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June 22, 1954 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1954-06-22

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TUESDAY, JUNE 22. 1954

rditop.j Ile te

WITH THE FIRST edition of the summer issue
of The Daily, it has become traditional for
the managing editor to open with a few remarks
about the place of the newspaper in the overall
scheme of the University.
Tradition is a big part of The Daily. The news-
paper's past is an evolution of continuous efforts
to realize a dual objective, impartial presentation
of the news coupled with free expression of opin-
ton on current issues.
In keeping with this tradition, The Daily at-
tempts to present a complete coverage of Univer-
sity and local news. Because of space limitations,
it must generally relegate national and interna-
tional news to a secondary place, but it tries to
bring up-to-date coverage of major events to its
With the latest Associated Press deadline in
the State, The Daily often presents stories on
Its pages hours before they appear elsewhere.
The tradition of The Daily editorial page is one
of allowing each member of the staff an oppor-
tunity to freely present his opinions because The
Daily believes that only out of a divergence of
opinions can clarification of issues arise.
The Daily as such has no editorial policy; there-
fore, all editorials are signed which appear on its
pages. Occasionally, a prevailing number of staff
members may hold similar opinions and an over-
balance of editorials favoring these opinions re-
sult. However, any dissenting member is free to
express his dissent, and the Letters-to-the-Editor
column is open to any non-staff member who
wishes to challenge or discuss their views. More-
over, anyone willing to do the work of a staffer
may write editorials.
The Daily is a part of the University com-
munity, with this community's welfare fore-
most in mind. Sometimes, criticism of the com-
munity or one of its various segments seems the
best was for The Daily to fulfill its obligation to
the campus.
To be truly effective, however, a newspaper re-
quires an alert, critical readership. It is as such
that The Daily welcomes its old readers back and
anticipates becoming acquainted with its new
--Alice B. Silver
Diane D. AuWerter
Current Movies
At the Michigan..
THEM with ants THAT long!
The traditional mission of the science fiction-
eer-staying at least one jump ahead of scientific
progress-has become an increasingly tougher prop-
osition in recent years as science threatens to outdo
his fiction before he can even correct the spelling
in his manuscripts. In sheer self defense he has
taken to exploring the less spectacular. by-ways of
science for material.
Where a plain, old, everyday atomic explosion
would have been plenty good enough for Jules
Verne, the concoctors of "Them" had recourse
to an explosion by-product-the effect of Ra-
diocativity on herdity.
The movie tells us that the 1954 atomic explo-
sion in New Mexico which we all thought was
such a joke, had more serious ramifications than
we dreamed. It produced a mutant species of ant
which is upwards of nine feet long, squeaks like
a rusty gate, and enjoys nothing better than cut-
ting human begings in two with its mandibles.
As can readily be seen, this sort of thing con-
stitutes a Threat to Humanity of no little conse-
quence and what with one thing and another, the
Army, the New Mexico State Police, some scien-
tists, and an FBI agent have quite a time saving the
human race from destruction.
All in all, the movie is better than any other
science fiction offering this reviewer has seen.
The acting is restrained; the style is all but
documentary. In fact at times the characters
seem almost indecently casual as they discuss the
possibilities of the end of homo sapiens.

The giant ants, on the other hand, bite people
in half with a great deal of gusto and with every
sign of real enjoyment.
As the last of the ants gets its come-uppance,
someone, possibly thinking of monstrous tuna or
colossal Japanese fishermen, brings up the sub-
ject of all the other atomic explosions and specu-
lates gloomily on the probability of other mutations.
It was quite a relief to return from the movie to
an apartment infested with cockroaches which,
if they are only slightly smaller than the giant ants,
have at least a more amiable disposition.
-Donald Malcolm
Life With Clardy
chigan has one main interest: to get publicity
as a Red-hunter. Though a freshman congress-
man, he managed to wangle a prized assignment to
the Un-American Activities Committee. He does
not give a hoot for his party leadership. "It's
wrong to talk about a presidantial program," he
says. "It should be a congressional program . . ,
people who bear down on the idea that the Presi-
dent should tell Congress what to do are out of
the same mold as the German people who created
Fuhrer Hitler." t
Clardy grew up in the Missouri farm county that
also gave Jesse James his start. He dabbled in Re-
publican politics while practicing law in Flint,
Mich. until one night in 1950, when he brooded
ahout the aovernment "T ist eou1d not think of

The 1948 Election
And Ike's Troubles
ONE OF THE minor problems of our age is what
a columnist shall write about if his article
is to be published a week after he has gone on va-
cation. The article must be about something which
will still be there no matter who is elected, who is
fired, who makes a speech, who gets run-over,
while his piece is waiting to be given to a breath-
less public.
The safest of all the devices is to rewrite his-
tory in order to show that if something had hap-
pened which did not happen, many things, which
unfortunately did happen, would not have happen-
ed. Articles of this kind are very safe. That is
not because many people are likely to agree with
them-far from it-but because nobody can prove
or disprove them.
* * * *
T ALKING NOT LONG ago with a friend who
has known at first hand a great many things
that go on in Washington, we were agreeing that
somehow or other the government was not work-
ing as it should. What was the explanation? With-
out being in the least dogmatic about it, I would
say that what follows is not the explanation but
an explanation.
I would begin by arguing that the election of
1948 was a political misfortune. This is not
because of any special fault of Mr. Truman's
but because in 1948 it was time under the Am-
erican party system for the Republicans to come
into office. They had been out of office for
sixteen years during which the country had gone
through the Great Depression, the New Deal,
the Second World War, and the opening of the
cold war.
It was time for a change of parties in order to
redress the errors and right the balance of the
Democratic excesses, and also and no less to con-
front the Republicans with the realities of the
modern age and the responsibilities of governing
in the modern world. By 1948 the Democrats had,
so to speak, exhausted their popular mandate. In
1948 the Republicans had in Dewey and Warren
men of indubitable political experience brought up
in the normal practical political life of this coun-
try. They had also many elder statesmen in Con-
gress and men available from private life who were
in the great national Republican tradition of The-
odore Roosevelt and Alexander Hamilton.

** *


So AFTER 1948, in the second Truman admin-
istration the Democrats had no genuine po-
litical mandate from the country, and they knew
it. They were, moreover, divided into factions as
always happens to any party which is in office too
long. And opposed to them was a Republican par-
ty which was in the hands of men who had never
had the responsibility for governing, who were
wholly habituated to being in the opposition.
We are very conscious today of the fact that
the authority of the Eisenhower administration
is so gravely enfeebled. But the enfeeblement
of the Executive began under Truman. In fact,
it would be fair to say that Eisenhower is the
inheritor of a mess-the mess of Executive
feebleness-which he has not known how to
overcome, though that is what the country
hoped and believed it was electing him to do.
The Truman administration was subjected to a
terrible ordeal of events which it lacked the
strength and the authority to cope with. History
is usually, I realize, not so precise as someone writ-
ing it makes it seem. But one might say that the
ordeal which was to prove too much for the Tru-
man administration began in September 1949 with
the news that the Soviet Union had broken the
monopoly of atomic weapons. During the following
year the Truman administration made a series of
catastrophic errors, all of them I believe due to
its weakness. It kept the country grossly disarmed
right up to the Korean War. Though it kept the
country disarmed, it ceded to Congress its Con-
stitutional right to treat the recognition of Red
China as a negotiable question. It announced a
defense perimeter in the Far East which appear-
ed to abandon South Korea. It made the colossal
error of authorizing MacArthur to march to the
Yalu River, which was followed by the intervention
of China, by a great disaster to American arms
and by the creation of an almost insoluble prob-
lem of Chinese-American relations.
For these major errors have created a condition
in our policy which it will take more than one
agonizing reappraisal to repair. They were all of
them, I think, characteristic errors of an enfeebled
Executive, of one that is unsure of itself and of its
mandate from the people. The end of our atomic
monopoly required a radical reappraisal not only
of technological policy in atomic matters-as for
example in relation to the hydrogen bomb on the
one hand and of tactical weapons on the other. It
required also a reappraisal of the political conse
quences which have been enormous, the conse-
quences to our allies, to the neutrals, to Germany
and to Japan, both of them prime atomic targets,
and to the uncommitted nations of Asia. But that
reappraisal required the kind of intellectual and
moral courage which neither the Truman or the
Eisenhower administration has possessed.
The cluster of errors in the Far East-leaving
South Korea exposed, allowing our military es-
tablishment to sink to a low level, tying our
hands so that we could not negotiate with Red
China, getting away ahead of ourselves and our
military capacities in Northern Korea-these
have produced the consequences which are with
us today. It was the panic of August 1950, for
it was mere panic, that caused us to put the
cart before the horse in Germany and has put
our whole European policy in jeopardy.
These errors were committed because at bottom
it was easier to commit them than to refrain from
committing them. It was easier to say "yes" than
to say "no," and so we said "yes" against the
best advice of our wisest advisers.

THE following statements were
issued to the press by the three
faculty members who appeared be-
fore the House Un-American Ac-
tivities sub-committee yesterday
following their testimony before
that group.
* * *
I exchange political ideas freely
with people who judge them on
their merits. I do not discuss poli-
tics with a sword over my head;
the First Amendment is intended
to keep coercion out of politics.
If I announced my opinions pub-
licly now, either in the hearing
room or outside, they would not be
listened to for their content, but in
terms of the acceptability or un-
acceptability by the Committee's
standards. I will not discuss my
political ideas while they are the
subject of scandal and threat.
In a democratic society no one
is answerable for his political be-
liefs or affiliations to any agency
of government. This fundamental
tenet of democracy was wisely in-
corporated in our Constitution as
the first amendment, which for-
bids Congress to inquire into or
interfere with political beliefs or
The House Committee on Un-
American Activities has unfor-
tunately transgressed the bounds
of constitutional authority in
asking questions related to po-
litical belief and association. I
cannot in good conscience co-
operate in such violations of the
constitution and have therefore
refused to answer all questions
pertaining to my political beliefs
or associations or the lack of
Since the committee denied me
the right to invoke the guarantees
of the first amendment in refusing
to answer questions, I have been
obliged to rely upon the constitu-
tional protection of the fifth
amendment which prevents Con-
gressional committees from com-
pelling any person to be a witness
against himself.
No amount of misreprentation
or false inference of guilt can ob-
scure the fact that the fifth
amendment was designed to pro-
tect individuals from unjust pros-
ecutions. I have therefore invoked
the fifth amendment in order to
protect myself from the possibility
of unjustified prosecution.
A fundemental tenet of our de-
mocracy is that an individual's po-
litical beliefs and associations are
not subject to invasion by any
agency of government. This was
specified in the Constitution of
the United States in 1788 because
one state after another refused
ratification except upon the con-
dition that the Bill of Rights be
incorporated. To require a citizen
to categorize his political beliefs
opens the way to the application
of various pressures to change
them, and therefore, to the con-
trol of thought and belief.
Both as a scientist and as a
citizen I have unequivocally re-
jected any association or com-
mitment which would in any
way limit my freedom to evalu-
ate evidence objectively and to
arrive at my own intellectually
honest conclusions. I do not
consider that the present hear-
ings represent a valid excuse for
departing from this principle.
Although refusal to answer
questions relating to espionage,
sabotage or related overt law

breaking may properly be included
under the protection of the fifth
amendment, they involve a moral
issue entirely different from that
posed by questions relating to po-
litical beliefs and associations. I
feel that it is a part of my respon-
sibility as a citizen to answer all
pertinent questions in this cate-
gory to the best of my ability.
THE difficulty in countering this
damaging breach of confi-
dence between allies-on whose
continued cooperation the future
of freedom depends-lies in the
fact that many of the concrete
criticisms must stand. Americans
themselves are deeply disturbed
and divided by such policies as
the so-called "New Look" in strat-
egy. The isolationism of certain
newspapers and certain political
leaders is an undoubted fact.
Many people inside America have
not remarked with any pleasure
the eyes of the nation glued to
the television screen during the
Stevens-McCarthy hearing. So the
list could be continued. There are
as many people in the United
States as anywhere else bent on
criticism from degenerating into
"the indictment of an whole peo-
ple," from degenerating, in short,
into irrational phobias and des-
tructive nationalist emotion.
-The New York Times
THE American mind runs natur-
ally to broad, sweeping, logi-
rcl conclusions on the largest


"Run Along And Shoot Pool Or Something"



WASHINGTON-It may make
some people unhappy to have
it published, but the White House
recently received a confidential
memo telling how thoroughly all
Democrats had been purged from
the U.S. Information Office and
how Harry Truman's picture de-
finitely was not shown on U.S. In-
formation bulletin boards abroad.
Reason for the memo was a
complaint from good old speaker
Joe Martin that the U.S. Infor-
mation Offices were still harbor-
ing Democrats and were even
flaunting Harry Truman's pic-
ture overseas. Republican Con-
gressmen used this as an excuse
to cut the Information Office's
budget by $13,000,000-a drastic
cut at a time when Soviet pro-
paganda offices are spending
money by the basketful.
So the White House asked
for a report and got back this
"With respect to the Acheson
speeches and Truman-Acheson
pictures reportedly on display at
our posts in Spain," defends the
memo, "we have talked personal-
ly with our public affair officer,
Bill Cody, in Madrid. He swears
that they have had no Acheson
materials for distribution any-
where in the country since the
present administration came in.
They have had no picture dis-
plays of Truman or Acheson any-
where. There were displays of
Marshall's picture at the time he
won the Nobel Peace Prize last
year. It is just possible that 'Tru-
man might have been in one of
the pictures with Marshall, but he
knows of no such instance. Cody
is one of our best men and de-
finitely not an egghead."
The memo is dated May 11, 19-
54, and signed by Able Abbott
Washburn, the agency's deputy
director, a former executive of
General Mills, Inc., and national

director of the Citizens for Eis-
enhower during the 1952 cam-
In the secret memo, Washburn
states: "Better than 5,000 people
have been dropped from this
agency since the Eisenhower ad-
ministration took over on Janu-
ary 20, 1953. Some 2,300 of these I
were Americans. The rest were
local nationals. In other words, we
got rid of almost half of the to-
tal number of Americans former-
ly employed. I doubt whether any
other agency in Washington has
dismissed, percentagewise, more
employees than we have.
"To say 'they have not cleaned
house-it is the same old person-
nel' is just not true!" Washburn
"In order for the agency to
reflect administration Repub-
lican policy," the memo contin-
ues, "We set about the difficult
task of filling as many senior
executive posts as possible which
qualified Republicans . . . the
attached list of senior officers of
the agency reveals an overwhel-
ming preponderance of Republi-
cans. There are no Democrats
among them. Three are gov-
ernment career men with ab-
solutely no political coloration.
One is an independent. We are
proud of the high caliber of
this team. They, are definitely
not 'the same old crowd of New
Deal sympathizers!' to suggest
such a thing is extremely un-
fair to what Ted Streibert (the
director) has accomplished in
the nine months he has been
NOTE-Originally this politi-
cal purge was ordered to appease
Senator McCarthy, who sent his
two junior G-men, Roy Cohn and
Dave Schine, on a barnstorming
trip through Europe to investigate
America's information program, .
(Copyright, 1954, by the Bell Syndicate)

(Continued from Page 2)
Intoxicating beverages. The use or
presence of intoxicating beverages in
student quarters is not permitted.
(Committee on Student Conduct, July,
Women Guests in Men's Residences.
The presence of women guests in men's
residences, except for exchange and
guest dinners or for social events or=
during calling hours approved by the
Office of Student Affairs, is not permit-
ted. This regulation does not apply to
mothers of residents. (Committee on
Student Conduct, January, 1947.)
(Fraternities without resident house
directors and fraternities operating as
rooming houses during the summer have
no calling hour privileges and may en-
tertain women guests only at exchange
or guest dinners or for social events ap-
proved by the Office of Student Af-
Responsibility for Maintaining Stan-
dards of Conduct. Student organizations
are expected to take all reasonable meas-
ures to promote among their members
conduct consistent with good taste and
to endeavor by all reasonable means to
ensure conformity with the foregoing
standards of conduct.
University students or student organ-
izations are responsible for their guests'
compliance with the standards of con-
Any student-sponsored function at
which conditions arise that are injuri-
ous to the prestige of the University
may be abolished by the Committee on
Student Affairs. (Regents' Proceedings,
May 1923.)
It is the joint responsibility of the
chaperons and the president of the or-
ganization sponsoring a social event to
see the University regulations are ob-
served, particularly those relating to
conduct, presence of women guests, and
use of intoxicants (Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs, November 13, 1946)
Registration of Social Events:
June 23, 25
Social events sponsorec by student or-
ganizations at which both men and wo-
me nare to be present must be approv-
ed by the Dean of Students. Applica-
tion forms and a copy of regulations
governing these events may be secured
in the Office of Student Affairs, 1020
Administration Building. Requests for
approval must be submitted to that of-
fice no later than noon of the Mon-
day before the event is scheduled. A
list of approved social events will be
published in the Daily Official Bulle-
tin on Thursday of each week.
Exchangeand Guest Dinners may be
held in organized student residences
(operating a dining room) between 5:30
p.m.-8 p.m. for weekday dinners and
between 1 p.m.-3 p.m. for Sunday din-
ners. These events must be announced
to the Office of Student Affairs at
least one day in advance of the sched-
uled date. Guest chaperons are not re-
Calling Hours for Women in Men's
Residences. In University Men's Resi-
dence Halls, daily between 3 p.m.-10:30
p.m.; Nelson Internationai House, Fri-
day, 8 p.m.-12 p.m.; Saturday 2:30 p.m.
-5:30 p.m. and from 8 p.m.-12 p.m.;
Sunday, 1 p.m.-10:30 p.m. This privi-
lege applies only to casual calls and
not to planned parties.
women callers in men's residences are
restricted to the main floor of the resi-
Ushers are urgently needed for Anna
Russell concert at Hill Auditorium on
Monday, July 19. If you are interested
in ushering for this concert, please re-
port to Mr. warner at Hill Auditorium
between 5 and 6 p.m. during the week
of June 28.
Cerce Francas: The Summer Session
Cercle Francais will meet weekly on
wednesday evening at 8:00 through the
month of July, in the Michigan Lea-
gue. A varied program of music, talks,
games, and discussions is planned. These
meetings are open to all students and
residents of Ann Arbor who are inter-
ested in France and things French. No
previous membership is necessary. All
are welcome. Consult the League bulle-
tin and the Daily for place, details, in-
dividual programs.
La Petite Causette: An informal
French conversation group will meet
weekly through July in the Round-Up
Room of the League. Fridays at 3:30. A
faculty member and a native French
assistant will be present but there is
no formal program. Refreshments are
available nearby, and all persons in-
terested in talking and hearing French
are cordially invited to come.
Art Loan Prints will be available for
summer rental to students and staff in
Room 510 Admin. Bldg., June 24-25. A
rental fee of 35c per print will be
U.S. Naval Training Center, Bain-
bridge, Maryland, has an immediate
need for three Librarians, GS-5.
The City of Vassar, Michigan, is tak-

For additional information concerning
these and other employment opprtuni-
ties, contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext.
A meeting will be held at 3:00 p.m.
on Thursday, July 1, in Auditorium C,
Angell Hall, for all seniors and graduate
students who are interested in register-
ing with th eBureau of Appointments
now for employment either after gra-
duation, after military service, or for
future promotions in any of the fol-
lowing fields: education, business, in-
dustry, technical, and government. Reg..
lstration material will be given out at
the meeting,
Those students who have previously
registered with the Bureau of Appoint-
ments for empolyment and who are still
on campus are requested to contact the
Bureau as soon as possible at 3528 Ad-
ministration Building in order to bring
their records up to date. We must have
your present address and telephone
number as well as your current courses.
This information is necessary for ef-
fective service.
International Congress on Nuclear En-
gineering, auspices of the American In-
stitute of Chemical Engineers.
Technical sessions. 9:00 a.m. and 2:00
Luncheon. Introduction of interna-
tional guests, Alberto F. Thompson, Di-
rector of Technical Information, Atom-
ic Energy Commission. Address by A. M.
Weinberg, Driector ofrResearch, Oak
Ridge National Laboratories. 12:15 p.m.,
Michigan League.
American Astronomical Society, aus-
pices of the Department of Astronomy.
Technical session. 9:00 a.m., Auditor-
lum B, Angell Hall,
Symposium: "Turbulence and Magne-
tic Fields in the Photosphere." Robert
R. McMath, Professor of Astronomy,
chairman. 2:00 p.m., Auditorium B, An-
gell Hall.
International Mass Communications
Conference on Nuclear Energy Develop-
ments, auspices of the Department of
Session Five. "Utilization of Isotopes
and of Radiation." Lloyd Brownell, Pro-
fessor of Chemical Engineering; Sylves-
vester E. Gould, Research Associate,
AEC Biological Effects of Irradiation;
Dr. William H. Beerwaltes, Associate
Professor of Internal Medicine; Joseph
J. Martin, Associate Professor of Chem,-
ical and Metallurgical Engineering;
Leigh C. Anderson, Professor of Chem-
istry. 9:00 a.m., Rackham Amphitheater.
Teachers of French and Spanish: Pro-
fessor Emile B. de Sauze, founder and
director of the Cleveland Plan for for-
eign language learning, will speak on
"The Teaching of Modern Languages in
the Elementary Grades and in the Jun-
ior and Senior High Schools" in 429
Mason Hall at 3:30 p.m. The public is
Clements Library. Rare astronomical
General Library. women as Authors.
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Egyp
tian Antiquities-a loan exhibit from
the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New
York City. Museum Hours, Monday
through Friday 1-5; Sunday 2-5.
Michigan Historical Collections. The
University in 1904.
Museum of Art. Three Women Paint-
Museums Building, rotunda exhibit.
Indian costumes of the North Ameri-
can plains.
Events Today
Weekly Bridge Lessons starting to-
night, 7:30 p.m., at the Michigan Lea-
square and Folk Dancing. Tonight
and every Tuesday. Everyone welcome.
Grey Austin, caller. Lane Hall, 7:30-
Graduate Study Group on "Christian
Liberty and Academic Freedom." A con-
tinuation of a U.S.C.C. pilot project
started in February. New members are
welcome at this time. Tonight, Lane
Hall Library, 8:30.
Coming Events
Department of Speech Summer Play
Schedule: July 5-10, Shakespeare's HAM-
LET; July 21-24, Mary Chase's MRS. Mc-
THING; July 28-31, Sheridan's THE CRI-
TIC; and August 5. 6, 7, and 9, Mo-
zart's opera, THE MARRIAGE OF FIG-
ARO produced with The School of Mu-
sic. Season tickets are on sale daily
from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. in the Lydia
[endessohn Box Office, north end of



The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


Suspensions . .. j
To the Editor:
W E LEARN from the newspaper}
that Mr. H. C. Davis, called
before an investigating commit-
tee of Congress, and hiving re-
fused to reveal his political opin-
ions to that body, basing his re-
fusal upon the First Amendment,
has been suspended from his du-
ties as Instructor in the Mathe-
matics Department of the Uni-
versity of Michigan.
This decision by the adminis-
tration of the University of Mi-
chigan cannot be ignored by the
undersigned students of the Uni-
versity of Lyon.
We knew Mr. and Mrs. Davis in
1952. They earned special -esteem
from those who met them by their
qualities of heart and mind, their
broad culture, and the high schol-
arly level of Mrs. Davis's research
on the history of our city. By
their example they gave a favor-
able impression of their fellow
students, their faculty colleagues,
their university, and their coun-
try. We are eager to put this on
record now, when the integrity of
Mr. Davis is put in question.
We also want to take a posi-
tion on a particularly serious as-
pect of this matter. First let it be
clear that we are not making any
judgment on the Un-American
Activities Committee, of whose
actions we are aware, but are
limiting ourselves solely to the
academic aspect of the question. .
In view of the fact that this
Committee has not at present
made any definite decision con-
cerning Mr. Davis, we do not un-
derstand the university admin-
istration's haste in announcing
his suspension. In spite of appear-
ances, we do not want to believe
the university is in collusion by
hypocritical arguments of expe-
diency. Whatever may be the re-
sult of the action begun against
Mr. Davis, nothing should take
precedence over the fundamental
principle that the University is
the natural guardian of the peo-
ple's freedoms. Without them, it
cannot accomplish the tasks of
diffusion of culture and develop-
ment of the national intellectual
heritage. Indeed, learning cannot
live without liberty, and the uni-
versity which punishes its teach-
ers and students for their opin-
ions destroys itself.
We want to emphasize the ser-
iousness of such events, for we
hav rnown a time when in our

on this topic with gravity and
firmness, for any yielding would
betray the memory of our dead.
We are convinced that the Uni-
versity of Michigan, following the
highest traditions of the great
country to which it belongs, and
reminding itself of the sacrifices
undertaken ten years ago in our
common struggle, will retract the
action taken against some of its
teachers, and thus will take the
path of reason and greatness.
-Fifty-six students and recent
graduates of the Schools of
Letters, Science, Law, Medi-
cine, and Dentistry, Univer-
sity of Lyon, France.
Congratulations . . .
To the Editor:
congratulate you for speaking
out against the suspension of
the three University of Michigan
faculty members. We must fight
mocracy is to survive in the Unit-
all forms of McCarthyism if De-
ed States.
--Ed Conners, Chicago



Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the -Board in ,Control of
Student Publications.

Editorial Staff
Dianne AuWerter...Co-Managing Editor
Alice B. Silver....Co-Managing Editor
Becky Conrad...........Night Editor
Rona Friedman............Night Editor
Wally Eberhard............Night Editor
Sue Garfield.........Women's Editor
Hanley Gurwin.........Sports Editor
Jack Horwitz......Assoc. Sports Editor
E. J. Smith........Assoc. Sports Editor
Business Staff
Dick Aistrom.........Business Manager
Lois Pollack...,....Circulation Manager
Bob Kovaks.......Advertising Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1


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