist, Republican
Speaker of the House of Represen-
tatives from Kalamazoo, contend-
ed, "Where we have a divided
government in a state, there should
also be divided responsibility.
Instead there has been a ten-
dency to pass the buck. What is
needed is a spirit of compromise."
"That cooperation, is not the
desired end," Hart retorted, "Pub-
lic interest should be the final
Hart had glowing words of praise
for the two party system. "The
point should be made," he said,
Heartbreak House' Opens
At Mendelssohn Tonight
A short-cropped black crew haircut Is posing a problem for
graduate student James Young.
Currently appearing in the Speech Department's production
of "Heartbreak House" which opens at 8 p.m. this evening in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater, Young has the task of portraying an eighty
year old man.
"that executive power in the hands
of the Democrats and a Republican
legislature is something which
should be defended."
Separation is Beneficial
He continued by stating that
separation of powers is beneficial
because it leads to inevitable com-
petition. "Competition is needed in
the state and what was so long
absent," Hart contended.
In concluding he expressed the
belief that one reason Michigan
lost its 'one party straight jacket'
was "not just because we have a
square dance caller in Lansing, or
because of powerful labor unions,
but because in the long haul, the
people of the community have be-
gun to sense that their best in-
terests if not by long periods of
Democratic victories, then, at least
by alternating the party in power."
Valkenburg contended that both
political parties have a tendency
to argue over problems of past gen-
erations, which are dead issues. He
predicted that, "the party which
solves the problems of the future
is the one which will succeed."
Valkenburg emphasized the fur
ture, stating that disputes between
management and labor will no
longer be, they will be between
either management or labor and
the general public.
Last Mile!1
LONDON W) -- Ronnie Hill,
31, the jilted suitor, gave up his
walkathon yesterday.
He slipped into seclusion
quietly without disclosing whe-
ther he went to nurse his heart-
ache or love had won.
Lev Claims
Means Ruin
Denies Charge
Of Using Bribes
Chicago cap maker to the United
States armed forces, testified yes-
terday a Senate investigation of his
business deals has ruined him.
"I am no more a millionaire," he
Lev made this financial report to
the Senate Investigations subcom-
mittee after it had heard a former
Army inspector swear that Lev
tried to bribe him repeatedly.
Deathbed Statement
The subcommittee also received
adeathbed statement in which an
ex-employe of Lev declared the cap
maker became a millionaire "on
taxpayers' money."
When his time came to testify,
Lev began an accounting of more
than $200,000 in cash he acknow-
ledged had passed through his
hands in 1952 and 1953.
What he hoped to prove, he said,
was that "not a broken cent" of
it was used to bribe anybody.
Weintraub Testifies
Michael Weintraub of New York,
the former inspector, told the in-
vestigators Lev "tried to bribe me
many times" while he was station-
ed at Lev's Mid-City Uniform Co.
in Chicago from March to June
He said Lev first offered him
$50 and told him "you will have
more weekly." When he continued
to refuse money ,the witness said,
Lev berated him with the "filthiest
words in the Yiddish language."
The deathbed statement was
purported to have come from Hy-
man Roskin of St. Louis, a former
floor manager in Lev's plant, who
signed it last June 26, a few days
before his death from cancer of
the throat.
Convicts End
Prison Riot
CARSON CITY, Nev. (iP)-Nev-
ada State Prison convicts signalled
their intention late yesterday of
giving up their 25-hour rebellion.
Tired and hungry the 200 con-
victs began lining up in the prison
courtyard to return to their cells
about 5:30 p.m.
Three-Man Delegation
A three-man prisoner delegation
went through barred gates to War-
den Art Bernard's office and told
"They're ready to give in. They
want nothing."
Five minutes later, the inmates
began lining up under the guns of
22 highway patrol men ringing the
walls of the courtyard.
List of Complaints
The convicts had given Bernard
a long list of complaints. The
warden immediately labeled the
grievances "unfounded," and add-
ed bitterly:
"These men have more damned
privileges than in any other place
in the country."
Among the demands relayed to
the warden through the three-man
inmate council were: More variety
in food, twice yearly appearances
before State Parole Board, more
work for inmates, no reprisals be-
cause of the rebellion, fire prison
doctor, Richard Petty, and captain
of guards, Lt. Leon Pack; lower
prices at the prisonq commissary,
predetermined terms for solitary
Top Kremlin
Cohorts Try
Out Charm
May Relax Tension
- And Still Hold GrounI
By The Associated Press
GENEVA - Soviet Premier Bul-
ganin and his top Kremlin cohorts
have set out to charm the West
into a lengthy "era of conferences,"
experienced Western observers be-
The aim, those holding this
view say, is to keep the world busy
talking while Soviet leaders take a
breathing spell to put Russia's in-
ternal economy in order.
By cutting out vituperative lan-
guage and emphasizing a spirit of
friendliness, some diplomats be-
lieve, the Russians can achieve a
relaxation of international tension
without giving an inch on such
problems as the reunification of
Germany ora foolproof system of
international atomic inspection.
Do Soviets Want A Solution?
As they have publicly stated,
Western leaders are determined to
explore how far the Soviet leaders
actually want to go in solving out-
standing problems of the cold war.
They noted that Premier Bul-
ganin has fulfilled two precondi-
tions which President Dwight D.
Eisenhower laid down some two
years ago for serious negotiations
-the signing of an Austrian inde-
pendence treaty and the promise of'
a Soviet contribution to the "atom
Western experts studied Bulgan-
in's opening speech to the Big Four
with these points in mind.
Take It or Leave It Basis
He didn't want to discuss the
future of the countries of Eastern
Europe and the work of interna-
tional communism. But the Soviet
view on Germany, European secur-
ity and disarmament, while differ-
ent from the West's, were not pre-
sented on a take it or leave it
By presenting an apparent field
of maneuver, Bulganin may have
opened the way for a long series
of talks. In effect he can say: "If
we can't agree now, let's turn it
over to the experts and try again
Air Collision
Fatal To Pilots
HIGH POINT, Md. (A) - Two
planes from Bolling Air Force base
in Washington sideswiped 3,000
feet over High Point yesterday and
two fliers were killed when one of
the ships crashed and exploded.
Two other pilots managed to
nurse their crippled B25 about 10
miles to the edge of Baltimore's
Friendship International airport
and came through a crash landing
with only minor hurts.
The other plane, a C45 twin-en-
gine passenger ship, plummeted
into a clump of trees near High
Point School and burst into
--Daily-Hai Leeds
Onderdonk .Plans a New
Fl1ag for United Nations
If Francis S. Onderdonk of Ann Arbor has his way, the United
Nations will have a flag that includes the flags of all its member
He is now attempting to interest United States Delegate to the
United Nations John Cabot Lodke in presenting the flag to the UN
as a replacement for the one the UN has flown for the last ten,
Onderdonk designed his first UN flag when the UN was formed,
but later, another was adopted. Now he has designed a "very ten-
In his early twenties, Young
Senate Backs
orei Aid
WASHINGTON () - The Sen-
ate Appropriations Committee vot-
ed yesterday to restore $565,600,000
of the $627,900,000 cut by the
House from President Dwight D
Eisenhower's foreign aid bill.
The restorations, most of them
made by a heavy vote, represented
an important victory forhPresident
*Eisenhower on one of the key bills
in his 1955 program.
The bill as reported out of the
Senate committee carried $3,204,-
341,750 for assistance to this coun-
try's friends throughout the world
in the year which began July 1.
This compared with $3,266,641,.
750 asked by President Eisenhower
and $2,638,741,750 voted by the
The bill is to be taken up on the
Senate floor Thursday. In view of
the strong committee vote to knock
out most of the House cuts, the
administration's chances of hold-
ing the restorations on the floor
appeared to be good.
Adams Called
On To Testify
By Kefauver
fauver (D-Tenn.) yesterday invited
presidential aide Sherman Adams
to "testify fully" in the senator's
investigation of the Dixon-Yates
power contract.
Specifically, Kefauver said he
wanted to know about any con.
ferences in which Adams partici.
pated, bearing on a suspension ir
hearings held by the Securities anc
Exchange Commission on Dixon.
Yates financing.
Chairman J. Sinclair Armstorng
of the SEC at first refused to tell
Against Russians
wears a faked wig, beard and eye-
4brows in order to create the aged
retired sea captain who is the
play's hero.
Written by George Bernard
Shaw, "Heartbreak House," is an
ironic comedy which concerns
drifting English Society on the
eve of the Second World War.
As the setting for his work, Shaw
utilizes the rambling Sussex house
owned by the Captain. Its owner
inhabits the villa as though it
e were as ship under his command.
.Directed by Prof. William Hal-
stead who has adapted the play to
a modern times. "Heartbreak House
d will run through this Saturday.
tative" flag that pictures the flags
By The Associated Press
CLEVELAND - Dr. Samuel H.
Sheppard's claim of "new evi-
dence" that a marauding sex at-
tacker murdered his wife was turn-
ed down yesterday by the Eighth
District Court of Appeais.
The court rejected the young
osteopath's second and final mo-
tion for a new trial.
MINNEAPOLIS-A huge plastic
research balloon released from a
South St. Paul airfield soared to a
world's record altitude of 121,000
feet, it was revealed yesterday.
of all the member nations around
fits border.
In the middle of the flag is a
map of the glob surrounded by
55 stars which symbolize the mem-
ber nations. The individual flags
around the borders are placed ge-
ographically - corresponding to
their nations' positions on the
The centerpiece was the emblem
used by the old Federation of
League of Nations Societies that
existed next door to the League
of Nations.
The present UN flag pictures a
North Pole view of the globe, sur-
rounded by two'olive branches, all
in white on a pale blue back-
Onderdonk thinks his flag is
more meaningful, because most
people do not know what the
present flag's emblem symbolizes,
and more colorful.
Asks Zhukov
To Witness
Bulganin Rejects
Unification Plan
GENEVA(P)-Summoning Mar-
shal Georgi Zhukov to witness his
truthfulness, President Dwight D.
Eisenhower gave Soviet leaders a
personal pledge Tuesday that the'
Western alliance will never attack
He appealed to them to permit
a unified Germany defensively al-
lied with the West.
But Soviet Premier Nikolai u!-
ganin firmly reected German un-
ification on that basis.
The debate in yesterday after-
noon's session of the summit con-_"
ference left little doubt the unifi
cation issue is tightly deadlocked
between Russia and the Western
Bulganin Names Price
Bulganin made clear that a
divorcing of Germany from the
Western European Union and the
Atlantic alliance is Russia's, price
for uniting the country.
President Eisenhower's appeal
was described by officials present
as the most moving and emotion-
al talk in the conference to date.
President Eisenhower said e
wanted to talk about the North
Atlantic treaty Organization and
the purposes 'of this collective se-
curity arrangement.
He asked Zhukov to listen care-
fully, explaining he made this re-
quest because they are old friens
One Soldier to Another
Then he said Zhuko knows
that on the basis of one soldier
speaking to another, he has never
spoken a single word which is not
true. He asked the Russians to
accept his word as a soldier that
the United States would neverbe
a party to aggression, and that
Russia had nothing to fear from
Zhukov, allied with President
Eisenhower in Germany at the
close of World War II, sat atten-
tively as he spoke. When Bulka-
nin replied later his words were
cordial. But the exchange of views
seemed not to dent the hard real-
ity of Big Four differences .over
Germany's future.
Canada - U.S.
Martin's Topic
For Lecture
The Hon. Paul Martin Canadian
Minister of National Health and,
Welfare, willspeak on "Canadian-
American Relations" at 4:15 this
afternoon in Auditorium A, Angell
Martin, a member of the iberal
Party, has been a part of the
Canadian cabinet since 1945. He
has held his present portfolio since
He has been a member of
Canadian delegations to many in-
ternational conferences, including
the United Nations, the Interna-
tional Labor Organization and the
League of Nations.
Martin will also take part in a
panel discussion on "Michigan and
Canada and Civil Defense" at 8:00
tonight in Auditorium A Angell
The panel will be under the
chairmanship of Prof. Gerald S.
Brown, assistant professor of His-
Other members of the panel will
include C. F. Van Blankensteyn,
Director, Michigan Office of Civil
Defense, and Major General Clyde
E. Dougherty, Director of the
Wayne County and Detroit Office
of Civil Defense.
Eban To Talk
On Near East
Married Students'
Housing Prepared
One hundred apartments forY
married students will be ready for
occupancy by the first of Septem-
ber, Service Enterprises Manager
Francis C. Shiel said yesterday.
Undergraduate and graduate
married couples will live in the
North Campus apartments, Shiel
In addition, members of the In-
ternal Revenue Department who
are sent to school for one semester
courses in the business administra-
tion school will occupy some of
the newly completed apartments.
University is Obligated
"The University is obligated to
take these people" as students, and
therefore must house them, Shiel
Men from the Internal Revenue
Department will not be accompan-
ied by their families when they
come here, so two men will live
in each efficiency apartment, and
three men will be housed in the1
larger apartments.
Decorations for the 100 apart-
ments were chosen this week by
Virginia Biggers, University In-
terior Decorator.
Contemporary Furniture
Mrs. Biggers chose contemporary
dents in the apartments will be $75
a month for "efficiency" apart-
ments - those containing a bath,
kitchen and combination living
For an apartment with a living
room and a separate bedroom, $85
a month will be charged.
'U' Quintet Schedules.
Concert for Tonight
The University Woodwind Quintet will perform at 8:30 p.m.
tonight in the Rackham Ampitheater.
The program will feature "Two Pieces for Woodwind Quintet" by
Florian Mueller, oboist with the quintet.
Before joining the music school faculty last year, Mueller held
the chair of first oboist with the Chicago gymphony for 25 years.
On The Program
Also included on the program will be "Quintet," "Opus 71" by
'Beethoven, "Quintet" by LeFebure
and "Quintet, Opus 43" by Nielsen.
'U' Museum Features Prehistoric Specimens
On the second floor of the Mu-
seums Building is a display of Pre-
historic Life in Michigan featur-
ing animals and plants as they
may have appeared several thou-
sands of years ago.
Over- the entrance to the exhi-
bition is Lucretius' quotation,
"Nothing from nothing ever yet
was born."
Looking backward in time we
find that marine waters intermit-
tently covered this state for mil-
lions of years. At the time when
the seas were withdrawing from
lived until the coming of man to
North America. These elephant-
like animals lived on land and
their remains are commonly found
in excavation pits and drainage
Skeleton Discovered
In 1944, the skeleton of a mas-
todon was discovered on a farm in
Owosso, Mich., during the deepen-
ing of a drainage ditch. It was
termed the most complete and
best preserved speciman ever
found by the Museum. This speci-
men is now on display.
Prof. Albert Luconi of the clari-
net department, clarinetist, Clyde
Carpenter, French hornist, Lewis
Cooper, bassoonist, and Nelson
Hauenstein, flutist, are the other
members of the quintet.
The concert is being presented
as part of the Seventh Annual.
National Band Conductors' Con-
At 8 p.m. tomorrow, the univer-
sity's Summer Session Band will
give an outdoor concert near the
General Library.
Bring Your Coats
If it rains, the concert will be
held in Hill Auditorium. Prof.
William D. Revilli, director of the
University bands and conductors'
conference, emphasized that if the
concert is held outside, there will