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June 22, 1954 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1954-06-22

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The Municipal Court examina-
. tion of Floyd C. Zimmerman, '55,
charged with assault with intent
to murder was adjourned last
Thursday after a fiery one hour
Ssession with the next hearing
scheduled for Thursday.
Zimmerman's nine-week old
daughter Vicki Diane has recent-
ly been removed from the criti-
cal list at Flint Mercy-Wood Hos-
pital. She suffered two broken
legs, fractures in both arms and
broken ribs.
Parents Denied Child
Flint authorities have moved
to block an attempt of the par-
ents to take the baby from the
hospital. Zimmerman's wife, a
nineteen-year-old University hos-
pital tabulator, has corroborated
her husband's denial that he beat
the baby. He did admit that he
might have hurt her with "rough
Zimimerman was released from
the Ann Arbor city jail under
$5,000 bond supplied by his fath-
er who lives in Flint.
Stray Bullets
Local police are still investi-
gating three stray bullets that
landed In the Ann Arbor area
early last week. Detective John
Walters said all three bullets ap-
'parently came from a 30-30 cali-
ber rifle and were fired about two
miles east of the city.
Sidney Rowe, 42-year-old star
witness In the murder trial of
cieat the University ospital
last Friday. Rowe was apparently
th oonly wtness to the March 20
Paul Cunningham of Willow Vil-
SPasy Cure
One of the more distressing
signs of old age is palsy.
Now, while seeking more infor-
mation about the disease, two
University of Michigan men, Dr.
Russell N. DeJong, professor of
Department of Neurology, and Dr.
Joshua H. Carey, anatomy in-
structor, have succeeded in re-
producing shaking palsy in mon-

Da* ic it
Students To Haunt Local Beaches EAPI ( m.


Ann Arbor's dearth of usable"
swimming facilities will force
summer students to hunt for
their deep tans along side several
lakes surrounding the city.
Five of the more popular stu-
dent beaches are Whitmore Lake,
out U.s. 23 nearly ten miles away;
Island Lake,' east of Brighton;
anid three lakes off N. Territor-
ial Rd., Silver, Portage and In-
dependence lakes.
Silver Lake Popular
Nearly half an hour's drive from
Ann Arbor, Silver Lake, inside
the state-developed Pickney Rec-

reation Area, seems to have
caught the fancy of Ann Arbor-
ites as one of the best beaches in
the County.
Reached by way of Huron St.
to Dexter Rd., a left turn at. N.
Territorial Rd., Silver Lake al-
ready played host to a number
of budding Olympic swimmers ov-
er the sizzling weekend.
Golf Courses
Only two of Ann Arbor's four
golf courses and the University
course are open to the public
this summer. The Municipal golf
course across the Huron River
and the Huron Hills Club east on
Huron River Dr. will give plenty
of putting space to student golf
The University course is locat-
eLargest picnic spot around cam-

pus is Island Park, dislodging the
Arboretum, fall and spring fav-
orite, in popularity. Tucked in a
bend of the Huron River, the park
provides ample ball field space
for an all-day picnic, near enough
for all not taking advantage of
driving regulations.
For early-rising tennis players,
Ann Arbor houses five sets of
courts. Palmer Field, behind the
women's dormitories on Observa-
tory Hill; and Ferry Field near
the Stadium, are the University
courts while the city has three
parks open which have tennis
The entrance to Burns Park is
at 1320 Baldwin. West Park is lo-
cated on Capin between W. Huron
and Miller and Alimendinger
Park ron Pauline in southwest Ann

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Mility Soluion Seen
Probable in Guatemala




Associated Press News Analyst


Despite all the political scurry-
ing, and the sketchy reports of
what is actually going on in Guate-
mala, the situation appears now
to be one which will be decided
When Russia vetoed a proposal
in the U.N. Security Council to
refer the case of the Organization
of American States she confirmed
her interest in the Arbenz govern-
ment at Guatemala City and there-
by did that government great
harm in the eyes of other Latin
American states. Arbenz has been
trying hard to keep his skirts clear
of a link with Russia at this mo-
ment. He has been playing the old
tune that the United States is in-
terfering with a Guatemalan in-
ternal situation, and wants the re-
bellion, led by refugees based on
Honduras, to appear a joint Amer-
ican-Honduran-Nicaraguan project.
The State Department has been
at great pains to avoid the im-
pression that it instigated the re-
bellion or gives it material support.
It is known, however, to be hope-
ful that the invasion from Hon-
duras will touch off a general up-
rising against theCmmnt-
backed government. The depart-
ment has given out reports that
there are internal uprisings de-
signed to tie in with the invasion.
It would be strange, however,
if United States agents, given sev-
eral weeks in which to operate
after the discovery that Guate-
mala was buying arms behind the
Iron Curtain, had not played some
role in encouraging a revolt at
this time.
The Arbenz government obvi-
ously felt the revolt would come,

and has been busily turning the
Communist cadres throughout the
country into a sort of militia. In
this, according to the very sketchy
reports which have been coming
through a strict censorship, they
seem to have gotten the jump.
The government also has been
making wholesale arrests designed
to disrupt anti-Communist organ-
izations and rob them of leader-
Long-worried by Communist ac-
tivity in Guatemala, discovery of
her dealings with the Communist
sphere threw Washington Into one
of the greatest flaps caused by
an Incident of that size in a long
time. One of the great fears was
that the United States might be-
come involved in an old-fashioned
Latin .American fracas, with the
added complicatIon of an interna-
tional Communist I i n k, which
would prove to be a mess similar
to the one France is in in Indo-
Another danger Is that Nicara-
gua and Honduras, already at
great odds with Guatemala City,
will be drawn into the fighting di-
But the die probably will be cast
by the Guatemalan army, largest
and best armed in Central Amer-
ica. Before the rebellion started
army leaders were reported about
ready to act against Arbenz.
Whether they are now refusing his
orders to act against the rebels is
the major question. So far, the
army has taken no major action
to halt the rebels. This could be
due to army dissaffection or to
strategy which would suck the in-
vaders into the country and meet
them nearer the capital.

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