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June 22, 1955 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1955-06-22

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Air4' an]Daft
Sixty-Fifth Year
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This -must be noted in all reprints.
Peron Losing His Power

'HERE COMES a time in evy dictator's
life when he pushes his subjects to the
eaking point. A good one will stop there. And
en there's President Juan Peron of Argen-
Peron pushed his people beyond that point
picking on the one thing that meant as
ich as, or more than the state, the Catholic
iurch. Separating the two constitutionally
is well enough accepted, because that implied
at each would let the other alone. Peron was
t satisfied with that peaceful implication,
ir with a separate but equal relationship. The.
ate must be supreme, a paradoxical obses-
nu of every dictator. It's necessary and it
His feud with the Church smoldered for
ven months, finally breaking into a revolt
ter he expelled two high prelates. Navy fliers
d marines started the fireworks, presuming
lp from segments of the army which never

arrived. Peron did not crush the uprising, but,
Army Minister Maj. Gen. Franklin Lucero did.
Reports of a triumvirate came out of Buenos
Aires, with Peron included but obviously not
in command. Gen. Lucero and the army pre-
dominated in the newspapers, at flag day
ceremonies and on the radio. Peron and prize
assets were played down, all of which seems to
indicate Peron is losing his grip on Argentina.
For a long time, such a thing was consider-
ed only as the wildest miracle that even the
Church had not been able to accomplish. The
strict news censorship kept hidden the forces
that inevitably play upon a dictator's security.
Peron benefited, perhaps, from what might
be called the advanced civilization of an age
in which dictators are not, annihilated, but
eased slowly down the ladder. No matter what
the method of removal, however, dictators will
always lose the power they try so hard to
keep when they try too hard to keep it. Peron
would be- the last to deny this.

"Sure - I'll Sit Here In The Middle"
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Prospects for Peace Brighter;
Hobby Passes the Buck

Language of Bureaucrats

THE FOLLOWING circumlocu-
tory passage of perissology and
flatulency is the fabrication of
Milton Smith, Assistant General
Counsel, United States Chamber
of Commerce, whose intentional
paucity of perspicuity should serve
as a diuturnal dehortation that
our recorded disquisitions, to be
immortal, need not be eternal.
"BAFFLEGAB: Multiloquence,
characterized by consummate in-
terfusion of circumlocution or peri-
phrase, inscrutability, incogniza-
bility, or other familiar manifesta-
tion of obtuse expatiation com-
monly utilized for promulgations
implementing procrustean deter-
minations by governmental bod-
Some Samples of Bafflegab
Clogging of U.S. Army commun-
ications systems by an avalanche
of wordage brought an order re-
cently to "reduce the volume and
verbosity of electrically transmit-
ted messages," meaning "cut down
on phone calls and t4egrams."
When a plumber in New York
City inquired from the United
States Bureau of Standards if it
was all right for him to clean clog-
ged drains with hydrochloric acid,
they replied: "The efficacy of hy-
drochloric acid is indisputable, but
the corrosive residue is incompat-
ible with metallic permanence."
The puzzled plumber learned this
meant "Don't use hydrochloric
acid-it will eat up the pipes."
A. P. Herbert, former M.P. and
famous humorist, attacking verbo-
sity, once put Lord Nelson's "Eng-
land expects every man to do his
duty" into officialese as follows:
"England anticipates that, as re-
gards the current emergency, per-
sonnel will face up to the issues,
and exercise appropriately the
function, allocated to their res-
pective occupation groups."
* * *
During a trial in Birmingham,
England, a doctor testified that a
man was suffering from "circu-
morbitalshaematoma," i.e., a black
A British newspaper carried this
quote from the memo ofcthe man-
ager of a Government office to
his superior: "Verbal contact with
Mr. Blank regarding the attached
notification of promotion has eli-
cited the attached representation
intimating that he prefers to de-
cline the assignment." It meant
he didn't want the job.
A Government official in New
Zealand- made a survey of property
suggested for use as a sports field
and sent in this report: "It is ob-

vious from the difference in ele-
vation with relation to the short
depth of the property that the
contour is such as to preclude any
reasonable development potential
for active recreation." It seems
the plot was too steep to play on.
* * *
Rephrased So Top Level
Bureaucrats Can Understand
E IGHT AND seven-tenths dec-
ades ago the pioneer workers in'
this continental area implemented
a new group based on an ideology
of free boundaries and initial con-
ditions of equality. We are now
actively engaged in an over-all
evaluation of conflicting factors
in order to determine whether or
not the life expectancy of this
group or of any group operating
under the stated conditions is sig-
We are not in an area of maxi-
mum activity among the conflict-
ing factors. The purpose of the
meeting is to assign permanent
positions to the units which have
been annihilated in the process of
attaining a steady state. This pro-
cedure represents standard prac-
tice at the administrative level.
From a more comprehensive
viewpoint we cannot assign - we
cannot integrate - we cannot im-
plement this area.
The courageous units, in being
annihilated, who -were active in
this area have integrated it to the
point where the application of
sirple arithmetical operations to
include our efforts would produce
only negligible effects.
The reaction of the general pub-
lie to this colloquium will be non-
essfntial and transitori but the
reaction to the impingeluent of
the combat group s invariant, It
is for this group in being rather to
be integrated with the incomplete
ac'vmties for which the combat
groups who were activ 3 in this
area have so comprehensively ef-
fected the initial irplementatio.
It is preferable for this group to
be integrated with the incomplet-
ed implementation-that from the
standards set by these respected
deceased units we take accelerat-
ed intensive effort-that we here
resolve at a high ethical level that
the deceased shall not have been
annihilated without furthering the
project-that this group under
divine leadership shall implement
a new source of unhamper'ed. ac-
tivity-and that political supervi-
sion composed of the integrated
units, for the integrated units, and
by thee integrated' units shall not
perish from the superficial area of
this planet.
(Comapled ifrom "Overfins Words" tr
W.E9. Farbtein, as publishd in New
York Times, 29 March 1953)

IROSPECTS FOR some kind of rapport be-
tween Russia and the Western world seem-
somewhat brighter yesterday with the an-
uncement that the two blocs had reached:
reement on preliminary arrangements for
e "conference at the summit" in Geneva
xt month.
Diplomats on both sides have apparently
;en successful in ironing out the melange of
tty difficulties that so often doom high-
vel meetings to failure. For that feat alone,
ich credit is due Dulles of the U.S. and Eden
Great Britain.
President Eisenhower indicated before the
cited Nations Monday in one of the finest
eeches ever delivered by the chief executive
at the United States is sincerely interested
approaching the conference in good faith,
at this country will leave no stone unturned
an attempt to ease world tensions.
"We shall reject no method, however novel,"
said, "that. holds out any hope, however
int." The President urged the dismantling of
e "terrible apparatus of fear . . . mistrust
d weapons."
This kind of talk-the lost rhetoric of states-
anship-is very rare, and it's heartening to
ar it occasionally.
No one, of course, pretends to know what's
the minds of the Kremlin coterie, but indi-
tions are that the Soviets have at long last

awakened to the fact that war-hot or cold-
is not a profitable business for anyone's cause.
When the conference does come, let's hope
that both powers will heed Adlai Stevenson's
advice and not consider negotiation appease-
HE SECRETARY of Health, Education and
Welfare, Mrs. Hobby, yesterday passed the
buck on responsibility for the polio vaccine
mix-up to Surgeon General Leonard Scheele.
She brusquely insister} that, if there has been
"any negligence" in thie government's hand-
ling of the Salk vaccine program, Scheele must
bear the responsibility.
Apparently, even now, Mrs. Hobby cannot
tolerate the thought that there certa'nly has
been "negligence" and that she, to a large ex-
tent, is responsible.
This is the same distinguished lady who,
some 20 years after the March of Dimes was
launched, announced the clasic statement: "No
one could have foreseen the public demand for
the Salk polio vaccine."
Mrs. Hobby continues to prove that there is
more than one cabinet member possessed with
the talent for putting one's foot in one's
-Cal Samra

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Senators Brawl in Congress":


The UN and World Peace

Associated Press News Analyst
THERE IS AN illogical tendency to criticize
the United Nations because, established to
maintain peace, it has not made peace.
When the nations met at San Francisco 10
years ago to form a postwar organization, the
Japanese were still fighting, nobody knew what
would be found beneath the ruptured Nazi
crust of Germany, and Russia was an ally of
Britain, France and the TUnited States.
Peace was to come through unity of the
great powers. The cold war was in the already-
written Russian books; but the West had not
read therm.
Once the peace was made by the great pow-
ers, the UN was to have a -police force to see
that it was kept.Thatwas a dream which died
Nevertheless, tha UN has on several occa-
sions exerted great influence for peace. Its
earliest triumph was to focus public opinion
on Russia's efforts to continue her occupation
of Iran after the war, causing her withdrawal
from a position which contained an immediate
threat of war.
The reports of UN teams likewise had their
influence on -Russia's abandonment of her ob-
jectives in Greece, and UN mediators ultimate-
ly produced an armistice, even though a shaky
one, in Palestine.
The most momentous UN deed, of course,
was the demonstration that free nations will
not stand idly by while one of their number' is
conquered. For the first time in history an im-
portant number of nations-15-pooled their
arms to defend a nation, South Korea, in which
none of them had any great selfish interest.
Yet perhaps the most important thing the
UN has done is merely to exist amid all, the

pressures which might have torn it down. Not
one single nation has shown any sign of with-
drawal, although some of them, such as Rus-
sia and South Africa, have been sorely vexed
by expressions of international opinion through
the forum.
The UN stands as a symbol of something for
which man is searching. It gives him a target
for his dreams. It is the burning glass which
focuses the heat of his desires, providing a fire
by which he may warm himself during the
cold night of search. It gives nim a sense of
unity against terror. If he did not have it, he
would have to have something else like it.
As the President says, without the United
Nations the points where it has failed would
still have been written down in history as fail-
ures; and victories have been achieved which
could not have been wo without it.'
New Books at the Library
Aleichem, Sholom-The Great Fair, New
York, Noonday Press, 1955.
Barrymore, Ethel-Memories, New York,
Harper & Bros., 1955.
Bolster, Arthur S.-James Freeman Clarke:
Disciple to Advancing Truth, Boston, The Bea-
con Press, 1955.
Cook, Beatrice-Truth is Stranger than Fish-
in', New York, William Morrow & Co.,1955.
Gironella, Jose Maria-The Cypresses Be-
lieve In God, New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1955.
Melville, Annabelle M.-John Carroll of Bal-
timore, New York, Charles Scribner's Sons,
Miers, Earl Schneck-The Web of Victory:
Grant at Vicksburg, New York, Alfred A. Knopf,
Milosz, Czeslaw-The Seizure of Power, New
York, Criterion Books, 1955.
Peyrefitte, Roger-Diplomatic Conclusions,
New York, The Vanguard Press, 1955.
Reischauer, Edwin O.-Wanted: An Asian
Policy, New York, Knopf, 1955.
Roosevelt, Theodore-Edited by Donald Day
-The Hunting and Exploring Adventures of
Theodore Roosevelt. New York. The Dial Pres

WASHINGTON-The record on
Sen. Prescott Bush, Connecti-
cut Republican, is a little worse
than when I first reported it last
week. Senator Bush not only has
a secret expense fund raised by
wealthy friends on Wall Street,
and is one of the wealthiest men.
in the Senate, but on top of this
made two of the longest speeches
against raising congressmen's sal-
aries when that question was up
for debate.
Senator Bush made it clear dur-
ing this debate that he thought
membership in the Senate should
be reserved for those who could
afford it. But he did not reveal to
any of his colleagues that wealthy
friends were raising over $25,000.
for his TV, radio and publicity,
and that no record was being
made of these contributors as re-
quired by the Corrupt Practices
His own Republican colleague
from Connecticut, William Pur-
tell, argued with him at some
length on the Senate floor, but
the more Senator Bush argued
back, the more it became clear
that he thought the Senate should
be, in effect, an exclusive million-
aires' club.
Senator Purtell Argues
THIS SO surprised his friend
and GOP colleague from Con-
necticut that Purtell, asked:
"Would the Senator feel that
one of the prerequisites for mem-
bership in the Congress should be
either inherited or acquired wealth
before becoming a member of
"Win the Senator repeat the
question?" parried Bush of Con-
"I think I had better repeat the
question," replied Purtell of Con-
necticut. "Is it the Senator's opin-
ion that bne of the tests for abil-
ity to serve in the House or the
Senate should be either inherited
or acquired wealth?".
"No," replied Bush, "I would not
say there should be any such test."
"My experience has been," press-
ed his GOP colleague from Con-
necticut, obviously not satisfied
with the answer, "that many men-
bers of the House of Representa-
tives with growing families and
children who have to be sent to
school find it impossible to make
ends meet."
"Does the Senator agree with me
that such persons do have diffi-
culty in making both ends meet in
view of the fact that they have
two homes to maintain and are
trying to meet the demands of
their constituents by going back
and forth between their districts
and Washington?
"May I further ask the Sena-
tor," pressed Purtell, "whether he
thinks such persons should deny
'to their loved ones some of the
necesztities in the way of educa-
tion and trh is tvn hat mre+ . n t_

necticut, "that such persons are
not compelled by any require-
ments except their own prefer-
ence to serve in the House. There
is no compulsion for such persons
to remain members of the House
if they do not think the reward is
satisfactory and they find them-
selves in a position of hardship."
"Does the Senator believe," ask-
ed Purtell, pressing the point fur-
ther, "that 'the salaries should be
sc low as to preclude from an op-
portunity ,'to serve in Congress
many persons who have growing
families 'and who would like to
serve in legislative bodies but can-
not because the salaries do not
permit them to do justice.to their
2. simpDly say to the Senator."
replied Bush, "that I do not think
the salaries should be fixed at such
a rate that anybody who wanted
to do so should make money from
service in Congress."
Senator Bush is a former Wall
Street banker who has raised all
sorts of money for the Republican
Party, and his GOP colleague from
Connecticut knew it. Whether he
knew Bush had a secret expense
fund is not known. But Purtell
knew that Bush, before his olec-
tion to Congress, had been a di-
rector of Columbia Broadcasting,
the Vanadium Corp. of America,
Prudential Insurance, the U.S.
Guarantee Co., the Simmons Corp.,
Rockbestos Products, and chair-
man of Pennsylvania Water and
Power. Few other sitting Senators
have had so many ties with big
business when they ran for office.
So Senator Purtell persisted.
Few Farmers in Senate
"IN OTHER words," he remark-
ed, "the Senator feels that if
one with a growing family and
having no inherited or acquired
wealth finds himself unable to
meet the demands of his family,
he ought not to run for office?"
Senator Bush was too wise po-
litically tc admit this. He denied
it But he made his position quite
clear during the debate that he
believed only the wealthy should
hold office.
"Many members hold connec-
tions with business and profession-
al organizations," he said. "While
all members do not do so, most
of them have been able to retain
their interests in automobile agen-
cies, law firms, radio and TV and
the newspaper business.
"I think it's good to have in
Congiezs men of affairs who know
what it is to operate business or
who practice law."
Finally Senator Langer of North
Dakota interrupted to ask:
"Can the Senator from Connec-
ticut name a member of this body
who is a farmer?"
Bush named Senator Williams,
Republican of Delaware.
4 "I understand he raises a mil-
llfin and a half chicxens a year,"
nnr- -fn A - -rns 66T - - nf +"+r

was composed of lawyers and busi-
nessmen, none of whom knew that
their Connecticut colleague, who
opposed a salary increase, was
raising a secret fund of his own.
Under the Dome
TOE McCARTHY got caught in a
peppery cross-fire after he de-
livered his Senate speech blasting
Ike for agreeing to meet themRus-
sians at Geneva. It was almost
pathetic to see McCarthy jumped
from three sides by fellow. Repub-
licans Knowland, Calif., Thye,
Minn., and Bender, Ohio ... Joe's
brow tensed, his hands shook, and
he grasped the back of a chair to
support himself when Knowland
rose to- deliver a surprise lecture
defending Ike and Dulles. After
Knowland, Thye, and Bender got
through, many newsmen in the
tense Senate press gallery thought
MCCarthy was on the verge of a
collapse .... Ike advisers got in-
to a backstage hassle over whether
he should be evacuated from the
White House by helicopter or au-
tomobile during last week's civil-
defense test. The Secret Service
insisted that Ike stay on the
ground and leave town by car.
They argued that a helicopter is
too risky, particularly in bad
weather. They won...Prison au-
thorities in charge of the Spring-
field, Mo., penal hospital where
California's famous Finn twins, in-
carcerated for allegedly stealing a
government surplus airplane which,
they had purchased from a local
school, are now on a hunger strike
aren't happy about the situation.
They would be delighted if the
twins were released. They don't
like the job of forcibly feeding.
them at all. However, the Finns'
fate is up to Attorney General
Brownell in Washington . For
the first time in its history Ccn-
gress has a full-fledged nev'spaper
of its own. Published by Sidney
Yudain of Connecticut Cong'ess-
man Morano's staff, it's rallee
"Roll Call" and contains news and
features about members of Con-
(Copyright, 1955, Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
non has been more surprising
in recent years than the revival
in the United States of conserva-
tism as a respectable social phil-
osophy. For decades liberalism
seemed to have everything its
way. The bright young men were
always liberals; the thoughtful
professors were generally liberals;
even conservatives, like the late
Senator Taft, began in despair to
avow themselves liberals.
But in the last year or two, it
has all seemed to change. Fash-
ionable intellectual circles now
dismiss liberalis mas naive, ritual-
istic, sentimental, shallow. With
a whoop and a roar, a number of
conservative prophets have mate-

The Daily Official- Bulletin is an
official publication of the University'
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be-
for 10 a.m. on Saturday.) Notice of
lectures, concerts and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold
an informal reception for all Summer
Session students at their home Thurs.,
June 23 from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m.
President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold
an informal reception for Summer
Session faculty members, both resi-
dent and visiting, at their home Fri.,
June 24 from 8:00 to 10:00 ,p.m.
The University applies certain re-
strictions to the use of automobiles by
its students. The following students,
after registering their automobiles
with the Office of Student Affairs, are
exempt from any driving restrictions
during the Summer Session:
1. Those who in the academic year
are engaged in professional pursuits,
as for example, teachers, lawyers, phy-
sicians, dentists, and nurses.
2. Those who are twenty-six years of
age or over.
3. Students holding a faculty rank-
ing of teaching fellow or higher.
Students who are not exempt, as in-
dicated, may secure permits to drive by
making prompt applications to the Of-
fice of Student Affairs, Room 1020, Ad-
ministration Building:
1. Provided their circumstances ne-
cessitate such use.
2. Provided they need automobiles
for participation in outdoor sports
such as golf, tennis, and swimming.
3. If married and under twenty-six
years of age.
At the time of registration each stu-
dent is requested to indicate whether
or not he will drive during the Sum-
mer Session, and to furnish definite
information with regard to the make,
type, and license number of the car
to be used. All students, including
those who are exempt from the restric-
tions, must carry public liability and,
property damage insurance and must
furnish the name of the Insurance
Company, the policy number, and the
expiration date of the policy before
permission to drive is granted. Any stu-


is recruiting Stewards and Stewardesses
for new classes forming June 27 and
July 5. Positions require fluency in one
of the following: French, Italian, Ger-
man, Portuguese, Dutch, Swedish, Da-'
nish, Norwegian, Finnish, Polish, Hun-
garian, Czechoslovak, Turkish,. Arable,
Hindustani, or Greek.
Mademoiselle Magazine announces its
"Europe on a 'Paycheck"' feature rwrt-
ing contest, open to any woman 30 or.
under who is going abroad and will be
working while there.
Mich. Civil Service anounces exams
for School Finance Executives 1h and
IV, Budget Technician, Weights and
Measures Inspectors 1 and IA, and Re-
ceptionist B. Exams are also announced
for Adult Corrections Trainee 1, Statis-
tics Clerk A, Clerical Pool Supervisor 1.
Child Day Care Consultant 11, and
Foods and Standards Inspector 1.
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.,
has an opening for a cataloger of ma-
terials in the Turkish language. -With
one year of cataloging experience the
position starts at GS-7, otherwise starts
at GS-5.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad. Bldg.,
Ext. 371.
Foreign Language Teachers. Correct-
ed Notice: Prof. Theodore Anderssonv'
lecture on "Foreign Language Teach-
ing," announced for "Tues., will: be OvT-
en Wed., June 22, at 4:00 p.m., in 429
Mason Hall.
Academic :Notices
Mathematics Colloquium, Thurs., June
23, at 4:00 p.m. in Boom 5011 Angell Hail.
Dr. Kurt Hirsch, of the Universit of
London and the University of Colorado.
will speak on "Associative Operations,
on Groups."
Events Today
Ballroom Dancing Lessons, Wed., June
22 at the Michigan League. Beginners
at 7:00 p.m., Intermediates at 8:00 p.m.
Pi Lambda Theta-Cofree Hour 3M3,
4:30 p.m. Student Lounge, Room 2433
University Elementary School. Members
of an chapters are invited.
Coming Events
Meeting for the chairmen of the ju-
diciary of all undergraduate houses at
the League Thurs., June 23 at 4:00 p.m.
in the Judiciary room. The judiciary
program will be run the same as it
does in the fall and spring semesters.


The Daily Staff

Editorial Board
Pat Roelofs

Jim Dygert

Cal Samra

Mary Lee Dingler, Marge Piercy, Ernest Theodossin
Dave Rorabacher........................Sports Editor


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