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June 29, 1955 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1955-06-29

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Sixty-Fifth Year
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
by Pay Money
if You Can Get It re

Traveling Papers

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Helen Keller's Birthday:
A Meaningful Reminder


RECENTLY A considerable amount of public
R interest has been stirred up over so-called
subscription television; a system by which TV
viewers pay for viewing certain features if they
so choose.
In practice, viewers would get or buy a de-
codin gmachine worth $50-$100 which would
be attached to their set. Also a punched card
which when inserted in this machine would
unscramble the signal so the subscription TV
shows could be seen. Every month or so, the
cards would be sent back to some distributor
with a check or cash or boxtops depending on
how often the card was used, and a new card
would be sent out. In this way, so one is told, a
really discriminating TV lover could avoid
low-grade comedies, insipid variety shows, put-
rid quiz programs, and the like, while also
missing out on the unmentionable advertising
which accompanies most TV.
The subscription TV owner would have a
reasonably steady diet of New York Philhar-
monic, championship prize fights, first run
theatre, and perhaps a choice bit of burlesque
from time to time. The process, so say its sup-
porters, is extremely democratic, since any-
one who can't afford or doesn't want subscrip-
tion TV could always turn to Ed Sullivan, This
Is Your Life, One Man's Family, Dragnet, for
A recent poll of Saturday Review of Litera-
ture readers found them in favor of subscrip-


tion TV by something like 3 or 4 to 1. However,
it must be emphasized that Saturday Review
readers are not by any means what one might
call "average," but they do perhaps represent a
significant minority.
CHAMPIONSHIP prize fights are already
televised by the Theatre Network Televi-
sion people; one pays at the theatre box office
to see these. The step from this to home sub-
scription television is obviously a small one.
But anyone who proposes putting first run
films on subscription TV forgets the trend to
cinemascope and color. And the argument that
annoying advertising is eliminated by subscrip-
tion TV seems somewhat less impressive when
one considers that any competent radio re-
pairman can install a "commercial-killer" on
your set for $10.
Perhaps subscription TV would pay enough
to make TV presentations of the Metropolitan
Opera, New York Philharmonic, Boston Sym-
phony, Boston Symphony, May Festival or
what have you possible. But it does seem un-
likely that these people are going to clutter up
their auditoriums with cameras and bright
lights so that the card-punchers can escape
Godfrey for an hour. Still, stranger things have
happened. All things considered, though, one
soemhow gets the feeling that sooner or later,
subscription TV will tend to grab the programs
which have highest appeal, in order to pay
off the rather large investment necessary for
all these decoding machines. In that case, Sat-
urday Review readers might suddenly find the
Opera and Symphony being broadcast free for
them, while the people down the street have to
pay $1.98 to see I Love Lucy. An unlikely pros-
One feature of subscription TV which should
not be overlooked is the challenge of this de-
coding problem to engineers and physicists.
Surely no good electrical engineer is going to
let someone charge him $1.52 to synchronize a
video signal. A vast market is open for boot-
leg decoders. One idea already suggested is
that all the neighbors agree to paint the neigh-
borhood electrical engineer's house and he, in
turn, agrees to provide them with free decoded
TV signals.
No doubt some form of subscription TV will
eventually be available. American enterprise
never neglects a potential consumer. However
it appears unlikely that the programs offered
will be much if any improvement over the pre-
sent conglomeration, or that the Symphony,
Opera, and Theatre will be presented with any
greater frequency than at present.
Somehow, the idea of television, with its
barnlike sound and overall poor picture quality
on screens of limited size, has never seemed to
be the ultimate form of communication. More-
over, as Lord Russel said, "you always have to
be looking at the damned thing." If the sub-
scription TV money were spent on high quality
FM, it might be perhaps most wisely spent. If
you really want to see the Symphony or the
Theatre or the May Festival, why not just go.
And leave the FM set turned on for the people
who just want to hear. For those who want
neither to see nor hear, there will always be
-David Kessel

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Associated Press News Analyst
T MUST HAVE been something
like 40 years ago that my fa-
ther took me to see Helen Keller
at the Auditorium in Asheville,
I was more interested in snakes
and bicycles than in culture, but
my father was a schoolmaster and
when anything cultural came to
town he went, and, perforce, so
did I.
The storybook line for the result
is that I should have been greatly
impressed for life by the brave
struggle and achievements of this
woman. The truth is that I then
was just bored. I could conceive
of what it meant to be blind, deaf
and dumb, but not of the struggle
to overcome such handicaps. Un-
derstanding would come, but later.
She was a relatively young and
comely woman at the time, but to
a boy she looked older than she
does now to a man, although she
is just entering her 76th year.
She is still blind and deaf, but
by no means dumb.
Can you imagine what it would
mean to try to learn to speak
without any sounds to imitate?
Helen Keller did.
QINCE THAT time she has de-
voted her entire life to carry-
ing a message of courage, of hope
and achievement, to the handi-
capped. She has specialized in
work for the blind, since that

seemed to her to be the greatest
need involving more people. But
her lectures themselves have been
living testimony of what could be
done for the stone deaf.
After the demonstration so
many dears ago my father said on
the way home:
"Son, never forget what you
have seen tonight. After seeing
that woman, anyone with all the
faculties should be ashamed not
to put them to their fullest use.
She has never seen the dawn in
russet mantle clad, as Shakes-
peare did, but she knows it just as
well as he. She has the heart of a
lion and the perceptions of a po-
Helen Keller's teacher, -Anne
Sullivan Macy, deserved and re-
ceived from people all over the
world a vast credit for the success
of the team. Between them, they
worked out techniques to help the
blind 'which were as practical as
their story of struggle was In-
When Anne Sullivan,.later Mrs.
John Macy, died nearly 20 years
ago, many people thought Helen
Keller would lose her effectiveness
without her guiding hand. But it
was not so. She has continued to
travel the world, and since then
has added two-books to the four
she had written before, ensuring
that her story will remain alive
after she is gone.
"Son, never forget . .
Her 75th birthday was a good

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Rockefeller Taken for Ride

Leads Way

ONCE AGAIN the people of Detroit are to
be congratulated for conceiving big ideas
and making them work.
The current multi-million dollar drive to ob-
tain funds .for capital improvements in 49 of
the charity organizations of Detroit is the most
recent example of the genius of the mass pro-
duction city to do big things in a big way.
As the American people's conception of pub-
lic help expands, a choice of the best way to
obtain the funds arises. Neither solicitation for
each individual cause, with its duplication and
wasted effort, nor governmental support with
its attendant problems of "big government,"
seems to be the answer. Only the united drive
method can make maximum use of the money
donated without bringing the political consid-
erations into the picture.
It may be true that Detroiters pay more at-
tention to the Red Wings than they do to the
Art Museum and support the Tigers more than
the symphony orchestra, but in the field of hu-
man relationships, the basis of culture, they
are showing the way to the rest of the world.
tention to the Red Wings than they do to the
In proving that great ends may be gained by
extra-governmental organizations, they have
adapted the ideas of the voluntary cooperative
society of the past to the needs of today. Per-
haps the idea of enlightened self-interest isn't
as dead as it sometimes looks.
--Ken Johnson

WASHINGTON-Nelson Rocke-
feller, whose family is one of
the wealthiest in America, was
playing penny-ante poker on the
President's special plane en route
to San Francisco. In the game
with him were Congressmen Mill-
er, Democrat of Oakland, Calif.,
Mailliard, Republican of San Fran-
cisco, Younger of Ohio, and Scud-
der of California, also Republi-
When the trip was over, Rocke-
feller was down seven dollars to
his Congressional friends.
Remarked Harold Stassen, also
with the Presidential party:
"I am going to watch the stock
market tomorrow morning. Nelson
will probably have to dump a lot
of stocks on the market to pay for
his losses."
of Louisiana, did his best to
defeat his fellow Democrats dur-
ing bitter closed-door meeting of
the Senate Public Works Commit-
tee when it voted last week on the
one remaining big undeveloped
power site in the United States,
Hell's Canyon.
With all other eeasily developed
power sites already built, Hell's
Canyon on the Snake River is of
crucial importance to Oregon,
Washington and Idaho. The Eis-
enhower Administration has fav-
ored its development by the Idaho
Power Company. The Democrats,
with the exception of Russell
Long, have favored development
by the government, on the ground
that rivers and works of nature
belong to the people, not private
power companies.
Russell Long, whose father, the
late Kingfish of Louisiana, battled
against the power companies, has
strangely voted with the power
companies. When the Dixon-Yates
project was up for debate last
summer, Long astounded his col-
leagues by casting his vote against
the Democrats and with the pow-
er lobby.
When the secret meeting of the
Senate Interior Committee opened
last week, Long at first sat silent.
Six Republicans bitterly denoun-
ced government operation of Hell's
Canyon - including Millikin of

Colorado, Watkins of Utah, Dwoi -
shak of Idaho, Barrett of Wyo-
The only Republican who did
not take a definite stand was Ku-
chel of California. Though he
spoke on the subject, he did rot
definitely commit himself.
All the Democrats present urg-
ed that Hell's Canyon be develop-
ed by the government, except
Long. He sat grim and silent. Fine.
ally, with Senator Murray of Mon,-
tana absent in Geneva attending
the International Labor Confer-
ence, acting chairman Anderson of
New Mexico pulled out a letter
from Murray asking that the vote
be postponed until his return. An-
derson knew that a vote that day
would mean a victory for the Ida-
ho Power Company.
It was at this point that Senator
Long finally jumped in to oppose
his fellow Democrats. Knowing
that the Republicans had a one-
vote margin, counting his. Long
urged that the vote be taken im-
mediately, that they not wait for
Senator Murray to return.
Senator Dworshak, Republican
of Idaho, did likewise. However,
they were overruled. Final vote
on the last remaining big dam
site was postponed for about a
H ERE IS the inside reason why
Operation Alert was scheduled
to test civil defense at the very
time when the West is about to
talk peace with Russia . . . The
whole exercise was deliberately
timed to build up public support
in favor of the talks with Russia.
The President and his advisers be-
lieved the spectacle of thousands
of government officials evacuating
Washington to avoid a make-be-
lieve hydrogen attack would dem-
onstrate the wisdom of trying to
avoid a horrible new war by talks
around the conference table . . .
The exercise was originally sched-
uled to take place last year as part
of "Operation Candor." . . . Secre-
tary of Health Oveta Culp Hobby
prepared to "rough it" during the
H-Bomb evacuation test by going
without her nylon stockings. How-
ever, she wore a pair of immacu-
late white gloves.
The first atomic aircraft engine

will be completed in ten months.
It won't be ready to install in a
plane that early, but it will be
ready for ground tests.... Ameri-
ca's first atomic-powered submar-
ine, the Nautilus, will soon cross
the Atlantic entirely under water.
It won't surface once, its speed--
over 25 miles an hour.
For a long time the military
have wanted to run their own spy
work instead of pooling it all un-
der Allen Dulles and Central In-
telligence. Now the National Se-
curity Council has ordered Cen-
tral Intelligence to transfer some
of its intelligence functions to the
Joint Chiefs of Staff. In fact, the
Joint Chiefs have already assigned
five super-secret officers to direct
the new intelligence work.
MAYOR L. C. CLARK of Tulsa
says he's sticking with his
natural-gas friends and that this
column had him wrong about
switching to the other mayors who
favor federal regulation of natur-
al-gas transmission. Sorry for the
error . .
William Kern has been appoint-
ed to the Federal. Trade Commis-
sion, replacing veteran commis-
sioner Jim Mead, Democrat. The
law requires that the post go to a
Democrat. But-Kern was recom-
mended and sponsored for the job
by Douglas Whitlock, former as-
sistant to the Republican Nation-
al Chairman .. .
The Air Force's retired Gen.
George Stratemeyer, hero of the
McCarthyites, recently praised the
anti-Semitic writings of Dr. John
Beaty, professor of English at
Southern Methodist University.
Dr. Beaty's writings have already
been repudiated by the Univer-
sity. . . .
The Western diplomatic colony
is hopping mad at Marshal Tito
for suddenly trebling and quad-
rupling Yugoslav rents. This has
turned Belgrade into probably the
most expensive city in the world
and has so infuriated some coun-
tries that they are threatening to
close down their embassies.
(Copyright, 1955, Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

The Daily Official Bull in is an
official publication of the university
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be-
for 10 a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of
lectures, concerts and organization
meetings cannot be published oft ner
than twice.
Student Organizations planning to be
active during the summer session must
register in the Office of Student Af-
fairs not later than July 1. Forms for
registration are available in the Office
of student Affairs, 1020 Administration
Use of the Daily Official Bulletin for
announcement of meetings and use of
meeting rooms in University Buildings
will be restricted to officially recognized
and registered student organizations.
For procedures and regulations relat-
ing to student organizations officers are'
Copies are available in the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs.
The General Library and all the Di-
visional Libraries will close at 6:00 p.m.
Fri., July 2 and reopen at 8:00 a.m.
Tues., July 5. Books needed for study
over the long week-end may be charg-
ed out on Fri. undernthe usualover-
night regulations.
Kickapoo Council of Girl Scout, Inc.,
Peoria, 111.-opening for a woman with
a B.S. or B.A. with major in Soc., Psych.,
Educ., Phys. Ed., Recreation or any oth-
er field transferrable to Girl Scouting.
Should have approximately 5 years ex-
perience in a responsible professional
capacity in the field of educ., adult
educ., recreation, social work or other
comparable area.
U.S. Civil Service announces exam for
Cartographic Survey Aid GS-1 through
COUNCIL, Pontiac, Michigan, has open-
ings for a Field Director with a Mas-
ter's degree in group work and for an
Executive Director.
Mich. State Civil Service anounces
exams for Building Trades Itinerant
Teacher 1V, Mobile X-Ray Unit Opera-
tor I, and Mechanical Engineer. III.
Allison Co. (a division of American
Chain and Cable Co.), Bridgport, Conn.,
is looking for a Sales Engr. Should have
training in Mech. E. or some mechani-
cal aptitude, and some sales experience.
Service experience is helpful. Between
25-35 yrs. of age and preferably married.
This company manufactures abrasive
cut-off wheels and is the largest com-
pany in the country in that field.

Prentice-Hall, Inc., for Jackson, Mich.
area-men, 25-40 years of age preferred,
with at least two years of college and
some selling experience for tax and La-
bor Division.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 371.
Employment Registration with the
Bureau of Appointments.
The summer placement meeting of
the Bureau of Appointments will be held
at 3:00 p.m. on Wed., June 29, in Audi-
torium B of Angell Hall. All seniors
and graduate students who are interest-
ed in registering with the Bureau in ei-
ther the Teaching or General Division
or both for employment after gradua-
tion, after military service, or for fur
ther promotions in the fields of edu-
cation, business, industry, government,
or in the technical fields are invited to
attend. Registration material will be
given out at the meeting.
Students who have previously regis-
tered with the Bureau and who are still
in Ann Arbor or on campus for summer
school are urged to bring their record
up to date as to current address and
summer class elections.
Academic Notices
Topology Seminar. Wed., June 29, from
3:00-5:00 p.m., in Room 3010 A. Prof.
Young will speak on "Homology and Co.
Graduate Students expecting to re-
ceive the master's degree in Aug., 1955,
must file a dilpoma application with the
Recorder of the Graduate School by
Fri., July 1. A student will not be recom-
mendedpforpa degree unless he has filed
formal application in the office of the
Graduate School.
Schools of Business Administration,
Education, Natural Resources and Pub-
lic Health, and Music. Students who re-
ceived marks of I, X, or 'no reports' at
the end of their last semester or sum-
mer session of attendance will receive
a grade of "E" in the course or courses,
unless this work is made up by July 20.
Students wishing an extension of time
beyond this date in order to make up
this work should file a petition, ad-
dressed to the appropriate official of
their school, with Room 1513 Admin-
istration Building, where it willbe
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meet Thurs., June 30, at 4:00 p.m. in
Room 247 West Engineering. Gilbert Be-
guine will speak on "The Plane Strain
Problem for the Infinite Sector."
Museum of Art. "Michigan Art
Through Fifty Years" (through July 31).
Alumni Memorial Hall. Open to pub-
Events Today
Religion and Education Series. The
Rt. Rev. Frank J. McPhillips speaks on
"The Parochial School." Lane Hall
Lunch Discussion 12:00 m. Thurs., June
30. Reservations by Wed. noon.
DOB - Galley 2 E
La Socedad Hispanica of the Depart-
ment of Romance Languages will hold
the first in a series of weekly meetings
Wed., 7:30 p.m. in the East Conference
Room, Rackham Building. Prof. Aurelio
Matilla, official cartographer of the
Spanish General Staff, and graduate of
the Toledo Military Academy, Spain,
and of the University of Madrid, will
speak in Spanish on, "Spain in. M-
rocco," Open to the public.
Ring Round the Moon, by Jean Anou-
ilh, with an English adaptation by
Christopher Fry, will be presented at
8:00 p.m. in Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre. All seats are reserved at $1.50-
$1.10-75c. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
Box Office is open from 10:00 a.m.-8:00
Hillel Foundation presents "Music
Under the Stars." Concerto in F by
Gershwin and Appalachian Spring by
Copland, recorded, at 8:00 p.m. Thurs.,
June 30, at the Hillel Foundation.
La Petite Causette, informal French


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Jan de Hartog's THE FOURPOSTER, pre-
sented by the Saline Mill Theatre; with Nan-
cy Born and Ted Heusel.
IN CONCEPTION and execution, this is one
of the best theatrical productions to appear
in these parts during the past few summers.
The play is not a good one, and in technical
matters the Saline Mill version of it tends to
be slightly shoddy; but the professional qual-
ity of the acting brushes aside all impediments.
The elements of Mr. de Hartog's play are
simple, and probably, by this time, well-known.
He presents a series of six scenes in the mar-
ried life of a Victorian couple; the action of
the whole comprises 35 years, and the events
selec.ed range from the wedding night to a
nocturnal vigil when the grown son returns
late from a party. But what Mr. de Hartog
sacrifices in the unity of time he compensates
for in unity of place: the entire play is set
in the bedroom of the couple, and centers, as
the title indicates, in the fourposter bed.
The setting, designed by Shelton Murphy,
is a little less than satisfactory. The bed con-
cerned is crudely fashioned, but it makes too
The Daily Staff
Editorial Bard
Jim Dygert Pat Roelofs Cal Samra
Mary Lee Dingier, Marge Piercy, Ernest Theodossin
Dave Rorabacher................. ...... Sports Editor

obvious an attempt at realism to be impres-
sionistic. It is also questionable whether the
flimsy bedspread could even have withstood
35 years of the sort of treatment it gets in the
six brief scenes.
Miss Born has, in a few years' time, estab-
lished herself as the reigning monarch of the
local theater, and her performance during this
run will be no disappointment to her follow-
ing. After a brief and forgiveable shaky mo-
ment in the first scene she waxed bright in
the two-star firmament, and by the second act
her performance surpassed that of Betty Field
who appeared here in the role two years ago.
Miss Born is an actress-the versatility de-
manded by Mr. de Hartog's multi-faceted he-
roine proves it-and it has aoout become time
to ask her why she stays in this area when
there are loftier pinnacles to be scaled.I
MR. HEUSEL, who doubles in this produc-
tion as male lead and director, performs
a surprising reversal: to one accustomed to
his achievements in both fields, it would be
natural to expect the direction to surpass the
acting. In "The Fourposter," however, it is
possible to find isolated moments when a more
demanding director would have been pre-
ferred, while as a hero Mr. Heusel is impec-
cable. His aging does not present the contrasts
to be found in Miss Born's, but the process is
gradual and certainly as credible.
The play, of course, demands as much of an
impression of the characters working together
as the performers can produce, and it is in
th iis at a n-,,nllr . a.q of tim Sui

Writing Not So Difficult

UPON entering the University
a freshman finds, among other
things, a curriculum requirement
designed to fit into a general
scheme of making him a well-
rounded individual. Reference is
to the year of English every liter-
ary college graduate must have.
Whether English 1 and English 2
are further designed to teach him
to write, or as the instructor would
put it, to express himself well with
words, is an unanswerable ques-
The high school literary giant
takes this sort of thing at its nuis-

Writing a theme is quite simple,
despite what they say in English
courses. Anyone can write a theme.
You need first a typewriter and
some fingers with which to make
it work. After the mechanical ne-
cessities, you need a title, unless
that has already been supplied by
the instructor. The instructor is
also necessary, else you wouldn't
be writing a theme (this is the only
real justification for English
courses.) Because the title has al-
ready been decided, or maybe only
the theme of the theme (this is a
real justification for abolishing

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