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June 29, 1955 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1955-06-29

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WDNESDAY> JUNE : 8, 1856 'p :aaau Efaav. .avrai a...z...a.s

Far Eastern, African Masks on Display

Behind the doors of the Muse-
um's Building is an exhibition of
masks and images from Africa,
china and Japan.
Part of this unique collection of
masks was presented to the Mu-
seum of Anthropology, Division of
the Orient, by the late Dr. John
Alexander, of the University Medi-
cal School.
The use of the mask goes back
to very early beginnings of man's
life. Although its hisorica evolu-
tion is obscure, there is reason to
?}lif that it kvas used in the
hunt es a means of disguise, in
the orship of ar^Pstors and God
it prayers and ri, for rain and
larvest or in the curing of the
Witch doctors ctered the sick
rorm adorned in mask and cos-
oirme to repel dia evil spirits.
What ever the outcome, it was at-
tr-buud to the will of the gods.
Masks are still used in a magi-
cal aspect among many peoples
of Asia, the Pacific Islands, Africa,
Australia, and other Indian tribes
of North and South America.
The mask reached its highest
perfection, according to Mrs. Ka-
mer Aga-Oglu, Associate Curator,
Division of the Orient, in the
Greek tragedyhand the Japanese
No drama. "In both, the mask, the
ritual, and the legend are skill-
fully united with music and dance
to commemorate the appearances
of gods and the deeds of neroes."
The Japanese No drama has<
changed little in the last five cen-
tuires, according to Mrs. Aga-Oglu.]
The masks give impressions of
sinisterism by exaggerating the
feature of the face. The masks of
Africa were white-faced, to show
the masks' magical powers in con-
trast to that of negro population,
as the result of old superstitions.
The mask exhibition is being
shown in the Rotunda on the
main floor of the Museums Bldg.
The display will be shown from 8
a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through
Saturday, until the end of June.
There is no admission charge.
Taught on Air
Ann Arbor residents now have
an opportunity to participate au-
dibly in one of the University's
Summer Session classes.
As part of its summer program,
radio station WUOM is currently
taping a two hour credit course
which is listed in the official cata-
logue as Journalism 110, "The Am-
erican Press: Its History and
The initial broadcast of the pro-
gram will be made Tuesday at 1
p.m. and succeedingybroadcasts
may be heard every Monday
through Thursday at the same
Prof. Kenneth N. Stewart of the
journalism department, an ex-
perienced newspaperman, is the
course instructor. He will cover
the growth of the American press
and the impact of some major
journalistic personalities on its de-
velopment. Prof. Stewart will also
deal with such specific topics as
"How to Read a Newspaper."
Dancing Lessons
To Be Given Today
"Confidence encourages crea-
tiveess" is the theme for dance
lessons to be given by Rudolph
Martinak, in the League Ballroom
Dancing for beginners will be
offered from 7 to 8 p.m. while the
intermediate class will meet from

8 to 9 p.m. During the series of
six lessons Martinak will teach all
the popular dances. The price for
men is $3. Girls will be admitted
Read and Use
Daily Classifieds

Big Four Meeting
Causes Comment
Professor Discusses Germany's Role;
Swiss Plan Protection of Participants

Dr. W. E. Forsythe Retiring Position
As Director of 'U' Health Service

-Courtesy of the Museum of Anthropology, Division of the Orient
WILD BOAR MASK-This mask was originally used in the days
of the hunt, as a disguise to enable man to creep near enough
to his prey to attack it. Now it is ornamentally used in carnivals.
Park Officials Seek Control
Of Dutch Elm Tree Disease

Efforts to control Dutch Elm di-
sease in Ann Arbor have been
"quite effective," according to
Park Supt. Eli A. Gallup.
So far, the disease has claimed
about 25 trees in the city, although.
Park officials have estimated the
figure will reach at least 200 this
As part of the control effort,
trees on city property suspected
of having the disease are removed
Samples Taken
Samples are taken of suspected
trees on private property and sent
into the state for analysis. It is
the responsibility of the property
owner to have a tree removed if it
U' Sponsors
Institute Study
Of Language
The Linguistic Institute is being
presented on campus again this
summer under the joint °sponsor-
ship of the University and the
Linguistic Society of America.
In attendance at this year'A In-
stitute are 150 students of lan-
guage, ranging from undergradu-
ates to leaders in the field of lin-
guistics. Similar institutes are be-
ing held at the University of Chi-
cago and Georgetown University.
Scientific Study
The institutes provide oppor-
tunities for those interested in the
scientific study of language to
compare notes. While they are on
the University campus, partici-
pants have the advantage of using
the large collections of data, es-
pecially on the English language,
which are not available elsewhere.
Prof. Albert H. Marckwardt, the
director of this year's Institute, is
a member of the English depart-
ment. He has been the director of
the "Linguistic Atlas of the North
Central States" since 1940 and has
been the author of several books
on the English language. The as-
sociate director, Prof. William G.
Moulton, is professor of Germanic
Linguistics at Cornell University.
A special feature of this year's
Institute is a class in teaching
English as a foreign language. This
course is offered for those who
will teach English overseas.
During the summer, a series of
papers will be presented before the
Linguistic Forum. The g;eneral
theme of this series will be to re-
late the study of linguistics to
other fields of study. The talks
will be presented at Rackham Am-
phitheater and will be open to
the public.

is found to be diseased, Gallupc
Cause of the disease is a fungusf
spread by the European elm bark
beetle and an elm beetle native tot
this country. The beetles breed on1
a dead or c.ing elm and then car-t
ry the fungus to healthy trees.
First sign of the disease is the
yellowing or uwilting of foliage.
Road C= mmission HTaIps
The County Road Conmission
-kes a hand in controllin' the di-
sease when it receives a ,mplaint
A sample is sent to the State De-1
partmert of Agriculture and the
tree is removed after the depart-
ment issues the order.
Two Agriculture Departmentt
men began Monday to assist the
city in locating diseased trees. For
the third straight year, the crew
will scout the "whole area," Gal-
lup said.
Concerning the effectiveness of
the tree removal and continuing
spraying program, Gallup said,
"Where we had it in previous
years, we find large unaffected
He added, however, that any
spraying program is bound to be
less than 100 per cent effective.
Plichita Stands
Mute In Court
Wilma Plichta, 33- -year - old
housewife who admitted forging
more than $33,000 in checks of the
National Sanitation Foundation,
yesterday stood mute when ar-
raigned before Circuit Court Judge
James R. Breakey, Jr., on a forg-
ery charge.
A not guilty plea was entered for
her and trial date was set for next
Meanwhile, police r e p o r t e d
"nothing new" in the case, one of
the most baffling in the last dec-
ade. A new man has been ordered
into the investigation.
Mrs. Plichta, despite lie detector
tests that indiciated she was ly-
ing, has never altered her story of
forging the checks to obtain mon-
ey to pay a mysterious blackmailer
for a photograph that was never

At the coming Big Four con-
'erence in Geneva, Russia will hold l
.1l the cards if the question of t
merman reunification comes up, F
ccording to Prof. N. Marbury b
Efimenco, of the political science
lepartment. e
"We granted West Germany so- P
rereignty in May and have no P
nore important bargaining points g
with them. The Russians can of- v
fer reunification and the return of
lost German territories. Since they t
still control the East German gov- a
ernment, it seems clear that if the t
Germans want reunification they t
an have it only on Russian n
term," the expert on international i
politics believes. s
He adds that German senti-
ment might favor a Russian offer
in the next two or three yearsa
even if reunification also mans
neutrality. Chanellor Adenaer isi
currently opposed to reunification o
at this price.r
German Needs C
From now on Germany will be s
thinking and acting in terms of e
what is best for Germany, con-
tinues the professor. "It's no long-
er realistic to talk about what thec
U.S. would like to have Germanye
do, what is most desirable frome
our viewpoint. German policies1
will be based on German needs,"
Prof. Efimenco declares.
He points out that the key to
the controversial German issue de-
pends on Soviet intentions in cen-
tral Europe. "Evidence to date in-;
dicates that the USSR is follow-
ing a soft approach and retreat-
ing from the tough expansionist.
policies of Stalin. As long as Mos-
Dow indicates a willingness to with-
draw military power from central
Europe it is difficult to see how
the Western powers can long re-
fuse to accept this development,"
he observes.
A neutralized Germany does not
necessarily mean the end of NA-
TO, since NATO has existed with-
out Germany since 1949 anyway,
according to Prof. Efimenco.
Military Coalition
"Observers neglect to note that
NATO is not an Atlantic federa-
tion of states or a fusing of the
sovereign powers of its members;
it is primarily a military coalition
and experience shows these weak-
en or fall apart when great power
rivalry gives way to a more peace-
ful state," he says. "Events of 19-
55 seem to indicate that the thaw
is in!"
Prof. Efimenco said he believes
that if the U.S. and USSR could
arrive at an agreement providing
for the neutrality of central Eu-
rope with guarantees by both that
they would abide by this, and could
reoccupy if the other side violated,
then such a proposal would seem
to provide adequate safeguards.
One of the basic points in the
whole issue, he maintains, is the
question of whether the Germans
will remain peacefully in the Eu-
ropean community or whether
they will return to power politics
Hairstyling for the
Whole Family U
The Daseola Barbers
Near the Michigan Theater

GENEVA (IP) - Any celebrity-
oving Swiss who succeeds in get- y
ing a long look at one of the Big c
our leaders here next month will si
ecome a celebrity himself. a
President Dwight D. Eisenhow- B
r, Premier Nikolai A. Bulganin,
rime Minister Anthony Eden and s
remier Edgar Faure are going to d
et security rarely accorded any d
isiting dignitary in Switzerland. e
Swiss police have never forgot- c
en that someone threw a tomato o
t the late Eva Peron, the Argen-
ine President's wife, when she
oured Switzerland in 1947. It.
hissed and hit Swiss Foreign Min-d
ster Max Petitpierre, seated be- f
ide her in an automobile.
Troops To Help
Four companies of Swiss troops h
will help police guard the hotels i
and villas where the delegates will (
ive. They will patrol every foot
f road along which the Big Four w
ide and guard their airplanes at a
Geneva Airport on a 24-hour c,
chedule. Detectives from all oth-
r Swiss cantons will augment
Geneva police.
In their calculations, Swiss se-
curity officials went into the re-
cent political history of the Unit-
ed States, the Soviet Union,
France and Britain.
They studied the police reports
of the shooting in the United
States House of Representatives
last year. They looked into the
earlier attack on President Harry
S. Truman's residence, Blair
Watch for Extremists
Because of 'French difficulties in
Morocco, police have been told to
keep out a close watch for Mor-
occan extremists in the protection
of Faure. Avid anti-Communists
will be watched in Bulganin's in-
Eden will live in the Villa Re-
posoir on the edge of Geneva,
where he stayed during the Asian
conference last year.
Bulganin is expected to stay at
the villa occupied by the perma-
nent Russian delegation in Gene-
va. The rest of the Russians will
live in the Hotel Metropole.
Foure is expected to live in a
villa, still not chosen.
As far as is known, President
Eisenhower will stay at the Rhone
Hotel overlooking the Rhone Riv-
er. Secretary of State Dulles
lived there during last year's con-
B e n t o n Harbor's Municipal
Fruit Market infiuences midwest
fruit prices. It annually handles
over 7 million packages valued at
more than $5,000,000, and ships
to 567 cities in 28 states.
Our better permanents reduced
for this two-week event.
" $20 permanent .... $15.00
i $15 permanent .. $12.50
* $12.50 permanent .. $10.00
* $10 permanent......$8.50
For that continental look
Hair Stylist from Berlin, Germany
5 Nickels Arcade

After 37 years as .director of
[ealth Service, Dr. Warren E.
'orsythe will leave Ann Arbor to-
ay for a year's retirement fur-
Health Service was only five
ears old when Dr. Forsythe be-
ame director in 1918. University
tudents were then treated only on
n out-patient basis.
Builds Health Service Operations
Dr. Forsythe took what was
omewhat of an experiment in me-
ical treatment for college stu-
dents and built it into a centraliz-
d, effective medical service for a
ollege community of nearly 20,-
00 people.
Although Health Service is still
primarily an out-patient center,
[t often accommodates 500 stu-
dents in one day. There are beds
or 60 patients in the clinic.
-In Dr. Forsythe's opinion, the
kind of medical service rendered
here is indicative of future trends
n medical treatment. "The high
cttts of special services, such as
X-ray examinations, laboratory
work and treatment by specialists,
are shared by all through tuition
Oregon Graduate
Dr. F wsythe became interested

in medicine aftr coming to the
University. After graduavlg with
a ciagree in Wi.armacy from Ore-
gon Agricultural College in 1V07.
he became an assistant in rq c
University's Medical School. He
diev-loped an :iterest in medicine
and received a medical degree in

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He was director of the College
Health Service at Penn State Col-
lege for two years and was on the
International Health Board staff
before taking over as Health Serv-
ice Director in 1918.
He plans now to return to Ore-
gon to live.
Watched Medical Progress
During his long tenure at the
University, Dr. Forsythe has been
in a position to watch very closely
progress in the field of medicine.
"Advances in medicine are truly
astonishing," he says. But, "it is
difficult to select one area in
which progress is more signifi-
cant than another."
Commenting on the future of
college and university health
services, Dr. Forsythe said they
have a potential educational role.
"A program of health education
should be developed for the ill
student so that when he leaves the
health service, he not only is re-
stored to health, but has gained
some information of the modern
methods of scientific medical
U.S. fountain pen sales were
about a million in 1920, but grew
to about 42 million in 1953, plus
about 122 million ball-point pens.

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Daily Classifieds




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