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July 13, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-07-13

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The Case for Ike's Administration;
'A Return to Checks and Balances'

T HE ONE year and seven months of the Eisen-
hower Administration have so far offered a
refreshing contrast to the twenty years of Demo-
cratic 'Administrations.
At long last the trend toward centralization of
power in the executive branch has stopped. Presi-
dent Eisenhower is an enthusiastic supporter of
the doctrine of "checks and balences" in govern-
In the 1952 Congressional Record it took 18 col-
umns of fine print to list the new powers granted
to Presidents Roosevelt and Truman.
Fully aware of the potential might from these
powers along with that from his grent personal
popularity, President Eisenhower has shown that
he intends to lead the country by example and
not through "power politics," threats to the legis-
lature and "rubber stamp" legislation.
In 1952, part of the Republican platform was
that of doing something about the mess in Wash-
ington. If the deplorable state of affairs then is con-
pared to the Eisephower record it becomes evident
that honesty in government is coming back.
The Eisenhower Administration is not now en-
gaged in making a mess but is knee deep in the in-
herited debris of clearing one away.
Even the FHA scandal is left over from Truman
days. All the top FHA officials directing the mul-
tiple housing program, except one, were holdovers
from Democratic Administrations. Everyone of
these officials, including the one Republican ap-
pointee, have been removed.
Under Truman, there were 22 major scandals in
the Federal government, 79 headlined scandals in
the Agriculture Department, 48 in the Internal Rev-
enue Bureau, 19 in the Defense Department, 10 in
the RFC; nine in the Justice Department, five in
the Post Office Department, along with many oth-
ers scattered about other agencies including the
Veterans Administration and the AEC.
Even the White House itself was not beyond
reproach with involvement in the "five per-
center" cases.
The average citizen can not only point to cleaner
government under Eisenhower but also to a more
stabilized currency and lower taxes. Eisenhower
and Congress worked together to chop $12.5 billions
off the recommended Truman budget. This helped
make the 10% personal inome tax cut of January
1 possible. And the Administration made another
victory just recently when Congress reduced in-
dividual and corporate taxes again.
In the past 19 months skyrocketing inflation was
halted. Seldom now do the dangers of appeasing in-
flation become evident as they did under 20 years
of Democratic rule when the dollar was chopped
in half.
Eisenhower has come under vicious attacks be-
At The Michigan.. .
Montgomery Clift and Jennifer Jones
f LTHOUGH this film closed last night after a
very brief week-end run, it should not be al-
lowed to escape from town without some comment
on its substantial merit, particularly since its di-
rector DeSica made the picture, "Bicycle Thief"
which has been regarded in some quarters as the
best movie of the last thirty years.
As DeSica followed "Bicycle Thief" with "Mir-
acle in Milan" which was greeted with only
slightly less critical enthusiasm, his flrst English
language vehicle, the current Jones-Clift film,
was awaited with much bated breath (perhaps
too much). Critical advances from its premieres
almost at once labeled it as trivial, sentimental,
and scattered in its effects. These judgments
seem hasty to me;, the film is well acted, subtly
directed, and certainly much more honest
throughout than the overrated "Miracle in Mi-
The script, adapted by Cesar Zavattini and oth-
ers from Zavattini's story, "Terminal Station,"
deals with a pair of star-crossed lovers who spend
their last hour of a Roman idyll together in Rome's

central railroad depot. The idyll sours perceptibly
during the course of the hour: there are the
countless interruptions of other people's concerns,
the sense of the affair's impending death (since
the lady feels bound to return to her husband
and child), and finally complete embarrassment
when the long nose of petty officialdom pokes
into the last moments of the couple's passion. All
this transpires in a dramatic structure with almost
perfect unity of time, and in settings that are
authentic without being self-consciously so.
The movie recalls, most of all, the British film of
a few years back, "Brief Encounter," but it is a
better film than that one because it is more ef-
ficent, packed with more shrewdly chosen minor
characters, and managed for greater cinemato-
graphic impact. The camera work is subtle but you
11 seldom see it more telling.
The actors, Montgomery Clift and Jennifer
ones, create two unexceptional, but nonetheless
early delineated characters. Clift is a teacher,
fiss Jones, a Philadelphia housewife, who
ears a "smug' hat (according to her lover). It
this smugness that saves her as a character in
ite of an upper-class sentimentality and an
regious maternal feeling that occasionally
oys. Not a particularly versatile actress, Miss
Jones brings the housewife off well under De-
Sica's direction. Clift too shows the advantage
of superior coaching. He is seldom able to read
a line badly, but under prestidigitators like
Hitchcock, he has delivered some pretty medi-

cause he is ignoring politics for the benefit of the
whole country in coping with the farm question.
The farm problem grows out of a situation of
over production rather than not enough food to
go around. If the farmer realized his total pro.
duction potential, so much food would flood the
market that the price would tumble leaving the
farmer with little income.
'Huge surpluses have grown 'p amidst attempts
to control farm production. In fact, it costs the gov-
ernment $700,000 daily just to store the surpluses.
The Eisenhower Administration is seeking a long
range solution to the mounting farm problem with-
out playing politics. Eisenhower favors a permanent
plan which would give farmers guaranteed sup-
ports for basic commodities, and, while doing so,
would restore dignity between governmental and
agricultural relations instead of the previous pro-
cedures of vote buying tactics.
Not only did the President inherit the internal
scandals but also a worldwide mess which resulted
from the jellyfish appeasement and mismanagement
of Communist by the Truman and Roosevelt Ad-
During an apparent blindness to the realities
of Communist treachery, the Truman Administra-
tion witnessed the growth of the Communist
movement from a .domination of 180 million
persons to 800 million.
In January of 1950, Secretary of State Dean
Acheson publicly drew the line of containment in
Asia against Communist expansion. He omitted
Korea from this line and six months later the
war 4tarted. A war which General Van Fleet said.
could have been won but wasn't because of political
handcuffs laced on the military from Washington.
Contrasted with action by the Truman Adminis-
tration which swept us into the Korean stalemate
on short notice and made other major policy deci-
sions without first placing them before the Ameri-
can people for consideration, Eisenhower sees to it
that foreign commitments, as well as domestic dis-
cussions, are carried out openly.
Eisenhower makes a sharp evaluation of public
opinion before he acts as exemplified in his conduct
about Red China and the United Nations. He clari-
fies and guides public opinion in the tradition of
true democratic leadership.
Yet he is decisive. The President took the initia-
tive in world affairs with his atomic energy plan.
He also is a realistic supporter of collective security
which in Asia and South America is coming out
of the blueprint stage.
President Eisenhower has shown by his actions
that he is a statesman who places the country's wel-
fare before the welfare of politics. In his dedica-
tion to America, you can judge him by his actions.
-Baert Brand

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As the tension Mounts

At The State.. .
GARDEN OF EVIL combines the faults of a pre-
tentious cinemascopic production with those of
a class C western. The result is an undramatic, un-
realistic movie that spreads itself over a large spa-
tial area but covers only the minutest and most
sunperficial area of human emotion.
The plot is divided into two sections, the long
ride out to the secret gold mine. .. and the long
ride back. Very little occurs on both trips, though
much time is spent creating suspense with minor
sequences that have no relation to the movie
as a whole. For example a crippled and deranged
mining engineer spends five minutes dragging
himself across the cabin floor in order to get a
gun. The expectation is that he will attempt to
shoot one or more of the leading characters, but
the gun, neatly tucked into the engineer's pants,
never appears again.
The action sticks to this disorganized pattern.
The characters either knowingly refer to events
that the audience never knew about, exchange dia-
logue that in no way advances the action, or repeat
again and again the little plot development that
has occured. It is the type of movie where the heroes,
being chased by Apaches on a level plain are sud-
denly transported to a perilous mountain pass
where they can make a heroic and successful stand.
Technically, the movie adds nothing to cineca-
scopie photography. The beautiful shots of the
Pacific mountain ranges are often marred by
painted backgrounds of mountains, valleys and
The acting, not outstanding to begin with, is fur-
ther handicappe dby the ridiculous situations and
the poor dialogue. Gary Cooper's painful plati-
tudes and Susan Hayward's pouting and posturing
make the movie even more uncomfortable.
-Leonard Greenbaum
New Books at Library
. Bombard, Dr. Alain-The Voyage of the Hereti-
que. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1954.
Chapman, E. Spencer-Living Dangerously. New
York, Harper & Brothers, 1953.
Diole, Philippe-4,000 Years Under the Sea. New
York, Julian Messner, Inc., 1954.
Giaever, John-The White Desert. London, Chat-
to & Windus, 1954.
Isherwood, Christopher-The World in the Even-
ing. New York, Random House, 1952.

WASHINGTON-One thing to be
learned from our headaches in
Guatemala is that the seeds of
Communism are seldom planted in
a hurry. They take time to sprout
and are almost always nourished
by a wave of anti-Americanism.
In Guatemala, the red seeds ac-
tually began sprouting back in the
days of President Jorge Ubico's
harsh dictatorship, and the tragedy
is that his nephew and secretary,
Col. Carlos Castillo Armas, is now
one of the new would-be dictators,
currently rowing with the other
colonels for supreme power. If he
shoves the other colonels aside
it's a safe prediction there will be
more trouble in Guatemala, and
eventually communism will boom-
erang back again.
An entirely different, though
dangerous, situation is brewing in
a country which long has been the
best friend of the U.S.A.-Brazil.
And now is the time for us to do
something about it-not later, as
in Guatemala.
Brazil is not threatened by Com-
munism or revolt. But it's been
swept by a wave of anti-Ameri-
canism, thanks largely to one
And if it's true that anti-Ameri-
canism usually precedes commu-
nism, then now is the time to
mend our fences in Brazil Fur-
thermore, it isn't healthy to have
a country which has gone down
the line for us in crisis after crisis
suddenly become bitterly sore.
Here is the situation:
No Brazilian Price Supports
Brazilians have long known the
U.S.A. as a country with high
farm price supports, where the
farmer is guaranteed a reasonable
price despite a slump. Brazil up
until a few months ago did not
have such supports. Its coffee
prices went up and down, with the
coffee grower sometimes using his
coffee to pave roads because it
was such a glut on the market.
Last winter there was a frost
in the great coffee-growing state of
Parana. Coffee bushes were killed,
some farmers went bankrupt, luck-
ier farmers made a killing. Coffee
growers in other countries were
especially lucky-because the price
of coffee zoomed. American house-
wives had to pay more, but Brazil,
which suffered the frost, got all
the blame.
U.S. newspaper editorials con-
demning Brazil naturally are read
in Brazil. Speeches by congress-
men criticizing Brazil have been
published widely there. And they
all add up to just one thing-re-
sentment against the United States
by a country which has been our
best friend.
Today there's a development
which may make things worse.
Some U.S. coffee importers are
boycotting Brazilian coffee for Af-
rican coffee. Brazilian sales have
dropped alarmingly. This will
mean only one thing: depression.
And depression is the surest breed-
er of communism. If the latter
ever gets started in the biggest
country of Latin America, the
U.S.A. will really be out of luck.
Here is some breakfast coffee
information you may not know
about: For about 75 years a hot
trade war has raged between co-
lonial Asia-Africa and Latin Amer-
ica . .. This dates back to 1876
when an Englishman smuggled the
seeds of 17 rubber trees out of
Brazil to Asia Thus began the rub-
ber empire of the Malays and In-
donesia . . . Somewhat the same

European colonies. So Africa and
Asia flourished in the race to grow
tropical products-except for cof-
fee. In Latin America, and espe-
cially Brazil. coffee remained king
. Today we might as well kiss
off Southeast Asia as any steady
supplier of the quinine, tin, rubber
we fought to get back from the
Japanese after Pearl Harbor ...
Arab restlessness in North Africa
soon put that area in the same nu-
certain boat. Also it's a long way
from these areas in case of war,
and the atomic submarine is going
to make wartime shipping almost
impossible ... So it will pay us
not to forget our good neighbors in
Latin America, even if frost some-
times increases their prices.
Things you may not have known
about a good neighbor: In three
wars Brazil has come to the aid of
the U.S.A. When we fought Spain
over Cuba, Brazil was the only
Latin country coming to our side.
She had just taken delivery on two
cruisers in London, and though
they had not even been in Bra-
zilian waters, they were ordered
put at the disposal of the U.S.
Navy . . . 6 days after World War I
was declared, Brazil came in too,
immediately amalgamated her en-
tire fleet with the U.S. fleet ..
World War II could not have been
won in the same length of time
had not Brazil given us key bases
on the "hump"-the part of Brazil
that sticks out nearest Africa. In
those days, submarines were sink-
ing U.S. cargoes with tragic reg-
ularity, and the airlift across Bra-
zil was vital, we couldn't have
got along without it . . . U.S.
bases on foreign soil were new and
at first resented. But Brazil was
the first to set a friendly precedent
* * *
WASHINGTON-A nervous House
of Representatives was desperate-
ly trying to pass the farm bill be-
fore flying home for the week end.
William S. Hill of Colorado, a high-
ranking Republican on the Agri-
culture Committee, rose to make
an amendment on a subject close
to his heart-price supports for
The original bill authorized a
Brannan plan for wool-in other
words, a subsidy to sheep ranchers
to make up for no price supports.
Congressman Hill stanch Repub-
lican that he is, didn't want the
"thing" to end, as previously spe-
cified, In 1956. 4His amendment
asked that the Brannan plan for
wool be continued indefinitely un-
til stopped by Congress.
Hill debated his amendment at
some length, until the presiding of-
ficer announced: "The time of the
gentleman from Colorado has ex-
"I ask unanimous consent to be
allowed to continue for three ad-
ditional minutes," pleaded Hill.
"I object," interposed cantan-
kerous Congressman Clare Hoff-
man of Allegan, Mich., also a Re-
So many congressman wanted to
debate the Hill amendment, how-
ever, that their time was limited
to three-quarters of a minute each.
One of them as Hoffman. As he
walked up to the microphone in the
speaker's well, Hill of Colorado
stood up by his chair.
"Will the gentleman yield?"
queried fellow-Republican Hill.
"I yield," said Hoffman.
Hill spoke for exactly three-
quarters of a minute before the
gavel rapped and the presiding of-
ficer announced: "The time of the
gentleman from Michigan has ex-
But Hill got in one last word.
T intnrArl M r. f m '' l"a

SLOVIK, by William Bradford
Huie; Duell, Sloan & Pearce-
Little, Brown and Signet
Pocket Books; 152 pages.
E ACH WAR has its share of tra-
gedies; some, however are
larger than others. One of these
concerns itself with an American
private in France immediately aft-
er the Normandy invasion of
World War I. Pvt. Eddie Slovik
was charged with desertion, court-
martialed, found guilty, sentenced
to death, and executed.
Desertion is a serious business in
wartime, especially during battle
where the running away of one
soldier or a group of them endang-
ers the lives of those remaining.
If and when the soldier is tried
only the bare fact of desertion is
considered. Pvt. Slovik did desert,
he never denied it: but his ease
is still a tragedy.
In "The Execution of Private
Slovik" William Bradford Huie
gives us the facts surrounding
the life of Slovik up to and in-
eluding his death.
Over two thousand men were
court-martialed for desertion in
World War 11; 49 were given death
sentences. And of these, 48 sen-
tences were commuted or reduced.
The remaining number belongs to
Pvt. Eddie Slovik-the only Amer-
ican soldier executed as a desert-
er since 1864.
The why of this single execu-
tion author Huie tries to explain.
It seems to come down to an at-
tempt by the Army to have an
example for future deserters along
the "look-what-happened-to-him"
line. This is certainly plausible;
yet, as Huie notes, the case was
kept secret until recently. The exe-
cution was never publicized nor
talked about. Slovik's wife did not
even know the exact details about
her husband's death other than it
having been a dishonorable one.
Slovik's desertion was his
threat to run away if he was
again placed at the front. This
may well be cowardice but Slo-
vik was a sensitive young man
who was unwilling to remain
near fighting. Admittedly, if all
men who are unwilling were al-
lowed to do as they pleased, there
would be little chance of victory
in war. But Slovik had told offi-
cials beforehand that he would
not or could not go "out their"
as he put it.
This again does not excuse de-
sertion, but it is once again not
on par with the desertion by a
soldier in the midst of a battle.
Slovik had in advance stated that
he would not take partin a battle.
Slovik had in 1942 been told that
he would not be drafted because
he had a police record as a juve-
nile delinquent in Detroit. On the
strength of this exemption he mar-
ried and prepared to settle down.
This naturally led to some resent-
ment on his part when he was
drafted. And though not even his
wife's pregnancy, nor her violent
illness could get him deferred, his
letters showed that Slovik lost his
hostility toward his induction,
though he hinted that he would
not fight.
The book consists in large part
of excerpts from the letters Ed-
die Slovik sent to his wife-376
letters in the 372 days he was in
the army. These letters show the
lonliness and sensitivity of a
youth who thought himself in-
undated by circumstances car-
ried over from his bad childhood
environment of home and neigh-
borhood. The letters also show a
maturing that Slovik is going
through because of both army
life and separation from his
After getting off to a cumber-
some start, "The Execution of Pri-

vate Slovik"'becomes a very good
narrative of a major event. The
book reads well even if Huie does
seem to pat himself on the back
for having done the research in-
volved. But one must admit that
the research seems all-inclusive re-
sulting in an effective work of in-
terest and importance.
-Harry Strauss
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Dianne AuWerter. .Co-Managing Editor
Alice B. Silver....Co-Managing Editor
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Wally Eberhard...........Night Editor
Russ AuWerter...........Night Editor
Sue Garfield.........Women's Editor
Hanley Gurwin.........Sports Editor
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Telephone NO 23-24-1

Reprint from the
New York Times
this week may be the decisive one.
Premier Mendes-France has eight
days from this morning, on his
own timetable, to reach a peace
settlement in Indochina, and he
has stated firmly that. it must be
a peace without surrender.
It is significant that there should
be a step-up in the Communist
military pressure in the Hanoi area
at just this time. This is what we
should expect from Communist
strategy and tactics. It will be
remembered that the Communists
launched some of their bloodiest
attacks in Korea while truce nego-
tiations were nearing their close at
Panmunjom. Laos and Cambodia
were threatened when the Berlin
conference discussed a further
meeting. Dienbienphu was assailed
in force as the Geneva conferene
assembled. It is an established part
of the Communist technique to
put on all possible warlike pressure
most talk of peace.
This can be recognized as a tech-
nique and must be met as such.
Nevertheless, it means that the
Communists will drive as hard a
bargain for a truce as they can
and will try to put themselves in
the best possible bargaining posi-
tion. This presumes, of course, that
they actually want k truce. If they
do not get it on their own terms
they have lost nothing but the lives
for which they have no respect or
At this point in the discussions
the issue of the level of American
representation at Geneva has be-
come a matter of grave concern in
both Britain and France. The Unit-
ed States has not yet indicated
that in the final phases of the nego-
tiation it will be represented by
the Secretary or Under Secretary
of State. There is reason for the
concern in Europe and likewise
reason for the reluctance here.
It is the French feeling-and it
is apparently shared by the Brit-
ish-that no matter what "settle-
ment" is reached in respect to
Indochina it cannot be guaranteed,
or even have superficial validity,
unless it is underwritten by t h e

strongest of the free nations, the
United States. If any line at all
is to be held, the United States
must help to hold it with its
moral and physical support.
On the other hand, the United
States is unwilling to be a party
to a surrender to the Communists
and therefore must hesitate to un-
derwrite, in advance, a settlement
whose terms are not yet made
known. It is the view of many
persons in this country that the
presence of the Secretary of State
in the final discussions might con-
stitute at least the implied assur-
ance of agreement to the settle-
ment terms. To meet that objec-
tion, our European allies urge that
the terms will undoubtedly be more
favorable to the free world if the
full weight of the United States is
thrown into the scales.
It goes without saying that the
Communists have exploited to the
best of their ability every sign of
divisionbetween and amoe the
free allies. It is to be expected,,
therefore, that they will attempt
to make the most possible capita
out of the present European un-
easiness and American reluctance.
In the case of both, we may expect
that sober consideration will be in.
terpreted as the sign of weakness.

Some of this is the inevitable "
penalty for the failure to reach a
ground of full agreement among"
the free nations before the con-
ference opened. This, in turn, stems
naturally from the fact that these
nations are really free and must
translate into policy the will of
a free electorate. The Communist
states are under no such essential
restriction. A strategic line is die-
tated and it is followed.
We piccept the handicap willingay
and gladly because we propose to
remain, free. Nevertheless, the
handicap makes it more than ever
necessary that we clear the lines
among ourselves. This is not a time
for standing on protocol, ceremony
or false pride. The position of our
allies must be better understood
int his country, and our own posi-
tion must be made plainer. We can
afford differences of opinion. We
cannot afford the confusion that
may arise from an ambiguous sI-






(Continued from Page 2)
Norwalk, Ohio is interested in 3 assist-
ant coaches (including intramural work
and assistant football coach), a mft in
chemistry and physics, one in social
studies, one in general mathematics and
algebra. Good salaries. If interested,
please contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
3528 Administration Building.
The Equitable Life Insurance Co. has
a representative here on the campus this
summer who will ge glad at anytime
to interview men interested in any
phase of the life insurance business in
the Chicago area. For futher informa-
tion contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext.
Summer Music Education Conference,
Tuesday, July 13, Michigan Union Ball-
room. Speakers: A.M.-8:30, Maynard
Klein, Choral Demonstration Rehearsal;
11:00, Oliver Edel, Elizabeth Green, "The
Training of the High School. String
Quartet." Speakers: p.m.-1:00, William
Stubbins, "Essentials in Teaching the
Woodwind Section"; 1:00 (Second Floor
Terrace, Michigan Union) Mary Jar-
man Nelson, "A Workshop in Creative
Music"; 2:00, Philip Duey, "Repertoire
and Song Interpretation for the High
School Music Teacher; 3:00 Clyde Roller,
Josef Blatt, "Orchestra Training"; 4:00
Clyde Roller, Demonstration Rehearsal
of High School Orchestra Music; 5:00,
Tea, Union Terrace; 7:15, Discussion:
Graduate Study in Music Education-
Earl V. Moore, Harold Dorr, Harlan
Kosh, Gordon Sutherland, Marguerite
Hood, Allen Britton, David Mattern
(Rackham Amphitheatre); 8:30, Alice
Ehlers, Harpsichord Recital. aroque
Music, (Rackham Lecture Hall).
Physics Symposium Lectures, auspices
of the Department of Physics. "High
Energy Physics." C. N. Yang, Professor
of Physics, Institute for Advanced
Study. 8:00 a.m., 2038 Randall Labora-
Summer Education Conference, aus-
plees of the School of Education. Gen-
era1 session. "Can You Teach Art?"
Ivan E. Johnson, Head, Department of
Arts Education, Florida State Univer-
sity. 10:00 a.m., Schorling Auditorium.
Public Health Lecture-Film Series,
auspices of the School' of Public
. Health. "A Healthy Child in Every
Seat." Dr. Donald Smith, Resident, Pedi-
atrics and Communicable Diseases, Uni-
versity Hospital. 4:00 p.m., 2009 School
of Public Health,
Fifth Summer Biological Symposium
auspices of the Division of Biological
Sciences. "The Cytoplasmic Factor,
Kappa, in Paramecium." John Preer,
Department of Zoology, University of
Pennslyvania, 4:15 p.m., Auditorium C,
Angell Hall.
Woman in the World of Man Lecture
Series. "The Spiritual Influence of Wo-
men." The Right Reverend Frank
Woods, Bishop-Suffragan of Middleton,
Diocese of Manchester, England. 4:15
p.m., Auditorium A, Angell Hall.
Linguistic Institute Lecture. "Le Pro-
gramme et l'activite du Centre Inter-
national de Dialectologie Generale."
Sever Pop, Visiting Professor, 1'Univer-

The film to be shown and discussed f
will be "Dr. Spock." Open to all inter-
ested persons. 4:00 P.M., Auditorium,\
School of Public H'balth. ,

Wednesday, July 14
Teachers of Modern Languages: Pro-
fessor Ernest Ellert of Hope College,
Holland, Michigan, will " speak on "Re-
cent Experiments in Elementary School
Language Teaching" at 3:30 p.m. in
429 Mason Hall on Wednesday, July 14,
All interested are welcome.



Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Willianm
Cassidy Fox, Mathematics; thesis: "The
Critical Points of Real Functions De-
fined on 2-Manifolds," Tuesday, July
13, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg..
at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, G. S. Young.
Doctoral Examination for Leonard
Wallace Moss, Sociology; thesis: "The
Master Plumber in Detroit: A Study of
Role Adjustment and Structural Adap-
tation in a Handicraft Occupation Un-
dergoing Technological Change," Tues-
day, July 13. 5602 Haven Hall, at 1:00
p.m. Chairman, L. J. Carr.
M. A. Language Examination in His-.
tory. Thursday, July 15, 4:15-5:15 P.M.,
429 Mason Hall, Sign list in History
Office.'Can bring a dictionary.
Seminar in Lie Algerbras will meet
every Wednesday and Friday afternoon
at 3 p.m. in room 3001 Angell Hall.
AIoce Ehlers, Harpsichordist, will gi7
a concert in the Rackham Lecture Hall,
at 8:30 this evening. Program: The
Goldberg variations of' Johann Sebas-
tian Bach. Open to the public.
Student Recital: Evelyn Brooks, pian-
ist, will present a recital at 8:30 Wed-
nesday evening, July 14 in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Music. A pupil of
Marian Owen, Miss Brooks has planned "
a program of compositions by Handel,
Hindemith and Schumann. The pro-
gram will be played in the Rackhant,
Assembly Hall, and will be open to
the public.



Clements Library. Rare astronomic .
General Library. Women as Authors
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Egyp-
tian Antiquities-a loan exhibit from
the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New
York City.
Michigan Historical Collections. The
University in 1904.
Museum of Art. Three Women Paint-
Events Today
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Box Of-
fice is open continuously today from
10 a.m. until 5 p.m. for the sale of
tickets for the Department of Speech,
plays. Remaining on the summer series
are Mrs. McThing, July 21-24; The '
Critic, July 28-31; and The Marriage
of Figaro, August 5, 6, 7 and 9.



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