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July 22, 1953 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1953-07-22

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I U ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________

Cditep~ rn lete
rather watered down version of "Meet
the Press" the other evening. The question-
ers, apparently afraid of getting into any
real controversies, asked Joe the types of
questions for which he had ready made
answers. Not until the end of the show did
the senator say anything interesting.
What he said was both cheap and shock-
ing. In answer to a question about public
criticism of his two, pet investigators Roy
Cohn and David Shine, McCarthy charged
that attacks on these men were an awful
example of anti-semitism. Quickly the pro-
gram ended. There was no time for any ex-
plandtion. There were no piore questions.
If the program would have gone on any
longer, the McCarthy charge might have
been just enough spark to get the panel
of . -newsmen excited. If they had more
time they might have asked just who
these anti-Semites were that had been
persecuting the two youngsters.
It would then have been poited out that
the attacks on Cohn and Shine came from
such men as the great champion of Ameri-
can Jewry, Sen. Herbert Lehman. The liber-
al magazine The Reporter recently devoted
huge sections to a discussion of 'the pair
and Drew Pearson, who delights in expsing
such ant-Semites as Gerald L. K. Smith
and Merwin Hart, devoted a recent column
to the buys' activities and careers.
* * *
FAIR MINDED people from every political
extraction have joined the criticism of
Cohn and Shine and their ballyyhooed trip
to Europe. But missing from the critics were
the men wlho usually are in the forefront of
American anti-semitism. Where were Smith
and Hart, Coughlin, and the Christian
Fronters? Perhaps Senator McCarthy could
"provide the real reason for their absence
from the discussion.
To realize the real motivation behind the
attacks on Cohn and Shine one must look
only to the record. If one is too lazy or
finds it too inconvenient to do so, then one
may take the easy way and throw ran-
dom charges. This is known as McCarthy-
The record shows that Cohn and Shine
whizzed through Europe so quickly that it
was almost impossible to get any authori-
tative information on the object of their
tour, the overseas information services.
They took information from professional
informers and gossipists. They so scared
government officials with their slapdash
methods that the Reporter claims that "All
over Europe and all over Washington, there
are government servants with their resigna-
tions signed, sealed, and pocketed, ready for
delivery as soon as other jobs are lined up,
as soon as family affairs can be set in order,
as soon as enough time has elapsed to give
their actions the appearance of unhurried
judgment rather than of panic inspired by
Cohn and Shine."
What's more, the boys' personal deport-
ment was anything but diplomatic. They
shocked the Europeans by chasing one
another around a hotel lobby with folded
newspapers and by cracking lewd jokes to
hotel clerks. Their smug attitude was of-
fensive to erstwhile continentals. Their rec-
ord' as American civilians is likewise not
too savory, as Drew Pearson has pointed out
in these columns.
The saga of Cohn and Shine is only
another chapter in a story that is frighten-
ing to those Americans who respect the
truth. Senator McCarthy's latest addition to
the story is completely in line with the es-
tablished pattern.

STANLEY QUARTET, with Marian Owen
THOUGH MUSIC history is obviously un-
able to herald Ann Arbor as the birth-
place of the Quintet with Piano, it seems
quite likely that chroniclers of music will
designate it as one of the most significant
In the past few years three world's pre-
miers of Quintets with Piano have been
given here, those of Wallingford Riegger,
Walter Piston, and last night, Ross Lee Fin-
ney, All three of these composers rank with
the best of the Americans produced in this
The Quintet by Ross Lee Finney is, in
this reviewer's opinion based on one hear-
ing, his most inspired and rewarding ef-
fort. The work sings from beginning to
end, and though the compositional pro-
cess is meticulous and painstaking, it sings
without pedantic moments, a fault some-
times felt in Mr. Finney's Sixth String
But the song in the Quintet with Piano
is not, for the most part, to be hummed by
the voice. It is a sound for the ensemble,
or as the composer described "a mass of
sonority." Though singable melodies pro-

End of 'Socialism'

Book Burns Man


"SOCIALISM" is no longer a creeping men-
ace in this country. The Eisenhower
administration is busily remedying all the
encroachments it made during the New and
Fair Deal Administration. The giveaway
program is underway.
First, tidelands oil was legislated to the
states which in turn will probably sell it to
private companies. Whether or not pri-
vately competing companies can process the
valuable oil with more conversation than
could the government (the crucial problem)
is open to dispute. It is hoped that the
Eisenhower economists were more in the
know than those advising Truman who in
the last days of his administration objected
so vociferously to the measure.
Not as publicized as the Tidelands Oil
issue is the Administration's gradual turn-
ing of power development over to business
and the states. Where the New Deal was
.planning to set up a federal project on
the Snake River, Idaho area, the Federal
Power Commission has started hearings
on an application by Idaho Power Com-
pany to build a small 3-dam power pro-
ject on one stretch of the river.
Similarly the FPC gave a license to the
New York State Power Authority to develop
and operate a power project on the United
State's side of the St. Lawrence River.
Another blow to a Democratic dream.
* * *
IN THE SOUTHEAST, the Department of
Interior has made it possible for electric
companies to buy government power and
then sell it to government's preferred cus-
tomers. This does not seem to be the most.
efficient way to produce and sell cheap
power, ,especially without government con-
In conjunction with giving away electric
power, the Eisenhower administration is
trying to undermine most of the "socialist"'
projects it happened to inherit from its

Democratic predecessors. What is happen-
ing to the Tennessee Valley Authority is
one example of this destruction. A large
piece has been cut out of the TVA's budget-
collapsing, temporarily, a plan to build a
new much needed steam generating plant
north of Memphis. Officials connected with
TVA claim that if this Memphis plant isn't
built, there'll be a severe power shortage in
the area within two or three years,
The new head of the Atomic Energy
Commission under the Eisenhower Ad-
ministration is a man wholly in favor of
converting atomic energy over to private
enterprise. There is a chance that in the
near future, Congress may amend the
atomic energy act to allow business a
hand in the atomic industry. At present
AEC information has been made available
to five "study teams" from ten corpora-
tions so -that they can judge the possi-
bilities of commercial atomic power.
If business could successfully take over
the atomic energy development, the gov-
ernment: and consequently the taxpayers,
would be saved $1.8 billion a year. How-
ever, for most corporations the cost of
building a full scaled atomic power station
would be very high, a condition necessita-
ting government help. The one or two large
corporations, offering to take over without
government help would eventually be able
to turn atomic industry into a private mon-
opoly because of the cost and the nature of
the industry.
The overall tendency towards private
ownership of public power sources may be
an excellent trend as far as Republican fear
of "socialism" is concerned, but there is a
danger of going too far to the other extreme.
A power and profits hungry business man
isn't necessarily going to look out for the
service of the people when he has a mono-
poly on a vital commodity at his disposal.
-Elsie Kuffler

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WASHINGTON-Two years ago this sum-
mer, Harold Stassen, the present Mu-
tual Security Administrator, C. D. Jackson,
now Ike's psychological warfare expert, and
I were on the German border sending pro-
paganda balloons into Czechoslovakia.
Large weather balloons, about four feet
in diameter, stuffed with 3,000 leaflets each,
were filled with hydrogen in a wheat field
three miles from the border and floated up
and into Czechoslovakia. The winds-which
in the upper altitudes always blow from west
to east-we had timed in advance to drop
the balloons into the chief cities of Prague
and Pilsen betw/een 6 a.m. and 8 a.m., when
people were going to work.
By picking our nights and working most
of the night with German civilian crews
inflating the balloons, we were able to
launch about 2,000 balloons a night; andj
over a two-week period we put about 11,-
000,000 leaflets into Czechoslovakia.
The leaflets carried merely a message of
friendship. They told the Czechoslovak peo-
ple that the people of the western world
had not forgotten them and expressed the
hope that eventually they might be free.
THIS WAS PURELY an experiment, and
some officials in the State Department
frowned on it. For over three years I had
been urging that we get behind the Iron
Curtain with this type of propaganda. The
This Quintet is also, I think, more signi-
ficant than the other two Quintets premiered
here. Stylistically it shows the bringing to-
gether of chromaticism, the unresolved ques-
tion of music's two thousand years, with
tonality, the necessary architectural legacy.
This is a recent stylistic current throughout
music, and in the case of Mr. Finn'ey, brought
to life through his associations with Alban
Berg, a composer he reveres from a musical
and sensual standpoint as well as technical.
Under the expert guidance of the Stan-
ley Quartet, and with sensitive musician-
ship by Marian Owen, soloist, the work
was projected with the same understand-
ing- and "alive" interpretation that has
characterized all their performances of
contemporary music.
Mrs. Owen blended into the ensemble so
that her notes came from the whole, and yet
handled virtuostic passages with virile four-
ish. Playing such craftsmanlike string writ-
ing, the Stanley were perfectly at home.
The concert began with Beethoven's Quar-
tet in C minor, Op. 18, No. 4. The Stanley
played it vigorously, with all the thunder
it demanded. The first movement achieved
a splendid dynamic balance, as did the en-
tire work. The last movement, however, was
just about to sprout wings and fly out of

only way we could avoid war with Russia, I
said, was to make sure of the people behind
the Iron Curtain were our friends. If enough
of them realized we were friendly, it Would
be difficult for them to fight in the first
place and, in the second place, would cause
trouble for the Red army even if war did
finally come.
General Omar Bradley heartily agreed.
But several State Department officials, with
the exception of Ed Barrett, then assistant
Secretary of State in charge of propaganda,
were opposed. They argued that we should
not encourage restlessness behind the Iron
Curtain until we were absolutely ready to
free the people.
However, the Czechoslovak experiment
seemed to hit pay dirt. The American Em-
bassy reported that the freedom-friend-
ship leaflets were tacked up on telegraph
poles, put in the baggage racks of pas-
senger trains, mimeographed, even sur-
reptitiously placed on Communist bulle-
tin boards. They swept over Czechoslo-
vakia to such an extent that Premier An-
tonin 7apotocky made a speech on the
floor of Parliament denouncing them, and
the official Communist newspaper, Torba,
carried a front-page cartoon showing
Harry Truman releasing balloons.
Of course, Harry Truman had nothing to
do with them. But the best way for the
Communists to combat the balloons was to
claim that they came from the U.S. Govern-
ment, not from private Americans, as was
the case.
It has already been demonstrated that
President Eisenhower's offer of food has
had terrific repercussions behind the Iron
Curtain. We were a little slow in acting on
this suggestion, but even so, Communist
leaders behind the Iron Curtain have been
boiling with' rage ever since the offer was
And East Berliners have been crossing
into West Berlin, as I predicted they
would, to get even the food sold them at
cheap prices by suburban Mayor Willy
However, it seems to me the time has
come to go one step further and send food
packages into East Germany by balloon.
Many parts of East Germany are, of course,
sone distance from Berlin. Furthermore.
the effect would be electrifying.
These packages sent over the border into
East Germany by balloon at the rate of
1,000 a night, each balloon containing a
message, not from the U.S. Government, but
from the American people, would have a
tremendous effect on people behind the
Iron Curtain.
The food which CARE already has in
Berlin, plus the $15,000,000 surplus food
which Secretary of Agriculture Benson is
sending, could be delivered to interior East
Germany in part by balloon with messages
from groups of Americans. The messages,
cost of ballooning, wrapping, etc., should of
course be paid for by these Americans, since
Ike is trvine to balance the budget and since

BERLIN-Here in Berlin, the infinitely dangerous unresolved dilem-
ma of American foreign policy is startlingly visible. The nature
of this dilemma is very simple. There are all sorts of reasons why the
United States should now be engaged in an all-out political and dip-
lomatic offensive for German unity. But, it is difficult to engage in
an all-out offensive for something you do not really want.
Virtually everybody in Berlin, from the outspoken Mayor Ernst
Reuter to the cautious State Department men, is convinced that the
United States should already have demanded a Four-Power Confer-
ence in order to pound the table for the unification of Germany. All
sorts of advantages would accrue from such a course.
In the first place, the unification of Germany under a free,
all-German government was, in a sense, what the historic June
17 East German revolt was all aboiit. The courageous resistance of
the East Germans to their puppet overlords could be a tremendous
asset to the West. It will not be an asset for long if the only
American response consists of transparent gestures dreamed up
by the psychological warriors, coupled with a tremblingly cautious
approach to the central issue of German unity.
In the second place, the June uprising has transformed the sit-
uation for the West as well as for the East. It has dramatized the
issue of German Unity for all Germans. Since June 17, the Germans
have therefore been visibly losing whatever enthusiasm they once
had for the policy of "integration before unification."
"ONLY TEN PEOPLE in Europe still really believe in the European
Army," they say in Berlin, "and they are all Americans." Thus
a side effect of the East German revolt has been to weaken further
the moribund European Army project, and to compromise the position
of pro-American, West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, chief
German sponsor of the European Army. In these circumstances, in
the almost unanimous view here, the United States had everything
to gain by instantly seizing the initiative on the German unity issue,
in order to exploit the East German revolt, and its sequel, the 'purge
of Beria.
Suppose the Soviets angrily rejected the American initiative.
This could well revive the European Army project, by ,persuading
both French and Germans that there was no rational alternative.
At the same time it could greatly strengthen Dr. Adenauer in the
German elections in September, while placing the Kremlin
squarely on the defensive. Finally there are those here who believe
that the Russians, in the,midst of a gigantic upheaval at home,
subjected to pressure both within and without their overgrown
empire, might actually be in a mood to negotiate a reasonable
German settlement.
Yet it is just here that the unresolved central dilemma of Am-
erican policy becomes visible. What might seem reasonable to the allies
of the United States might seem very unreasonable to the United
States. This is the basic reason why Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles at first strongly resisted any approach to the Russians on the
issue of German unity, and in the end only agreed reluctantly to a
Four-Power meeting in the autumn.
DULLES' RELUCTANCE is easily explained. Not long before he
met with the British and French Foreign Ministers, according to
reliable reports here, the National Security Council had firmly ruled
that American bases in Western Germany must under no circum-
stances be given up. This decision merely serves to underline what
has been obvious for a long time-that American policy in Europe is
squarely based on the permanent division of Germany into two parts.
It is fatuous nonsense to imagine

The Daily Official Bulletin is a
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is constru-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before3 p.m.
the day preceeding publication (be-
fore 11 a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXIII, No. 22-S
August Teacher's Certificate Candi-
dates: The Teacher's Oath will be ad-
ministered to all August candidates for
the teacher's certificate on Thursday
and Friday, July 23 and 24, in Room
1437 U. E. S. This is a requirement for
the teacher's certificate.
Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office is
open daily from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m.
Tickets are available for the remain-
ing Department of Speech productions
in the summer series: The country
Girl and Pygmalion $1.20 - 90c - 60c;
The Tales of Hoffman, produced with
the School of Music, $1.50 - $1.20 - 90c.
Superintendent Virgil Rogers of Bat-
tie Creek, Michigan, will be in our of-
fice today and will be interested in
interviewing teachers regarding elemen-
tary vacancies (kindergarten through
sixth grade); Junior High School posi-
tions in are; girls physical education
and English; and Science; and in high
school positions in electricity and shop;
and home economics. He is also look-
ing for principals for elementary and
junior high school levels. Interested
candidates should contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Administration
Building, telephone 3-1511 ext. 489, im-
La Sociedad Hispanica. For students
who wish to have further opportunities
for informal conversation, meetings are
being held on Tuesdays and Thursdays,
at 2 p.m., in the North wing of the Mi-
chigan Union Cafeteria. Latin-American
students attend these meetings regu-
Teaching Opportunities in Jamaica,
British West Indies: There is a need
for two persons, either male or fe-
male, to teach between them mathe-
matics, Latin and Spanish. Any per-
sons qualified to teach any of these
three subjects, or a combination there-
of, and interested in Jamaica, please
contact Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Administration Building, or telephone
University extension 2614 for further
There will be a representative from
The Proctor & Gamble Co. of Cincin-
nati, Ohio, at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments on Thurs, July 23, to interview
August men graduates Interested in
the company's opportunities in man-
agement accounting. An Administra-
tive Training Program is being offered
in their Comptroller's Division to Bus.
Ad. graduates; a major in accounting
is not required.
THE U. S. Civil Service Commission
has announced an examination for
Accounting and Auditing Clerk for
positions in Illinois, Mich., and Wise.
The Michigan Civil Service Commis-
sion will hold examinations in August
for the position of Administrative An-
alyst II. Requirements include a de-
gree with specialization preferably in
Public Administration or Bus. Ad. plus
1 year of experience.
General Motor's Proving Grounds at
Milford, Mich., has an opening for a
Civil Engineer who is capable ofrun-
ning a survey crew. August graduates
may apply.
The Board of U. S. Civil Service Ex-
aminers, Ordnance Ammunition Cen-
ter, U. S. Army, Joliet, Ill., has an-
nounced an examination for Indus-
trial Specialist in the fields of Metal
Processing & Fabrication, Ammuni-
tion, Chemicals, & Machine Tools.
Graduates in Engineering, Chm., Phy-
sics, Bus. Ad. Econ., etc., are eligible
to apply.
The Socony-Vacuum Oil Co. in Tren-
ton, Mich., has a position open in their
Engineering Dept. for a Jr. Process En-
gineer, preferably a recent or August
For appointments, applications, and
additional information about these and
other openings, contact the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Administration
Bldg., Ext. 371.
Band Conductors Workshop. Vanden-
berg Room, Michigan League, unless
otherwise designated. Morning "The

Beginning Band," Fred Weber, Mich-
igan City, Indiana, Public Schools, 8:00
a.m.; "Selection of Contest Solo Ma-
terial for the French Horn," Ted Ev-
ans, French, horn, Detroit Symphony
Orchestra, 9:00 a.m.; panel on uniforms
for high-school band, 11:00 a.m.
Afternoon. "The Instrument Program
from the Fourth Grade through High
School," F. E. Martiboy, Davenport
High School, Davenport, Iowa, 1:00 p.m.;
Urges Action.. .
To the Editor:
ON JULY 9th the Senate passed
a new McCarran, Bill which
has the effect of repealing the
Fifth amendment. This bill states
that no person can refuse to testi-
fy on the grounds that he might
incriminate himself once he has
been granted immunity by Con-
gress. A person granted this im-
munity must testifj but is sub-
ject to no prosecution on the
grounds of his testimony.

Cass Technical High-School Band, De-
troit, reading session, 2:45 p.m., Hill
Auditorium; "The Concert Band Reper-
tory," Harry Begian, conductor, Cass
Technical High-School Band, 4:15 p.m.,
Hill Auditorium.
Evening. "Marching Band Movies,"
7:00 p.m.
Linguistic Program Luncheon. "Lam-
bert Ten Kate, Linguistic Pioneer,"
Seymour Chatman, Cornell University.
12:10 p.m., dining room, Michigan
Symposium on Astrophysics, 1400
Chemistry Building. "Galaxies: Their
Composition and Structure," Walter
Baade, Mt. Wilson and Palomar observa-
tories. 2:00 p.m.- "Building up from
Helium," E. E. Salpeter, Cornell Un-
versity, 3:30 p.m.
Speech Assembly. "Is Teaching Per-
suasion Enough?" Wilson B. Paul,
Chairman, Department of Speech,
Michigan State College. 3:30 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheater.
Popular Arts in America. "The Birth
of the Blues," with music. W. C. Handy,
composer of "The St. Louis Blues,"
"Beale St. y Blues," and "Memphis
Blues." 8:00 p.m., Rackham Lecture
Professor John Englekirk, Head of the
Department of Romance Languages, Tu-
lane University, who has traveled ex-
tensively in South America, will give a
talk in Spanish on the subject, "Andan-
zas por Sur America." In dealing with
Brazil, he will speak for a few minutes
in Portuguese. This lecture will be giv-
en in the East Conference Room, Rack-
ham Bldg., beginning promptly at 7:15.
The lecture is open to the public.
Lane Hall Lunch Discussion: Rev. J.
Fraser McLuskey of the British Coun-
cil of Churches will discuss "Wartime
Experience in France with the Under
ground Movement." 12:15 noon. Cali
reservations to 3-1511, extension 2851,
Academic Notices
M.A. Language Examination in His-
tory Results. The results are now posted
in the History office.
Doctoral Examination for Duane Glen
Chamberlain, Education; thesis: "Fac-
tors Relating to Teaching of Practical
Arts Activities in the Elementary
Schools of Michigan," Wednesday, July
22, 4200C University High School, at
10:00 a.m. Chairman, R. C. Wenrich.
Prof. Bergmann's class, Philo. 301,
Seminar in the Theory of. Knowledge,
will meet this week on Thursday, July
23, instead of Wednesday, July 22.
Seminar in Applied Mathematcs will
meet on Thursday, July 23, at 4 o'clock
(sharp). Prof. R. Nevanlinna will speak
on Quadratic Forms in Abstract Space.
Student Recital: Margaret Strand,
Pianist, will present a recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Music at 8:30 Wed-
nesda evening, July 22 in Rackham As-
sembl Hall. It will include the works
of Respighi, Beethoven, Bach and Cho-
pin. Miss Strand is a student of Mr.
Brinkman and her recital will be open
to the general public without charge.
Band Concert: The Cass Technical
High School Band, Harry Begian, Con-
dutor, will present a band concert Wed-
nesday evening at 8:30, July 22, in Hill
Auditorium, It will include Richards',
Hail Miami, March, Franck's, Psyche
and Eros, Symphonic Poem, Clarke's,
The Debutante, Caprice with David Kel-
ton Trumpeter, Mussorgsky's, Pictures
at an Exhibition, Suite, Tschaikowsk's,
March from Symphony No, 6, Bennett's,
Suite of Old American Dances, Addin-
sail's, Warsaw Concerto with Nance
Keel, Pianist, Debussy's, Sprinxnwithh
Karolyn April, Flutist an Stravinsky's,
Bercuese and Finale, from "Firebird
Suite."sThis concert will be open to the
general public without charge.
Outdoor Band Concert previously an-
nounced for 7:15 Thursday evening,
July 23, has been cancelled. Instead the
Summer Session Band, William D.
Revei1, conductor, will be heard at
8:30 on the same evening in Hill Audi-
Carillon Recital: Percival Price, Uni-
versity Carillonneur, will present the
1953 Summer Evening Series No. 5,
carillon conpert at 7:15 Thursday even.
ing, July 23. It will include Pachelbel's,
Toccata and Fugue on the Theme,
"Von Himmel hoch da komm' ich her,"
Arrangements of vocal works, Martini's
Plaisir d'amour, Berloi's, Mephisto-

philes' Serenade from the Damnation
of Faust, Brahm's, Lullaby, Milano's,
Song of Maria of Fatima, Percival
Price's, Fantasie 6 (quasi una sonata
breva), Welsh airs. The Ashgrove, Ar
hyd y ncs (All Through the Night),
The Bells of Aherdovey and Ton-y-Botel,
Band Concert: University of Michi-
gan Summer Session Band, William D.
Revelli, Conductor,. assisted by the Uni-
versity ofMichigan Summer Session
Chorus, Alex Zimmerman, conductor,
will present a concert Thursday even-
ing, July 23, at 8:30 p.m. In Hill Audi-
torium. It will include Cline's, Sons
f the Desert-March, Handel's Song
of Jupiter, Mozart's, The Impresario,
Koff's arrangement of LaVirgen de la
Marcarena, with Byron Autrey, cornet
soloist, Holst's, Second Suite for Band;
Bennett's, The Spirit of Music with
the Summer Session Chorus and Band,
Cain's, O Sing Your Songs, and Schuet4
ky's, Emitte Spiritum Tuum by the
Summer Session Chorus; Gershwin.
Summerfelt's, Summertime, with Allan
Townsend, soloist, Williams', The Tur-
tle Dove with Earl Little, Baritone solo-
ist, Reed's LaFiesta Mexicana, Handy's,
St. Louis Blues March, and Moore's
America with Summer Session Chorus
and Band. This concert will be open
to the general public without charge.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. Popular Art in America (June 30
-August 7); California Water Color So-
ciety (July 1-August 1). 9 a.m. to 5





that the Russians, short of a war,
are going to agree to withdraw
their forces from Germany while
American forces remain on Ger-
man soil.
There are of course compel-
ling reasons for a policy of re-
taining the West German bases
at all costs. But surely it is time
to ask whether the corollary of
this policy-the permanent di-
vision of Germany-will work in
the long run. Suppose, for ex-
ample, that the Russians one
day offer to meet all other con-
ditions for a German settle-
ment, providing only that all
foreign troops be withdrawn and
Germany "neutralized."
The fact might as well be faced
that such an offer would be hail-
ed with glee in France, accepted
enthusiastically by most Germans;
and supported in influential quar-
ters even in Britain, thus isolating
the United States.
In these circumstances, there
are wise Americans here who
would gladly exchange a paper
German neutrality for the evacu-
ation of Soviet troops from Eas-


SixtyThird Year
Edited and managed by students o
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications,
Editorial Staff

Harland Brita.....,,Managn
Dick Lewis ........... .Sporta
Becky Conrad.............Night1
Gayle Greene.........Night1
Pat Roelofs..,...... ...Night
Fran Sheldon.............Night1



Business Staff
Bob Miller. ..........Business Manager
Dick Alstrom. ..... Circulation Manager
Dick Nyberg........:...Finance Manager
Jessica Tanner....Advertising Associate

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