The Need for
'Agonizing ReappraisaP
See Page 2
Latest Deadline in the State
:43 a t t
VOL. LXIV, No. 135
Atom Workers
Ignore Orders
Fail to Halt Production of U-235
As Thousands Cross Picket Line
OAK RIDGE, Tenn. (P} - CIO
chemical workers ignored a presi
dential o r der Wednesday anc
struck at two uranium-235plants
They failed, however, to halt pro-
duction of the vital atomic weap
ons material.
Despite President Eisenhower's
plea to stay on the job until a
fact-finding board could look into
their wage dispute, about 3,500
workers at the U3 2p5 htrnalee
workers at the U235 plant here
and 1,000 more at a similar Pa-
ducah, Ky., facility struck.
The two plants produce the na-
tion's entire supply of U235 used
in making atomic bombs and other
nuclear weapons.
The union posted pickets to back
up demands for a 15-cent hourly
wage increase. Carbide and Car-
bon Cehmicals Co., operator of the
plants for the Atomic Energy Com-
mission, offered the union a 6-cent
boost retroactive to Arpil 15.
The rival AFL Atomic Trades
andhLabor Council, representing
4,500 workers in two other atomic
plants here, crossed the picket
lines as did thousands of construc-
tion workers.
Police said the picketing was or-
derly. Joseph Joy, international
representative of the striking CIO
United Gas, Coke and Chemical
Workers, said the union would
make no attempt to keep other
workers from their jobs.
The union estimated the 'total
here at 300.
The President, who issued his
fact-finding board order Tuesday
s as the walkout became imminent,
told his news conference in Wash-
ington the strike is a serious thing.
0 He added that it put the United
States in a most embarrasing and
difficult position.
The appointment of a board is
the first step in Taft-Hartley Law
procedure and could lead to is-
suance of an injunction.
The union maintained Carbide
never made an offer during pro-
tracted negotiations last spring.
Bargaining broke off in mid-April
and the President's Atomic Energy
Labor Relations Panel stepped in
t and conducted hearings in the dis-
The panel on June 15 recom-
mended a 6-cent hourly hike for
both AFL and CIO workers. Both
unions rejected the proposed boost
and issued strike calls. Carbide ac-
cepted the proposal "reluctantly"
and offered 6-cent increases to the
1 unions..
The scale for hourly paid work-
ers at the four plants now ranges
from $1.58 to $2.40.
Panel Discusses Family
Role in Modern Times.
Admist many digressions, a group of psychiatrists, sociologists and
a social worker, discunssed the function and problems of the family
yesterday in conjunction with the University's special Summer Session
program "Woman in the World of Man."
Titled, "Patterns of Today's Family Dynamics," the panel was
moderated by Prof. Robert C. Angell of the sciology department.
Other panel members were:
Dr. Joseph M. Lubart of Columbia University's Psychoanalytic
Clinic; Dr. Ralph D. Rabinovitch,<>
Chief of the Children's Service,D
Neuropsychiatric Institute; Prof. D r.aLzfbert
Morris Janowitz of the sociology
department and Mrs. Dorothy En- - a
gal of the Family Service staff ina
Ann Arbor. 1
A challenging question that we Spe aI s a
face today, according to Dr. Dub-
art, is how we can maintain ele-
Sments of the ancient and workable
family unit which is an important By ALLAN SILVER
aid in the development of the
child, in the midst of a changing The patriarchal, monogamous
society and women's rights. family of Western culture has pro-
U.S. Accuses
Czech Patrol
Of Abduction
Reds Claim GI's
Were Spying
States accused Czech b o r d e r
guards Wednesday night of the
"abduction" of seven American
soldiers. Communist Czechoslova-
kia contended the Americans were
nabbed on a spying mission.
The Americans-a captain and
six enlisted men-disappeared Sun-
day night near the west German
border town of Baernau. Officials
have declined to identify them,
pending notification of next of kin.
A strongly wordered U.S. note,
delivered to the Ozech Foreign Of-
fice in Prague Wednesday after-
noon, protested the Czech border
patrol's action, rejected a Czech
claim that the seven were spies
and demanded their release.
The soldiers were on leave, the
U.S. Army in Germany said, and
may have crossed the border by
mistake on a sightseeing gour.
The Czechoslovak government
said in a note to the United States
that films found in possession of
the Americans revealed they had
taken photographs of objects on
Czechoslovak territory. The note
said the soldiers confessed enter-
ing Czech territory by illegal
"Their confession and behavior
confirm the group entered Czech
territory to conduct an espionage
mission," the note said.
It identified the Americans as
members of the 816th Field Artil-
lery Battalion and concluded with
a p r o t e s t against violation of
Czechoslovakia's sovereignty.
The American note, one of the
strongest ever delivered to the
Czech Communists, said:
"The United States government
protests in the strongest terms this
abduction of American soldiers and
demands their immediate return
to U. S. authorities in Germany.
Without Arms
The note said the men "were
proceeding innocently w i t h o u t
arms along the (Czech-German)
border in the vicinity of Baernau
on July 4 when they were seized
by a Czech patrol."
State Department press officer
Henry Suydam declined comment
when asked what steps the United
States was prepared to take if the
Czech government refuses to free
the soldiers.
Suydam commented, however,
that for a diplomatic note the lan-
guage used was strong and "per-
Not Released
The note identified the missing
Americans by name and rank but
Suydam declined to reveal them
because, he said, the Defense De-
partment has not yet notified the
next of kin of the incident.
Asked whether the Czech expion-
age accusation against the men
was false, Suydam replied quick-
ly: "Of course, it's false." 5
Earlier Suydam had said "a pre-
liminary report from Army
sources" indicates the Americans
disappeared while on a sight-seeing
trip near the border.
Bomber Squadron
Force will send a second pilotless
bomber squadron to Germany this
fall, it was announced Wednes-
The squadron, numbering about
600 officers and men, is now at
Patrick Air Force Base, Fla., be-
ing trained to handle the B61
"Matador" missile.
Ch ina
Asks Recall
If Red China Expresses
Enters UN Faith in CIA
Knowland Cites
Reasons for Hope
land (R-Calif.) said today he hopes
President Eisenhower will promise
to recall Congress to deal with
the situation if the United Nations
should admit Communist China
this fall.
Knowland, heading a delegation
of Republican leaders to a weekly
conference with the President,
hinted in an interview that such
a pledge might forestall moves in
Congress to provide in advance
for automatic American withdraw-
al from the U.N. if the Peiping re-
gime is admitted.
Plan Wind-Up
Congress is planning to wind up
its present business July 31. The
Red China issue could come be-
fore the U.N. in September or
later in the year, perhaps during
the campaign for control of Con-
gress at the November elections.
The new Congress is scheduled to
convene in January.
Knowland has said he would re-
sign his party leadership post to
campaign for American withdraw-
al if the U.N. accepts the Com-
munists. But opposition appeared
to be developing among some other
lawmakers against committing
Congress in advance to becoming
-as some members phrased it-a
prospective "executioner" for the
world organization.
Pledges Fight
Secretary of State Dulles has
pledged a vigorous fight against
seating of the Chinese Commu-
nist regime in the U.N. But he has
declined to commit the Adminis-
tration in advance to quitting the
U.N. if American objections are
Knowland and Dulles discussed
the issue with Eisenhower yester-
day but gave no public indication
of the President's attitude.
Knowland predicted Congress
will write into pending foreign aid
legislation a strong statement op-
posing Communist China's entry
into the international organiza-
tion. But he said this might take
the form of a policy statement,
rather than any automatic with-
drawal of funds and representa-
tives such as he previously had
said were under study. Such a
policy statement was voted by
Congress last year.
'No Doubt'
"I don't think there is any doubt
that Congress will express itself
forcefully against letting the Chi-
nese Communists shoot their way
into the United Nations," Know-
land said. "What other action it
takes I think will depend on re-
ports we are getting from the State
"But if the President makes it
clear he intends to call Congress
back-or at least call the leaders
into consultation so that early
congressional action can be plan-
ned-it might not be necessary to
go further at this time. I hope
such a statement will be forth-
coming from the Administration
WASHINGTON () - Presiden
Eisenhower indicated Wednesday
the administration is making s
constant routine check of the Cen-
tral Intelligency Agency, and said
he has the utmost confidence in
Director Allen W. Dulles.
He told his news conference also
he expects retired Gen. Mark W.
Clark will do a grand job of check-
ing into the agency's organization
and operation as head of a Hoover
Commission task force.
May Probe
Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis) has hint-
ed several times that his Senate
Investigations subcommittee might
launch its own probe of alleged
Communist infiltration into the
CIA, and has spoken of "what
looks like a very, very dangerous
situation" within it.
But McCarthy, also expressing
confidence in Clark, said Tuesday
he "would be glad" to turn over
to the general the information he
has, although "we are not going
to forget about the situation."
Charges 'False'
The President made no mention
of McCarthy's charges of Commu-
nistz within the CIA. Dulles has
called those charges "false," and
said he has gotten no answer from
the senator to letters asking the
basis of the charges.
Clark's appointment to head the
task force was announced Sunday.
A World War II Army command-
er in Europe and later head of
U. N. forces lin Korea, Clark is
now president of the Citadel, a
military college at Charleston,
S. C. He said he undertook the
new assignment because he was
familiar with the work of the CIA
both in Europe and in the Far
Jet Crashes;
Four Killed
KANSAS CITY, Kan. (-An Air
Force jet plane crashed Wednes-
through a residential district after
narrowly missing a downtown sky-
scraper, killing four persons. Sev-
eral others had hair-raising es-
The plane, an F84F which had
just been accepted by the Air
Force, plunged to earth at high
speed near 9th St. and Nebraska
Ave., on the edge of the city's
business district.
Killed in the explosive crash and
holocaust was the pilot, identified
by the Central Air Defense Force
as 2nd Lt. John H. Kapeles, of
the 27th Fighter Escort Wing,
Bergstrom Air Force Base, near
Austin, Tex. His hometown is Cas-
per, Wyo.
The other three victims were
residents of two of the three
homes set afire by the plane.
They were Miss Gertrude Lank-
ford, and Miss Edna Hoffmjn, both
schoolteachers, and Ural Redwine,
54, an invalid who was trapped
in his home.
Nine other persons were hos-
pitalized for injury or shock and
two firemen were hurt battling the
The jet plane was one of four
that took off from nearby Fairfax
Airport for delivery to Tinker
Field, Okla. Just a few minutes
later the control tower received
word one of the planes was in
After leaving the formation and
banking, the plane missed the
swanky Terrace Club on the roof
of the nine - story Brotherhood
Building by feet, then plunged to
earth striking a tree and then
sliced the second floor from a
house at 850 Nebraska Ave.
Bert Kinney Jr., 43, who was
asleep in the home was injured
Next, the plane ricocheted high
into the air, hit the ground, struck
tn.. ~ n - r I- M mn a n -A
Stand Against
Hatcher .Announces Hall
As Russel .Award Winner
John W. Hall, assistant professor of history and acting director
of the University Center for Japanese Studies, has been named by
University President Harlan H. Hatcher as the winner of the annual
Henry Russel Award.
The honor is conferred upon the faculty member with the
rank of instructor or assistant professor whose work as teacher
or research worker is outstanding
Family a Unit
Years ago the family was a unit
and the mother wasn't isolated, he
continued. But people don't know
who they are today. Grandma, he
pointed out in an example, won't
baby sit any more because she's
afraid of losing her youth.
Taking the mother's viewpoint,
Mrs. Engal pointed out the com-
plexity of the demands made on
the woman today. It is a tedious
existence for many housewives who
because of their many duties at
home, lack social opportunities
to broaden themselves, she com-
"The prospect of family disor-
ganization is before us," asserted
Dr. Rabinovitch. Poor preparation
for the child makes that child a
poor parent eventually and thus
the problem multiplies. Today,
parents tend to push their child-
ren, giving them a pseudo ma-
turity, he commented, using social
dancing as an example.
Still Need Guidance
By the great amount of current
psychologizing we have frightened
parents so that in dealing with
their children they have lost all
spontanity and are "frightened
parents." "Children still need
guidance," he assured the large
Family problems today, accord-
ing to Prof. Janowitz, can be ap-
proached quite effectively through
community action. For the sta-
bility and income of the family
cannot be dealt within the family
but only through the community,
he pointed out.
New Plan Ready
For Suez Dispute
duced an unusually high level of
emotional warmth in children and
parents, according to Dr. Joseph
M. Lubart, who addressed an aud-
ience yesterday afternoon at An-
gell Hall.
His lecture, "Emotional Growth
and the Family," was part of .the
University's special summer pro-
gram, "Women in the World of
Man." Dr. Lubart is associated with
the Columbia University Psycho-
analytic Clinic.
Must Not Interfere
"Our job is to find out how to
retain this family structure and
at the same time not interfere with
the rights of either woman or
man," he said.
Dr. Lubart pointed to a grad-
ual change in the role of women
in Western society, noting that
the traditional roles of wife and
mother have resulted both in sat-
isfactions and inferiority. "The
twentieth century has seen some-
thing new-women will no longer
accept this."
Audience of Women
Speaking to an audience com-
posed almost entirely of women,
the psychiatrist observed that
while marriage and motherhood
remain basic means of self-ful-
fillment, many American women
are asking the question, "But on
the other hand, what do I do about
success?" Dr. Lubart attributed
this development to the great stress
American society places on "youth,
glamor and success."
"Patterns of competition can
set up some very severe problems
for women," he commented. There
occasionally emerges "a certain
type of wife who may be highly
jealous of her husband, resent her
hole and strive to be what she
cannot be," he said," but she is
not as common as is sometimes
I and holds great promise for the
Prof. Hall, born in Tokyo of
missionary parents, lived in Japan
until 1932.
A specialist in pre-modern Jap-
anese history, he currently is
working on a case study of the
Japanese feudal domain in the re-
gion of Okayama, where a field
station of the Japanese Center is
nw located.
This study by Prfessor Hall will
analyze the structure of pre-mod-
ern Japanese society from the po-
litical, social and intellectual
points of view.
Approximately 700 volumes of
photostats will be used by the pro-
fessor in this case study of the
historical background of contem-
porary Japanese society.
He is the author of several books
on Japanese culture and history.
After receiving a Bachelor of
Arts degree in 1939 from Amherst
College, he earned a Doctor of
Philosophy degree from Harvard
in 1950. From 1941 to 1946 he serv-
ed as a Communications Intelli-
gence Officer in the Navy.
Prof. Hall came to the University
in the summer of 1948 as a lec-
turer and stayed on as an instruc-
tor. In 1952 he was named assist-
ant professor.
weary tin miners pedaled =their
way into town last night on a bi-
cycle trip fro mtheir home in
C of C Backs
Blanket Social
Security Plan
Chamber of Commerce Wednesday
urged the Senate Finance Commit-
tee to blanket all aged persons un-
de rthe social security system re-
gardless of whether they have con-
tributed to it.
Sen. Byrd (D-Va) called the idea
"a baby Townsend plan" and said
he was in "strong disagreement"
with it.
A. D. Marshall, manager of em-
ploye benefits for the General Elec-
tric Co. and chairman of the Cham-
ber's committee on social legisla-
tion, testified his organization
wanted to make social security
"really universal."
The House bill under study. by
the Senate Committee would ex-
tend coverage to about 10% mil-
lion additional persons, increase
present and future benefits, and
raise from $3,600 to $4,200 the max-
imum amount of annual wages sub-
ject to social security taxes.
Lays Plans . .
WASHINGTON (M - President
Eisenhower laid plans Friday to
attend the Conference of State
Governors at Lake George, N. Y.,
Monday and make a speech to the
chief executives.
Situation at
Urges 'Go Slow'
Plan to Congress
WASHINGTON (A - President
Eisenhower said Wednesday that
he is "completely and unalterably
opposed" to admitting Red China
to the United Nations as things
now stand. At the same time he
counseled Congress to go slow on
proposals to pull America out if
the Reds are let in.
He discussed the situation at .his
news conference and authorized di-
rect quotation of many of his words
to underscore his denunciation of
the Communist Chinese govern-
ment. He branded it an aggressor
and an enclaver of peoples,
'Solemn Obligations'
As for quitting the United Na-
tions, he took the position that this
country's membership in that or-
ganization involves "solemn treaty
obligations" and any move to re-
pudiate them must be taken only
after "the most careful delibera-
The idea of arranging now to pull
out of the U. N. if the Chinese
Reds get a seat has been advanced
in various forms by several sena-
tors. One of these, Sen. Knowland
(R-Calif), said shortly after the
President's news conference that
he thought Congress would go
along with the chief executive, to
see what the United Nations de-
cides before taking action in Wash-
ington. Eisenhower expressed the
view that it was unlikely the other
U. N. members would override the
wishes of the United States.
In expressing strong opposition
to seating the Communists, "under
the present situation," Eisenhower
said, "I personally think that 95
per cent of the population of the
United States would take the same
The President was asked about
the suggestions that if Red China
is admitted over U. S. protests,
then the United States would with-
He replied that, "If the United
States ever reaches the point that
it wants to repudiate solemn treaty
obligations, it must do so after the
most careful deliberation and study
of all the consequences that could
be involved."
Views Question
Eisenhower viewed the question
that would arise as being "whether
we would accomplish more good
in the world, whether we could ad-
vance the cause of peace and de-
cency better by going out than by
staying in."
He said he would fight "to the
last minute" to prove that the U.N.
could not override America on the
principle involved.
Eisenhower talked seriously but
freely about Red China in a 24-
minute conference which also
brought out presidential statements
that he is pleased with the way
Congress has been acting, delight-
ed about the House farm bill, fully
confident that the Central Intelli-
gence Agency is in good hands,
and concerned but hopeful about
strikes in atomic plents
Goodyear Co.
Faces Strike
CINCINNATI (P)-Representa-
tives of union and management
met yesterday in a final effort to
work out a new contract and pre-
vent a strike of 30,000 employes of
the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.
before the midnight deadline.
It was known management of-
fered the CIO United Rubber
Workers union a pay increase and
that it has been turned down.
Goodyear employes now get an
average pay of $2.08 an hour.
A strike would affect plants in
Akron and St. Mary's, Ohio, Mun-
cie, Ind.; Jackson, Mich.; New
Bedford. Mass.- Windsor. Vt.:
Indochina Crisis Alerts
U.S. Far Eastern Forces
Kerr, Turner To Clash
In Oklahoma Runoff Vote
TOKYO (Thursday) (A'i - In-_
formed military sources disclosed
Wednesday that the Indochina cri-
sis had thrown American forces on
the alert in the Pacific against an
explosive outbreak of World War
III but they said the danger point
was passed three weeks ago.
Since then, tensions have eased
markedly, the sources said.
35 Divisions
Tbi+ thn r~n4 n . T? -i-uri
sibly touched off Russian attacks
on Japan, the cornerstone to con-
trol of the 'Pacific.
Threat Eased
With the threat of war eased,
the sources reported military com-
manders studying redeployment of
Allied ground forces in the Pa-
There was speculation that the
civ TT C Aiv.cinnc -vn 1lli lh n a n
battle of the millionaires was in
prospect for Oklahoma voters July
27 as Wednesday's tabulations of
Tuesday's p r i m a r y balloting
showed rival Roy J. Turner has
forced Sen. Robert S. Kerr into a
runoff for the Temocratic nomina-
The bitter Oklahoma Democrat-
ic gubernatorial race also headed
into a runoff when Oklahoma City
Atty. William O. Coe took a narrow
lead in the counting over Raymond
Gary, Madill, president pro tem-
pore of the Oklahoma Senate.