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July 21, 1953 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1953-07-21

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UST TELL THE taxi-driver 'Sank Roo
Doe Noo'" an advertisement in the Par-
is edition of the New York Herald Tribune
advises the tourist who had found himself
bogged down by language difficulties.
In August, when Paris becomes an exten-
sion of Broadway and Main Street, U.S.A.,
tourists have more trouble locating genuine
Gallic intonation than homey Midwestern-
ese and such sound-spelling is scarcely ne-
When winter sets in, however, and Europe
takes on a more European aspect, the trav-
eler who can't afford "la vie a la million-
aire" finds himself lost in the intricacies of
foreign grammar.
Two years of University Frech or Ger-
man will do little to help him solve his
dilemma as such language study is con-
ducted today.,
While our own University language cours-
es may lead to reading comprehension, they
do next to nothing for the student who wish-
es to understand "passez le beurre" when a
burley Marseillese ouvrier shouts the phrase
to him in a Left Bank restaurant.
Such courses as are uow included on the
time schedule do have decided value but
one phase of the program is sorely lacking.
There should be introductory classes
entirely devoted to learning to speak and
understand a language without laborious
translations. NoEnglish should be spoken.
All instructions should be given in the
language being taught, until such instruc-
tions are understood automatically with-
out mental translation.
(At present, conversation courses are
available only to students who have com-
pleted two years in a language. By this
time, however, a student has already ac-
quired the almost incurable habit of men-
tal translation.)
Once intonation, accent and audio-com-
prehension go past the elementary stage,
grammar and vocabulary learning swiftly.
In France where schools are set up to
teach French to foreigners of several doz-
en lands, this method has proven extreme-
ly succesful and students who have spent
considerable time in American university
French classes, finally acquire a speaking
knowledge of the language.
Concentrated languag courses in Turkish
Kersean and Arabic now under way in the
Near Eastern department and another in
the Russian studies department are positive
'steps in the right direction. Yet, even in
'the English Language Institute, the native
language of the students is used for ex-
In these courses, however, translation has
been de-emphasized-part of a realistic 'at-
titude toward language study-that language
is to be used, not stored away as part of a
diploma requirement fulfilled.
-Gayle Greene
IF IT WERE as difficult to start a war as
it is to end it, then peace on earth would
be within our grasp. It took but a single
shot to begin World War I and a single
raid got the U. S. into World War II, al-
though admittedly much secretive maneuv-
ering preceded both events. But we have
now been over two years trying to negotiate
ja truce in Korea, while officially World War
II has never been ended
--United Mine Workers Journal

The New Finney Piano Quintet

Professor of Composition & Composer in Residence
MOST COMPOSERS are a little embar-
rassed when they are asked to write
about their own works. Their first reaction
is that the music has to speak for itself and
if it doesn't they have failed as creative
artists. The creative process is a more or
less painful experience that has to be lived
through if a new work is to come into be-
ing and once a new work has been given its
life, its personality, the process itself might
better be forgotten. It by no means follows
that if a composer can shape a musical
work he can turn around and create a lit-
erary essay giving verbal description of
what he has done. K.
A new work is always a new experience.
While a composer may use devices similar
to those he has used before to bring about
similar effects in his music (an organ point,
for example, to give his music a sense' of
stability) these devices are no more repeti-
tious than the devices of sentence struc-
ture. The musical gestures-the meanings-
are always different and always develop
from the musical sounds in the composer's
head that started the composition in the
first place.
How can one talk about musical sounds
in the head? What on earth is there to
say about them? Without them one ob-
viously can't compose music, but they
don't make a composition. The musical
sound in the head that started my Piano
Quintet was a piling tip of mass of son-
ority. It was not a melody nor a rhythm
nor even a simple chord, but rather -an
increasingly tense accumulation of sound
that added new dissonances as old ones
faded out. Does that make sense? I can
at least assure you that this sound in the
head bothered me, puzzled me, and liter-
ally tormented me until I found what
seemed to me its musical meaning.
You will be disappointed and perhaps bdr-
ed when I try to describe this "musical
meaning." It, has to do with notes, with
tempos, with dynamics, with timbre. My
sound in the head was a composite of all
the notes of the chromatic scale but first
one group would dominate and then as that
group faded out another one would tome
to the fore. It implied a slow tempo. It
started soft and rose quickly to a climax.
I heard the tenuous sonority of strings. The
composition started as a string quartet. At
firct there was only a slow moving chord
that started very softly and with double
stops grew louder. This chord grew and fin-
ally the movement burst into a faster tempo.
* * *
rTHE INTRODUCTORY chord established
an order of the twelve chromatic notes

of the scale. Out of this order emerged
many melodies. Some of these melodies were
slow, some were fast; some arrived spon-
taneously, some only after laborious work.
All of these melodies followed in some form
or other the orderilogic that my sound in
the head had established. These melodies
seemed like characters looking for a drama,
or, to change the metaphor, like a flood de-
manding channeling. Very rapidly in the
summer and fall of 1952 I finished the first
two movements of a string quartet.
When the Stanley Quartet read these
two movements I knew immediately that
I had not found the correct realization
for my material. The four strings could
not produce the volume of sonority that
I had in my mind. The musical gestures
were cramped into too short a time-space.
Almost immediately I realized that I
needed the sound of the piano with the
strings if I were to achieve the spacious-
ness of sonority and gesture that I want-
I almost completely rewrote these first
two movements. The statements were broad-
ened by having the piano comment on the
strings and the sonority was given*a crest
by the masses of sound that the keyboard
instrument can so easily produce. The first
movement, which is a fantasy, was made
more moody and the second movement,
which is a scherzo, was made more sp\ritely.
At this point, it is true, I was not at all
sure where I was in the work. I suspected
that the two movements might well be the
inner movements of a Piano Quintet. The
scherzo wanted to be followed by a con-
trasting movement and I composed a slow
movement that reflected some of the mood
of the fantasy but was more lyric. Some-
thing happened that made it necessary for
me to interrupt my work for a while and
when I finally returned to composing the
whole pattern of the composition had be-
come clear. I wrote a last movement which
ends the Quintet with a brilliance that I
had not originally associated with the ma-
terial. My sound in the head had gained its
musical meaning. It had become a Piano
Quintet in four movements: the first move-
ment a fantasy that combines moodiness
and sudden vigor; the second movement
whimsical and light; the third movement a
nocturne, lyric and darkly colored; the last
movement, in sonata form, vigorous and
straight forward.
No verbal description of this work can
take the place of hearing the music. The
first performance of my Piano Quintet will
be given today in Rackham Lecture Hall
by Marion Owen and the Stanley Quartet.

The Compleat Angler
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W ASHINGTON - While McCarthyites
have been attacking Protestant church.
es in the U.S. for being pro-Communist, the
Communists have been attacking Protestant
churches behind the Iron Curtain for being
anti-Communist. This anti-Protestant drive
is headed by none other than the father of
Klaus Fuchs; the atom spy jailed in Eng-
Communist leaders are branding the Pro-
testant clergy behind the Iron Curtain as
"an outpost of Anglo-American warmon-


University Woodwind Quintet, Nelson
Hauenstein, flute; Lare Wardrop, oboe;
Lewis Cooper, bassoon; Albert Luconi,
clarinet; Ted Evans, French horn; Wilbur
Perry, pianist
AST NIGHT'S program consisted of little
known music by 19th and 20th century
composers. - The works played . were: Le
Bourgeois Gentilhomme, by Bartos (NOT
Bartok!), Pastoral by Persichetti, Serenade
by Weis, Quintette by Mortenson, Diver-
tissement by Hartley, and Sextet by Thuille.
The quintet played with a high degree
of musicianship and technical skill. The
ensemble, with the exception of one prob-
ably under-rehearsed movement of the-
Bartos, was nearly always excellent, and
the balance was consistently fine. The
solo passages were done very well.
. It would be redundant to write individ-
ually about the 'first five compositions on
the program, for they have a great deal in
common. Theyi are all in a conservative
contemporary style; they all have similar
grace, wit, and polish. None of them go far
beneath the surface.
The Thuille Sextet, on the other hand, is
a late 19th century work with some Brahms-
ian echoes. The first and second move-
.ments are somewhat too long, but the other
two are very charming. The piano tends to
weld together the non-blending tones of
the winds to produce an almost orchestral

A SMALLB UT appreciative group of
organ devotees forsook the beaches,
tennis courts, and hammocks Sunday after-
noon to be richly rewarded by the first sum-
mer recital of Robert Noehren.
The program, roughly divided into two
parts, music written before Bach and after
Brahms and Wagner, contained some of the
best examples from an old, great, and over-
flowing literature, made that way primarily
because of the inexhaustible supply of organ
music left by Bach and his predecessors.
The first sonata of Paul Hindemith, one
of two contemporary works on the pro-
gram, indicated however that there are
modern composers truly cognizant of this
great tradition. Except for the work's so-
nata structure and an occasional dis-
sonance not of pre-Bach variety, it show-
ed similarity to these earlier composers
in its admiration of the organ's resonance,
its wide range of color, and particularly
its potency for contrapuntal and melodic
Mr. Noehren was always the understand-
ing interpreter. In the three pre-Bach works,
Sweelinck's Fantasia Chromatica, Scheidt's
Psalmus, and Buxtehude's Chaconne, in E
minor, the clarity with which each melodic
line was delineated, and indeed there were
many, illustrated admirably the delight these
composers had in melodic playfulness.
Yet the devotional attitude of the
Scheidt, in direct contrast to the Buxte-
hude, showed the performer giving us

gers." And they may have taken a cue from
the House Un-American Activities Commit-
tee which is using an expelled Presbyterian
minister, Dr. Carl McIntire, to make it look
as if the clergy, itself, approves of the at-
tacks on churchmen. For just as McIntire
is now gathering petitions supporting an in-
vestigation on "Communists" in the Protes-
tant churches, so the Reds have found a
group of so-called "progressive clergymen"
to mask an attack on the Protestant church-
Professor Emil Fuchs, father of the
atom spy, gathered these dissidents to-
gether at Chemnitz (renamed Karl Marx
City) in East Germany for a conference
-where he charged German church lead-
ers with "undermining the confidence of
the majority of the church members by
ignoring one of the most important revo-
lutions in the history of mankind."
He referred, of course, to the Russian
The conference dutifully went on record
against the "misuse of the church as an out-
post of Anglo-American warmongers."
Backing up the propaganda drive with
teeth, the Reds threw Protestant Deacon
Herbert Bohnke of Haidemuehl, East Ger-
many, into a concentration camp for eight
years for owning "agitative publications"
and for allegedly excluding a Communist
young pioneer from religious lessons be-
cause of the boy's poor performance.
NOTE-Though no ministers have been
jailed in this country because of their teach-
ings, Bishop G. Browley Oxnam of the Me-
thodist church has been pilloried in Con-
gress on evidence just as false and distorted
as the Communists used against the un-
fortunate Protestant deacon.
JTHE AILING but strong-willed Senator
Taft has been fussing at his doctors over
certain treatments he has been forced to
He finally submitted to one particularly
trying treatment the other day, and the
male nurse, pleased with the results, re-
marked: "That was a beaut!"
The next day the nurse came to admin-
ister the same treatment over again. Taft
resisted. The nurse called in the doctors,
who insisted.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceeding publication (be-
fore 11 a.m. on Saturday).
TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1953
VOL, LXIII, No. 21-S
Schools of Education, Music, Natural
Resources and Public Health. Students,
who received marks of I, X, or "no re-
ports" at the end of their last semes-
ter or summer session of attendance,
will receive a grade of "E" in the course
or courses unless this work is made up
by July 22. Students, wishing an ex-
tension of time beyond this date in or-
der to make up this work, should file a
petition, addressed to the appropriate
official in their school, with Room 1513
Administration Building, where it will
be transmitted.
Superintendent Virgil Rogers of Bat-
tle Creek, Michigan, will be in our of-
fice on Wednesday, July 22, and will be
interested in interviewing teachers re-
garding elementary vacancies (kinder-
garten through sixth grade); Junior
High School positions in are: girls phy-
sical education and English: and Sci-
ence; and in high school positions in
electricity'and shop: and home econo-
mics. He is also looking for principals
for elementary and junior high school
levels. Interested candidates should con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Administration Building, telephone 31-
511 ext. 489, immediately.
La Sociedad Hispanica. For students
who wish to have further opportunities
for informal conversation, meetings are
being held on Tuesdays and Thursdays,
at 2 p.m., in the North wing of the Mi-
chigan Union Cafeteria. Latin-American
students attend these meetings regu-
Lectur es
Band Conductors Workshop. Vanden-
berg Room, Michigan League, unless
otherwise designated. Morning: Music
for the marching band, 9:00 a.m.; panel
on the high-school marching band, 10
Afternoon. Summer Session Band,
1:00 p.m., Hill Auditorium; discussion
and answer period, 2:00 p.m.; Summer
Session Band, 4:15 p.m., Hill Auditor-
Evening. "Just How Do You Chart
Your Shows?" George Cavender, assist-
ant conductor, University of Michigan
Bands, 7:15 p.m.
*Conference on Speech Communica-
tion in Business and Industry. East
Conference Room, RackhamnsBuilding.
"Communication for Informative Pur-
poses," L. Lamont Okey, instructor in
Speech, 9:00 a.m.; "Comunicaton De-
signed to Persuade," Hayden K. Car-
ruth, Assistant Professor of Speech,
10:45 a.m.
*Luncheon. Adress by L. Clayton Hill,
Professor of Industrial Relations, 12:15
p.m., Michigan Union.
Afternoon. "Communication and the
Business Interview," Professor G. E.
Densmore, 1:45 p.m.; "Communication
in Conferences," Assistant Professor N.
Edd Miller, 3:30 p.m.
'Symposium on Astrophysics. 1400
Chemistry Building. "Low Temperature
Reactions," E. E. SalpetertCornell Uni-
versity, 2:00 p.m.; "Properties of Large-
Scale Components of the Turbulence,"
G. KG. Batchelor, University of Cam-
bridge, 3 :30 p.m. "The Radiative Opa-
city of Gases in Stellar Interiors," Ge-
offrey Keller, of the Perkins Observa-
tory of Ohio State and Ohio Wesleyan
Universities, 7 :30 p.m,
Lecture, auspices of the Department
of Civil Engineering. "Present Status of
Prismatic Roof Construction," Lawrence
C. Maugh, Professor of Civil Engineer-
ing. 4:00 p.m., 311 West Engineering
Lecture, auspices of the Departments
of Sociology and Political Science. "The
Future of Central and Eastern Europe,"
Feliks Gross, Associate Professor of So'-
ciology and Anthropology, Brooklyn
College. 4:15 p.m., Auditorium D, An-
gell Hal.

Brazil, he will speak for a few minutes
in Portuguese. This lecture will be giv-
en in the East Conference Room, Rack-
ham Bldg.. Wednesday, July 22, oegin-
ning promptly at 7:15. The lecture is
open to the public.
Rev. J. Fraser McLuskey, exchange
minister from the Church of Scotland
through the National Council of Chur-
ches, will speak in the Lane Hall Li-
brary at 4:15 p.m. Topic: "Techniques
of Adult Religious Education."
Academic Notices
M.A. Language Examination in His-
tory Results. The results are now posted
In the History office.
Doctoral Examination for Duane Glen
Chamberlain, Education; thesis: "Fac-
tors Relating to Teaching of Practical
Arts Activities in the Elementary
Schools of Michigan," Wednesday, July
22, 4200C University High School, at
10:00 a.m. Chairman, R. C. Wenrich.
Seminar in MathematicaldStatstic
'iWill meet at 1:00 o'clock today, Room
3201 Angell Hall. Mr. Samuel Knox will
Seminar in Applied Mathematics will
meetron Thursday, July 23, at 4 o'clock
(sharp). Prof. R. Nevanlinna will speak
on Quadratic Forms in Abstract Space.
Stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ross and
Emil Raab, violinists, Robert Courte
violist, and Oliver Edel, cellist, will
appear in the second program of the
current summer series at 8:30 this eve-
ning, in the Rackham Lecture Hall
The program will include Beethoven's
Quartet in C minor, Op. 18, No. 4, Fin-
ney's Quintet (1953) in which the Quar-
tet will be assisted by Marian Owen,
pianist, and Mozart's Quartet in D ma-
jor. It will be open to the general pub-
lic without charge.
Student Recital: Margaret Strand,
Pianist, will present a recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Music at 8:30 Wed-
nesday evening, July 22 in Rackham As-
sembly Hall. It will include the works
of Respighi, Beethoven, Bach and Cho-
pin. Miss Strand is a student of Mr.
Brinkman and her recital will be open
to the general public without charge.
Band Concert' The Cass Technical
High School Band, Harry Begian, Con-
ductor, will present a band concert Wed-
nesday evening at 8:30, July 22, in 11l
Auditorium. It will include Richards'
Hail Miami, March, Franck's, Psyche
and Eros, Symphonic Poem, Clarke's,
The Debutante, Caprice with David Kel-
ton Trumpeter, Mussorgsky's, Pictures
at an Exhibition, Suite, Tschaikowsky's,
March from Symphony No. 6, Bennett's,
Suite of Old American Dances, Adin-
sall's, Warsaw Concerto with Nancee
Keel, Pianist, Debussy's, Sprinx withh
Karolyn April, Flutist an Stravinsky's,
Bercuese and Finale, from "Firebird
Suite." This concert will be open to the
general public without charge.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. Popular Art in America (June 3C
-August 7); California Water Color So-
ciety (July 1-August 1). 9 a.m. to 5
p.m. on weekdays; 2 to 5 p.m. on Sun-
days. The public is invited.
General Library. Best sellers of the
twentieth century. -
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Gill-
man Collection of Antiques of Palestine
Museums Building, rotunda exhibit
Steps in the preparation of ethnolo-
gical dioramas.
Michigan Historical Collections. Mi-
chigan. year-round vacation land.
Clements Library. The good, the bad,
the popular.
Law Library. Elizabeth II and her em-
Architecture Building. Michigan Chil-
dren's Art Exhibition.
Coming Events
La p'tite causette meets Wednesday
July 22, from 3:30 to 5.p.m. in the wing
of the north room of the Michigan Un-
ion cafeteria. All students and faculty
members wishing to talk or learn to talks
informally French in a friendly atmos-
phere are cordially invited.
Summer Session Frenen Club: Meet-
ing, Thursday, July 23, at 8 p.m. in the
Michigan League. Professor Rber

BERLIN--This is the story of how one man served the interests of
the United States-and how he was rewarded.
The man in question is Gordon Ewing, State Department Foreign.
Service Office', Class Three. He is a youngish man, with a hesitant
manner and a small moustache. It does not often fall to Class Three
Foreign Service Officers to take independent decisions which might
affect the course of history. But,this was Gordon Ewing's peculiar lot.
At 2:30 in the afternoon of last June 16, Ewing was attending a
routine administrative meeting at the headquarters of RIAS, Ameri-
can Radio station in Berlin, of which he is political program director.
The meeting was interrupted by the incredible news that the workers
in the Soviet sector of Berlin were staging a march on the Communist
government buildings.
From this moment on, for 36 hours, Gordon Ewing had to
take in his own responsibility a whole series of hair-raising deci-
sions. The RIAS station is the official arm of the American
government. As everyone knows, the Soviets have the physical
power to take over all Berlin in a matter of hours. Overt officially
inspired American provocation to rebellion by the Germans
against the Soviet occupying power might give the Soviets pre-
cisely the pretext they need to move on Berlin or to make the
worst possible trouble for the American government in some other
As the afternoon of June 16 wore on, it became clear to Ewing
that what was happening in East Berlin was no flash in the pan. A
full-scale riot was in progress, Communist flags were being torn down,
Communist police cars burned and wrecked. At 4:30 in the afternoon,
a workers delegation from the Soviet sector appeared at the RIAS
station and requested permission to broadcast an appeal for a general
strike, to begin the next morning.
THIS WAS EWING'S first big decision. His superiors in Bonn and
Washington did not know the situation, and there was no time
to consult them anyway. A weakling might have ignored the worker's
request, and continued the regularly scheduled broadcasts. A fool
might have given the Soviets a valid pretext 'for any counter-action
they wished to take. Ewing did neither. He simply included, on the
regular hourly broadcast, a deadpan straight news account of the visit
of the strike 'leaders, and of their plans for a strike.
Then came a second big decision. Dr. Eberhard Schutz, star radio
commentator for RIAS, a former Communist with a passionate hatred
for Communism, submitted to Ewing the text of a brilliant commen-
tary on events in East Berlin, ending on the note, "We hope we shall
have more such victories to report." Again, a timid man would have
killed the Schutz commentary. Ewing pondered for a few minutes,
and told Schutz to go ahead.
Ewing "broke" the regular schedule to devote all radio time
to the uprisings. Towards midnight, an old friend among the
American officials in Berlin telephoned Ewing and said: "Gordon,
I hope you know ,what you're doing. You could start a war this
Meanwhile, all over East Germany, little groups of angry men
were clustered around radios, listening as RIAS described the events
of the day and the strike leaders plans for the next day. On June 17;
the incredible happened. In city after city the workers rose, chased
the terrified Communists functionaries out of their office and took
over the cities.
* * * *
THE INCREDIBLE could not have happened without ,the RIAS .
broadcasts which Ewing boldly approved. By nightfall on June 17
Soviet troops and tanks had crushed the uprisings, but at a terrible
cost to the Soviet Union for which Lavrenti Beria was to pay dearly.
By the morning of June 18, Gordon Ewing was tired, for he had not
slept for two full days and the kind of lonely courage he had dis-
played is peculiarly exhausting. Before leaving his office for a rest,
he glanced at the American wire service reports.
Gordon Ewing, he read, was one of the "pro-Communists" whom
s Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy meant to "take by the scruff of the neck'
So, McCarthy hinted darkly, was Ewing's wife. In a way, Ewing was
not entirely surprised. McCarthy obviously meant to use the brilliant
'Schutz to prove his charge that RIAS was "run by Communists." As
for Ewing's pretty wife, her eccentric stepfather had taken her as a
child on a trip to Russia-and this was grist for the McCarthy mill,
Finally, Ewing knew that a German journalist-adventurer, whom he
had fired from RIAS for his inability to distinguish fact from fancy,
had been pouring poison into eagerly receptive American ears.
As this is written, Ewing exists in a sort of limbo. McCarthy had
not yet made good his threat, and the State Department had not y.et
Offered Ewing up to McCarthy as a blood sacrifice, as in the case of
Charles Thayer, Theodore Kaghan and other able men here in Ger-
many. But the pattern is very familiar. It is now generally accepted
practice here, for example, to encourage any disgruntled foreigner to
blacken the reputation of any American officials. Surely, these days,
the United States has an odd way of rewarding courage and intelli-
gence in those who serve the interests of the United States,
(Copyright, 1953, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)




The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the




TT Ownership ... *
To The Editor:
THE JULY 14, 1953 edition of
The Daily carried an account
of television ownership in the De-
troit Area as reported by the De-
troit Area Study,
I am sure that The Daily is' in-
terested in the accurate reporting
of research findings. For that rea-
son I would like to call your atten-
tion to several deviations from the
content of our report.
The account was essentially
correct in its reporting of the
facts but the conclusions drawn
and the editorial comments were
not part of the D.A.S. report.
For example, the Survey did not
report "with some alarm" that
TV has become more prevalent
than central heating; nor did
the Survey find that people in
mercantile pursuits "value" tele-
vision to a greater extent than
those in other occupations; nor
that high - school and college
graduates are "more willing and
able" to provide their families

community," but was concerned,
rather, with family activities of
which television ownership is one
-Morris Axelrod, Director
Detroit Area Study
SixtyThird Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University o1 Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.

Editorial Staff
Harland Britz .,.... Managing Editor
Dick Lewis. ...........Sports Editor
Becky Conrad........... Night Editor
Gayle Greene.......... Night Editor
Pat Roelofs ..,..... Night Editor
Fran Sheldon...........Night Editor
Business Staff
Bob Miller.... Businese Manager
Dick Aistrom .... Circulation Manager
Dick Nyberg. .. . Finance Manager
Jessica Tanner. Advertising Associate




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