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June 22, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-06-22

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Peron Losing His Power
See Page 2

Latest Deadline in the State

4 hr
:43 a t t


LXV, No. 2S



urvey Reveals
'ewer Smoking





wernment Learns 1.5 Million





Gave Up Habit in 18 Months
TASHINGTON (A)-The government yesterday made public an
ite that 11/2 million Americans who were cigarette smokers
quit smoking entirely within the last 18 months.
estimated that 38 million others are regular cigarette smokers-
lion men and 13 million women.
he estimates were based on a sample of about 40,000 persons sur-
by the Census Bureau for the National Cancer Institute of the
Health Service.
[he data will be of value to National Cancer. Institute statisticians

Arrangements Set
For Geneva Talks
MacMillan Opens UN Anniversary
Session With East-West Peace Plea



.s Doctor
aft Ruling

H o u s e' conference committee
agreed yesterday to cut five years
off the maximum age for induct-
ing doctors and dentists under
new draft legislation.
Doctors and dentists now can
be taken into the armed services
through age 50.
The conferees , agreed to make
it through age 45 in a bill to ex.'
tend the doctors' draft another
two years.
Deadlock Broken
The agreement broke a congres-
sional deadlock over extension au-
thrity on a bill to extend both
thespecial doctors draft and the
regular draft of young men 18 to
Both the House and Senate pre-
viously. had :approved the four-
year extension of the regular
draft, which expires June 30.
But the House Rules Commit-
tee, under heavy pressure from
medical and dental leaders, had
blocked House action on a two-
ear extension of the authority to
draft medical men, which also
expires at the end of the month.
Few Drafted.
The Senate forced the issue by
combining both draft extensions
in one bill after Pentagon lead-
ers said they must have authority
to obtain more than 7000 physi-
cians and 4,000 dentists needed
during the next two years.
Few medical men are actually
^ drafted. Instead they are desig-
nated by local draft boards for
induction, then volunteer for of-
* ficers' commissions to serve for
two years.
The compromise measure now
goes back to the House for expect-
ed approval Friday. It must then
be accepted by the Senate before
it goes to President Eisenhower
for final approval.
,Driving Rules
For Summer
Session Given
The driving ban changes its
tone durirfg the summer.
The regulations for use of au-
tomobiles in Ann Arbor include a
clause that will allow almost any
student to drive a car from June
.through August. The clause reads,
"Students may secure permits to
drive provided they need automo-
biles for participation in outdoor
sports such as golf, tennis, and
Permits may be obtained by fill-
ing out applications in the Office
of Student Affairs in the Admini-
stration Bldg.
Other Students Exempt
During the regular school year,
n there is no recreation 'clause in-
Other students who are ex-
empt from any driving restric-
tions during the Summer Session
are those who in the academic
year are engaged in professional
pursuits, as for examples teach-
ers, lawyers, physicians, dentists,
and nurses.
M Students who are twenty-six
years of age or over are allowed
to drive also.
Special Circumstances
Students holding the rank of
instructor or teaching fellow are
permitted to drive with no re-

physicians who are studying
incidence of cancer in the pop-
1ion-particularly lung cancer
n relationship to smoking hab-j
the Health Service's an-
ncement said.
Influence Not Known
the 1 2 million persons believed
have stopped cigarette smok-
in the past 18 months compares
;h 600,000 estimated to have quit
the previous year, from the fall
1952 to the fall of 1953.
officials said they did not have
ures for the years before the fall
Thus there was no way of telling
t how.many of those who stop-
1 smoking were influenced by
public discussion, under way
several years, as to a possiblej
ation between cigarettes and
g cancer. Officials said some
those who quit cigarettes may
rt smoking them again later.
Field Studies
'he Health Service said a num-
of laboratory and field studies
under way by the Health Serv-
and by other agencies and in-.
ltions with the aid of federal
nts or other financial support.
Che service said the survey fig-
s were preliminary results bas-
on interviews conducted early
s year by census takers with
h men and women over 17 years
age in the urban noninstitu-
nal population. '
Che study covered 230 areas con-
ing of about 450 counties scat-
ed through all regions of the
k report containing more de-
led findings is to be ready some
nths from now.

By The Associated Press
The Big Four foreign ministers
appeared yesterday to have com-
pleted arrangements for parleys
of their chiefs of government in
Geneva next month aimed at eas-
ing world tension.
Encouraged by this develop-
ment, British Foreign Secretary
Harold MacMillan appealed for a
further easing of tension between
the East and West. He was the
first of the big power ministers
to address the 10th anniversary
session of the United Nations
Soviet Head
MOSCOW P)-Premier Nikolai
Bulganian declared yesterday the
Soviet Union will strive to reduce
international tension and consol-
idate confidence among nations at
the Big Four top-level conference
next month.
He made the statement to 100,-
000 persons packing Dynamo Sta-
dium to honor India's Prime Min-
ister Nehru, who is winding up a
two-week visit to Russia.
Praise of Nehru
Bulganin devoted most of his
speech to praise of Nehru and to
measures he said the Soviet Union
is taking to ease world tension.
Among these he listed the forth-
coming tals among himself, Pres-
ident Dwight D. Eisenhower, Brit-
ish Prime Minister Anthony Eden
and French Premier Edgar Faure.
"The Soviet government has
agreed to take part in the confer-
ence of the heads of government
of the four powers which is sched-
uled to open in Geneva July 18,"
he said.
Much Enthusiasm
"The SovietUnion will strive
there for a lessening of. tension
and a consolidation of confident e
among nations, and the Soviet
Union hopes that the other partici-
pants will strive toward the same
Nehru was greeted with wild
cheering, especially when he said
that exclusion from the United
'Nations of "the great Ch'nese Peo-
ple's Republic (Red Chi a) is not
only an abnormal phenomenon, but
also a danger to peace."

MacMillan met Monday night
with Secretary of State John Fos-
ter Dulles of the United States
Foreign Minister Antoine Pinav of
France, and Foreign Minister Ii.
M. Molotov of the Soviet Union.
The four emerged early yes-
terday after a session of more
than four hours with smiles all
around and the word that ai -
rangements were practically com-
Mulotov was reported to have
told the Western ministers that at
f'rst sight their proposals fay the
meeting were acceptable. He said
h would have them trans ared
and would turn in an answer
without delay.
Spadework Completed
The Western Powers felt so
certain of Soviet acceptance that
they did not schedule another
meeting of the foreign ministers
in advance of the top-level meet-
ings beginning in Geneva July 18.
They will meet at various social
functions and at the UN meetings
before MacMillan departs tonight
but the spadework for the Geneva
meetings appeared completed.
This means that President
Dwight D. Eisenhower, who ranks
the others as a head of state as
well as chief of government, will
preside at the first meeting in
Russian Premier Nikolai Bul-
ganin will preside at the end. Thar
chiefs will be seated in alphabet-
ical order and they will arrange
to restrict the meetings to four or
six days.
McCarthy Resolution
Meanwhile, the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee voted down
yesterday a resolution by Sen.
Joseph McCarthy (R-Wis) de-
signed to force a discussion of the
status of Russia's Iron Curtain
satellites at the Big Four confer-
ence July 18.
The Senate may reject the res-
olution today.
The administration and Demo-
cratic and Republican leaders in
the Senate joined forces against
McCarthy on grounds the Senate
has no business trying to dictate
what must come up at the deli-
cate "summit" meeting in Geneva.
The Democratic strategy was
to bring his resolution to the floor
with an adverse vote from; the
F o r e i g n Relations Committee,
then tap it on the head.

Unanimous Vote Approves
Nine-Cent Retroactive Rais
Confusion Over Circuit Court Agreement"
Delays Settlement; Second Meeting Called
Washtenaw's construction strike came to an end last night a
workers voted unanimously to accept a nine-cent pay raise retro
active to May 1.
All members of Laborers Local 959, AFL, were notified to return
to their jobs today at construction sites in the county by the unions
business agent, Lloyd Clickner.
At a special meeting called last night, union members voted
to accept an interim agreement reached over the week-end in circui
negotiations provided the nine-

World News
By The Associated Press
New Resignation...
ROME - Government quarters
said last night that Premier Mar-
io Scelba probably will submit the
resignation of his 15-months-old
coalition Cabinet today.
The Cabinet has been called to
meet today to consider the situa-
tion caused by a split among the
Premiere's Christian Democrats
and the failure of the small Re-
publican party in the coalition to
promise support on a vote of con-
fidence scheduled to come up
Monday Scelba attempted to
heal the breach in his own party
and strengthen his alliance with
the minor parties of the govern-
ment by reshuffling his Cabinet.
The Christian Democrats' Board
of Directors admitted Tuesday
night that this had been a failure.
. *
Atomic Agreement .
WASHINGTON - Japan and
the United States yesterday sign-
ed an agreement for cooperation
in peaceful atomic development.
Ambassador Sadao Iguchi, who
initialed the agreement for Ja-
pan, said his country desires to
construct an experimental reac-
tor with enriched uranium re-
ceived from the United States.
* * * -
Airmen Escape .. .
SEOUL -- Two young airmen
slipped out of Red North Korea
yesterday in a Russian - fighter
plane, scooted under the allied ra-
dar screen into Seoul Airport and
surrendered to cheering South
"We want to surrender," Re-
public of Korea air force officers
quoted them.
They were taken to South Ko-
rea air force headquarters for in-
ROK officers said the two ob-
viously were fleeing the Commu-
nists. There was no immediate of-
ficial word on why they quit the
Reds or how they managed to get

-Daily-Ray Okonski
GOVERNOR G. Mennen Williams, who opened the special Sum-
mer Session program on "Michigan" yesterday in Hill Auditor-
ium, elaborated on the state's three industries-manufacturing,
agriculture and the tourist industry.
illiams Would Accept
Presidena Nomination
Gov. G. Mennen Williams indicated yesterday he would be
willing to accept the 1956 Democratic presidential nomination if it
were offered to him.
"Right now I'm working hard at being governor," he said in
answer to a query on his possible candidacy. "But if they throw
any plums my way, I'll be there to catch them if I can."
Gov. Williams made the comment after his talk on "Michigan"
in Hill Auditorium yesterday. His lecture began the special summer
school program also entitled "Michigan."
"Pioneered GAW"
Describing the accomplishments of Michigan industry, he said
the state "pioneered a movement with the idea of GAW."
Commenting afterwards on the semi-GAW agreement, Gov.
Williams emphasized the securjty it afforded the workingman. He
added that it should prove bene-
ficial to business because it in-
Says Stevens creases purchasing power.
Government Left Out
To Quit Post Concerning w h e t h e r GAW
would have any effect on the
state's political alignment, he said
WASHINGTON-(IP)-The Eve- soeaetyn omk oi
ning Star said Tuesday Robert T. cal capital of i, but governmt
Stevens has resigned as secretary played no part in the settlement
of the Army, effective July 31. though ready to help mediation
The newspaper quoted informed at any time.
Pentagon sources as saying Stev- In his speech, Gov. Williams
ens, a principal in the Army's row praised Michigan's three great in-
last year with Sen. Joseph Mc- dustries-manufacturing, agricul-
Carthy (R-Wis.), was "leaving the ture and the tourist industry.
government for numerous person- A certain spirit and record of
al reasons." accomplishment sets Michigan
The Star said the White House apart, Gov. Williams continued,
announcement of Stevens' resig- adding industrial statistics to
nation is being held up pending show the state's high standing in
selection of a successor. the Union.

cent raise was made retroactive to
May 1 and to continue until May
1, 1956.
Workers had previously turned
down the nine-cent offer effective
when they returned to work at a
stormy meeting Monday night.
Confusion Prevents Settlement
Confusion was the theme at
Monday's meeting as workers came
prepared to vote on a nine-cent
retroactive increase which the Ann
Arbor News had erroneously re-
ported as agreed uponin Satur-
day's 17-hour session in circuit
Tempers flared Monday night
when union members learned that
the tentative agreement between
union officials and the Washte-
naw Contractors Association called
for a non-retroactive nine-cent pay
boost. The resulting confusion ne-
cessitated another meeting last
A bargaining committee was au-
thorized to accept Saturday's
agreement provided the one
change was made. A detailed for-
mal collective bargaining agree-
ment is to be prepared and will
probably be signed within ten days,
according to Bernard W. Butler,
attorney for the union.
The final details involve other
agreements already reached and
points evolving from the old con-
tract, Butler said.
Petition for Injunction
The dispute ended up in circuit
court Friday when the. contrac-
tors' group petitioned Circuit
Judge James R. Breakey, Jr., for
an injunction against the strike on
the grounds that it was illegal.
When officials for both sides ap-
peared Saturday morning, Judge
Breakey refused to discuss the le-
gality of the strike and ordered
them into negotiations until they
reached an agreement
A six-point settlement was fi-
nally reached subject to approval
by the union membership. Besides
the controversial first point on the
nine-cent increase which also
specified a one-year contract, the
agreements were:
1) Pickets would be called off
the jobs Monday morning. (Pickets
that had tied up all county con-
struction projects because other
workers refused to cross picket
lines were removed Monday morn-
ing. Somne work was continued yes-
terday, also, as no pickets showed
up, waiting for the results of last
night's vote.)
Reorganize Bargaining Power
2) The union will not dispute the
Association's right'as sole bargain-
ing agent for the group's members
when it amends articles of incor-
poration with specific powers to
negotiate collective bargaining
3) Union and Association will
meet legal requirements with re-
spect to negotiations and contract
4) Certain contract changes, in
the hands of the federal mediator,
shall be included in the new con-
5) Union spokesmen who agreed
to the offer would recommend
adoption of th proposal at Mon-
day's membership meeting.
Contractors and the union had
already agreed to three cents in
health and welfare fringe benefits.
Three-Cent Difference
The main dispute when the con-
construction workers walked off
their jobs June 14 and halted work
on all county construction projects


Army Swap~ceue
est overseas Army movement In
peacetime - ultimately involving
Atlantic crossings for about 45,-
000 soldiers, wives and children--
gets under way July 2.
Army officials explained yester-
day the first big scale rotation of.
forces, the simultaneous transfer
of the 1st Division from Germany
to Ft. Riley, Kan., and the 10th
Division from Riley to Germany.
It is "Operation Gyroscope."
Large Operation
Involved is a tremendous swap-
'ping operation. Many families of
the 1st Division will leave homes
furnishings and possibly even pets
for their opposites in the 10th Di-
vision to take over on arrival in.
The soldiers of the infantry di-
visions will take with them only
their rifles and clothing. Artillery,
vehicles, supplies--all the tons of
equipment of a division-will be
left at Ft. Riley and in Germany,
with the stenciled divisional in-
signia changed to fit the new users.
Part of Larger Plan
Operation Gyroscope is the Ar-
my's name for the plan to rotate
units overseas in cycles averaging
32 months. Under that plan the
1st and 10th Divisions are "sister"
organizations. They wil continue
to rotate between Germany and
Ft. Riley.
The basic idea is to keep sold-
iers and families together, at home
and abroad. It is part of the Ar-
my's program to induce key men
to stay in service.
About 35,000 officers and sold-
iers are in the two divisions. each
division has an average of 5,000
Plan To Close
Union Dining
The entire basement and the
first floor dining room of the Un-
ion will be closed by Sunday, ac-
cording to Frank C. Kuenzel,
general manager.
Construction of the $3,000,000
addition will necessitate closing
the main dining room Friday
night. The basement cafeteria,
checkroom and swimming pool
will close Saturday night.
To Remodel Cafeteria
Students entering the Union
Monday will find the basement
blocked off completely as work-
men begin demolition of the base-
ment cafeteria. The cafeteria is
to be remodeled and connected
with, additional space in the new
Several ranges and other kitch-
en equipment will be moved to
the auxiliary kitchen on the sec-
ond floor, Kuenzel said. He hopes
the Union will be able to serve
meals to house guests on the sec-
ond floor terrace by July 10.
Delayed by Strike
'T hn onnjrartnr hcm n,nn, aA"


Students To Flee Haircut Price Hike

Several students. yesterday decided to form car pools to go to
surrounding towns every three weeks to visit barber shops there.
Reason for their planned ventures, accompanied with some
heated words, was the recent price rise for haircuts in Ann Arbor.
"It costs more money than ever before to have no hair," one
crew-cutted senior remarked. Local barbers now charge $2.00 for
summer crewcuts. Regular haircuts for men cost $1.75.
The Michigan Union barbershop prices remain 25 cents lower
on all haircuts than other Ann Arbor barbershops.
Reason For Rise
Reason for the price rise, according to some barbers, is to in-
sure benefits for barbers that other white collar workers have, in
cluding vacation and social secur- --

ity benefits.
"We have to get haircuts, so
we are at the mercy of these high
prices," two students remarked
as they planned their monthly
trips to a nearby town where
prices remained at $1.25.
Prices Cheaper in West
A University professor said he
received a haircut for 90 cents in
a western Michigan town last
week. "I'm having my kids get
their haircuts when we go up to

Peron Status
Still Uncertain
structure of Argentina's govern-
ment remained unchanged yes-
terday despite speculation it
would be reorganized in the wake
of last week's brief revolt.
President Juan D. Peron took

.. . .. .. ... .....

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