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August 04, 1954 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1954-08-04

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The Spread of Communism
In South America

Cleanup In Washington

THE RECENT anti-communist rebellion in Gua-
tamala, which has been followed by intra-army
fighting, has served to focus the eyes, for a few
moments, at least, of this country upon our South
American neighbors, and the growth of com-
munism amongst them..
By all reports, the communists have gaine'd
considerable strength in Latin-America, with sev-
eral instances of actual political domination, as
witnessed by events in Guatamala and British Gui-
ana. Such strength, in spite of several defeats, does
not seem to be diminishing.
To the contrary, communist agitation seems to
be growing, much to the consternation of this
country's government.
The reasons for this growth are old ones. They
are the same factors which lended themselves to
the spread of communism all over the world.
Namely: the South Americans have absorbed well
the theories of Western political democracy. Along
with these theories, they have learned to desire
Western standards of living. Yet, for one reason
or another, they have been unable to achieve this
standard. Instead, poverty has been the lot of all
but the very few.
Communism, too, preaches democracy. And
also promises material rewards. To many South
Americans, this vacant (we know) promise is
a godsend. It is the means of reaching, much
sought after goals.
To counter this, the United States has followed
a singularly unenlightened policy, economically
and politically. We have expected our Pan-Ameri-

can friends to support us in international inter-
course. They have almost invariably done so.
We have promised economic aid countless times,
and have allowed only a trickle go through. Con-
gress just the other day appropriated a piddling
nine million for economic aid as part of the over-
all foreign aid bill. This figure was only a few mil-
lion less than the Administration recommended,
and will hardly begin to aid countries such as Bra-
zil, with serious economic problems.
True, American corporations have been only too
ready to step in and supply some capital, but this
is exactly what the South Americans hate. Many
of them want nothing more to do with ALCOA
and United Fruit Companies. Furthermore, South
Americans are embittered when they see billions
poured into Europe. This is not to say that these
billions should. be stopped. Only that increased
direct economic assistance, along with an expand-
ed point four progrram (also mutilated by the Ad-
ministration) is needed.
Added to increased economic. aid must come a
lessening of interference in South American gov-
ernmental affairs. The recent U.S. role in Guata-
mala did little to endear us to the countries south
of us. This country has to come to the realization
that the days and policies of Teddy Roosevelt are
In short, the U.S. faces their old problem of how
to give away money without being accused of "Dol-
lar Diplomacy"; how to give our friends the as-
sistance they need, without making them feel that
they have thereby become our vassals. We will
have to solve this problem, or else see communism
spread to our very shores.
--Jerry Heiman


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November Elections
And the Congressman

What's Illegal?
To the Editor:

" 1


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THE SENATE Advisory Com-
mittee hardly can judge the
illegality of an act-only a judicial
court can do that. Save for this
point, I agree with Mrs. AuWert-
er's editorial of August 3.
-Norman R. Williamsen, Jr.
* * *
The Administration's
Duty , ...
To the Editor:
THE DUTY OF A University
Administration is to guarantee,
the highest possible standards of
scholarship and academic compe-
tence on the part of faculty mem-
bers. It is none of its business
what political views a teacher may
have. Dr. Davis was correct in
declining to assist the Administra-
tion in its attempt to replace the
criterion of academic competence
with that of political conformity.
President Hatcher's action, in
recommending Davis' dismissal,
not only prejudices the reputation
of the University of Michigan and
further undermines its liberal tra-
dition; it points to the danger that
the nation's leading universities
may become, not instruments of
education, but instruments of pol-
itical indoctrination. We have seen
these things at the University of
-A "lecture committee" ban
speakers on civil rights and other
controversial issues.
--An Administration official en-
courage a student to spy on an-
other student, reporting private
conversations, names of friends,
etc., to the F.B.I.
-State and federal agents rum-
mage through supposedly "confi-
dential" files on students and
and alumni kept by the University.
--In general, the officially ex-
pressed statement of the Univer-
sity's "full cooperation" with those
agencies employed by the govern-
ment to suppress criticism and op-
position coming from the Left.
And now the threatened political
firing of a mathematics instructor.
Let us not allow the University
of Michigan to become the instru-
ment of politicians whose feelings'
of insecurity are such as to cause{
them to make dissent and opposi-
tion a crime.
-David R. Luce
The News

The Problem of Thailand
And Collective Defense

THAILAND has decided to withdraw at this time
the call for a session of the United Nations
General Assembly to consider the sending of a peace
observation team to her threatened area. Appre-
hension In Thailand, however, has not been lessen-
ed by the terms of the Indochina armistice. In-
deed, the agreed occupation of Tonkin by the Com-
munists and the withdrawal of the French from
their most northerly base in Laos brings the men-
ace of invasion closer. In addition, there are per-
haps &0,000 Vietnamese who have crossed over in-
to the border area of Thailand and these could
c'ntain the nucleus of a Communist fifth column.
It is now obvious tht Peiping expects just such a
development. A former Thai Premier, Pridi Phan-
omyang, who fled his country in 1947, is being
built up in Chins as a leader of the "Free Thai"
movement and is broadcasting from Peiping to urge
an "anti-imperialist" revolt upon his fellow-coun-
To meet the threat ,the Thai are hoping for the
early conclusion of some sort of collective security
pact for Southeast Asia. They have at no time
taken a "neutralist" attitude on this question, re-
alizing that they are in the direct line of fire. In
addition, they have urged, and will continue to
welcome, strong military assistance from the United
States. Since they have been an independent Asi-
atic state all along there is no bugaboo of "colon-
ialism" to becloud the issues of defense against a
very real and present danger.

Thailand is strongly supported at this point
by the Philippines and its courageous President,
Ramon Magsaysa . In the Philippines, also, the
spector of "colonialism" is long since laid away
and the issues can be met on their merits. Pre-
sident Magsaysay has made' it plain that the
"neutralist" bloc of his party is not making
Philippine policy.
It seems likely now that the Philippines will be
chosen as the meeting place for the conferences to
take up the problems of the joint defense of South-
east Asia. Certainly such meetings should take
place on free Asiatic soil, not in a "colonial" ter-
ritory. The defense of Southeast Asia is decidedly
not an issue in "colonialism." It is an issue in the
cause of freedom.
Admittedly, any defense organization in South-
east Asia would be far stronger from the outset if
it could have the support of other Asian peoples
who have recently obtained their independence,
such as the Indians and the Indonesians. This,
however, cannot be hoped for at this time. The
Pakistanis are not "neutralist" at all and can be
counted on. The Burmans and the Ceylonese might
be at least benevolently "neutral," but that might
be all. Nevertheless, the building must go on. Thai-
land, as the most threatened state at this time,
may be obliged to lead the way, and Bangkok
should be strongly supported both here and in the
-The New York Times

[ + Music +

WASHINGTON -- Chances are
that Congress has not seen the last
of the record-making 13-day fili-
buster over the future control of
atomic energy. Another filibuster
may be just around the corner.
Despite the hot weather and the
hot air, however, nothing could be
mote important to you and your
children. For this bill spells out a
pattern for the energy that will
turn the factory wheels and power
plants of the nation beginning per-
haps in less than 25 years.
Reason for a possible new fili-
buster is that congressional con-
ferees are now haggling to adjust
the differences between the House
bill and the Senate bill-especially
the important amendments which
the Senate put into the A-bill
thanks to the harassing force of
the 13-day filibuster.
The House conferees are deter-
mined to knock these out. Further-
more, the predominant majority of
the Senate conferees are old school
reactionaries whose neck-bristles
are already up over the Senate
To understand what the haggling
and filibustering is all about, here
is a thumbnail sketch of the more
important disputed , amendments
and wht they mean to you and
the future economy of the nation.
Water power sites and atomic
energy-One vital amendment in-
troduced by Senator Humphrey,
Minnesota Democrat, applies the
rules of the Federal Power Com-
mission to the leasing of federal
fissionable materials.
What this means is that since
falling water which generates
water power is regulated by the
government, the neutrons which
have been developed by the gov-
ernment at a cost of twelve billions
likewise are to be regulated under
the same rules as the leasing of
water power sites.
The Federal Power Commission
has built up through the years a
tried-and-tested set of rules for
leasing dam sites to private utili-
ties. Power rates are based on
costs. And the Power Commission
has a set of rules to prevent the
padding of costs.
Such padding is even more im-
portant regarding atomic power.
Since the private atom plants will
sell plutonium back to the gov-
ernment, and the price they can
charge the government is all-im-
portant. If they are permitted to
charge a high price they can pay
for the entire cost of their plant in
a few years, meanwhile using a
government-developed patent.
House conferees and some Sen-
ators would like to knock out this
Humphrey amendment applying
Federal Power Commission rules
to atomic energy. They don't want
the big business firms which will
generate atomic power tied down
by the rules of the Federal Power
Government Construction
Of Atomic Reactors-An amend-
ment introduced by Senator Ed
Johnson, Colorado Democrat, per-
mit- the government to build an
atomic reactor, in other words, a
plant f o r generating peace-time
atomic power.

ference committee, however, to
knock out Johnson's safeguards.
Anti-Monopoly- Senator Langer
of North Dakota, the only Repub-
lican successfully introducing a+
modifying amendment, tacked onto+
the bill a safeguard against viola-+
tion of the Sherman Antitrust Act.+
If any company producing atomic
energy shall be convicted of vio-
lating the antitrust laws, Langer,
specified, its license automatically
reverts to the United States, which
shall license it royalty free.
When this proposal came up for
debate, Hickenlooper was inclined
to favor some kind of anti-monopo-
ly safeguards, but observed: "per-7
haps this is too important to act
on in a hurry. Perhaps we should
hold hearings on this provision."
"That's exactly the point we've+
been making," replied Langer.
"We've been trying to tell you'that
this whole bill was too important
to be rushed through Congress in
record time."
What Langer referred to was the
fact that the Senate received com-
mittee prints of the atom bill only
one day before debate started.
It was obviously impossible to
study such an important bill in
one day; on top of which Senator
Knowland expected to pass it in
one additional day of debate.
Opponents of the bill suspected
that it had been purposely saved
until the last minute in order tof
ram it through in the hot and hec-t
tic closing days of Congress with-i
out too many senators realizing its
Patent Protection--One of the
most important amendments of+
all, though a complicated one, was
introduced by Senator Bob Kerr,
Oklahoma Democrat, providing for
the compulsory licensing of pat-
ents for a period of 10 years. 1
The Eisenhower administration
had recognized that new patents
developed by private enterprise1
must be made available to other
private concerns for a period of
five years. Kerr extended the pe-
riod to 10 years.
Theory behind this is the same
as that existing in the automo-
bile industry, where auto patents
are pooled and each company has
a right to the patent of his com-
petitor. This is one reason the
auto industry has made such pro-
(Copyright 1954, by
The Bell Syndicate Inc.)
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited n d rfnprdh t4IP F ~

Congress will not need to de-
lay its departure much, if at all,
beyond the habitual target date of
July 31st, and the record it is
leaving behind should supply ar-
guments for everyone in the forth-
coming elections. Enough of Pres-
ident Eisenhower's legislative pro-
gramme will, it seems, have been
enacted for him to be able to de-
clare that the Republican party
has passed his test of its worthi-
ness to remain in power; enough
of it will have been dropped or
postponed for the Democrats to be
able to quote the President's test
in evidence against his party.
Those Democrats who want to
demonstrate to the voters that
they are more pro-Eisenhower
can talk about foreign policy and
trade and about the rights of the
executive branch. Democrats did
more than Republicans for the Ad-
ministration's foreign aid legisla-
tion in the House of Representa-
tives; a group of Democrats in the
Senate carried the weight of the
argument against the Bricker
Amendment, which would have
limited the President's discretion
in conducting foreign policy, and
supplied more than half of the
votes against it; and Democratic
Senators organibed an impressive
demonstration in favour of the
President's foreign trade plicy aft-
er his own party had induced him
to abandon it for this year. More-
over, during the televised hearings
of the Senate's Permanent Investi-
gating Subcommittee which, as
the New Yorker put it, was investi-
gating itself like a monkey looking
for fleas, it was frequently made to
look as if the Democratic mem-
bers were the sole supporters of
the Administration. On the other
hand Republicans who wish to
blame their opponents for obstruct-
ing the President's programme al-
so have examples to offer: the
votes in the Senate, cast predomi-
nantly by Democrats, to make
Hawaiian statehood dependent on
the much more dubious proposition
of statehood for Alaska, and to
send the suggested amendments
to the Taft-Hartley labour law'
back to committee. Democratic
votes also denied a two-thirds
m a j o r i t y to the constitutional
amendment lowering the voting
age to eighteen.
Those who support Mr. Eisen-
hower's conception of thenPres-
idency are able to point out
that, despite the "well-publi-
cised diversions" about which
he has periodically complained,
he has induced an evenly di-
vided Congress to develop a
solid if unsensational body of
legislation that meets his two
criteria;these are that the meas-
ures should be politically "in
the middle of the road" and
that the men who take respons-
ibility for them should be the
regular leaders of the Republi-
can party. The first condition,
intended to sidetrack issues
which have divided the country
emotionally, has involved the
abandonment of success-
ive items in the programme
which developed naturally out
of the positions taken by Re-

publicans when in opposition,
as well as the carrying out of
detailed studies to see how ex-
isting policies could be improved
without arousing deep -feelings.
The second condition, which the
President considers essential if
in future the Republicans are
to be considered seriously as a
possible governing party, has
from working through ad hoe
groups who support different
sections of its programme-
through, for instance, the Dem-
ocratic leaders when trying to
get permission to lower trade
barriers further.
The President's detractors also
derive arguments from these same
criteria. They criticise as exces-
sive his emphasis on the "middle
of the road" in his legislative pro-
gramme, on the ground that there
is no standing room in the middle
of some roads because of the traf-
fic trying to pass in opposite d-
rections. The Randall Commis-
sion's report on foreign economic
policy, for example, it is argued,
shows that no compromise is to
be found in Congress between
those who want more protection
and those who want freer trade.
A more radical criticism of Mr.
Eisenhower comes from men like
Mr. Walter Lippmann and the
Democratic Senator Fulbright,who
regard as mistaken his emphasis
on a legislative programme which.
while mildly "progressive," one
of the two adjectives the President
likes to use about it, can scarcely
be considered "dynamic," which
is the other. The President, they
feel, should rather spend his ener-
gies on asserting the proper author-
ity of the executive, clarifying for-
eign policy, and coming to grips
with such threats to his Adminis-
tration as the investigations of
Senator McCarthy-behaving in
fact more like a Prime Minister
of Britain and less like a President
of France.
, * *
IR. EISENHOWER, however,
is fully aware that his remark-
able ability to retain popular sup-
port is related to his appearance
of being, unlike many of his pre-
decessors, somewhat above the
partisan battle. He has resolutely
adhered to his principle of not
replying to other individuals by
name; his two specific appeals
over the heads of Congress to the
people for support-against the
Democrats' attempt to bring about
further large tax cuts and in fi
your of his farm policy-were
fairly rapidly followed by voting
successes on these measures in
Although he has been unfor-
tunate in some of the Repub-
lican committee chairmen in the
House of Representatives, the
skill and adroitness of t he
Speaker, Mr. Martin, and the
majority leader, Mr. Halleck,
have brought considerable ac-
ceptance among Congressmen
of the idea, once ridiculed by
Senator McCarthy, that the No-
vember election will turn on
the extent to which Congress
has enacted the President's pro-
-The London Economist
July 17, 1954



4 '


major, Op. 18 No. 2; Quartet in B-Flat major,
Op. 130 with the Great Fugue, Op. 133
Gilbert Ross, violin; Emil Raab, violin; Robert
Courte, viola; Oliver Edel, cello.
THE STANLEY QUARTET closed their summer
concerts with a program of Beethoven Quar-
tets, roughly speaking his first and his last. In
these two quartets can be seen the contrasts of
the early and late styles of the master.
The Op. 18, No. 2 can be described in one word
--genial. The whole spirit of the work is one of
complete geniality and amiability. The music flows
along from the opening allegro to the last, and the
four members added immensely to the natural
charm of the work by their complete accord with
Beethoven and with one another. The second
movement especially appealed to me with the
choral-like adagio which so fully brings out the
rich tones of the viola and cello.
The major work of the evening was the Op.
130, complete in its original with the Grosse
Fuga as the last movement. Although the Big
Fugue is designated Op. 133, it was the last
movement of the Op. 130 until, at the suggestion
of his advisors, Beethoven gave a shorter ending
to the work, and published the fugue as a sep-
arate work.
Upon hearing just a few minutes of this work,
I couldn't help but notice that the whole spirit of
Georgian Iconoclasts
T STILL seems true that no prophet is ,sure of
honour in his own country, at least not post-
humously. Until last year Soviet Georgia was known
chiefly as the birthplace of "the greatest figure in
world history," Joseph Vissarionovich Djugashvili,
and Georgian books were full of the heroic youth-
ful exploits of the man whom the world learnt to
know as Stalin. But there is to be no more hero-
worship in this Caucasian republic. At a recent
meeting of Georgian writers a "false interpretation
of history" was deplored. In many books "not the
people, but rulers and lords stood at the centre and


the work was deeper, more intricate in harmony
and melody than the Op. 18, and in all, perhaps
the greatest work for quartet. The great varieties
in dynamics were thoroughly exploited by the mem-
bers of the group throughout the work. I was
particularly struck by the sheer fullness and beauty
of tone produced in the slow movement (again).
This particular movement shows jush how adept the
great man was at writing for the combination of
these particular instruments, in bringing out the
rich quality of each one.
It is exactly this aptness of instrumentation that
is in question in the Great Fugue. It is such a tre-
mendous piece of music that no four instruments
can really extract the whole of its intricacies. The
Stanley Quartet did as good a job as can be done
by any four human beings, which is no mean
feat for any first rate group, such as the Stanley
has recently proven to be. The force and drive
of the first section, the way the motion stops com-
pletely, going on with the same theme in a com-
pletely melodic fugue, and ending with a recapi-
tulation of the first section; it is hard to imagine
a greater work for sheer intricacies of melody and
technique of performance. A lesser group would
have perished in the attempt.
The concert as a whole was outstanding for the
feeling of complete unity within the group. Their
attacks and releases were executed as one man.
The group was in tune not only in pitch, but in
feeling for their work. The individual lines were
clear and precise, the balance was excellent. The
performance of the complete Beethoven cycle should
be looked forward to with great anticipation by
the local musical public, if this concert is any
indication of things to come.
-Allegra Branson

Associated Press News Analyst
DeWitt Mackenzie, famous for-
eign correspondent and columnist
of The Associated Press, now re-
tired, used to say that the Soviet
regime in Russia would eventually
crack up because, by its denial of
all the tenets of the world's great-
est religions, it was just plain evil.
Aside from common fear of de-
liberate aggression, perhaps the
greatest reaction against the So-
viet regime is its disregard for
the dignity of man, one of the
great Christian tenets.
And the search for dignity, for
the right of self-assertion-call it
patriotism, nationalism or what
you will-is a yeast working in to-
day's world as it has seldom
worked before.
Other nations have recognized
this, and have been cutting their
patterns to meet it.
Since World War II, Britain has
either gotten out or made im-
portant grants of independence in
India, Burma, Ceylon, the Sudan,
Rhodesia, the Gold Coast and Brit-
ish Honduras. Holland has no more
control in Indonesia. France is just
about through in Indochina, is
about to give up her enclaves in
India, and is preparing to yield a
vast proportion of her powers in
North Africa, with -complete in-
dependence for Tunisia and Mor-
occo not far off.
The current season is particular-
ly one of adjustments and settle-





rjiiaana managea ay students oz
the University of Michigan under the ments among the nations of the
authority of the Board in Control of Free World, with greater empha-
Student Publications. sis than ever on the "free."
The American Assembly, a group
Editorial Staff of business and professional lead-
ers, has just recognized the Afri-
Dianne AWerter.....Managing Editor can and Asiatic drive for self-de-
Becky ConrAd............. Night EditorcnadAlaCdivfosl-d-
Rona Friedman...........Night Editor termination as amounting to a rev-
Wally Eberhard..........Night Editor olution, with its proper handling
Russ AuWerter..........Night Editor directly affecting the security of
Sue Garfield..........women's Editor the Free World.
Hanley Gurwin......... Sports Editor
Jack Horwitz......Assoc. Sports Editor Russia and Red China, however,
E. J. Smith........Assoc. Sports Editor are proceeding with their long-out-

The Daily Official Bulletin is an of major highway and railway bridges,
official publication of the University express highways and tuampikes.
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi- The Sociedad Hispanica of the De-
bility. Publication in it is construe- partment of Romance Languages of the
tive notice to all members of the University wil hold a meeting on
University. Notices should be sent in Thursday, August 5, at 8 p.m., in the
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510 Kalamazoo Room of the Michigan Lea-
Administration Building before 3 p.m. gue. Professor Enrique Anderson-Im-
the day preceding publication. bert will speak in Spanish on the sub-
ject, "La Vida Intelectual en Madrid;"
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1954 and Professor william Merhab will
VOL. LXIV, No. 32S speak in English on the subject, "An
American Professor in South America."
N . The meeting is open to all interested=
oicesin Spanish culture and civilization.
Veterans who expect to receive edu-
catin ad tainig alownceunder The Pennsylvania State Civil Service
cation and training allowanceune Commissbn has announced examina-
Public Law 550 (Korea G.I. Bill) must
report to Room 555 Administration tions to be given in September for ca-
Building, Office of veterans' Affairs, reer jobs in Public Health including
between 8:00 a.m. Monday, August 2 positions in the fields of medicine, pub-
and 5:00 p.m. Friday, August 6 to fill lic health education, and social work.
in and, sign MONTHLY CERTIFICA- Salary ranges are from $5,058 to $12,-
TIONS, VA Form 7-1996a. 108. Applicants are not required to be
TIOSresidents of Pennsylvania. The final
Women's Swimming Pool - Recrea- date for filing applications is August
tion Swimming Hours. 20, 1954.
During the week of August 2, the For additional information concern.
hours for women are as follows: 5:00-1 ing these and other employment op.
6:00 and 7:30-9 :00-August 2-6, Monday? portunities, contact the Bureau of Ap-
through Friday (Friday night will be pointments, 3528 Administration Bldg.,
Family Night.) Ext. 371.
The pool will close for the summer
on Saturday, August 7. Lectures
Art Print Loans must be returned to Linguistic Institute Luncheon. "'Does
Room .510 Admin. Bldg. on August 5-6 Latin Grammar Fit Latin?" Waldo E.
between the hours of 9-12 and 1-5 or Sweet, Associate Professor of Latin,
on Saturday, August 7 from 8-12. A 12:10 p.m., Michigan League.
fine of twenty-five cents (25c) a day
will be charged for all overdue pictures. Speech Assembly, auspices of the De-
partment of Speech. Citation of gradu-
EXAMINATION SCHEDULE ates n program of readings by Claribel
All students who desire credit for Baird, Associate Professor of Speech.
wr do e in the a meaminationswiatI 3:00 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater.
the close of the session. Woman in the World of Man Lecture
Examination's in Eight-Week Courses Series. "Influence of Kinsey Data on
Hr. of Recitation Time ,of Exam Sex Education." Sophia J. Kleegman,




In contrast, Congressman Ster-

WHEN A REPUBLICAN candidate for the United
States Senate in so doubtful a state as New
Jersey goes squarely on record against Senator Mc-
Carthy as "a deeply divisive force" in our country,
we think the event is worth both notice and ap-
Clifford P. Chase, a distinguished former member
of the House and now his party's Senatorial nomi-
nee, states unequivocally that if elected he would

ling Cole of New York introducedt
an amendment providing that the Business Staff
government cannot build an atom-
ic reactor. Cole wants no compe- Dick Alstrom........Business Manager
ic Sue Garfield. . Assoc. Business Manager
tition with private A-plants. Lois Pollak.......Circulation Manager
Senator Johnson, on the other Bob Kovaks.......Advertising Managerj
hand, argued, and the Senate fi-
nally agreed, that just as the gov- Telephone NO 23-24-1
ernment built Boulder Dam, Grand -
Coulee, Bonneville, etc., to serve Memberf

dated policy of forceful expansion
and dictatorial control of every
people and every area which they
can conquer.
For a time they have been able
to make use of the very revolu-
tionary tide which, once in control,
they seek to suppress. They may do
so for a time longer. But in the
end there's going to be a day of


8..........«...... Thursday 8-10
9.....................Friday 8-10
10 ... .....Thursday 2-4
11..................... Friday 2-41

M.D., gynecologist and Kinsey consult-
ant, New York City. 4:15 p.m., Auditor-
ium A, Angell Hall.


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