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June 29, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-06-29

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Latest Deadline in the State

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SAULT STE. MARIE LOCKS-As seen from the air, part of the 100-year old Sault Ste. Marie'
Locks. A 10 week celebration of the century old lock system begins this week.

He said the Labor Department's'
efforts due to begin next month,
were aimed "toward that day
when our country gives full and
free employment opportunity to
all on the basis of ability alone
and is rewarded by finding it has
tapped its richest vein of talent,
skill, experience and devotion.
He spoke to more than 600 per-
sons attending the eighth annual
Conference on Aging, a four day
event ending tomorrow. The six
points are:
1. An analysis of the work rec-
ord of older workers with regard to
performance, attitude, productivi-
ty and other items. "Business men
are not going to hire older workers
for sentimental reascns, they want
to be shown that it is good business
to do so," he said. He added that
other surveys already have shown
that older workers generally are
more dependable and have less
absenteeism than youiger per-
sons. "We are hoping we cani make
this study of such scope and au-
thority it will carry real convic-
tion," Larson explained.
Pension Rates
2. To find out just how much of
a "roadblock" is the problem of
pension rates for older workers,
and just how this barrier may be
gotten around.
3. An analysis of what success
unions and employers have had in
their efforts to deal with age dif-
ficulties in employment. Part of
this would be an analysis of some
5,000 collective bargaining con-
tracts to see what measures have
been adopted dealing with the
subject of age in employment.
Management's Opinion
4. To find out what management
really thinks and does about hir-
ing, retention and laying off of
older workers, and the real rea-
sons for these practices.
5. An improvement and exten-
sion of individualized placement
services through the facilities of
affiliated state employment serv-
6. An effort to tap the vast re-
sources of mature women to meet
some of the most pressing job
shortages facing us today."
In an afternoon session of the
conference, James Stern, staff

Summer field Talk
Begins Festival
-.Postmaster General Arthur E.
Summerfield toured the Soo Locks
yesterday and said it made him
"even more aware of the area's
importance to the entire free
Summerfield, here for the open-
ing of the 10-week Soo Locks cen-
tennial celebration, went aboard
the Coast Guard cutter Mesquite
to inspect the Great Lakes ship-
ping waterway that links lakes
Superior and Huron.
In an address officially starting
the festival, Summerfield hinted
that President Eisenhower may
seek a second term in 1956.
Summerfield spoke, at a lunch-
eon for 400 Michigan and Cana-
dian civic leaders after attending
the first sale of the Soo centen-
nial commemorative stamps.
Full time male students may ob-
tain Union membership cards at
the main desk of the Union at any
time this week by presenting their
cashier's receipt to the desk clerk.

The following week will be high-
lighted by a tentative visit from
the Prime Minister of Canada,
Louis St. Laurent on July 23. St.
Laurent is expected to review a
mammoth Canadian Parade - on
the Michigan side of the Soo-hon-
oring the centennial.
All of the Upper Peninsula,
along with state, federal, and in-
dustrial organizationsare cooper-
ating with the city of Sault Ste.
Marie in putting on the celebra-
Among them are the Great
Lakes - St. Lawrence Seaway As-
sociation, Michigan Tourist Coun-
cil, tle University of Michigan, the
Lake Carriers Association, the
Henry Ford Museum and Green
field Villiage, the Michigan Hotel
Association, the U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers, the National Associ-
ation of Travel Organizations, the
U.S. Coast Guard, and Capital Air-
The General Library and all
branch libraries will be closed
from Saturday until Tuesday.
Books from divisional li-
braries, the graduate reading
rooms and study halls may cir-
culate over the weekend. be-
ginning at 3 p.m. Friday.

Hits German
Arms Plan
Deputies Reject
Adenauer 'Law'
BONN, Germany (A) - Parlia-
ment struck a sharp blow last
night against Chancellor Konrad
Adenauer's efforts to put the first
West German soldiers into uniform
this summer.
After heated debate, the Bun-
destag (lower house) sent back to
committee Adenauer's proposal to
call up volunteers now for the pro-
posed 500,000-man armed forces.
The "Volunteer's Law" came un-
der bitter attack by deputies of all
parties, including Adenauer's own
Christian Democrats.
Under its rules, the Bundestag
could have either rejected the bill
or sent it back to committees for
further study before the decisive
second and third readings.
Adenauer Set Back
Despite the fact that it went
back to committee, the mounting
opposition and demands for
changes spelled a setback for Ade-
nauer's plan and could postpone
for months the start of West Ger-
man rearmament.
Party leaders said they would
offer a new plan but the big ques-
tion was whether the legislators
can prepare and pass a new bill be-
fore they adjourn. Parliament
starts its summer recess July 18.
Adenauer is anxious to start re-
arming quickly. He feels the West
Germans must show the free
world-- and the Russians - that
they intend to rebuild the Ger-
man army before the Big Four
Summit conference in Geneva
next month.
Adenauer's plan would give the
government temporary power to
call up volunteers until passage of
permanent legislation to establish
an army.
Members of Parliament said
they approved rearmament in
principle, but they charged the
Chancellor's bill contained no
guarantees of civilian control over
the military and could lead to a
resurgence of German militarism.
Controls Demanded
They demanded extensive con-
trols to assure that the new army
can never become a "state within
a state," as the old German army
was once called.
The Adenauer government has
agreed to raise a 500,000-ma force
to strengthen Western defenses in
Europe against Soviet Russia. This
would include a 12-division army
Anouilh Play
Opens Today
What is a relatively easy way of
tearing up a million dollars, anc
how is it possible to imitate the
sound and sparkle of fireworks i
a limited area?
These are two of the problem
which have confronted the pro
men at work on the productior
of "Ring Round the Moon," the
speech department play which wil
open at 8 p.m. this evening at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
Fortunately the answers to these
troublesome questions have beer

The frenzied actor who tears ul
the French francs in the fina
scene of the three act comedy i
in reality demolishing bills whicl
have been constructed from tissue.
thin paper. The fireworks will b
simulated with the aid of flash
Directed by William Halstead o
the speech department, "Rinm
Round the Moon," is a Christophe
Fry adaptation of a work b:
French playwright Anouilh.
Tickets for the production, whic]
will be presented through Satur
day, July 2 are still on sale at th
Lydia Mendelssohn boxoffice.
ISA To Sponsor
All-Campus Picnic
In order to promote friendshi
among American and foreign stu
dents ,the University's Interna
tional Students Association i
sponsoring an all-campus picni

Steel Strike
Impasse Comes
I n Wage Talks
By The Associated Press
Clifford S. Hood, president of
U.S. Steel Corp., said in Pittsburgh
last night "a wholly unnecessary
strike of the American steel in-
dustry that would have damaging
effects on the country's presently
flourishing economy is seriously
Hood's statement came after
day-long meetings with the CIO
United Steelworkers had failed to
break the impasse in deadlocked
wage talks.
A strike is threatened for mid-
night tomorrow.
The union met with pace-set-
ting U.S. Steel and the other five
major producers which make up
'the industry's "Big Six."
Refuse Additional Boost
U.S. Steel has refused to in-
crease its original wage boost
which it says amounts to slightly
more than 10 cents an hour.
Steelworkers now average $2.32
Hood said his company had been
forced to "begin preparations for
a walkout of its production and
'maintenance employes at mid-
night tomorrow because the Unit-.
ed Steelworkers of America has
refused to accept the corporation's
offer of substantial increases in
the wages of its steelworkers, at a
time when hourly wages and
weekly earnings are at an all time
Hood Statement


-Daily-Tom McLean
sign, an all glass, diagonally placed entrance and the latest in
office equipment spark the recently completed Athletic Admini-
stration Building. Built at a cost of $365,000, the new athletic
headquarters, located on the corner of State and Hoover Sts.,
is part of the $7 million expansion program for the Athletic
Department. Ticket offices, publicity department and coaches'
offices are housed in the new building.
Change in UNL Charter
Urged by Prof. Sohn
Changes in the United Nations Charter were urged yesterday by
Prof. Louis B. Sohn of the Harvard Law School to bring about collec-
tive security, disarmament and pacific settlement of disputes.
Speaking at the last session of a six-day conference on interna-
tional law at, he stated that:
"Collective security is not possible without disarmament. We can-
not deprive the nations of the means of solving their disputes by
force, without producing at the same time adequate methods for the
pacific settlement of all disputes."
Arms DecreasedA
Prof. John advocated a ten-year period in which armaments
would be decreased ten per cent annually while simultaneously
building up an international police
force until 'it reached a strength
of 500,000.' Carl Carmer
It should also be- possible, he
putes by referring them to an in-M eet
ternational equity tribunal author-
ized to take into consideration fac- ForSW riters
tors other than legal ones.

. j

Favor Union Instructions
A vote of 1,259 to 513 in favor of
the question, "Are you in favor of
carrying out instructions of the
international and local union of-
ficials to return to work on your
regular shift?" was taken at ar
afternoon meeting.
Picketing ended before the
meeting, following a temporar3
restraining order issued by Wash-
tenaw County Circuit Judg
James R. Breakey, Jr. The order
b a n n e d trespassing, violence
threats and "interference witt
lawful ingress and egress to anc
rom plant property."
Before the order from Judg
Breakey, 24-hour picket line,
were posted at both entrances o:
the Willow Run plant, preventinf
entrance into the plant for pur.
poses other than to be paid.
All of the more than 8,000 em,
ployes respected the picket lines
Livingston Jeered
-At yesterday's meeting, Johi
W. Livingston, United Auto Work
ers' vice-president was booed fre
quently by the thousands of un
ion workers attending. Some o
the men yelled "We were sol
out," to Livingston. They wer,
referring to last week's economi,
settlement with GM, which Liv
ingston termed "the best econom
ic settlement ever made wit]



cdes End;
Immrne ni
Picket Lines
D :i sappear
k From Plant
Mass Meeting
Vote Counted
A seven-day wildcat strike end.
z ~ed at the General Motors Trans-
mission plant in Willow Run
Picket lines disappeared, and by
this morning nearly full working
forces were back on the assembly
line. The workers voted yesterday
to follow appeals by union leaders
requesting that they go back -to
- work.

In his statement, Hood added:
"The union has adamantly re-
fused to accept our offer without
any valid economic reason for
doing so. The union, not the cor-
poration, has made a strike appear
The union, in newspaper adver-
tisements, claimed the industry's
profits thus far this year are 60
per cent higher than in the same
period in 1954.
U.S. Steel said it will start shut-1
ting down its blast furnaces today.'
David J. McDonald, president of
the steelworkers, headed the ne-
gotiating sessions with U.S. Steel
yesterday. The big corporation us-
ually sets the contract pattern for
the basic steel industry.
New Offer Expected
Despite Hood's statement-and
following two meetings between
McDonald and Big Steel-a union
official said he still expects U.S.
Steel to come up with a new wage
Jones & Laughlin, the nation's
fourth biggest producer, and
Bethlehem Steel, the second big-
gest, also made offers yesterday
but the union previously rejected
a similar one from U.S. Steel.
In Cleveland, Republic Steel
Corp., the third largest steel pro-
ducer, announced that it, too, had
made an offer similar to that of
U.S. Steel. Republic said its pro-
posal would average "somewhat
more than 10 cents an hour."
At the huge Gary works of the
U.S. Steel Corp. one blast furnace
which cannot be banked was taken
off production yesterday. Officials
said the remaining furnaces would
be banked starting late today if
no agreement is reached.
'Public Co


"If we can prepare an agreement
solving honestly the basic problems
of today in a spirit of generosity
and understanding, other nations
will accept our leadership with
gratitude and for the first time in
modern days, we shall achieve on
the international scene a success
comparable to those which we ac-
cept as a matter of fact whenever
we tackle our domestic problems,"
Prof. Sohn declared.
"Time is getting short for such a
successful venture," he commented,
"but the opportunity still beckons.
In the last decade, we have learned
how to split the atom; I am sure
before the next ten years are over
we will also learn how to keep the
world together."
At an earlier session of the con-
ference, Leonard Meeker, Assistant
Legal Adviser for United Nations
Affairs discussed "The United Na-
tions and Law in the World Com-
Speech Assembly
Prof. Gerold 0. Dykstra of the
business administration school will
be guest speaker at the Speech De-
partment Assembly today at 3 p.m.
Prof. Dykstra's topic is "Teach-
ing With 'Hypos'." The assembly
will be held in Rackham Amphi-
theatre. The public is invited.

A Michigan Writers Conference
will be held today and tomorrowt
with its feature attraction a lecture
by the noted novelist, folklorist1
and editor Carl Carmer, who will
talk on "The American Spirit-
Michigan Brand."
Registration for the conference
will open at 9:30 a.m. today in the
Hopwood Room, 1006 Angell Hall.
This will be followed by a visit to
the Michigan Historical Collec-
tions Library.
F. Clever Bald, assistant direc-
tor of the Collections will speak
on "The Resources of the Collec-
tions" at 11:15 a.m. At a 12:30
p.m. luncheon in the Michigan
League, Howard H. Peckham, di-
rector of Clements Library of
Americana, will talk on "The Writ-
er and the William L. Clements Li-
At 4:15 p.m. in Auditorium A,
Angell Hall, Carmer will present
his lecture, and at 7:30 p.m. in
the Hopwood Room, individual
manuscript conferences will be
held for those who have submitted
Tomorrow Carmer will take part
in an informal discussion at 10:30
a.m. in Room 2429, Mason Hall.
Herbert Howarth, visiting lecturer
in English Literature and Library
rScience, will talk on "The Writer
" in England Today" at a 12:30 p.m.
luncheon in the Michigan League.

Livingston told the assembled
workers the company could can-
cel its agreement with the union
if ratification is not received by
midnight today.
Meanwhile, GM notified the
UAW it also would seek court re-
lief from picketing at the Terh-
stedt plant in Flint, shut down
since Monday by a wildcat strike,
GM Telegram
GM threatened in a telegram,
"Unless the illegal strike and
picketing are ended promptly, as-
sembly of GM automobiles will
stop, throwing many thousands of
additional employes needlessly
out of work."
The wire added that. GM has
"no alternative but to take every
proper step available under its
agreement with the union and un-
der State and Federal law to pre-
vent further loss."
U.S. To Drop
Perjury Case
On Lattimore

Allermande Left'

ntent with Schools '--Trowv
A - - - - -

ernment, repeatedly rebuffed by
the courts, yesterday gave up its
perjury prosecution of Owen Lat-
With key counts of two dif-
ferent indictments knocked out by
court rulings, Attorney General
Herbert Brownell saw "no rea-
sonable likelihood of a successful
prosecution" on five remaining
charges that Lattimore lied to a
Senate committee investigating
alleged Communist activities.
United States Attorney Leo A.
Rover said he will move later to
formal dismissal of the five re-
maining counts.
Lattimore, a Far Eastern spe-
cialist, is on a lecture tour of
England and Western Europe. He
left on May 26 after the State
nnartment hea tedly renewed his

The public is definitely satisfied
with modern schools as a whole,
according to Prof. William Clark
Trow, of the educational psycholo-
gy department.
"It's a small minority who cause
the occasional school fights. You

Changes in our school system
are made difficult, Prof. Trow con-
tinued, by population growth, the
changing ideals of the people, pa-
rental and child needs. Education
is different at different times be-
cause there are different needs in
the culture.

of man hours are being spent to
teach children to read better than
it has ever been done before, ac-
cording to Prof. Trow.
'Life Adjustment'
The "Life Adjustment" move-
ment attacked by critics of mod-
ern education is, Prof. Trow said,
. nlyfh fn- o fa rhnnl +t


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